All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
These are the requirements for a mathematics doctoral minor:
- At least 12 graduate credits in mathematics courses that are approved by a math minor advisor. These courses must be taken as a graduate student. All courses must be completed with a grade of B or better. Graduate mathematics credits transferred from another university may be considered but prior approval by the math minor advisor is necessary.
- At least 6 credits must be in math courses numbered 700 or above.
- Only math courses numbered 500 and above can be applied for doctoral minor requirements in mathematics.
The Process
- Students should plan which courses they would like to use to meet the minor requirements. They can use this this form for planning the coursework. Students and the math minor advisor complete this form and students keep a copy of it. (Students can print a copy of the form and fill in some parts before the meeting.) Completion of the planning form is not required, but a completed form, signed by a math minor advisor, does offer a guarantee that the math department will accept the courses for a minor. The course program for a math minor must be approved by a math minor advisor at some point, but this approval could also be obtained after the courses have been taken.
- Students will need a form signed by a math minor advisor certifying approval of their course selection for the math minor, and/or certifying completion of the minor requirements. The department may have forms for these purposes, or students can use a Math Department Minor Agreement Form.
- When everything is completed, students need to have the Graduate School warrant signed. The major department will request a warrant from the Graduate School. Students take the warrant to one of the math minor advisors for a signature and then take it back to the major department.
Please visit the Math Department website for a complete list of faculty and instructional academic staff.