The mission of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is to conduct world-class, groundbreaking research in the chemical sciences while offering the highest quality of education to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral associates. Our leadership in research includes the traditional areas of physical, analytical, inorganic, and organic chemistry, and has rapidly evolved to encompass environmental chemistry, chemical biology, biophysical chemistry, soft and hard materials chemistry, and nanotechnology. We pride ourselves on our highly interactive, diverse, and collegial scientific environment. Our emphasis on collaboration connects us to colleagues across campus, around the country, and throughout the world.
The associate chair of the Department of Chemistry approves all minors for the department.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
The Department of Chemistry follows the guidelines of the Graduate School with regard to minor requirements. For a student in an external department, a minimum of 9 credits in chemistry must be completed to fulfill the minor requirement. All grade requirements of the Graduate School must be adhered to.
A student in chemistry may fulfill their minor requirement in the chemistry department by taking courses in a single path outside of their major path. For example, a chemistry graduate student who majors in the analytical path may fulfill their minor requirement by successfully completing 9 credits in the physical path.