Any student enrolled in a UW–Madison doctoral program may pursue a doctoral minor in agricultural and applied economics. Many students who have the relevant background take the master’s core courses of A A E 635 Applied Microeconomic Theory, A A E 636 Applied Econometric Analysis I and A A E 637 Applied Econometric Analysis II to gain training in microeconomic theory and econometrics that are designed to develop a set of analytical skills applicable to a wide range of problems in many disciplines, especially the social sciences.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Students must complete 9 credits to earn this doctoral minor. All coursework must be graduate-level and preapproved by the program. Students must achieve a B or better in all minor coursework. Directed study courses do not satisfy minor requirements.
Students must consult the graduate coordinator or director of graduate studies. Courses should be chosen in consultation with the student's departmental advisor and submitted for approval to the minor program before they are completed.
The program's director of graduate studies certifies the minor on the prelim warrant.
Deller, Steven
Foltz, Jeremy
Mitchell, Paul
Phaneuf, Daniel
Rutherford, Thomas
Schechter, Laura
Shi, Guanming (Chair)
Associate Professors
Conroy, Tessa
Dower, Paul
Du, Sheldon
Grainger, Corbett
Nicholson, Charles
Parker, Dominic
Assistant Professors
Frye, Dustin
Hadachek, Jeff
Jerch, Rhiannon
Johnston, Sarah
Mukherjee, Priya
Stevens, Andrew
van Rijn, Jordan
Wiseman, Eleanor
Faculty Associates
Beach, Jeremy
Berner, Courtney
Yi, Jing
Affiliate Faculty
Fletcher, Jason
Kagy, Gisella
Raynor, Jennifer
Timmins, Christopher
Roth, Kevin
Schmidt, Silke
Graduate Advisor
Mary Treleven