The Doctoral Minor in Asian Languages and Cultures is intended for students outside of the department to gain familiarity with the discipline in literature or linguistics generally while also honing an area of specialization.
- Meet with a faculty member in the Asian Languages & Cultures program to discuss requirements and course options.
- Request a minor agreement form from the Graduate Program Coordinator.
- Submit the PhD Minor in Asian Languages & Cultures form and obtain the approval and signature of major professor.
- All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor.
- After you have completed the preliminary PhD examinations, the ALC program advisor or ALC Director of Graduate Studies will sign the warrant indicating completion of the minor.
Students in other departments who wish to minor in Asian Languages and Cultures must complete 12 credits in coursework numbered 300 or above with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the department. Such students are required to take one course in literature and one course in religion or philosophy. Any other courses to fulfill the minor requirement are selected in prior consultation with the student's faculty advisor, who is designated as such by the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures and is authorized to sign the doctoral minor agreement form.
Courses cross-listed in a student's major department and in Asian Languages and Cultures do not count toward the minor requirement. Elementary and intermediate language courses or "directed study" courses are not accepted toward the fulfillment of the minor requirement in Asian Languages and Cultures.
Please visit the Asian Languages & Cultures website for a complete list of faculty, instructional, and academic staff.