The School of Business attracts talented, energetic, creative students who are known for their strong work ethic and technical capabilities. Students in the School of Business Undergraduate Program experience innovative coursework directed by leading scholars in business. They have opportunities to connect with outstanding alumni for applied learning, mentoring, and general life-experience lessons. Students also enjoy access to an unlimited array of activities, clubs, and life-changing opportunities.
In 1900, UW–Madison established one of the first six commerce programs in the country, beginning as a department in the College of Letters & Science, and receiving separate school status by a 1944 act of the Wisconsin Legislature. The School of Business was a founding member of Beta Gamma Sigma, a national professional business honor society, and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the standard-setting organization for collegiate business education. The School's undergraduate and graduate programs were reaccredited by the AACSB in 2022.
Experience a High-Caliber Undergraduate Business Education
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is a world-class university, nationally and internationally recognized for academic excellence, incredible students, and inspiring faculty. As a student in the undergraduate business program, you will have access to the academic and co-curricular resources of the entire university, combined with the personalized experience of being a Business Badger. It’s like having the best of both worlds.
The curriculum for the WSB Undergraduate Program incorporates a foundation in the liberal arts with a business education, including focused coursework in eleven majors. The liberal arts foundation—including courses taken outside of the School of Business—develops your skills in thinking critically, analyzing problems, generating creative solutions, communicating effectively, and working in diverse teams. These are all skills top employers seek when filling positions with strong potential for advancement.
Eleven undergraduate business majors are offered, giving you the specialized knowledge you need to begin a great career. You will graduate with skills gained from top-notch faculty and real-world learning experiences. It all adds up to an educational experience that prepares you for career success and to be a trusted leader. The School of Business offers many certificate options. There are also opportunities for further education through our graduate, master's, and doctoral programs.
The Business Badger Experience
The Wisconsin Business Badger Experience is about creating strong foundations and exploring student passions. Business Badgers take part in core experiences and amazing opportunities on their path toward graduation. All our Business Badgers gain academic preparation that applies learning in and out of the classroom building both technical knowledge rooted in business school courses and a broad-based liberal arts education. Our career preparation builds skills that don’t just get students a first job, but build a life-long growth mindset. We staff our own Student Life office which supports over 50 student organizations that are integrated into our leadership framework and corporate partners. Our students develop a leadership style that is grounded in personal integrity, inclusive engagement, and community. Nearly all of our students participate in at least one internship and 40% of our students study abroad. These experiences help students develop intercultural competence that prepares them to be trusted global business leaders. Our network of School of Business Alumni is 40,000 strong—and growing—and fiercely loyal to our students. As students build their Business Badger Experience they are challenged and supported by a team of outstanding faculty and staff.
The Accenture Leadership Center
The Accenture Leadership Center (ALC) was one of the first in-house leadership centers at a U.S. business school. Today, it continues to be student-driven and alumni-supported. The center offers a variety of activities, workshops, service opportunities, and leadership training events. WSB undergraduate students graduate with the confidence, self-awareness, and professional skills to lead and inspire others.
School of Business Clubs
There are more than 50 student-run clubs associated with the School of Business. These clubs enable students to connect with peers interested in similar majors or career fields. Clubs also have access to funding to help them go to career and industry-related conferences.
Personal and Professional Foundations in Business (GEN BUS 110)
Every student admitted to the School of Business takes GEN BUS 110 Personal and Professional Foundations in Business. This 1-credit course helps students explore their leadership style, who they are as individuals, and how they function in team-orientated tasks. The course also provides career foundations such as resume building and introduction of networking at career fairs.
Business Badger Badges: Leadership Pathways to Success
The Business Badger Badge program is a customizable co-curricular leadership program that combines workshops, experiences, and reflection opportunities designed to provide a deeper level of understanding and practice with certain skills/competencies. By completing specific criteria for each badge, students can earn digital achievements, which serve as credentials that can be showcased via personal profile, social media, and shared with potential employers as a way to help articulate skills gained from completing a badge. The badges available to earn are Personal Leadership Styles, Group Dynamics, Inclusive Leadership, Leading for Change, and Leadership at Lambeau. Each Badge has specific learning outcomes and criteria. Additionally, we’ve collaborated with the campus leadership office to make sure our program is integrated into the campus leadership certificate as well!
Accounting Fundamentals, Certificate
Accounting, Certificate
Business Administration: Human Resources, BBA
Business Administration: Management, BBA
Business Administration: Marketing, BBA
Business Fundamentals, Summer Certificate
Business, Certificate
Business: Accounting, BBA
Business: Actuarial Science, BBA
Business: Entrepreneurship, BBA
Business: Finance, Investment, and Banking, BBA
Business: Human Resource Management, BBA
Business: Information Systems, BBA
Business: International Business, BBA
Business: Management and Human Resources, BBA
Business: Management, BBA
Business: Marketing, BBA
Business: Operations and Technology Management, BBA
Business: Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, BBA
Business: Risk Management and Insurance, BBA
Business: Supply Chain Management, BBA
Consulting, Certificate
Entrepreneurship, Certificate
International Business, Certificate
Risk Management and Insurance, Certificate
For a complete listing of School of Business Undergraduate Program staff, please visit our directory.
Entering the School
A Student-Centered Admissions Process
The School of Business boasts a student body that is focused and engaged. Our highly talented undergraduate students, in turn, attract recruiting employers who return to Wisconsin year after year to fill internships and full-time positions.
Although admission to the Wisconsin Undergraduate Business Program is selective, we provide a variety of informational and workshop events to help you prepare for the admissions process.
Students may apply and enroll in the residential Undergraduate Business Program through the following pathways:
- Prospective high school students may be considered for Direct Admission to Business based on their application to the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Simply list a Business interest as your top academic area of interest on the University application.
- Current University of Wisconsin–Madison students can participate in a series of preparatory workshops and apply through the spring-term pre-business admissions process.
- Transfer students at University of Wisconsin System campuses or Wisconsin Technical Colleges may apply separately for admission to both the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the School of Business during the spring term for fall enrollment.
Once a student knows they have a Business interest, earlier enrollment in the Undergraduate Business Program is encouraged to maximize the use of resources like advising, career coaching, co-curricular engagement, and other enriching opportunities. The right choice for you depends on your current goals and where you are in your journey to becoming a Business Badger. Prospective/pre-business applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the admissions eligibility policies listed on the Wisconsin BBA Admissions Policies page.
For more information about these options, including directions for navigating the admissions processes and tips for submitting a competitive application, please visit the Wisconsin BBA Program website.
Transfer applicants should visit the School of Business website to determine which process fits their situation.
Questions along the way? We’re here to help. Reach out to a Wisconsin BBA Student Ambassador or contact the School of Business Undergraduate Program Office at 608-890-2490.
Business Online Undergraduate Programs
Students applying to a School of Business Online Undergraduate Program apply through UW–Madison Online. Students who have earned 12 or more college credits are eligible to apply. For more information, visit the UW–Madison Online admissions website or email a UW–Madison Online enrollment coach. They are here to help you navigate the application process.
Wisconsin Experience
School of Business undergraduate students are expected to apply learning inside and outside the traditional classroom in ways that have a positive impact on the world. Known as the Wisconsin Experience, this principle draws upon opportunities ranging from conducting research to embracing entrepreneurship to developing multicultural competence, on campus or through study abroad programs. By applying classroom learning in leadership programs or student organizations, you will build your résumé and gain practical experience in using your business skills.
