The University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Engineering is one of the best places in the world for an engineering education. Here, you'll be among some of the smartest, most innovative people anywhere. You'll learn directly from many of the world's best professors and teachers. Your classes will prepare you to be exceptional engineers. You'll actually do engineering, work in diverse teams, and design and build solutions to real challenges people experience.
You'll gain the technological tools, resources and knowledge to develop solutions to problems in fields ranging from health to energy to materials to communication—and many more. You'll also have the resources (and the prestige of a Badger engineering education) to help you find a great job!
Beyond learning and doing engineering in the classroom and in the lab, you can broaden and customize your Badger engineering experience: Study abroad, join a student organization or two, volunteer, share the love of all things Badger engineering as a student ambassador, do real engineering at a company through an internship or co-operative work ... and the list goes on. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination! (Across the university, there also are countless ways to get involved in the campus community—from playing an instrument in the UW Marching Band to playing a leadership role in student government, there's something to interest everyone here.)
In a college internationally renowned for its research, you'll have abundant opportunities to contribute. As an undergraduate researcher, you can hone your own research skills alongside professors, graduate students and other undergrads. You may be able to propose and conduct your own research, and to publish and patent your results!
Importantly, you'll be a valued member of a strong, supportive community with lots of resources—and people—you can tap to help you succeed. In short, as a Badger engineer, you'll have the time of your life ... while you prepare to make an impact on life as we know it.
Architecture, Certificate
Biology in Engineering for Engineering Majors, Certificate
Biomedical Engineering, BS
Chemical Engineering, BS
Civil Engineering, BS
Computer Engineering, BS
Electrical Engineering, BS
Engineering Data Analytics, Certificate
Engineering for Energy Sustainability, Certificate
Engineering Mechanics, BS
Engineering Physics, BS
Engineering Thermal Energy Systems, Certificate
Environmental Engineering, BS
Geological Engineering, BS
Industrial Engineering, BS
International Engineering, Certificate
Manufacturing Engineering, Certificate
Materials Science and Engineering, BS
Mechanical Engineering, BS
Naval Science, BNS
Nuclear Engineering Materials, Certificate
Nuclear Engineering, BS
Technical Communication, Certificate
“In the College of Engineering, we pursue research creating and leveraging new technologies to sustainably power our world, safeguard the environment, design new materials, transform communications, elevate manufacturing and save lives. We work across our eight departments and beyond to bring our discoveries into the classroom, preparing our students for meaningful lives and careers.”
—Dean Ian Robertson
College of Engineering Leadership
Dean: Ian M. Robertson
Executive Associate Dean: David A. Noyce
Associate Dean and Chief Financial Officer: Adam Whitehorse
Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Educational Innovation: Chris Castro
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Kathy Prem
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs: Oliver Schmitz
Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Professional Programs: Edward G. Borbely
Associate Dean for Advancement: Cathleen Walters
Entering the College
Admission to the College as a First-Year Student
Students applying to UW–Madison need to indicate an engineering major as their first choice in order to be considered for direct admission to the College of Engineering. Being directly admitted to a major means students will start in the program of their choice in the College of Engineering and will need to meet progression requirements at the end of the first year to guarantee advancement in that program.
Cross-Campus Transfer to Engineering
UW–Madison students in other schools and colleges on campus must meet minimum admission requirements for admission consideration to engineering degree programs. Cross-campus admission is competitive and selective, and the grade point average expectations may increase as demand trends change. The student’s overall academic record at UW–Madison is also considered. Students apply to their intended engineering program by submitting the online application by stated deadlines for spring and fall. The College of Engineering offers an online information tutorial and drop-in advising for students to learn about the cross-campus transfer process.
Off-Campus Transfer to Engineering
With careful planning, students at other accredited institutions can transfer coursework that will apply toward engineering degree requirements at UW–Madison. Off-campus transfer applicants are considered for direct admission to the College of Engineering by applying to the Office of Admissions with an engineering major listed as their first choice. Those who are admitted to their intended engineering program must meet progression requirements at the point of transfer or within their first two semesters at UW–Madison to guarantee advancement in that program. A minimum of 30 credits in residence in the College of Engineering is required after transferring, and all students must meet all requirements for their major in the college. Transfer admission to the College of Engineering is competitive and selective, and students who have exceeded the 80 credit limit at the time of application are not eligible to apply.
