The Doctoral Minor in Art History is intended for students outside of the department to gain familiarity with the discipline generally while also honing an area of specialization.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Students must complete at least 9 credits. More credits may be needed depending on the student’s focus and particular research path.
- All students pursuing the minor are required to complete ART HIST 701 Practicum in Art History: Bibliography, Historiography, Methods (Note: With approval, a seminar in theory and method can be substituted for ART HIST 701).
- Selection of the remaining two courses in Art History should be made with a particular emphasis in mind. Examples of an “emphasis” might include specialization in time period, geography, medium, or theory/methodology.
- Coursework must be graded courses numbered 600 or above (if a student wants to take a course numbered 300- 399 or 400-499, the student must work with the graduate coordinator and professor to set up a grad-level section for the course); no audits or pass/fail.
- A maximum of 3 credits can be in independent study (e.g., 699, 799, 899, 999); research and thesis cannot be used to satisfy the minor (e.g., 790, 890, 990).
- After courses are completed, bring the major department's Minor Agreement Form to the art history graduate coordinator, department chair, or graduate administrator and have it signed.
- Return the Minor Agreement Form to the major department to prepare any requisite warrants. A copy will be kept in the art history department.
Faculty: Professors Anna Andrzejewski, Nicholas D. Cahill, Jill H. Casid, Preeti Chopra, Thomas E. A. Dale, Guillermina De Ferrari, Nancy Rose Marshall, Kirsten Wolf (chair); Associate Professors Yuhang Li, Kirstin Phillips-Court (cross-appointed with French and Italian), Jennifer Pruitt; Assistant Professors: Steffani Bennett, Daniel Spaulding.