Policies and Regulations
Residential Program
School of Business students are responsible for being familiar with the policies that affect them. School of Business policy is subject to change, so be sure to review this website for the most up-to-date information. Questions related to policy interpretation can be directed to your academic advisor for clarification. Please note that pre-business students are subject to the academic policies and procedures of their current school/college. In addition to the academic-related policies below, we strongly encourage prospective/pre-business applicants to review all admission policies listed on the Wisconsin BBA Admission Policies page.
Student responsibility for enrollment
Each student is responsible for enrolling in classes and verifying their registration. Students are advised to create schedules that ensure satisfactory progress toward degree requirements.
The Office of the Registrar publishes university deadlines for adding and dropping individual courses, withdrawing (from all courses), and selection options such as pass/fail and audit. Changing enrollment can have consequences for academic standing, tuition, progress toward degree, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with an academic advisor prior to initial enrollment and before making any changes to enrollment.
To progress in the School of Business Undergraduate Program, the following are expectations of business students following admission:
- Students are required to take placement exams prior to SOAR.
- Students are expected to submit test credit and transcripts prior to the first day of the fall term. They are highly encouraged to submit as early as possible.
- GEN BUS 110 must be taken during a student’s first fall term in the School of Business.
- Business students are required to be enrolled in a math course that progresses to Calculus I (MATH 211, MATH 217, or MATH 221) during each enrolled semester until the student has completed the Calculus requirement.
- Exception: If a first-year student has placed into Calculus, they can take the course in either the fall or spring term of their first year.
- Business students who are pursuing a major with a math requirement beyond Calc I are expected to progress in math until that requirement is complete.
- Students should complete ECON 101 within the first 30 credits in residence.
Monitoring and communication
Students are encouraged to regularly check in with their academic advisor each academic year. The School of Business will also monitor the progression expectations outlined above and will contact students who are at risk of extending their timeline to graduation.
Business Credit Limit
Undergraduate students may not take more than 75 credits of School of Business courses.
10-semester rule (reentry and transfer)
Students re-entering after an absence of 10 or more semesters:
A pre-business student seeking admission to the School of Business is responsible for completing all of the current School of Business admission and degree requirements that are in effect at the time of re-entry to UW–Madison.
A business student reentering UW–Madison is responsible for completing all the current School of Business degree requirements that are in effect at the time of reentry to UW–Madison and the School of Business. Students who left the institution as a business student do not need to reapply for admission to the School of Business when they return.
The School of Business will graduate a student at the end of the semester (spring, summer, or fall) in which all university, BBA degree, and business major requirements are complete with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. Graduation will not be postponed for any incomplete School of Business certificate(s), specialization(s); or additional certificate(s) or major(s) outside the School of Business.
Students cannot graduate with a temporary grade, such as I or NR, for any requirements. Speak with the course instructor or your advisor to resolve temporary grades. The date when the outstanding Incompletes (I) are resolved will determine the semester of graduation.
If a student is completing their final coursework while not in residence, the student must notify the School of Business Undergraduate Program's Advising Office when the official transcript has been evaluated by UW–Madison and appears on their record. This allows their DARS to be certified for graduation.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that graduation requirements have been met. All students should regularly consult their DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) document in conjunction with their advisor to ensure that all graduation requirements have been met.
No-Credit Courses
The School of Business does not award credit for the following:
- Failed courses (grade of “F”)
- Repeated courses (except where a repeat is allowed)
- Courses for which a student may not receive credit because of a previously completed course (as indicated in the Course Search & Enroll App)
Being enrolled in any of the above courses could impact a pre-business student's application to the School of Business. Before enrolling in and taking any of the above courses, please consult your academic advisor.
Part-time Enrollment
To maintain full-time standing, students must be enrolled in 12–18 credits.
Undergraduate students who are considering dropping below full-time (less than 12 credits) are responsible for knowing how part-time status will affect them. Below are some of the more common scenarios to explore before dropping credits:
International Students:
Dropping below full-time as an international student can have serious consequences, up to and including deportation. Please be sure to check with the International Student Services Office before dropping below 12 credits.
Scholarships, Grants, and Other Awards:
Depending on the conditions of the scholarship, a student may be required to be full time in order to remain eligible for an award. Be sure to check the stipulations for any awards you have received.
Financial Aid:
Be sure to check with the Office of Student Financial Aid to find out if being part-time will affect your financial aid package.
Tuition Refunds:
Depending on when the credits are dropped, you may be eligible for a tuition refund. Check the registrar’s website for information about refund deadlines.
Varsity athletes are governed by Big Ten and NCAA rules that do not allow them to drop below full time. Be sure to check with your coach and athletic advisor before dropping below 12 credits.
Degree Completion:
Taking fewer credits or courses than anticipated may delay your graduation. Be certain that if you drop a course, you will still be able to complete all required courses within your desired timeline. If you are not sure, please see your academic advisor.
Undergraduate business students who are in good academic standing (i.e., not on probation) may take only one (1) course as pass/fail per semester including the summer session. A maximum of 16 total credits may be completed as pass/fail to count toward completion of the 120 degree credits required for the BBA.
The pass/fail privilege is for a non-business elective course. The following courses cannot be taken pass/fail:
- Any business course including business courses taken during study abroad programs
- Any course required for the business major or degree, including all liberal studies requirements as well as business courses that are designated as "meets with" or "cross-listed"
It is the responsibility of the student to check requirements and policies for non-business majors and certificates prior to requesting the pass/fail privilege.
The pass/fail grade will not be included when computing your GPA, but the pass/fail credits with S (Satisfactory) grades will apply toward graduation. S is the grade for A to C; U (Unsatisfactory) is the grade for D and F.
Students must complete a minimum of 12 graded credits each semester in order to be eligible for the dean’s list. Courses taken for pass/fail or credit/no credit do not count towards the minimum of 12 graded credits.
In order to apply for the pass/fail privilege, students must submit an online request via Student Center. Please disregard the message that says "Reminder - print this form and obtain appropriate signatures." You do not need to do this.
Your request is then sent directly to the School of Business Undergraduate Program. You will be notified by email whether or not your request has been approved.
Please complete the online pass/fail form by the deadline. See the Office of the Registrar's website for deadline information.
Once the student has submitted the form, the course may not be changed from pass/fail back to a conventionally graded course after the established deadline. Once a pass/fail grade is recorded as S or U, it cannot be changed to a letter grade.
Auditing a Course
Auditing a course allows a student to take a class without the benefit of a grade or credit for a course.
A student who wishes to audit a course is expected to attend classes on a regular basis as an observer. Auditors do not take exams. Auditors will receive a final grade of Satisfactory (S) or No Report (NR), and AU will appear in place of a number of credits. Audit courses carry no academic credit and do not satisfy any degree or major requirements. Also, audit courses do not satisfy any minimum or maximum credits required in each term. Students interested in auditing a course should consult with their academic advisor.
Audits are not free. A course taken for audit costs the same as a course taken for credit. If students are not paying full-time fees, they will be assessed per-credit fees for an audit course.
Information about submitting a formal request to audit a class can be found in this KnowledgeBase document from the Office of the Registrar. The course is offered only on a space-available basis with approvals of both the instructor of the course and the Academic Dean’s Office in the School of Business.
Repeating a Course
Students thinking about repeating a course should talk with their advisor. Students must do all the work in the repeated course, including laboratory, attend regularly, participate in class discussions, and take examinations. Students will earn a final grade in the course. The transcript denotes repeated courses with a lowercase ‘x’ appearing immediately before the course description. Students should know that:
- the original grade still counts in GPA and remains on the transcript;
- credits in the repeated course do not count toward the degree, unless the course was failed the first time;
- grade points in the repeated course count toward calculation of cumulative GPA;
- credits carried on courses being repeated count toward the maximum credits permitted in a semester.
