Bronze relief of a dragon and fowl.

The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) is the focal point connecting East Asia to UW-Madison. One of UW-Madison’s eight federally funded National Resource Centers, CEAS is dedicated to all aspects of research, education, and outreach related to China, Japan, and Korea.

CEAS began in 1962 as the East Asian Studies program, building on more than sixty years of research and teaching on China, Japan, and Korea at UW-Madison. Over the years it has grown from fewer than a dozen faculty members teaching 30 graduate-level courses to more than 70 faculty members teaching nearly 300 courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

The doctoral minor in East Asian Studies is offered to students who are enrolled in a doctoral program at UW-Madison and are interested in focusing their studies on East Asia. Students interested in obtaining this minor should consult with the Center's Associate Director, who serves as the advisor for the minor in East Asian studies.


All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, please log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.

The Associate Director and Advisor will review your application for admittance, and reach out to you if there are any further questions. Please contact the Associate Director and Advisor prior to submitting your application in the Graduate Student Portal. 


Students earning an interdisciplinary PhD Minor in East Asian Studies must take a minimum of 12 credits in East Asian area studies. The credits must be earned in at least three departments other than the major department, and courses must contain a minimum of 25 percent East Asian content. For more information about courses that can count for the Minor, please contact East Asian Studies. Because the instructor and content of a course may change over time, please consult the Center for East Asian Studies for confirmation on whether a course may count for a doctoral minor.

Agricultural and Applied Economics
A A E/​INTL ST  374 The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy3
A A E/​ECON  474 Economic Problems of Developing Areas3
ANTHRO 300 Cultural Anthropology: Theory and Ethnography3
ANTHRO 330 Topics in Ethnology3-4
ANTHRO 357 Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan3
ANTHRO 490 Undergraduate Seminar3
ANTHRO 940 Seminar-Problems in Cultural Anthropology3
Art History
ART HIST 307 From Tomb to Temple: Ancient Chinese Art and Religion in Transition3
ART HIST 308 The Tastes of Scholars and Emperors: Chinese Art in the Later Periods3
ART HIST 411 Topics in Asian Art3-4
ART HIST 475 Japanese Ceramics and Allied Arts3
ART HIST/​RELIG ST  478 Art and Religious Practice in Medieval Japan3
ART HIST 575 Proseminar in Japanese Art3
ART HIST 576 Proseminar in Chinese Art3
ART HIST 875 Seminar in Japanese Art3
ART HIST 876 Seminar in Chinese Art3
Asian Languages and Cultures
All upper-level/graduate-level courses on East Asia offered by the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures may be taken as part of the East Asian studies doctoral minor. 1
Communication Arts
COM ARTS 458 Global Media Cultures3
Curriculum and Instruction
CURRIC 564 Advanced Problems on the Teaching of World Languages3
DANCE 560 Current Topics in Dance: Workshop3
ECON 464 International Trade3
ECON 467 International Industrial Organizations3
ECON 475 Economics of Growth4
HISTORY 336 Chinese Economic and Business History: From Silk to iPhones3-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  337 Social and Intellectual History of China, 589 AD-19193-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  341 History of Modern China, 1800-19493-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  342 History of the Peoples Republic of China, 1949 to the Present3-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  454 Samurai: History and Image3-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  456 Pearl Harbor & Hiroshima: Japan, the US & The Crisis in Asia3-4
HISTORY 600 Advanced Seminar in History3
HISTORY 725 Seminar in East Asian History3
HISTORY 753 Seminar-Comparative World History3
HISTORY 854 Seminar in Modern Chinese History3
HISTORY 855 Seminar in Japanese History3
International Business
INTL BUS/​M H R  403 Global Issues in Management3
INTL BUS/​MARKETNG  420 Global Marketing Strategy3
INTL BUS/​REAL EST  430 International Real Estate3
INTL BUS/​FINANCE  445 Multinational Business Finance3
INTL BUS/​FINANCE  745 Multinational Business Finance3
LAW 872 Legal Issues Involving North America and East Asia2
LAW 940 Law and Contemporary Problems (The State in Economic Development)2
LAW 940 Law and Contemporary Problems (Chinese Law)2
LAW 953 Selected Problems in Business Organization-Seminar1
Literature in Translation
LITTRANS 373 Topics in Japanese Literature3
MUSIC/​FOLKLORE  402 Musical Cultures of the World3
MUSIC/​FOLKLORE  515 Proseminar in Ethnomusicology3
MUSIC/​FOLKLORE  915 Seminar in Ethnomusicology3
Political Science
POLI SCI 346 China in World Politics3-4
POLI SCI 324 Chinese Politics3-4
POLI SCI 601 Proseminar: Topics in Political Science3
Public Affairs
PUB AFFR 857 Political Economy of Corruption and Good Governance3
Religious Studies
Numerous East Asia–related religious studies courses are available. See cross-listings under East Asian Languages and Literature and Languages and Cultures of Asia
SOC 496 Topics in Sociology3
SOC 918 Seminar in Comparative Sociology of Contemporary Capitalism3
Theatre and Drama (Asian Theatre)
THEATRE 351 Fundamentals of Asian Stage Discipline3
THEATRE 526 The Theatres of China and Japan3
THEATRE 911 Seminar-Problems in Theatre and Drama3

See course listings for Asian Languages and Cultures.



Please visit the department website for a complete listing of CEAS faculty by department and geographic area.