Any student enrolled in a UW–Madison doctoral program can pursue a doctoral minor in Gender and Women’s Studies. The doctoral minor offers substantial and systematic training in the field of gender and women’s studies. A doctoral minor in Gender and Women’s Studies is an excellent way to gain training in feminist analysis and research methods as well as in substantive topical areas related to women and gender that can be applied to one’s research field and to one’s teaching. The training is greatly aided by the presence of excellent library holdings and the Office of the Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian.
Students interested in the Doctoral Minor in Gender and Women’s Studies should connect with the Graduate Coordinator.
Graduate students may not earn both an Option A minor and a graduate/professional certificate in Gender and Women's Studies.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Graduate students who have additional questions on the doctoral minor in Gender and Women's Studies should contact the Graduate Program Manager in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies.
A student may earn a doctoral minor in Gender and Women's Studies with 9 credits, if all 9 credits are in exclusively graduate GEN&WS courses numbered 700 and above. Alternatively, a student may earn the minor with 12 credits if these are courses numbered 300 and above and identified as designed for graduate work with the graduate attribute. One course must be GEN&WS 800 Research Methods in Gender & Women's Studies. Students are expected to achieve a B or better in all courses used for the minor. Directed study courses do not count toward the minor. Students may not use colloquia courses toward requirements of the doctoral minor. Transferred credits are discouraged, but may be allowed with approval of the Director of Graduate Studies. If a student is pursuing two doctoral minors, no more than one course shall overlap between the Gender and Women's Studies minor and the other minor.