Students interested in earning the Nuclear Engineering Doctoral minor should contact the Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Graduate Coordinator to learn the requirements, process, and complete the required paperwork.
Also, all Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Required Courses
Students must complete at least 10 credits or four Nuclear Engineering (N E) courses numbered 400 or above, chosen in consultation with advisor. The plan of study must meet the following requirements:
- Courses must be completed after the bachelor's degree;
- Up to one course (maximum of three credits) of independent study (N E 699 Advanced Independent Study, N E 999 Advanced Independent Study) may satisfy minor requirements;
- Research and thesis courses may not satisfy minor requirements;
- Courses taken pass/fail or for audit may not be used.
- Courses with grades of S given in courses graded on a credit/no credit basis are acceptable.
- A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained for the minor;
- No more than five credits completed five or more years prior to admission to the doctoral major may be used. Courses taken 10 or more years ago may not be used.
Prior Coursework
A maximum of 6 credits may be transferred from other institutions to satisfy the minor requirements.
A student who has earned an MS degree in nuclear engineering and engineering physics (and is currently in a different doctoral program) will be considered to have fulfilled the minor requirements.
Paul Wilson (Chair)
Wendy Crone
Chris Hegna
Oliver Schmitz
Carl Sovinec
Kumar Sridharan
Associate Professors
Adrien Couet
Assistant Professors
Stephanie Diem
Benedikt Geiger
Benjamin Lindley
Juliana Pacheco-Duarte
Adelle Wright
Yongfeng Zhang
See also Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Faculty Directory.