The College of Engineering has dual degree programs with select four-year UW System campuses. Eligible dual degree applicants are not subject to the 80 credit limit.
Off-campus transfer students are encouraged to discuss their interests, academic background, and admission options with the Transfer & Academic Program Manager in the College of Engineering: ugtransfer@engr.wisc.edu or 608-262-2473.
Second Bachelor's Degree
The College of Engineering does not accept second undergraduate degree applications. Second degree students might explore the Biological Systems Engineering program at UW–Madison, an undergraduate engineering degree elsewhere, or a graduate program in the College of Engineering.
Policies and Regulations
Official regulations regarding enrollment, scholarship, and graduation for undergraduates in the College of Engineering.
A printer-friendly PDF can be found on the College of Engineering Regulations page.
1. Direct Admission
New students are admitted directly to the degree program (major) of their choice or to the College of Engineering as Engineering Undecided. Progression requirements must then be satisfied as described in Regulations 3–7.
2. Degree Programs (Majors)
Biomedical Engineering (BME)
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Civil Engineering (CEE)
Computer Engineering (CMPE)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Engineering Mechanics (EM)
Engineering Physics (EP)
Environmental Engineering (EnvE)
Geological Engineering (GLE)
Industrial Engineering (IE)
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Nuclear Engineering (NE)
3. First-Year Progression Requirements
To automatically progress in a College of Engineering (CoE) degree program (major) after direct admission or to switch between engineering degree programs, students must complete the following requirements after their first two semesters of residency at UW–Madison:
- 24 credits completed at UW–Madison. Special topics, independent study, seminar, pass/fail, and credit/no credit courses will not be included in the 24 credits except for required English as a Second Language courses.
- General Education Communications Part A (Comm A) requirement. If Comm A is not completed as a graded course at UW–Madison (i.e., completed through placement test, AP/IB, or transfer credit), then a liberal studies course of at least three credits with a breadth designation of Humanities, Literature, or Social Sciences must be taken on a graded basis at UW–Madison.
- Introduction to Engineering: course specified by degree program or INTEREGR 170 Design Practicum for Engineering Undecided students.
- Math course sequence through MATH 222 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2
- Four core courses, required for engineering degree programs (majors), completed at UW–Madison, as defined below:
1. Math: A minimum of two math courses numbered MATH 217 Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry II or above; or one math course 300 level or above. If the math requirement for the degree program (major) is complete or the student has completed the calculus sequence through MATH 234 Calculus--Functions of Several Variables, then additional math courses numbered MATH 217 Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry II or above or additional courses from the science requirement in Regulation 3.E.2. can be taken to complete the four core course requirement. Excludes MATH 228 WES Calculus Supplement, MATH/HIST SCI 473 History of Mathematics, special topics, independent study, seminar, pass/fail, and credit/no credit courses.
2. Science: A minimum of two science courses are required for engineering degree programs (majors) as defined below. If the math and science requirements for the degree program are complete, then departmental engineering courses 200 level and above can be taken to complete the four core course requirement. Excludes EPD, InterEGR, special topics, independent study, seminar, pass/fail, and credit/no credit courses.
- For Chemical Engineering majors, the following science requirements apply:
- One course must be CHEM 104 General Chemistry II or higher
- One course must be PHYSICS 201 General Physics/E M A 201 Statics or higher
If the above two requirements are completed, select from the additional science courses below.
- For majors in Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Engineering, the following science requirements apply:
- One course must be either CHEM 104 General Chemistry II or higher OR PHYSICS 201 General Physics/E M A 201 Statics or higher
- One other science course, from the following:
- Chemistry, all classes
- E M A 201 Statics, E M A 202 Dynamics, M E 240 Dynamics
- PHYSICS 201 General Physics and above
- Statistics, calculus-based
- E P 271 Engineering Problem Solving I
- COMP SCI 200 Programming I, COMP SCI 220 Data Science Programming I, or COMP SCI 300 Programming II or above, excluding COMP SCI 304 WES-CS Group Meeting
- Excludes special topics, independent study, seminar, pass/fail, and credit/no credit courses
- Core and Overall GPA requirements must be satisfied as defined by CoE departments for each engineering degree program (major) (Progression - College of Engineering - University of Wisconsin–Madison). All graded UW–Madison courses referenced in E.1. and E.2. above and any departmental engineering courses level 200 or above will be counted in the Core GPA (excludes EPD, InterEGR, special topics, independent study, and seminar courses). All graded UW–Madison courses are counted in the Overall GPA. For one and only one of these core courses that a student has repeated, the more recent of the two grades will be used in the calculation of Core and Overall GPAs. Students may not be on academic probation for GPA reasons for automatic completion of first-year progression requirements.
