Any student enrolled in a UW–Madison doctoral program can pursue a doctoral minor in Human Ecology. The graduate program within the School of Human Ecology (SoHE) provides rich interdisciplinary training and scholarship focused on exploring the human condition and well-being in relation to ecological settings—physical, social, community, and built surroundings. The school's philosophy is that individual development and well-being are promoted through interactions with ecological settings. Research, creativity, teaching, and outreach are directed toward a positive impact on these settings and the patterns of human behavior within them. Faculty members possess expertise in areas as diverse as longitudinal modeling, community-based research, interpretive interviewing, program evaluation, observational methods, survey methodology, action research, and ethnography.
Graduate students interested in pursuing an Option A doctoral minor should complete the Minor Agreement Form and consult with the graduate program coordinator in Human Ecology who will help them identify a SoHE faculty member to serve as their faculty advisor.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
The Human Ecology Doctoral Minor requires at least 9 credits taken through a combination of coursework in at least two different School of Human Ecology departments: Civil Society and Community Studies (CSCS); Consumer Science (CNSR SCI), Design Studies (DS), Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS), and Interdisciplinary–Human Ecology (INTER-HE). No more than 3 credits can be taken in coursework numbered below 700. Human Ecology courses that are cross-listed with another department should be enrolled in through the respective Human Ecology department. Students must receive a grade of B or better in each course.
Human Ecology Directory: listing of all faculty, staff, and graduate students; searchable by association, department, and name
Department of Civil Society & Community Studies (Civil Society & Community Research: CSCR graduate program)
Department of Consumer Science (Consumer Behavior & Family Economics: CBFE graduate program)
Department of Design Studies (Design Studies: DS graduate programs)
Department of Human Development & Family Studies (Human Development & Family Studies: HDFS graduate program)