The minor in counseling psychology is in alignment with a scientist-practitioner model of training, which emphasizes the integration of counseling and psychological theory and practice along with development of research skills in the domains encompassed by counseling psychology.
The profession of counseling psychology uses an inclusive definition of multiculturalism (i.e., a range of individual cultural differences including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, class status). In doing so, the complexity of diversities and influence of oppressions and saliencies of multiple cultures can be addressed. Students in counseling psychology are trained to apply a tripartite framework of personal identity in which individual, group, and universal levels are considered. Drawing from such a holistic framework permits the simultaneous attention and address of unique processes, cultural differences and similarities, and universal experiences, while recognizing the influence of social conditioning, sociopolitical forces and context, and institutional processes. This emphasis on respect for diversity and competence to bridge cultural divides is consistent with the core values of counseling psychology, and has implications for the roles and mutual obligations of trainers and trainees in counseling psychology programs.
Declaration of Doctoral Minor
All graduate students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to the Counseling Psychology doctoral minor, please log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying. The graduate program manager will review your application for admittance, and contact the student regarding the next steps (below).
Minor Form
Students must complete a doctoral minor form listing their plan of study. Students are encouraged to declare the doctoral minor prior to completing coursework.
If the student has selected a faculty member from the Counseling Psychology faculty to be their doctoral minor advisor, the form should be signed by them. If no specific faculty member has been selected, the form may be submitted to the graduate program manager in room 335B, who will then forward the request to the department chair for approval.
Following the signature of the Counseling Psychology doctoral minor advisor or department chair, the student must then obtain the signature of their home department advisor. The completed form with all signatures must be submitted to the doctoral minor graduate program manager.
Required Courses
Students must meet the following requirements:
- Complete a minimum of 12 credits in graduate-level Counseling Psychology (COUN PSY) courses.
- Coursework can include both those courses typically taken by Counseling MS students as well as Counseling Psychology PhD students. However, in all cases, the focus of the coursework should be content-based, not practicum-based.
- Earn a grade of at least a B in each course applied to the doctoral minor.
- All coursework must be taken on a graded basis; pass/fail and audited courses cannot be used.
- All coursework must be completed at UW–Madison during the student’s time in their current graduate program. Any exceptions to this will require the advance approval of the doctoral minor advisor or department chair.
Independent Study and Research Courses
- A maximum of 3 credits of independent study (e.g., 699, 799) may be towards doctoral minor requirements.
- Research (990) cannot be used to satisfy doctoral minor requirements.
Faculty: Professors Thompson (Chair), Gloria, and Quintana; Associate Professors Budge, Goldberg, and Wright; Assistant Professors Frost and Kim; Faculty Associate Lotta; Clinical Associate Professor Graham; Clinical Assistant Professors Ramirez Stege and Her.
Graduate Program Manager: Andrea Burdick.
Department Administrator: Nancy Jaeckle