Students who do not meet the first-year progression requirements to automatically progress in a degree program (major) can be considered for non-automatic progression (Regulation 4) or extension (Regulation 5).
4. Consideration for Non-Automatic Progression
Students who do not meet progression GPAs but meet all other progression requirements will be considered for progression in degree program (major). The consideration process includes review of written statement, rigor of completed courses, and grade trends.
5. Extension for First-Year Progression Requirements
- Students who will not meet progression requirements due to University of Wisconsin placement and/or assessment tests (math and ESL) will be granted a one-semester extension up to their fourth semester if they are making satisfactory progress in a degree program (major).
- Students who do not meet the requirements in Regulation 3 may apply for a one-semester extension but not beyond their fourth semester. Students granted extensions will be considered for non-automatic progression in degree program (major). The consideration process includes review of written statement, rigor of completed courses, and grade trends. Extensions will be evaluated only in cases where it is mathematically possible during the one-semester extension to meet progression GPAs for the intended program.
6. Program Capacity
When the number of non-automatic considerations and/or applications for admission to a degree program (major) exceed the capacity of that program, progression and admission will be limited to capacity. Selection of students under consideration or admission to a program operating at capacity will be based on written statement, rigor of completed courses, and grade trends.
7. Progression Requirement Completion and Extension Application
Students are required to submit to the dean’s office an application for progression for a degree program (major) or an application for an extension by the deadline. Deadlines will be posted on the College of Engineering website at Progression Requirements and emailed to students in the College of Engineering.
8. Definitions
- Full-time student: One carrying a minimum credit load of 12 credits. All students are expected to be full-time unless they have the permission of the dean to be part-time. A student carrying less than the minimum credit load without the dean’s permission will be placed on part-time warning at the end of the semester.
- Part-time student: One who has the dean’s permission to carry less than the minimum credit load (Regulation 9.F.).
- Semester: A term of 15 weeks minimum duration.
- Session: A term of less than 15 weeks duration (e.g., summer session or intersession).
- Modular Course: A course that is offered during a semester, but which lasts fewer than 15 weeks.
9. Credit Load Constraints
- Maximum credit load: 20 enrolled credits per semester.
- Minimum credit load: 12 enrolled credits per semester or enrolled for one cooperative education program credit as an engineering co-op student during a co-op work period.
- For sessions there is no minimum credit load; the maximum credit load equals the number of weeks in the session.
- A student not on academic probation may freely choose to carry any number of credits between a minimum credit load and a maximum credit load.
- A student may carry more than a maximum credit load only with the recommendation of an advisor and with written approval of the dean.
- Part-time student: A student who wishes to carry less than a minimum credit load in a specific semester for definitive reasons — e.g., a verifiable disability, or a necessity of employment or other outside obligations exceeding 15 hours per week — must request permission from the dean to become a part-time student. Part-time permissions must be renewed during the first two weeks of each semester part-time permission is requested. Part-time students must satisfy all regulations other than the minimum credit load.
- A student on academic probation is advised to carry not more than 14 credits per semester unless repeating a course. For every three credits being repeated, the student is advised to carry not more than one additional credit beyond 14, up to a maximum of 16 credits.
10. Student Responsibility for Scheduling
Each student is responsible for arranging a course list that will permit satisfactory progress toward degree requirements and a class schedule that (a) avoids class and final exam scheduling conflicts, (b) avoids an excessively demanding final exam schedule, and (c) verifies registration in chosen classes.
11. Access to Courses
Departments may specify courses as not open to students who need to complete progression requirements, or as open only to students in a specific degree program (major).
12. Transfer of Degree Applicable Credits
A course taken anywhere other than UW–Madison, or by independent study or resident extension, is transferable to the College of Engineering, in credits only, if it is transferable to the UW–Madison. The course counts toward graduation only if it satisfies a graduation requirement of the curriculum to which it is to be applied and only if it was passed with a grade of C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better.
