Our graduate program offers training for teaching and research in all areas of French and Francophone literature and literary history, in critical theory, film, gender and queer studies, romance philology, and foreign language pedagogy.
Learning outcomes:
- Analyze and interpret several theories, research methods, and approaches to inquiry in this discipline
- Demonstrate adequate proficiency in French to lead a well-informed discussion of literature and culture
- Communicate clearly and appropriately in both written and spoken French
To be accepted for graduate work in French toward the doctoral minor, a student should have completed the equivalent of no less than four semesters of college French, and be capable of completing courses numbered 300 or above.
Interested students should consult with the graduate coordinator and have the minor plan approved by the director of graduate studies.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
A student must complete a minimum of 9 credits in advanced (numbered 300 or above) French literature, culture, language, and film, taught in French, including at least 3 credits numbered 500 or above. Neither FRENCH 391 French for Reading Knowledge nor any other course taught in English may satisfy requirements for the doctoral minor in French.
Transfer of Credits
Students may be given credit for graduate or advanced undergraduate (numbered 300 or above) courses in French literature taken at other universities, to be determined by the French Instructional Committee. No more than 3 such credits may be transferred.