Transfer students must be particularly careful to avoid taking courses on the UW–Madison campus that duplicate courses taken at another school. Credit will not be given twice for the same or similar courses, nor will credit be given for a lower-level course in a sequence if students have already received credit for a higher-level course in that sequence. Students should carefully check the Evaluation of Transfer Credits prepared by Credit Evaluation Services and should consult with their advisor. Duplicate courses may include transfer credits and credit by exam, such as Advanced Placement, coming in as course equivalents.
Residency for Degree
Students admitted to the School of Business Undergraduate Program, including students who transfer from another college or university, must complete a minimum of 30 credits in business courses in residence.
Withdrawal indicates that a student intends to stop attending all classes for the current term. If a student wishes to drop all of their classes for a particular term after the first day of classes, a student needs to formally withdraw from the semester by submitting the online withdrawal request in the MyUW Student Center. Failure to do so may result in a recording of Failure for all courses and a probationary action. Any student may withdraw with permission and without grades being recorded at any time up to the last three weeks of a fall or spring semester. Students should refer to the enrollment dates and deadlines provided by the Office of the Registrar if they are enrolled in summer term and wish to withdraw. The Office of the Registrar provides additional information regarding withdrawal, including the impacts of withdrawal.
Medical Withdrawal: For information on medical withdrawals, students should refer to the Medical Withdrawal policy.
In addition to entering a request for medical withdrawal in the MyUW Student Center, Business students will need to submit the Petition for Special Consideration form. A staff member from the Academic Dean’s Office will be in contact with you following the submission. Medical withdrawals are approved on a case-by-case basis, and medical documentation will be required.
Courses Scheduled for Fewer Than 15 Weeks
Deadlines for sessions and modular courses are listed on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Credit Overload
To obtain special permission for a credit overload, students need to submit a petition for special consideration and demonstrate that special circumstances are involved.
Students who wish to take more than 18 credits during the fall or spring semester must have earned a minimum of 3.000 cumulative GPA on the UW–Madison campus. Students will not be permitted to carry more than 20 total credits during the fall or spring semester.
Students can take a maximum of 12 credits during the summer session. Please note that there are credit limits by session as well. Students may enroll for one credit per week of instruction (e.g.: a student can earn three credits during a three-week session but needs approval to earn four credits in a three-week session). Students who are seeking a credit overload for the summer session must have earned a minimum of 3.000 cumulative GPA on the UW–Madison campus. Students will not be permitted to carry more than 13 total credits during the summer session.
Credit overloads will incur additional tuition costs. Visit Tuition & Fees for more information.
General Info/Schedule:
Final exam times are automatically assigned for both fall and spring semesters. Final exam times can be found in MyUW.
Make-Up Final Exams:
Make-up exams may not consist of more than 10% of the total number of students enrolled. If an instructor needs to give a make-up to more than 10% of students enrolled, they must obtain the dean’s written approval.
Student Conflicts:
Students should attempt to avoid having more than two exams within 24 hours. If a student has more than two exams in 24 hours, the instructor may — but is not required to — offer a make-up final exam or allowable alternative. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of their final exam schedule when registering for classes. Therefore, any conflicts should be communicated with instructors far in advance to ensure proper planning for the student and instructor, whether or not exam times can be changed.
However, if a student has two exams at the same time and date, one instructor must offer a make-up final exam or allowable alternative.
Midterm exams can occur throughout the term and may take place outside of the regularly scheduled class time. More information on the campus policy for evening midterm exams can be found here.
Academic Probation
Students admitted to the School of Business must maintain all of the following GPA minimums:
- 2.00 cumulative GPA on all UW–Madison coursework
- 2.00 semester GPA for each semester (including summer term)
Students who do not meet these GPA minimums will be assigned an academic action (see below for a list of actions) based on:
- The student's most recent academic action from a prior term
- The student's cumulative GPA (including the current term)
- The student's term GPA for the semester just completed
A student will be cleared of probationary status at the end of the semester when all of the above conditions are met and the student’s record contains no grade of incomplete.
Probationary actions
Students will be notified via email of the requirements they must complete as part of their probationary status.
Probation: A student who has a prior academic action of Good Academic Standing or who has no prior academic action and who achieves a cumulative or term GPA between 1.0 and 2.0 will be placed on probation.
Continued Probation: A student on Probation whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 and whose term GPA for the term just completed is 2.0 or above will be placed on continued probation.
Strict Probation: A student can be placed on Strict Probation when they either:
- Have a prior academic action of Good Academic Standing and achieve a term GPA of less than 1.0 in the semester just completed.
- Have a prior academic action of Probation and achieve a term GPA of less than a 2.0 in the semester just completed
Continued Strict Probation: A student on Strict Probation whose cumulative GPA remains less than a 2.0 but whose term GPA for the term just completed is 2.0 or above will be placed on Continued Strict Probation.
Dropped for one semester (Academic Suspension): A student on Strict Probation or Continued Strict Probation who earns a term GPA for the term just completed less than 2.0.
Students have the opportunity to appeal the "dropped for one term" status by participating in an appeals process. The School of Business' Academic Dean's Office will notify students by email of the appeals process and timeline.
Students who were dropped for one term may reapply on probationary status (after a one-semester hiatus) if they can demonstrate the ability and desire to devote sufficient energy to scholastic work. To reapply, students may complete a reentry application through the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.
GPA deficiencies causing probationary status cannot be removed through coursework at another university or through correspondence study.
Dean's List
Business students who achieve a grade point average of 3.75 for any semester in which they complete 12 graded degree credits will have their names on the dean’s list. A permanent record of this achievement is entered on the student’s transcript. Please note that courses taken for pass/fail or credit/no credit do not count toward the minimum of 12 graded credits. Students with I, P, or U on their grade report will automatically be ineligible for the dean’s list. Subsequent academic action may change eligibility.
Grading Policy
School of Business faculty and instructors are required by policy to have clear grading guidelines in their syllabus.
Graduating with Distinction
The Office of the Registrar compiles a preliminary list of business students eligible for distinction. The School of Business Undergraduate Program will notify eligible students via email 2-3 weeks before the commencement ceremony.
Distinction is awarded to graduated business students who meet the following criteria:
- At least sixty (60) credits earned (in residence) at UW–Madison
- A cumulative UW–Madison GPA in the top twenty percent (20%) of the graduating business class
Please note that students on the preliminary list for distinction may or may not receive distinction. The distinction designation is subject to change and is dependent upon the official graduation date (semester), the number of students graduating, and final grade calculations, including last semester and in-progress courses.
Students who graduate with distinction are eligible to wear a cardinal stole with their commencement attire. The stoles can be obtained from the University Bookstore with a deposit and do not need to be ordered in advance.
“Graduated with Distinction” is notated on official transcripts only.
Incomplete Policy
An incomplete may be reported for a student who has carried a subject with a passing grade until near the end of the semester and then, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond their control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some limited amount of term work. An incomplete is not given to a student who stays away from a final examination unless the student proves to the instructor that they were prevented from attending as indicated above. In the absence of such proof, the grade shall be F; even with such proof, if their work has convinced the instructor that they cannot pass, the grade shall be F.
