
The Option A minor in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) offers graduate students both a theoretical and a practical background in the increasingly important area of SLA. After completing the minor, students will be prepared to understand research in SLA and to develop teaching curricula based on principles of second language learning and teaching.


Students wishing to minor in Second Language Aquisition (SLA) should first contact the relevant SLA committee member in their department who will refer them to the SLA minor advisor. Students declaring the doctoral minor are required to meet with the minor advisor, before registering for courses.

Students without a background in linguistics and language pedagogy are encouraged to complete introductory linguistics and teaching methodology courses before starting the doctoral minor.

All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.


Students must complete one of the following courses.
ENGL 318 Second Language Acquisition3
or CURRIC 673 Learning Second Language and Literacies
Students must complete two courses from the "Approved Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Course List"
Total Credits9

Approved SLA Course List

African Cultural Studies
AFRICAN 670 Theories and Methods of Learning a Less Commonly Taught Language2
AFRICAN 703 Topics in Teaching African Languages1
Asian Lanugages and Cultures
ASIAN 632 Studies in Chinese Linguistics 13
ASIAN 633 Chinese Applied Linguistics 13
ASIAN 775 Japanese Applied Linguistics 13
Curriculum and Instruction
CURRIC 673 Learning Second Language and Literacies1-6
CURRIC 674 Advanced Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language3-6
CURRIC 675 General Seminar 11-3
CURRIC 743 2
CURRIC 802 Discourse Analysis3
CURRIC 964 Seminar in World Language Education1-3
CURRIC 975 General Seminar 22-3
ENGL 414 Global Spread of English 33
ENGL 420 Topics in English Language and Linguistics3
ENGL 703 Research Methods in Composition Studies3
ENGL/​SOC  710 Interaction Analysis: Talk as Social Organization3
ENGL 711 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics3
ENGL 713 Topics in Contemporary English Linguistics 13
ENGL 715 Advanced Second Language Acquisition3
ENGL 905 Seminar-Topics in Applied English Linguistics 13
French and Italian
FRENCH/​ITALIAN  821 Issues in Methods of Teaching French and Italian 1, 21-3
GERMAN 727 Topics in Applied Linguistics 13
Note: Spanish courses are generally offered in Spanish; contact instructor
SPANISH 630 Topics in Hispanic Linguistics 13
SPANISH 815 Seminar in Language: Modern Spanish 13

 Topics courses. Students should see the Second Language Acquisition doctoral minor advisor for approval of topics appropriate for the minor.


Courses must be taken for a total of three credits, in one or multiple enrollments.


Second Language Acquisition advisor consent required. 

Prior Coursework

Students may transfer up to three credits from prior graduate work toward the minor, upon approval. 


SLA Steering Committee: The interdisciplinary SLA Steering Committee is comprised of members from the units listed below.

African Cultural Studies: Professor Katrina Thompson

Asian Languages and Cultures: Associate Professor Naomi Geyer, Associate Professor Byung-Jin Lim and Professor Junko Mori

Curriculum and Instruction: Professor Margaret Hawkins, Associate Professor Mariana Pacheco, Assistant Professor Diego Roman, Professor Francois Tochon and Professor Kate Vieira

English: Assistant Professor Jacee Cho

French and Italian: Associate Professor Heather Allen

German, Nordic, and Slavic: Professor Monika Chavez and Professor Karen Evans-Romaine

Language Institute: Director Dianna Murphy

Spanish and Portuguese: Associate Professor Cathy Stafford

Staff: Kristin Dalby (Graduate Coordinator) and Skender Jahiu (Financial and Payroll Specialist)