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Students interested in the doctoral minor should first contact the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Coordinator to learn the requirements, process, and complete the required paperwork.

All Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any doctoral minor. To apply to this minor, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor for which you are applying.


Students must complete the following requirements to earn a doctoral minor:

  1. Complete at least nine credits in courses numbered 400 or above in Mechanical Engineering (M E).
    1. Research, independent study and seminar courses may not satisfy requirements.
  2. At least one course (three credits) must be numbered 700 or above in Mechanical Engineering (M E).
  3. Only one course may be cross-listed with the student's major department. 
  4. Earn a minimum grade of B or higher in all courses taken for the minor.
  5. Grades of BC and below are not accepted. 

Prior Coursework

Up to six credits of graduate credits earned at other institutions may satisfy requirements.



Darryl Thelen (Chair)
Peter Adamczyk
Mark Anderson
Riccardo Bonazza
Curt Bronkhorst
Wendy Crone
Christian Franck
Jaal Ghandhi
Sage Kokjohn
Dan Negrut
Gregory F. Nellis
Frank Pfefferkorn
Xiaoping Qian
Douglas Reindl
David Rothamer
Scott T. Sanders
Krishnan Suresh
Mario F. Trujillo
Lih-sheng Turng
Fabian Waleffe
Michael Zinn

Associate Professors

Lianyi Chen
Melih Eriten
Jennifer Franck
Katherine Fu
Corinne Henak
Tom N. Krupenkin
Ying Li
Franklin Miller
Sangkee Min
Wenxiao Pan
James Pikul
Pavana Prabhakar
Alejandro Roldan-Alzate
Shiva Rudraraju
Ramathasan Thevamaran

Assistant Professors

Yunus Alapan
Joseph Andrews
Thomas Breunung
Prateek Jaiswal
Eric Kazyak
Xiao Kuang
Weiyu Li
Allison Mahvi
Luca Mastropasqua
Jacob Notbohm
Josh Roth
Eric Tervo
Dakotah Thompson
Michael Wagner
Wei Wang
Jinlong Wu
Xiaobin Xiong
Xiangru Xu
Lei Zhou

See also Mechanical Engineering Faculty Directory.