Non-business students may earn a doctoral minor in business from the School of Business through the completion of necessary coursework.
Students must complete the following steps:
- Meet with a major advisor in home department to determine the business subjects most relevant to your program and/or research.
- Print and complete the student portion of the "minor agreement form".
- Consult with a School of Business (WSB) faculty member in the area(s) where coursework is being considered. Faculty member must approve plan of study and sign the minor agreement form.
- Submit the completed form to the PhD Program Office (3115 Grainger Hall) for final approval.
Coursework should begin only after receiving final written approval. A copy of the approved agreement will be kept in the PhD Program Office. It is strongly recommended that you have a copy of this agreement placed in your permanent file in your home (major) department.
All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor (in addition to the steps above), please also log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.
Contact phd@wsb.wisc.edu for questions about the School of Business minor options, faculty representatives, or the minor agreement form.
Required Courses
To earn this doctoral minor, students must follow these guidelines for a minor involving business coursework. Any minor earned through the School of Business appears as “Business” on a transcript and not from a specific program.
Option 1
Complete at least 9 credits within one School of Business program (Accounting, Finance, Management and Human Resources, Marketing, Operations and Information Management, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, or Risk Management). All courses/credits taken must be graded (A–F).
Option 2
Complete a general business minor of at least 9 credits from multiple programs (same as above) within the School of Business.