If an admitted business student earns an incomplete, the work for that course must be completed by the last class day of the student's next semester in residence (exclusive of summer sessions). Incompletes incurred in the last semester of residence may not be removed after five years of absence from the university without special advance permission of the associate dean. Such incompletes must remain on the record with grades of PI and do not lapse into failures.
Probationary status will be applied, when applicable, to business students with an incomplete. The academic action will be based on their GPA without the course that has an incomplete. This is a temporary action that could change once the incomplete is resolved. Please see the “Academic Probation” section for further information on the policy and GPA minimums.
If a student is graduating and has an incomplete in the term they wish to graduate, they will need to complete the work before their degree can be awarded. Finishing up work for an incomplete after the term/semester means that a student will be awarded their degree at the next official graduation date.
Major Declaration
School of Business Major
Direct admit business students will declare their business major at SOAR. Students can indicate that they are exploring in business at that time. Direct admit students who select the Exploring Business option are required to declare a major within the School of Business within their first 30 credits in residence. They are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor and career coach for major exploration guidance.
Business students admitted through the pre-business process will be declared in their selected business major at the time of acceptance into the School. Business students may update their major plan (can declare or cancel any of the business majors offered) by completing the major declaration form.
Students interested in declaring a certificate offered through the School of Business should follow the procedures outlined on the Certificates page for the appropriate program.
Additional major outside of business
Business students may declare one additional major outside the School of Business in the College of Letters & Science (excluding AMEP, Journalism, Landscape Architecture, Social Work, Music: Education BM, and Music: Performance: BM), School of Education (only including Educational Policy Studies, Health Promotion and Health Equity or Theater & Drama), or College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (only including Global Health). Students who gain approval to complete an additional major in the College of Letters & Science, the School of Education, or the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences must complete major requirements prior to, or concurrently with, their business degree. Students who have fulfilled the degree requirements for the BBA will be graduated, even if the additional major outside the School of Business had not been completed.
To declare a second major:
Students will need to meet with the advisor of their additional major, and the advisor will fill out and submit an additional major declaration form on their behalf. This will be sent to the School of Business Undergraduate Program for approval.
Meet regularly with your School of Business academic advisor and additional major advisor regarding major and/or degree requirements.
To cancel a second major:
Students interested in canceling their additional major will need to make this request through their additional major advisor or department.
Courses at Other Institutions
Common Guidance for Off-Campus Coursework
School of Business undergraduate students are advised to take no more than two courses in their major (or per major if pursuing multiple majors) off-campus. This guidance includes courses taken for transfer credit at another accredited institution as well as courses taken on a School of Business or UW–Madison-sponsored study abroad program. The academic departments of the School of Business strongly recommend that all BBA students complete the core or initial course in their major(s) on campus.
While School of Business undergraduate students are able to take courses off-campus, the School of Business Undergraduate Program reminds students that they should plan to complete all prerequisites for any off-campus course, regardless of its place in the BBA curriculum, prior to taking the course off-campus. Attention to these prerequisites is crucial to ensuring School of Business undergraduate students are prepared for their coursework whether it is taken on or off campus. Advance academic planning is an integral part of a student’s success and ability to remain on track to graduate. Students are strongly encouraged to share with their advisor if they plan to enroll in coursework off-campus at any time once they are a UW–Madison student. Advisors assist students in making decisions regarding enrollment in off-campus coursework and share resources with students to ensure that courses will transfer to UW–Madison for degree credit and satisfy the requirement(s) they expect. While students are always encouraged to share this information with their advisor, students are required to gain permission to take courses off-campus in certain circumstances.
Concurrent Enrollment
School of Business students are not allowed to enroll concurrently at other accredited post-secondary institutions during any term in which they are enrolled at UW–Madison (fall, spring) without seeking special permission via the Petition for Special Consideration. This includes enrollment in online, distance education, and physical attendance classes (exceptions may be made for UW–Extension/Independent Learning — see below).
Students are permitted to enroll in more than one university during the summer session. However, please be aware that if you are taking a course at another university that begins in the summer and coincides with the fall and/or spring semester, it will fall into this category of concurrent enrollment, regardless of when the course will be completed.
If students are taking a course at another institution of higher learning over UW–Madison's winter break, they do not need to seek permission for concurrent enrollment if the course does not overlap UW–Madison's spring term or if the overlap is two weeks or less. Please note that students may take no more than one course off-campus during winter recess.
If it is discovered that a student violated this policy, this credit will be removed from the student’s record. It is the responsibility of the student to verify with their academic advisor that they are not in violation of this policy.
Independent Learning
UW Independent Learning (UW IL) is a branch of UW Extension that offers online and distance learning courses. Courses taken through UW Independent Learning are considered concurrent enrollment and require special permission to enroll in the fall, spring, or summer.
Students interested in taking a course through UW IL should meet with an academic advisor. If the advisor and student agree this is a good option, the student should follow these steps to request permission for concurrent enrollment and request a tuition waiver (if applicable). Forms should be returned to 3150 Grainger or successandpolicy@wsb.wisc.edu.
- Fill out a Petition/Special Consideration Request requesting permission for concurrent enrollment with UW Independent Learning. Be sure to include which class you intend to take.
- Students with full-time status at UW–Madison may request a tuition waiver for UW Extension Independent Learning Courses provided that the following conditions are met:
- The student requests the waiver and enrolls in the course by the UW–Madison add deadline (the second Friday of the semester).
- The course is taken during the regular academic session.
- The course is completed during the term for which the tuition waiver is requested.
- The student does not exceed 18 credits total between the two campuses.
Students are responsible for the $75 administrative fee for enrolling in a UW IL course.
The minimum length of time to complete an IL course is typically three months. Foreign language courses often require more time. Students should take this into consideration as they are planning the completion of their degree.
Transfer Credits
UW–Madison students may choose to take courses off campus during the summer or winter session and potentially transfer credit to UW–Madison. The UW–Madison Office of the Registrar handles transfer course equivalencies. Please note that UW–Madison School of Business students may not take courses at another institution during the fall or spring semester if they are concurrently taking courses at UW–Madison (see concurrent enrollment policy). Students may take no more than one course off-campus during winter recess. Students interested in earning transfer credit for a non–UW study abroad program must work with UW–Madison's International Academic Programs well in advance.
It is highly recommended that students do not take a course unless they know in advance that it will transfer to UW–Madison for credit. The Office of the Registrar provides information regarding how to determine course equivalencies.
Transfer Credit Process
- Review your DARS report and consult your academic advisor to see what you still need to take and whether the course(s) would be a good option to take at another institution over the summer or winter session. It is not advised to take your business major courses off campus.
- Research course options at the institution where you plan on taking the course(s).
- Determine equivalency using Office of the Registrar resources, beginning with Transferology.
- Apply as a “special” or “guest” student at the institution you plan on attending.
- Enroll in the course and pay tuition directly to the institution you are attending.
- After the course is complete, have the institution send an official transcript to the UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment at 702 West Johnson Street, Suite 1101, Madison, WI 53715-1007 or etranscripts@admissions.wisc.edu.
Academic Policy or Requirement Appeal
If an undergraduate business student wishes to request an exception to a School of Business academic policy or regulation, or a degree or major requirement, they should start by consulting with their academic advisor. They then will need to formally submit their request using the Petition for Special Consideration form. Exception requests could include dropping a course or withdrawing after the deadline, enrolling in a credit overload, concurrent enrollment, or meeting a requirement with a substitution. Students pursuing one of the business certificate options should utilize the Petition for course or requirement exceptions related to their certificate.
