All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate. To apply to this minor or certificate, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate for which you are applying.
For doctoral students in other departments, the Graduate School's requirement for a doctoral minor may be met by taking courses in educational policy studies. The following policies apply:
- The minor in educational policy studies shall consist of a minimum of 9 credits of work taken in the department.
- The specific courses should be approved by a minor advisor on the faculty of the Department of Educational Policy Studies not later than halfway through the minor, and at that point a Minor Agreement form signed by the advisor must be filed with the department.
- No more than 1 credit of Independent Reading or Research may be approved by the minor advisor as part of the minor. Permission to include more than 1 credit of independent work may be granted only by a vote of the department.
- The minor professor may approve by transfer up to 3 credits of coursework taken in educational policy studies or educational foundations courses at other institutions; further transfer credits may be granted only by a vote of the department.