13. Transfer of Grades
Grades for courses taken anywhere other than UW–Madison are not transferable, even if the credits for those courses are transferable.
14. Adding Courses
Students may add full-semester courses only during the first two weeks of classes (Regulation 19). The deadline to add a course is specified on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
15. Dropping Courses
Students may drop full-semester courses during the first 12 weeks of classes. Courses dropped after the initial drop deadline are noted on the transcript as DR (Regulations 14, 19, and 22.G.). The deadlines to drop a course are specified on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
16. Course Substitutions
A student may substitute courses that deviate from the requirements of a published curriculum of the College of Engineering upon the recommendation of the student’s degree-granting department and with the approval of the college governance committee.
17. Pass/Fail and Credit/No Credit Courses
Pass/fail is a student-option alternative way of being graded in a regularly graded course. Credit/no credit describes courses approved for two-level grading and is not a student option.
A student may change the grading option of a full-semester course to or from pass/fail only during the first four weeks of classes. (Regulation 19). These courses must be free electives. Only students in good standing may elect the pass/fail privilege.
The pass/fail agreement is between the student and the Registrar, and is not revealed to the person teaching the course. The person teaching the course submits the appropriate letter grade to the Registrar, who converts C or higher grades to S (Satisfactory) and D and F grades to U (Unsatisfactory).
Courses designated as credit/no credit will not be counted in determining the number of pass/fail courses the student may elect.
18. Audited Courses
A student may audit a course only if the instructor consents. Auditors are expected to attend with a reasonable regularity and to participate in the class, as determined by the instructor. Audited courses carry no degree credit, do not count in determining the minimum number of credits permitted in each term, and are not included in the calculation of the GPA. The only valid grade for audited courses is a grade of S (Satisfactory) or NR (No Report). A student may change to or from credit to audit only during the first four weeks of classes (Regulation 19).
19. Courses Scheduled for Fewer Than 15 Weeks
Deadlines for sessions and modular courses are listed on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
Performance and Evaluation
20. Attendance
Each student is expected to attend all assigned classes during the regular meeting times and take all of the examinations for those courses at the regularly scheduled times. In the case of course or examination absences excused for a reason acceptable to the course instructor, the student is expected to make up the work within a reasonable time, and may do so without a grade penalty.
21. Grading System
Course grades are reported by letter only; plus and minus grades are not authorized. The following grades are included in computing grade point average (GPA) and point-credit ratio (PCR).
22. Special-Purpose Grades
The following ways of reporting course grades are also used and, except for NR, do not affect GPA or PCR
- S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) — used to report pass/fail courses (Regulation 17). S is also used in audited courses (Regulation 18).
- CR (Credit) or N (No Credit) — used to report credit/no credit courses (Regulation 17).
- NR (No Report) — signifying that no grade has been reported to the Registrar's Office — a temporary grade that must be replaced by an A-F grade; also used for a permanent grade in audited courses (Regulation 18).
- NW (No Work) — student enrolls in a course and then never attends. This means that instructor has no evidence that student ever attended.
- I (Incomplete) — a temporary grade (Regulation 27); EI is used for an extended incomplete (requires a dean's action); IN is used to indicate an incomplete in a credit/no credit course; PI is used for a permanent incomplete (Regulation 28).
- P (Progress) — a temporary grade used for courses extending beyond one term. The final grade determines the grade for each term and replaces P grades for the course.
- DR (Dropped) — indicates the course was dropped after the initial drop deadline noted on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
23. Course Grade Changes
The final course grade may be changed only by the professor in charge of the course section, and then only to correct a clerical error in the computation or reporting of the original grade.
24. Grade Point Average (GPA) and Point-Credit Ratio (PCR)
Grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned at UW–Madison by the total number of credits attempted (excluding pass/fail or credit/no credit courses) at UW–Madison. The point-credit ratio (PCR) differs from the grade point average in that it involves only those credits that count toward graduation and the related grade points. When a course is repeated, the credits and grade points earned only for the final attempt are included in the point-credit ratio.
25. Dean’s Honor List
At the end of each semester, the names of all full-time students in good standing with a 3.5 or higher semester GPA and cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and no incomplete or unreported grades will be included on the Dean’s Honor List. Credit/no credit and pass/fail courses are not considered in meeting the full-time standing requirement for the Dean’s Honor List. The transcript will show a notation of “Dean’s Honor List.”