Exceptions to established policies, regulations, and/or program requirements should be rare and will be considered on an individual case-by-case basis. They will be reviewed by the School of Business Undergraduate Program. School of Business Department Chairs will be consulted on major requirement exceptions. Substantial consultation time with faculty, staff, and/or deans may be required, so students should not expect to receive an immediate response.
Grade Appeal
If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received in a School of Business course, the following procedure must be followed should the student wish to appeal the grade.
The student will first discuss the grade appeal with the instructor of the course.
If the student and instructor cannot come to an agreement, the student will provide a formal written request for grade appeal to the associate dean in charge of the relevant program. The written request must include the class, instructor, grade received, date and conclusion of the meeting with the instructor, and the specific reason(s) for appealing the grade.
The associate dean will forward the appeal request to the chair of the department that houses the course in question. The department chair will perform the due diligence necessary (including, but limited to, meeting with the instructor and student) to assess the merits of the appeal request and will provide a decision in writing to the associate dean.
The associate dean will communicate the decision to both the student and the instructor.
Should the student wish to appeal the decision further, the associate dean will perform the due diligence necessary (including, but limited to, meeting with the chair, instructor, and student) to assess the merits of the appeal request. The associate dean has the discretion to review not only the process that was undertaken in the first review but also the earlier decision. The associate dean will provide a decision in writing to the chair, instructor, and student. The instructor will take action if needed.
Please note that The Office of Compliance is responsible for investigating allegations of discrimination. If a student is appealing a grade due to alleged discrimination, they should be in contact with the Office of Compliance.
Online Degree Program
School of Business students are responsible for being familiar with the policies that affect them. School of Business policy is subject to change, so be sure to review this website for the most up-to-date information. Questions related to policy interpretation can be directed to your academic advisor for clarification. The following policies apply to students pursuing one of the School of Business online degree programs.
Program Requirements
When students enter a School of Business online degree program, they are held to the degree requirements described in the most recent Guide. The term of admittance to the online program results in a catalog and alternate catalog year that reflects the most recent BBA requirements for the online program.
10 Semester Rule for Reentry Students
Students re-entering after an absence of 10 or more semesters:
A business student reentering UW–Madison is responsible for completing all the current School of Business degree requirements that are in effect at the time of reentry to UW–Madison and the School of Business. Students who left the institution as a business student do not need to reapply for admission to the School of Business when they return.
The modality for School of Business online degree program courses is online only. Students in an online program who are enrolled in a class section that is not "Online Only" will be dropped from that class section.
A change of program that requires a change of modality of instruction is not permitted. Should there be compelling extenuating circumstances that justify a change in learning modality option for an individual student, the student may request of change of modality via the Petition for Special Consideration.
The School of Business will graduate a student at the end of the semester (spring, summer, or fall) in which all university, BBA degree, and business major requirements are complete with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Students cannot graduate with a temporary grade, such as I or NR, for any requirements. Speak with the course instructor or your advisor to resolve temporary grades. The date when the outstanding Incompletes (I) are resolved will determine the semester of graduation.
If a student is completing their final coursework while not in residence, the student must notify the School of Business Undergraduate Program's Advising Office when the official transcript has been evaluated by UW–Madison and appears on their record. This allows their DARS to be certified for graduation.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that graduation requirements have been met. All students should regularly consult their DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) document in conjunction with their advisor to ensure that all graduation requirements have been met.
Student Responsibility for Enrollment
Each student is responsible for enrolling in classes and verifying their registration. Students are advised to create schedules that ensure satisfactory progress toward degree requirements.
The Office of the Registrar publishes university deadlines for adding and dropping individual courses, withdrawing (from all courses), and selection options such as pass/fail and audit. Please pay special attention to session deadlines. Changing enrollment can have consequences for academic standing, tuition, progress toward degree, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with an academic advisor prior to initial enrollment and before making any changes to enrollment.
No Credit Courses
The School of Business does not award credit for the following:
- Failed courses (grade of "F")
- Repeated courses (except where a repeat is allowed)
- Courses for which a student may not receive credit because of a previously completed course (as indicated in the Course Search & Enroll App)
Before enrolling in and taking any of the above courses, please consult your academic advisor.
Part-time Enrollment
To maintain full-time standing, students must be enrolled in 12–18 credits.
Undergraduate students who are considering dropping below full time (less than 12 credits) are responsible for knowing how part-time status will affect them. Below are some of the more common scenarios to explore before dropping credits:
Scholarships, Grants, and Other Awards:
Depending on the conditions of the scholarship, a student may be required to be full time in order to remain eligible for an award. Be sure to check the stipulations for any awards you have received.
Financial Aid:
Be sure to check with the Office of Student Financial Aid to find out if being part time will affect your financial aid package.
Tuition Refunds:
Depending on when the credits are dropped, you may be eligible for a tuition refund. Check the registrar’s website for information about refund deadlines.
Varsity athletes are governed by Big Ten and NCAA rules that do not allow them to drop below full time. Be sure to check with your coach and athletic advisor before dropping below 12 credits.
Degree Completion:
Taking fewer credits or courses than anticipated may delay your graduation. Be certain that if you drop a course, you will still be able to complete all required courses within your desired timeline. If you are not sure, please see your academic advisor.
Undergraduate business students who are in good academic standing (i.e., not on probation) may take only one (1) course as pass/fail per semester including the summer session. A maximum of 16 total credits may be completed as pass/fail to count toward completion of the 120 degree credits required for the BBA.
The pass/fail privilege is for a non-business elective course. The following courses cannot be taken pass/fail:
- Any business course including business courses taken during study abroad programs
- Any course required for the business major or degree, including all pre-business and liberal studies requirements as well as business courses that are designated as “meets with” or “cross-listed”
It is the responsibility of the student to check requirements and policies for non-business majors and certificates prior to requesting the pass/fail privilege.
The pass/fail grade will not be included when computing your GPA, but the pass/fail credits with S (Satisfactory) grades will apply toward graduation. S is the grade for A to C; U (Unsatisfactory) is the grade for D and F.
Students must complete a minimum of 12 graded credits each semester in order to be eligible for the dean’s list. Courses taken for pass/fail or credit/no credit do not count towards the minimum of 12 graded credits.
In order to apply for the pass/fail privilege, students must submit an online request via Student Center. Please disregard the message that says “Reminder - print this form and obtain appropriate signatures.” You do not need to do this.
Your request is then sent directly to the School of Business Undergraduate Program Office. You will be notified by email whether or not your request has been approved.
Please complete the online pass/fail form by the deadline. See the Office of the Registrar's website for deadline information.
Once the student has submitted the form, the course may not be changed from pass/fail back to a conventionally graded course after the established deadline. Once a pass/fail grade is recorded as S or U, it cannot be changed to a letter grade.
Auditing a Course
Auditing an online degree program course is not permitted.
Repeating a Course
Students thinking about repeating a course should talk with their advisor. Students must do all the work in the repeated course, including laboratory, attend regularly, participate in class discussions, and take examinations. Students will earn a final grade in the course. The transcript denotes repeated courses with a lowercase ‘x’ appearing immediately before the course description. Students should know that:
- the original grade still counts in GPA and remains on the transcript;
- credits in the repeated course do not count toward the degree unless the course was failed the first time;
- grade points in the repeated course count toward the calculation of cumulative GPA;
- credits carried on courses being repeated count toward the maximum credits permitted in a semester.
