The Department of Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics (NEEP) within the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Engineering is the home of two undergraduate degree programs (nuclear engineering, including an option in radiation sciences; and engineering physics) and one graduate degree program (nuclear engineering and engineering physics). The department's faculty conducts research in the areas of nuclear systems, and plasma physics and fusion energy science. This combination of topics fosters synergies with respect to neutronics, nuclear materials, fluid dynamics, and computation. The graduate nuclear engineering program has been ranked in the top six nationally by U.S. News and World Report in each of the past ten years.
Paul Wilson (Chair)
Wendy Crone
Chris Hegna
Oliver Schmitz
Carl Sovinec
Kumar Sridharan
Associate Professors
Adrien Couet
Assistant Professors
Stephanie Diem
Juliana Pacheco Duarte
Benedikt Geiger
Ben Lindley
Adelle Wright
Yongfeng Zhang
See also Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Faculty Directory.
Resources and Scholarships
Facilities available for instruction and research include:
- Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Laboratories
- Instructional Computing Labs (in Computer Aided Engineering)
- Ion Beam Laboratory
- Nanomechanics Laboratory
- Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory
- Plasma Physics Laboratories
- Superconductivity and Cryogenics Laboratories
- University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor
The Department of Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics and the College of Engineering have several types of scholarships available to incoming and current engineering students. Students should explore the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) to apply for and find specific information on scholarships at UW–Madison. You can use WiSH to find engineering scholarships available through the College of Engineering; the Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity in Engineering Student Center; the Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Department; and other UW and external organizations. (Please note: students must be currently enrolled in, or have applied to, the College of Engineering to be considered for engineering scholarships.) To be matched with these available scholarship funds an application is required, and the system is typically open to students in the spring of each year. Questions on the process can be directed to coescholarships@engr.wisc.edu. Additional financial assistance may be awarded through the Office of Student Financial Aid (333 E. Campus Mall Room 9701; 608-262-3060).