
Faculty: Professors Cavanagh (director), Butler, Calderón, Chisholm, Di Sanza, Dominguez, Fischer, Fulmer, Hetzler, Johnson, Karp, Perry, Schwendinger, Taylor, Teeple, Vallon, Wallmann; Associate Professors Farah, Grabois, Nelson, Ronis, Sans, Treviño; Assistant Professors Chana, Cornish, Flowers, Laurenz, Lee, Lewis, Rathgeber, Walsh, Weinstein-Reiman, Wohn; Marching Band Director Pompey; Teaching Faculty Bjella, Brailey, Curry, Kasdorf, Koester, Purdue, J. Rottmayer ; Lecturers Ambrosio, Kriegel, McCullough, Patenaude, C. Rottmayer, Tran, Waldo, Wienholts; Faculty Associate Rich; Teaching Specialists Hammes, Ross.

The faculty of the Mead Witter School of Music is a distinguished group of educators, performing musicians, and active scholars. The backgrounds of performance faculty include rich experiences as professional musicians, researchers, recording artists, and entrepreneurs. Faculty in music education have particular insight into their field as a result of their backgrounds as school educators, performers, and scholars. In areas such as music theory and musicology, the musical community has high regard for the past and current contributions to the study of musical theory, historical perspectives on music, the role of music in societies around the world, and the unique contributions of American musicians. Teaching is a priority for the faculty, who are readily accessible to students for advice and support. Faculty, staff, and students cooperate in extraordinary ways with joint ventures that reach across disciplines both in research or instruction.