The Department of Psychology offers broad training aimed at better understanding human behavior, both typical and atypical. At the graduate level, the department provides training in five key areas in the field of psychological science: biological, clinical, cognitive, developmental, and social and personality. The primary goal is to develop critical thinking as it relates to interpretation of experimental observations. This includes an emphasis on quantitative tools used to analyze experimental data.
Please contact the graduate program coordinator at gradinfo@psych.wisc.edu or 608-262-2079.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Students must complete 9 credits of graduate-level coursework, which are courses with the "Grad 50%" attribute in Psychology (PSYCH). Proseminars and research credits do not satisfy doctoral minor requirements. Students must confirm with the Department of Psychology Director of Graduate Studies or the Graduate Program Manager that a given course will satisfy requirements prior to enrolling in the course.
Professors: Bennett (chair), Abramson, Alibali, Auger, Berridge, Brauer, Curtin, Davidson, Devine, Gernsbacher, Glasford, Green, Gooding, Harackiewicz, Marler, Niedenthal, Pollak, Postle, Rogers, Ryff, Saffran, Shutts
Associate Professors: Austerweil, Li, Lupyan, Saalmann, Schloss, Walsh
Assistant Professors: Buttrick, Chadwick, Ferrigno, Hawkins, Jerald