All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Doctoral students outside the school are invited to consider the minor in social welfare. The 9-credit minor requires three doctoral-level courses from the School of Social Work. One must be a Social Policy Seminar (SOC WORK 950 PhD Proseminar), one must be an Applied Theory Seminar (SOC WORK 951 PhD Proseminar), and the third can be a 3-credit social work doctoral course of the student's choosing (which could be another SOC WORK 950 PhD Proseminar or SOC WORK 951 PhD Proseminar seminar).
Professors: Lawrence M. Berger, MSW, PhD; Marah H. Curtis, MSW, PhD; Katherine Magnuson, PhD; Stephanie A. Robert, MSW, PhD; Marci Ybarra, MSW, PhD (School director)
Associate Professors: Lauren Bishop, MSW, PhD; Tally Moses, MSW, PhD; Tova Walsh, MSW, PhD
Assistant Professors: Pajarita Charles, MPA, MSW, PhD; Lara Gerassi, MSW, PhD; LB Klein, MSW, PhD; Jooyoung Kong, MSW, PhD; Jessica Pac, MPA, PhD; Alejandra Ros Pilarz, MA, PhD; Tawandra Rowell-Cunsolo, MA, PhD; Weidi Qin, MSW, PhD
Faculty Affiliates: Judi Bartfeld, BS, PhD; J. Michael Collins, MPP; John Eason, MPP, PhD; David J. Pate, Jr., PhD; Quentin Riser, PhD
A complete list of all faculty and staff in the school is available on the School of Social Work Directory.