26. Repeating Courses
Any course may be repeated at the student’s option. In the case of a required course in which the student earned a grade of D and which is a prerequisite to another required course, the student is encouraged (or may be required by departmental regulation) to repeat the course. For courses taken more than once, all grades count in the grade point computations, but only the last grade for the course is applied to the student’s point-credit ratio.
27. Incomplete
An incomplete may be reported for a student who has carried a subject with a passing grade but because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student’s control has been unable to complete the final examination or some limited amount of term work. A student who stays away from a final examination without proof of being prevented from attending as indicated above will receive a grade of F, N, or U (whichever is appropriate). Even with such proof, if the term work has convinced the instructor that the student cannot pass, the grade shall be F, N, or U (whichever is appropriate).
28. Resolution of an Incomplete
At the instructor’s option, a course marked incomplete may be completed at any time no later than the last day of class of the student’s next semester of attendance at UW–Madison, or it will lapse into a fail. An incomplete may not be removed after five years of absence from UW–Madison without special permission of the dean. Such an incomplete remains on the record with a grade of PI and does not lapse into an F, N, or U.
29. Final Exam Rescheduling
A student may be permitted to take an examination at other than the regularly scheduled time only with permission of the instructor. Permission will be granted only for illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student’s control. (Regulation 10).
30. Withdrawal
Students may withdraw from the University after consulting with their advisor and with the approval of the Dean. The withdrawal date and a DR notation will be recorded for courses in progress if the student withdraws after the initial deadline to drop a course and before the withdrawal deadline (Regulations 14, 19, and 22.H.). The deadline to withdraw is specified on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
A Medical Withdrawal may be granted to students who experience a serious or unexpected physical or behavioral health condition; who may need to provide care to an immediate family member who is experiencing a serious or unexpected physical or behavioral health condition; or who have experienced the death of an immediate family member. Approval will be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Withdrawals (other than Medical Withdrawals) are not granted in the last three weeks of scheduled classes. Grades of Incomplete, if justified (Regulation 27), or F, N, or U will be recorded for students who leave the University during this time.
31. Year Classification
The year classification of a student is determined by the number of credits passed and the number of grade points earned, applicable to the student’s degree, as indicated by the following tabulation:
Numerical Classification of Year: 1
Minimum Credits Passed: 0
Minimum Grade Points Earned: 0
Numerical Classification of Year: 2
Minimum Credits Passed: 24
Minimum Grade Points Earned: 48
Numerical Classification of Year: 3
Minimum Credits Passed: 54
Minimum Grade Points Earned: 108
Numerical Classification of Year: 4
Minimum Credits Passed: 86
Minimum Grade Points Earned: 172
For the purpose of year classification only, pass/fail and credit/no credit courses and courses transferred from another campus are assumed to have earned 2.0 grade points per credit.
32. Good Standing
A student is in good academic standing unless on academic probation or dropped.
33. Part-time Warning
A student is placed on part-time warning when that student has, in the semester just completed, passed fewer than 12 credits without permission from the Dean.
34. Probation
A student is placed on academic probation when that student has, in the semester just completed, attained less than a 2.0 GPA. Once on probation, the student is continued on probation until either removed from probation or dropped (Regulations 35, 36).
35. Removal From Probation
The following requirements must be satisfied for the removal of a student from academic probation (Regulation 34):
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0;
- A GPA of at least 2.0 for the semester just completed.
36. Drop
- A student on academic probation will be dropped at the end of any semester for which that student has attained a GPA of less than 2.0 or passed fewer than half of the credits attempted (Regulation 34).
- A student not on academic probation will be dropped at the end of any semester for which that student has passed fewer than half of the credits attempted.
37. Readmission
A student who has been dropped for academic reasons may be readmitted by the dean only after the student has been out of the College of Engineering for at least one semester.
38. Session Actions
No academic actions (part-time warning, probation, drop, removal from probation) will be taken at the end of sessions (Regulation 8.D.).
39. Graduation
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that graduation requirements have been met. All students should regularly consult their DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) document in conjunction with their advisor to ensure that all the following graduation requirements have been met:
- Have fulfilled the published graduation requirements of that curriculum, with all substitutions formally approved, and have achieved a minimum 2.0 GPA overall.