Transfer students must be particularly careful to avoid taking courses on the UW–Madison campus that duplicate courses taken at another school. Credit will not be given twice for the same or similar courses, nor will credit be given for a lower-level course in a sequence if students have already received credit for a higher-level course in that sequence. Students should carefully check the Evaluation of Transfer Credits prepared by Credit Evaluation Services and should consult with their advisor. Duplicate courses may include transfer credits and credit by exam, such as Advanced Placement, coming in as course equivalents.
Residency for Degree
Students admitted to the School of Business Undergraduate Program, including students who transfer from another college or university, must complete a minimum of 30 credits in residence.
Withdrawal indicates that a student intends to stop attending all classes for the current term. If a student wishes to drop all of their classes for a particular term after the first day of classes, a student needs to formally withdraw from the semester by submitting the online withdrawal request in the MyUW Student Center. Failure to do so may result in a recording of Failure for all courses and a probationary action. Any student may withdraw with permission and without grades being recorded at any time up to the withdrawal deadline. Students should refer to the enrollment dates and deadlines provided by the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar provides additional information regarding withdrawal, including impacts of withdrawal.
Medical Withdrawal: For information on medical withdrawals, students should refer to the Medical Withdrawal policy.
In addition to entering a request for medical withdrawal in the MyUW Student Center, Business students will need to submit the Petition for Special Consideration form. A staff member from the Academic Dean’s Office will be in contact with you following the submission. Medical withdrawals are approved on a case-by-case basis, and medical documentation will be required.
Credit Overload
To obtain special permission for a credit overload, students need to submit a petition for special consideration and demonstrate that special circumstances are involved.
Students who wish to take more than 18 credits during the fall or spring semester must have earned a minimum of 3.000 cumulative GPA on the UW–Madison campus. Students will not be permitted to carry more than 20 total credits during the fall or spring semester.
Students can take a maximum of 12 credits during the summer session. Please note that there are credit limits by session as well. Students may enroll for one credit per week of instruction (e.g.: a student can earn three credits during a three-week session but needs approval to earn four credits in a three-week session). Students who are seeking a credit overload for the summer session must have earned a minimum of 3.000 cumulative GPA on the UW–Madison campus. Students will not be permitted to carry more than 13 total credits during the summer session.
Credit overloads will incur additional tuition costs. Visit Tuition & Fees for more information.
Academic Probation
Students admitted to the School of Business must maintain all of the following GPA minimums:
- 2.00 cumulative GPA on all UW–Madison coursework
- 2.00 semester GPA for each semester (including summer term)
Students who do not meet these GPA minimums will be assigned an academic action (see below for list of actions) based on:
- The student's most recent academic action from a prior term
- The student's cumulative GPA (including the current term)
- The student's term GPA for the semester just completed
A student will be cleared of probationary status at the end of the semester when all of the above conditions are met and the student’s record contains no grade of incomplete.
Probationary actions
Students will be notified via email of the requirements they must complete as part of their probationary status.
Probation: A student who has a prior academic action of Good Academic Standing or who has no prior academic action and who achieves a cumulative or term GPA between 1.0 and 2.0 will be placed on probation.
Continued Probation: A student on Probation whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 and whose term GPA for the term just completed is 2.0 or above will be placed on continued probation.
Strict Probation: A student can be placed on Strict Probation when they either:
- Have a prior academic action of Good Academic Standing and achieve a term GPA of less than 1.0 in the semester just completed.
- Have a prior academic action of Probation and achieve a term GPA of less than a 2.0 in the semester just completed
Continued Strict Probation: A student on Strict Probation whose cumulative GPA remains less than a 2.0 but whose term GPA for the term just completed is 2.0 or above will be placed on Continued Strict Probation.
Dropped for one semester (Academic Suspension): A student on Strict Probation or Continued Strict Probation who earns a term GPA for the term just completed less than 2.0.
Students have the opportunity to appeal the "dropped for one term" status by participating in an appeals process. The School of Business' Academic Dean's Office will notify students by email of the appeals process and timeline.
Students who were dropped for one term may reapply on probationary status (after a one-semester hiatus) if they can demonstrate the ability and desire to devote sufficient energy to scholastic work. To reapply, students may complete a reentry application through the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.
GPA deficiencies causing probationary status cannot be removed through coursework at another university or through correspondence study.
Dean's List
Business students who achieve a grade point average of 3.75 for any semester in which they complete 12 graded degree credits will have their names on the dean’s list. A permanent record of this achievement is entered on the student’s transcript. Please note that courses taken for pass/fail or credit/no credit do not count toward the minimum of 12 graded credits. Students with I, P, or U on their grade report will automatically be ineligible for the dean’s list. Subsequent academic action may change eligibility.
Grading Policy
School of Business faculty and instructors are required by policy to have clear grading guidelines in their syllabus.
Graduating with Distinction
The Office of the Registrar compiles a preliminary list of business students eligible for distinction. The School of Business Undergraduate Program will notify eligible students via email 2-3 weeks before the commencement ceremony.
Distinction is awarded to graduated business students who meet the following criteria:
- At least sixty (60) credits earned (in residence) at UW–Madison
- A cumulative UW–Madison GPA in the top twenty percent (20%) of the graduating business class
Please note that students on the preliminary list for distinction may or may not receive distinction. The distinction designation is subject to change and is dependent upon the official graduation date (semester), the number of students graduating, and final grade calculations, including last semester and in-progress courses.
Students who graduate with distinction are eligible to wear a cardinal stole with their commencement attire. The stoles can be obtained from the University Bookstore with a deposit and do not need to be ordered in advance.
“Graduated with Distinction” is notated on official transcripts only.
Incomplete Policy
An incomplete may be reported for a student who has carried a subject with a passing grade until near the end of the semester and then, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond their control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some limited amount of term work. An incomplete is not given to a student who stays away from a final examination unless the student proves to the instructor that they were prevented from attending as indicated above. In the absence of such proof, the grade shall be F; even with such proof, if their work has convinced the instructor that they cannot pass, the grade shall be F.
If an admitted business student earns an incomplete, the work for that course must be completed by the last class day of the student's next semester in residence (exclusive of summer sessions). Incompletes incurred in the last semester of residence may not be removed after five years of absence from the university without special advance permission of the associate dean. Such incompletes must remain on the record with grades of PI and do not lapse into failures.
Probationary status will be applied, when applicable, to business students with an incomplete. The academic action will be based on their GPA without the course that has an incomplete. This is a temporary action that could change once the incomplete is resolved. Please see the “Academic Probation” section for further information on the policy and GPA minimums.
If a student is graduating and has an incomplete in the term they wish to graduate, they will need to complete the work before their degree can be awarded. Finishing up work for an incomplete after the term/semester means that a student will be awarded their degree at the next official graduation date.
Major Declaration
Additional Major
Students in a School of Business online degree program will only be permitted to declare the designated degree/major/option they have been admitted to and will not be permitted to be concurrently enrolled in more than one academic program (degree/major/option or certificate).
Major Change
Students enrolled in a School of Business online degree program may apply for change to another online major within the School of Business. Students can submit their request via the Online Degree Major Change Form.
Students enrolled in a School of Business online degree program may apply for a change to another UW–Madison online degree program. All change requests will be reviewed and need approval by the designated academic dean in both schools/colleges.
Courses at Other Institutions
Common Guidance for Off-Campus Coursework
School of Business undergraduate students are advised to take no more than two courses in their major (or per major if pursuing multiple majors) off-campus. This guidance includes courses taken for transfer credit at another accredited institution as well as courses taken on a School of Business or UW–Madison-sponsored study abroad program.
