Neuroscience as a discipline is at a vital juncture. Groundbreaking advances such as mapping of the human genome, development of advanced molecular, genetic, and imaging technologies, and novel integrative approaches have expanded knowledge about the workings of the brain as never before. With this increased understanding, neuroscientists now envision significant treatments for numerous diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric illnesses, and developmental and emotional disorders. The doctoral minor in neuroscience is both interdepartmental and interdisciplinary. The course curriculum draws on expertise from faculty who are spread across over 22 departments on campus.

A doctoral minor in neuroscience will be of interest to doctoral students who are interested in augmenting the discipline to their research. The minor emphasizes the core sequence of cell and molecular neuroscience and systems neuroscience as well as a midlevel graduate course in one of the two areas: cell/molecular/developmental or systems/behavior.


All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.

Once the requirements are complete, please return the completed PhD Minor in Neuroscience Form to the Neuroscience Training Program office for signature by the program director.


Students must earn a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) for all required courses to earn the doctoral minor.

Students must complete the following courses.
NTP/​NEURODPT  610 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience4
NTP/​NEURODPT/​PSYCH  611 Systems Neuroscience4
Students must select a mid-level course from the lists below.
Total Credits9


Cellular/Molecular/Developmental Approved Mid-level Courses

B M E/​MED PHYS/​PHMCOL-M/​PHYSICS/​RADIOL  619 Microscopy of Life3
NTP/​NEURODPT  629 Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Memory3
NTP 670
NTP 675 Special Topics (Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Damage)2
NTP 675 Special Topics (Reproductive Neuroendocrinology)1-3
NTP 735
NTP/​NEURODPT/​ZOOLOGY  765 Developmental Neuroscience3
ZOOLOGY 604 Computer-based Gene and Disease/Disorder Research Lab2

Systems/Behavioral/Computational Approved Mid-level Courses

B M E 601 Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering (Problem-Based Learning in Clinical Neuroengineering Seminar)2
CS&D 850 Hearing Science I: Basic Acoustics and Psychoacoustics3
COMP SCI/​B M I/​PSYCH  841 Computational Cognitive Science3
KINES 713 Neural Basis of Normal and Pathological Movement3
KINES 721 Neural Basis for Movement3
KINES 861 Principles of Motor Control and Learning3
NTP 677 Basic Sleep Mechanisms and Sleep Disorders: from Neurobiology to Sleep Medicine3
NTP 675 Special Topics (Neuroethology)2
NTP 675 Special Topics (Brain Mapping in Health and Disease: Applications)3
NTP/​MED PHYS  651 Methods for Neuroimaging Research3
PSYCH 720 Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSYCH 711 Current Topics in Psychology (Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Memory)2-3
PSYCH 711 Current Topics in Psychology (Introduction to Neural Network Modeling of Cognition)2-3
PSYCH 733 Perceptual and Cognitive Sciences (Perceptual Systems Analysis) 12
PSYCH 733 Perceptual and Cognitive Sciences (Cognitive Neuroscience of Reading and Dyslexia) 12
PSYCH 733 Perceptual and Cognitive Sciences (Knotty Problems in Psycholinguistics) 12
PSYCH 918 Seminar-General Psychology (Visual Perception)1-3
PSYCH 954 Seminar-Physiological Psychology (Neuropharmacology)3

 Two PSYCH 733 courses (8 weeks each) must be taken to meet the midlevel systems requirement.


Faculty: Professor Ari Rosenberg (director). For a comprehensive faculty list, visit the program website.