All graduate students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, please log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Then submit this form to have your program of study approved.
For admission for an Option A Minor in statistics, the candidate must have had at least one year of calculus, and an introductory knowledge of statistics that is satisfactory to the department. Any of the following (or an equivalent course) is sufficient for this purpose:
Code | Title | Credits |
STAT 240 | Data Science Modeling I | 4 |
STAT 301 | Introduction to Statistical Methods | 3 |
STAT 324 | Introductory Applied Statistics for Engineers | 3 |
STAT 371 | Introductory Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences | 3 |
STAT/B M I 541 | Introduction to Biostatistics | 3 |
STAT/F&W ECOL 571 | Statistical Methods for Bioscience I | 4 |
Please carefully read the requirements below. Requests for further information should be addressed to the Doctoral Minor Advisor in the Department of Statistics. Note: Candidates for an Option A Minor in Statistics must be aware of the Graduate School "Minors" policy. For further information please visit the Statistics Doctoral Minor link.
The student should have a program of study approved by the Doctoral Minor Advisor in the Department of Statistics and the student's major advisor, early in the student's graduate work. The proposed program should be submitted to and approved by the minor program advisor in statistics upon, or before, the completion of 6 credits.
Please see Guide Admissions/How to Get In tab for specific details on how to declare.
Students must achieve a 3.00 GPA in courses used to satisfy the minor requirement.
Code | Title | Credits |
Students must complete at least four courses totaling 12 or more credits. See course options and conditions below. | ||
Methodological, computational, and applied Statistics elective courses (at least one course): | ||
STAT 303 | R for Statistics I | 1 |
STAT 304 | R for Statistics II | 1 |
STAT 305 | R for Statistics III | 1 |
STAT 333 | Applied Regression Analysis | 3 |
STAT 340 | Data Science Modeling II | 4 |
STAT 349 | Introduction to Time Series | 3 |
STAT 351 | Introductory Nonparametric Statistics | 3 |
STAT 405 | Data Science Computing Project | 3 |
STAT 436 | Statistical Data Visualization | 3 |
STAT 411 | An Introduction to Sample Survey Theory and Methods | 3 |
STAT 421 | Applied Categorical Data Analysis | 3 |
STAT/M E 424 | Statistical Experimental Design | 3 |
STAT 433 | Data Science with R | 3 |
STAT 443 | Classification and Regression Trees | 3 |
STAT 451 | Introduction to Machine Learning and Statistical Pattern Classification | 3 |
STAT 453 | Introduction to Deep Learning and Generative Models | 3 |
STAT 456 | Applied Multivariate Analysis | 3 |
STAT 461 | Financial Statistics | 3 |
STAT/COMP SCI 471 | Introduction to Computational Statistics | 3 |
STAT 479 | Special Topics in Statistics | 1-3 |
STAT/B M I 542 | Introduction to Clinical Trials I | 3 |
STAT/F&W ECOL 572 | Statistical Methods for Bioscience II | 4 |
STAT 575 | Statistical Methods for Spatial Data | 3 |
STAT/B M I 620 | Statistics in Human Genetics | 3 |
STAT/B M I 641 | Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials | 3 |
STAT/B M I 642 | Statistical Methods for Epidemiology | 3 |
STAT/B M I 643 | Clinical Trial Design, Implementation, and Analysis | 3 |
STAT 679 | Special Topics in Statistics | 1-3 |
STAT 701 | Applied Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control I | 3 |
STAT/B M I 727 | Theory and Methods of Longitudinal Data Analysis | 3 |
STAT 732 | Large Sample Theory of Statistical Inference | 3 |
STAT/B M I 741 | Survival Analysis Theory and Methods | 3 |
STAT 760 | Multivariate Analysis I | 3 |
STAT 761 | Decision Trees for Multivariate Analysis | 3 |
STAT/B M I 768 | Statistical Methods for Medical Image Analysis | 3 |
STAT 771 | Statistical Computing | 3 |
STAT 772 | Linear Randomized Algorithms for Data Science | 3 |
STAT/ECON/GEN BUS 775 | Bayesian Statistics | 3 |
STAT 780 | Introduction to Quantum Data Science | 3 |
STAT 801 | Advanced Financial Statistics | 3 |
STAT/MATH 803 | Experimental Design I | 3 |
STAT 809 | Non Parametric Statistics | 3 |
STAT 811 | 3 | |
STAT 834 | Empirical Processes and Semiparametric Inference | 1-3 |
STAT 840 | 3 | |
STAT 841 | Nonparametric Statistics and Machine Learning Methods | 3 |
STAT 849 | Theory and Application of Regression and Analysis of Variance I | 3 |
STAT 850 | Theory and Application of Regression and Analysis of Variance II | 3 |
STAT 860 | 3 | |
STAT/COMP SCI/E C E 861 | Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning | 3 |
STAT/B M I 877 | Statistical Methods for Molecular Biology | 3 |
STAT/E C E/MATH 888 | Topics in Mathematical Data Science | 1-3 |
STAT 992 | Seminar | 1-3 |
Probability course (at most one course) : | ||
STAT/MATH 309 | Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics I | 3 |
STAT 311 | Introduction to Theory and Methods of Mathematical Statistics I | 3 |
STAT/MATH 431 | Introduction to the Theory of Probability | 3 |
STAT 609 | Mathematical Statistics I | 3 |
STAT/MATH 709 | Mathematical Statistics | 4 |
STAT/MATH 733 | Theory of Probability I | 3 |
Statistical inference courses (at most one course): | ||
STAT/MATH 310 | Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics II | 3 |
STAT 312 | Introduction to Theory and Methods of Mathematical Statistics II | 3 |
STAT 610 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 4 |
STAT/MATH 710 | Mathematical Statistics | 4 |
Other elective (at most one course): | ||
STAT/COMP SCI/MATH 475 | Introduction to Combinatorics | 3 |
STAT/COMP SCI/I SY E/MATH 525 | Linear Optimization | 3 |
STAT/I SY E/MATH/OTM 632 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes | 3 |
STAT/COMP SCI/I SY E/MATH 726 | Nonlinear Optimization I | 3 |
STAT/MATH 734 | Theory of Probability II | 3 |
STAT/MATH 833 | Topics in the Theory of Probability | 3 |
OR another course approved by the PhD minor advisor. | ||
Total Credits | 12 |
Cecile Ane, Professor
Joshua Cape, Assistant Professor
Richard Chappell, Professor
Peter Chien, Professor
Jessi Cisewski-Kehe, Assistant Professor
Sameer Deshapande, Assistant Professor
Rishabh Dudeja, Assistant Professor
Nicolas Garcia Trillos, Assistant Professor
Chris Geoga, Assistant Professor
Yongyi Guo, Assistant Professor
Yinqiu He, Assistant Professor
Hyunseung Kang, Associate Professor
Matthias Katzfuss, Professor
Sunduz Keles, Professor
Bret Larget (chair), Professor
Ben Lengerich, Assistant Professor
Keith Levin, Assistant Professor
Wei-Yin Loh, Professor
Michael Newton, Professor
Vivak Patel, Assistant Professor
Debdeep Pati, Professor
Alejandra Quintos, Assistant Professor
Garvesh Raskutti, Associate Professor
Karl Rohe, Professor
Kris Sankaran, Assistant Professor
Jun Shao, Professor
Miaoyan Wang, Assistant Professor
Yahzen Wang, Professor
Yuling Yan, Assistant Professor
Chunming Zhang, Professor
Yiqiao Zhong, Assistant Professor
Jun Zhu, Professor