While School of Business undergraduate students are able to take courses off-campus, the School of Business Undergraduate Program reminds students that they should plan to complete all prerequisites for any off-campus course, regardless of its place in the BBA curriculum, prior to taking the course off campus. Attention to these prerequisites is crucial to ensuring School of Business undergraduate students are prepared for their coursework whether it is taken on or off campus. Advance academic planning is an integral part of a student’s success and ability to remain on track to graduate.
Concurrent Enrollment
Students are strongly encouraged to share with their advisor if they plan to enroll in coursework at another institution at any time once they are a UW–Madison student. Advisors assist students in making decisions regarding enrollment in coursework at a different institution and share resources with students to ensure that courses will transfer to UW–Madison for degree credit and satisfy the requirement(s) they expect. While students are always encouraged to share this information with their advisor, students are required to gain permission to take courses elsewhere in certain circumstances.
School of Business students are not allowed to enroll concurrently at other accredited post-secondary institutions when they are enrolled at UW–Madison (fall, spring) without seeking special permission via the Petition for Special Consideration.
Students are permitted to enroll in more than one university during the summer session. However, please be aware that if you are taking a course at another university that begins in the summer and coincides with the fall and/or spring semester, it will fall into this category of concurrent enrollment, regardless of when the course will be completed.
If students are taking a course at another institution of higher learning over UW–Madison's winter break, they do not need to seek permission for concurrent enrollment if the course does not overlap UW–Madison's spring term or if the overlap is two weeks or less. Please note that students may take no more than one course off-campus during winter recess.
If it is discovered that a student violated this policy, this credit will be removed from the student’s record. It is the responsibility of the student to verify with their academic advisor that they are not in violation of this policy.
Independent Learning
UW Independent Learning (UW IL) is a branch of UW Extension that offers online and distance learning courses. Courses taken through UW Independent Learning are considered concurrent enrollment and require special permission to enroll in the fall, spring, or summer.
Students interested in taking a course through UW IL should meet with an academic advisor. If the advisor and student agree this is a good option the student should follow these steps to request permission for concurrent enrollment and request a tuition waiver (if applicable). Forms should be returned to 3150 Grainger or successandpolicy@wsb.wisc.edu.
- Fill out a Petition/Special Consideration Request requesting permission for concurrent enrollment with UW Independent Learning. Be sure to include which class you intend to take.
- Students with full-time status at UW–Madison may request a tuition waiver for UW Extension Independent Learning Courses provided that the following conditions are met:
- The student requests the waiver and enrolls in the course by the UW–Madison add deadline (the second Friday of the semester).
- The course is taken during the regular academic session
- The course is completed during the term for which the tuition waiver is requested
- The student does not exceed 18 credits total between the two campuses.
Students are responsible for the $75 administrative fee for enrolling in a UW IL course.
The minimum length of time to complete an IL course is typically three months. Foreign language courses often require more time. Students should take this into consideration as they are planning the completion of their degree.
Transfer Credits
UW–Madison students may choose to take courses off campus during the summer or winter session and potentially transfer credit to UW–Madison. The UW–Madison Office of the Registrar handles transfer course equivalencies. Please note that UW–Madison School of Business students may not take courses at another institution during the fall or spring semester if they are concurrently taking courses at UW–Madison (see concurrent enrollment policy). Students may take no more than one course off-campus during winter recess. Students interested in earning transfer credit for a non–UW study abroad program must work with UW–Madison's International Academic Programs well in advance.
It is highly recommended that students do not take a course unless they know in advance that it will transfer to UW–Madison for credit. The Office of the Registrar provides information regarding how to determine course equivalencies.
Transfer Credit Process
- Review your DARS report and consult your academic advisor to see what you still need to take and whether the course(s) would be a good option to take at another institution over the summer or winter session. It is not advised to take your business major courses off campus.
- Research course options at the institution where you plan on taking the course(s).
- Determine equivalency using Office of the Registrar course equivalency resources, beginning with Transferology.
- Apply as a “special” or “guest” student at the institution you plan on attending.
- Enroll in the course and pay tuition directly to the institution you are attending.
- After the course is complete, have the institution send an official transcript to the UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment at 702 West Johnson Street, Suite 1101, Madison, WI 53715-1007 or etranscripts@admissions.wisc.edu.
Academic Policy or Requirement Appeal
If an undergraduate business student wishes to request an exception to a School of Business academic policy or regulation, or a degree or major requirement, they should start by consulting with their academic advisor. They then will need to formally submit their request using the Petition for Special Consideration form. Exception requests could include dropping a course or withdrawing after the deadline, enrolling in a credit overload, concurrent enrollment, or meeting a requirement with a substitution.
Exceptions to established policies, regulations, and/or program requirements should be rare and will be considered on an individual case-by-case basis. They will be reviewed by the School of Business Undergraduate Program. School of Business Department Chairs will be consulted on major requirement exceptions. Substantial consultation time with faculty, staff, and/or deans may be required, so students should not expect to receive an immediate response.
Grade Appeal
If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received in a School of Business course, the following procedure must be followed should the student wish to appeal the grade.
The student will first discuss the grade appeal with the instructor of the course. If the student and instructor cannot come to an agreement, the student will provide a formal written request for grade appeal to the associate dean in charge of the relevant program. The written request must include the class, instructor, grade received, date and conclusion of the meeting with the instructor, and the specific reason(s) for appealing the grade.
The associate dean will forward the appeal request to the chair of the department that houses the course in question. The department chair will perform the due diligence necessary (including, but limited to, meeting with the instructor and student) to assess the merits of the appeal request and will provide a decision in writing to the associate dean.
The associate dean will communicate the decision to both the student and the instructor.
Should the student wish to appeal the decision further, the associate dean will perform the due diligence necessary (including, but limited to, meeting with the chair, instructor, and student) to assess the merits of the appeal request. The associate dean has the discretion to review not only the process that was undertaken in the first review but also the earlier decision. The associate dean will provide a decision in writing to the chair, instructor, and student. The instructor will take action if needed.
Please note that the Office of Compliance is responsible for investigating allegations of discrimination. If a student is appealing a grade due to alleged discrimination, they should be in contact with the Office of Compliance.
The Wisconsin Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program combines UW–Madison’s general liberal education requirements, broad coverage of core business disciplines, and cutting-edge signature courses to create a strong academic foundation upon which students delve deeply into their majors.
School of Business Liberal Studies Requirements
Code | Title | Credits |
Communication Part A | ||
Complete one course designated Communication Part A or completion of Communication Part A based on UW Placement Test | 0-3 | |
Economics | ||
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
Principles of Microeconomics | ||
Principles of Economics-Accelerated Treatment | ||
Human Behavior | ||
Select one of the following: | 3-4 | |
Introduction to Psychology | ||
The Sociological Enterprise | ||
Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity | ||
Gender, Women, and Society in Global Perspective | ||
Development from Adolescence to Old Age | ||
Calculus | ||
Select one of the following: | 3-5 | |
Survey of Calculus 1 | ||
Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry II | ||
Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1 | ||
Literature | ||
Select one 3 (or more) credit course designated Literature (L) | 3 | |
Science | ||
Select six credits designated Biological, Natural or Physical Science. Courses in Mathematics and Statistics can not be used to fulfill this requirement. | 6 | |
Ethnic Studies | ||
Select one 3 (or more) credit course designated Ethnic Studies (e) | 3 | |
Humanities | ||
Select one 3 (or more) credit course designated Humanities (H or Z) 1 | 3 | |
Ethics | ||
Select one of the following: | 3-4 | |
Introductory Ethics | ||
Ethics in Business | ||
Contemporary Moral Issues | ||
Environmental Ethics | ||
Total Credits | 28-35 |
- 1
Note: A student can complete an additional Literature course to satisfy this requirement.
