All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor they intend to pursue. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. If you intend to declare a minor in Electrical Engineering, select the information for this doctoral minor. Note that this is a declaration and acceptance does not mean you have earned this minor until you have completed all of the requirements.
Students earn a doctoral minor in Electrical Engineering by meeting the following requirements:
- Complete nine credits of Electrical and Computer Engineering (E C E) courses numbered 400 or above.
- Three credits must be numbered 700 or above.
- Up to one course cross-listed with the student's major program may be counted toward the minor, provided such a course is taught by Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty.
- Courses used for the minor cannot be used to satisfy the student's major requirements.
- Earn a B or better in all courses
- Plan of study approved by the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
No examinations are required other than those given in the courses.
Susan Hagness (Chair)
Nader Behdad
Daniel Botez
Azadeh Davoodi (Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies)
John A. Gubner (Associate Chair for Operations)
Hongrui Jiang (Associate Chair for Graduate Studies)
Mikhail Kats
Irena Knezevic (Associate Chair for Academic Affairs)
Bernard Lesieutre
Daniel Ludois (Interim Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Aug-Dec 2024)
Zhenqiang Ma
Luke J. Mawst
Robert Nowak
Umit Ogras
Parameswaran Ramanathan
Bulent Sarlioglu
William A. Sethares
Daniel van der Weide
Giri Venkataramanan
Amy E. Wendt
Zongfu Yu
Associate Professors
Kassem Fawaz (Associate Chair for Research)
Paul H. Milenkovic
Dimitris Papailiopoulos
Line Roald
Joshua San Miguel
Andreas Velten
Assistant Professors
Joseph Andrews
Jennifer Choy
Grigoris Chrysos
Jeremy Coulson
Dominic Gross
Chirag Gupta
Mahima Gupta
Tsung-Wei Huang
Robert Jacobberger
Akhilesh Jaiswal
Bhuvana Krishnaswamy
Kangwook Lee
Chu Ma
Pedro Morgado
Shubhra Pasayat
Jinia Roy
Manish Singh
Haihan Sun
Eric Tervo
Ramya Korlakai Vinayak
Ying Wang
Feng Ye
Lei Zhou
Teaching Faculty
Mark C. Allie
Eric Hoffman
Joe Krachey
Srdjan Milicic
Associate Teaching Professor
Steven Fredette
Assistant Teaching Professors
Eduardo Arvelo
Setareh Behroozi
Nathan Strachen
See also Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Directory.