Graduate students from other departments may pursue a doctoral minor in Communication Arts in one of four distinct areas of study: Communication Science; Film; Media and Cultural Studies; and Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture. Students should reach out to a faculty member in their chosen area of minor study for guidance in course selection. This faculty member then serves as the student's advisor in the minor, and signs the Minor Agreement Form (contact the graduate coordinator) upon completion of the coursework.
Course requirements for the minor include:
- A minimum of 9 credits
- All courses must be numbered 400 or above, and at least two courses must be numbered 600 or above
- No audits or pass/fail
- Maximum of 3 credits of COM ARTS 799 Independent Study
- An average GPA of 3.0 on all minor coursework
After coursework has been completed, the student presents the Minor Agreement Form to their advisor in the minor for signature. A signed copy of the Minor Agreement Form should be sent to:
- The Communication Arts Graduate Coordinator for record-keeping, and
- The student's major department graduate coordinator for help in preparing the warrant.
Program Note: Although students choose a distinct area of study for the minor degree in Communication Arts, the area of study will not be reflected on the transcript; rather it will be recorded as Minor: Communication Arts.
For the most up to date faculty, staff, TA, and instructors list, please consult the department's Profiles page.