Business Fundamentals Requirement
Students must take the following:
Code | Title | Credits |
GEN BUS 110 | Personal and Professional Foundations in Business | 1 |
GEN BUS 106 | Foundational Skills for Business Analysis | 1 |
ECON 102 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3-4 |
or ECON 111 | Principles of Economics-Accelerated Treatment | |
GEN BUS 360 | Workplace Writing and Communication | 3 |
ACCT I S 100 | Introductory Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT I S 211 | Introductory Managerial Accounting | 3 |
Business Analytics | 6-8 | |
Complete 1 of the sequence options below. Courses should be taken in subsequent semesters. | ||
Option 1: | ||
Business Analytics I and Business Analytics II | ||
Option 2 (Required for Actuarial Science Majors): | ||
Introductory Probability | ||
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics I | ||
Mathematical Foundations of Business Analytics 1 | ||
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics II | ||
Option 3 (Recommended for Economics Double Majors or Econ Certificate Students): | ||
Statistics: Measurement in Economics | ||
Introduction to Applied Econometrics | ||
or ECON 410 | Introductory Econometrics | |
Total Credits | 20-23 |
- 1
Note: Recommended sequence for Actuarial Science majors
Business Core Requirement
Students must take the following:
Code | Title | Credits |
FINANCE/ECON 300 | Introduction to Finance | 3 |
MARKETNG 300 | Marketing Management | 3 |
M H R 300 | Managing Organizations | 3 |
OTM 300 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | 3 |
GEN BUS 301 | Business Law | 3 |
GEN BUS 400 | Integrated Strategic Leadership | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Business Signature Requirement
Code | Title | Credits |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Introduction to Databases | ||
International Business | ||
The Real Estate Process | ||
Principles of Risk Management | ||
Select two of the following: | 4 | |
Human-centered Design and Business | ||
Sustainable Capitalism | ||
Cloud Based Business Analytics | ||
Total Credits | 7 |
Credits for BBA Degree
120 Degree Credits
All students who plan to graduate from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a bachelor's degree must complete a minimum of 120 degree credits.
Academic Advising
As a student in the Wisconsin Business Undergraduate Program, you will work directly with academic advisors who will help you plan your business education every step of the way. The advisors are here to help you explore options, define goals, and accomplish what you set out to achieve during your time as a Business Badger and beyond. Academic advisors also support students in making choices about course enrollment and understanding and interpreting degree requirements and policies.
Advisors in the Wisconsin Business Undergraduate Program work in partnership with you. They give you the tools and support you need to make your own decisions about the course of your education. Your partnership with the advising team begins early in your academic career at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. When you enroll in the UW–Madison, one of your first steps will be to attend Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR), where you will have your first meeting with an academic advisor.
Admitted students are welcomed and encouraged to check in with their academic advisor each term. Academic Advising also offers drop-in advising hours daily during the academic year. UW–Madison students who are not yet enrolled in the Wisconsin Business Undergraduate Program but who expect to apply through the pre-business admissions process receive their business advising at the School of Business with pre-business academic advisors.
In addition to providing advising, the School of Business Undergraduate Program serves as the academic dean’s office: interpreting policy, administering academic processes, and performing graduation checks for graduating business students. For more information, visit the advising website or contact Undergraduate Academic Advising in 3150 Grainger Hall; 608-262-0471; wibbaadvising@wsb.wisc.edu.
Career Development
The WSB Career Engagement Team takes a relationship-based approach to working with students throughout the career development process and consults with top employers to facilitate the recruitment, hiring and career readiness of our students. Our Career Forward program offers a variety of services and experiences to admitted undergraduate business, certificate in business, certificate in entrepreneurship, capstone in actuarial science, and master of accountancy students including 1:1 coaching, career/major pathways exploration and planning, career workshops, mock interviews, career fairs, career treks, employer recruiting events, on-campus interviewing, experiential learning opportunities, job shadowing, industry connections, and networking events. We will also coach you through the development of a professional resume, cover letter, networking and interviewing skills and job search, offer and negotiation skills. Through the exploration of your values, strengths, skills and interests, we will help you create a career roadmap and action plan early on in your collegiate experience so that you can participate in experiences both on and off campus to build your skills and readiness for the workplace or graduate study. Career planning is an ongoing process, and we are committed to helping you determine and achieve your immediate career goals and support you in developing the skills to manage a successful career throughout your lifetime.
For more information about Career Engagement resources for students and faculty/staff, please see this page.
Student Life
The WSB Undergraduate Program Student Life office coordinates leadership and involvement opportunities for students to enhance their personal and professional skills.
The Accenture Leadership Center (ALC) offers students unique, hands-on opportunities to develop leadership skills through workshops, guest speaker events, leadership case competitions, and more. The ALC acts as a general resource for all business affiliated Student Organizations and coordinates the room reservations for the Undergraduate Lounge space and offices held within. The ALC can also facilitate tailored leadership workshops upon request, and plan larger leadership conferences open to all business and pre-business students.
The WSB Undergraduate Program also has its own student government, UBC (Undergraduate Business Council), to unify and represent the student voice on issues of shared governance within the school and to promote community among business students. In addition, there are 40+ undergraduate business student organizations, offering plenty of opportunities for students to get involved and put their leadership and collaboration skills into practice. A business student organization fair is held at the start of each semester where potential new members can meet with representatives of organizations.
In recognition that community and connection are vital to student success, the Student Life team also provides support and programs geared towards underrepresented student populations. Students can join a variety of identity-based affinity groups, participate with the Student Organization Diversity & Inclusion Council, and/or get involved with the new Multicultural Space within the School of Business. Student Life also hosts a variety of educational events centered on topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all business and pre-business students to attend.
The student life team also oversees the Personal and Professional Foundations in Business course that all newly admitted BBA students take. This course introduces students to School of Business resources, helps them develop important leadership skills, facilitates networking, and encourages personal reflection about their time as a BBA student and future goals.
For more information about Wisconsin BBA Student Life, see this page.
BBA Global Programs
The WSB Global Programs team works to advise students in all phases of study abroad including program selection and preparation, while abroad, and upon return. A study abroad experience can complement and enhance every aspect of your business education. This is made possible by partnering with top business schools and study abroad programs across the globe to offer more than 35 business focused study abroad opportunities for students. Around 40 percent of each Wisconsin BBA graduating class studies abroad. These students regularly speak of their experience as professionally rewarding and personally transformative. A study abroad experience can be a great way to demonstrate enhanced autonomy, motivation, organization, worldview, and resilience. You, too, can return from study abroad with a developed set of skills (that employers value!), a new sense of self, and a greater appreciation of cultural differences.
Expanding access to study abroad opportunities is a priority of our team and we work to develop programs in new locations and of different lengths (ranging from one week to an academic year) as well as create scholarships for study abroad.
The School of Business works in close collaboration with the campus-wide study abroad office, International Academic Programs (IAP), to administer study abroad programs geared specifically for undergraduate business students. All approved UW-Madison programs share policies, procedures, and best practices. The UW-Madison Study Abroad website highlights the portfolio of business specific programs as well as other programs that may have a focus outside of, or in addition to, business (e.g. liberal studies, language learning, engineering, or life sciences).