The doctoral minor in Linguistics is open to PhD students in other departments who wish to broaden their studies with exposure to formal training in linguistics.
Students may choose from a wide variety of courses in linguistic theory, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, language documentation, and more, selected in consultation with the minor advisor.
The Linguistics PhD Minor advisor is the Director of Language Sciences. Students wishing to complete a doctoral minor in Linguistics must consult with the minor advisor before any coursework commences. Courses completed before consultation with the minor advisor may be deemed ineligible to count toward the doctoral minor. See the People page for current Director contact information.
The Linguistics PhD Minor authorization form details the approved course plan. This form must be signed by the minor advisor and the student's major advisor.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the Linguistics PhD Minor from the list to apply to the program. Upload the signed Linguistics PhD Minor authorization form as part of your application.
See the Language Sciences website for more information and to download the minor authorization form.
The doctoral minor consists of 12 credits in Linguistics chosen in consultation with the Language Sciences Director, who is the minor advisor.
A doctoral minor program must be approved by the minor advisor before it commences. Students should make sure to consult with the minor advisor before taking any courses.
Please visit the Language Sciences website for a complete list of our faculty and their areas of interest and expertise.