The doctoral minor in economics provides an opportunity for students in other disciplines to obtain economics training to complement their primary doctoral program. Additional information is available on the minor page of the Department of Economics' website.
The minor field must be approved by the Department of Economics graduate coordinator. For help with planning a minor or other question, students should contact the department's graduate advisor.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate. To apply to this minor or certificate, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate for which you are applying.
The economics doctoral minor requires four courses (12 credits) taken as a graduate student. At least one course must be from the theory sequence (ECON 711 Economic Theory-Microeconomics Sequence, ECON 712 Economic Theory-Macroeconomics Sequence, ECON 713 Economic Theory: Microeconomics Sequence, ECON 714 Economic Theory; Macroeconomics Sequence) along with three appropriate doctoral-level courses at the 600–900 level. Courses that are part of the economics master’s program cannot be used as part of the minor sequence. Not more than one course may be a reading course, workshop, or seminar. In addition, the course sequence must comply with the Graduate School policy for Option A Minors.
Professors: Barwick, Chinn, Corbae, Deneckere, Engel, Fu, B. Hansen, Hendricks, Houde, Kennan, Lentz, Porter, Rostek, Ruhl, Seshadri, Shi, J. Smith, L. Smith, Sorensen, Taber, Weretka, West, Wright
Associate Professors: Aizawa, Gregory, Kang, Kirpalani, Quint, Swanson
Assistant Professors: Bernard, Boerma, Braxton, Camboni, Chiang, Coulibay, Cox, Gutierrez, Magnolfi, Mommaerts, O’Connell, Rojas-Ampuero, Sullivan, Yata
Affiliated Faculty: Chang, Chung, Montgomery, Sarada, Schechter, Smeeding
Instructional Staff: Alder (Faculty Associate), Chan (Lecturer), Eudey (Senior Lecturer), Flanagan (Lecturer), Friedman (Lecturer), Glawtschew (Lecturer), D. Hansen (Lecturer), K. Hansen (Senior Lecturer), Johnson (Senior Lecturer), McKelvey (Lecturer), Pac (Senior Lecturer), Rick (Senior Lecturer), Trost (lecturer)