- Have a PCR (Regulation 24) of at least 2.0 for those semesters and sessions containing the last 60 credits taken at UW–Madison or for all credits taken at UW–Madison if fewer than 60.
- Have a departmental PCR of at least 2.0 for all courses taken in the degree-granting department that count toward graduation.
- Have completed at least 30 credits in residence in the College of Engineering, including 15 credits of work in the degree-granting department.
- Have completed the last two semesters in residence in the College of Engineering. Cannot be on co-op or study abroad in the last semester. Students may seek permission from the Dean to be on co-op or study abroad in their second-to-last semester.
- Have completed the last semester in the College of Engineering enrolled in courses required for their engineering degree.
- Have a GPA of at least 2.0, both for the last semester and also for the combined last two semesters.
40. Graduation with Distinction and Highest Distinction
Students who have earned at least 60 credits on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus and whose total cumulative GPA is in the top 5 percent of the College graduating class will receive the designation “Graduated With Highest Distinction,” or if in the next 15 percent, “Graduated with Distinction.” The appropriate designation is entered as a permanent record on the student’s transcript.
41. Appeal
The Dean of the College of Engineering has the authority to suspend or modify the operation of these regulations if their enforcement is judged to work an injustice to the student.
Biomedical Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Bioengineering and Biomedical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Civil Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Chemical Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Chemical, Biochemical, Biomolecular, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Computer Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communication, Telecommunication(s), and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Electric Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communication, Telecommunication(s), and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Engineering Mechanics BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Engineering Mechanics and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Environmental Engineering BS is seeking accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. Application for accreditation will be made at the earliest opportunity, in 2024, with an ABET decision in 2025. If accreditation is awarded, it may be retroactively applied to those who graduated in Academic Year 2023-24.
Geological Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Geological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Industrial Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Industrial and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Material Science and Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Materials (1), Metallurgical (2), Ceramics (3), and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Mechanical Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Nuclear Engineering BS is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Nuclear, Radiological, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Second Bachelor's Degree
The College of Engineering does not accept second undergraduate degree applications. Second degree students might explore the Biological Systems Engineering program at UW–Madison, an undergraduate engineering degree elsewhere, or a graduate program in the College of Engineering.
Additional Major
Engineering students may earn an additional major and have the additional major noted on their transcript at the time of graduation. This includes most majors in the College of Letters & Science as well as Health Promotion and Health Equity (HPHE), Education Studies, and Theatre & Drama in the School of Education; and Global Health in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. To qualify, the student must have approval in advance from both the department offering the major and the academic dean of the College of Engineering. Students must satisfy all requirements for their declared additional major prior to or concurrently with the engineering degree. For further details, contact the College of Engineering Dean's Office, 2640 Engineering Hall.
Adding additional majors from colleges other than the College of Letters & Science and majors not approved in the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences and the School of Education is not accepted. For example, majors such as art (School of Education) and forestry (College of Agricultural and Life Sciences) cannot be completed in conjunction with an engineering degree. Likewise, students cannot pursue more than one undergraduate engineering degree concurrently.
Student Grievances
The College of Engineering Dean’s Office – Academic Affairs serves as the primary point of contact for students who have complaints or concerns. Students are encouraged to attempt to resolve the issue directly with the individual involved as a first step. Consultation with the Dean’s Office (engracademicdean@engr.wisc.edu, 2640 Engineering Hall, 608-262-3484) provides the opportunity to work with an assistant dean to address questions and/or concerns in any of the following areas:
- Navigating conflicts and challenging conversations with peers and/or faculty
- Aligning and/or managing expectations
- Understanding university, college, and department policies and procedures
Grievance Resolution Procedure
- If you are comfortable doing so, attempt to resolve the issue directly with the individual involved.
- If that approach is not feasible or provides unsatisfactory results, and the grievance involves a teaching assistant (TA), consult the professor in charge of the course.
- If necessary, discuss the grievance with the appropriate department chair.
- The next level involves the academic dean. Students should contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, 608-262-3484.
- All students have the right to appeal to the dean of the college, Dean Ian Robertson, 608-262-3482, if they feel their case has not been justly handled by another dean.
- Only a few grievances are really serious and difficult to resolve. In these instances, the dean seeks a solution that, as best as can be determined, is appropriate, just, legal, and in the best interests of all concerned.
Authority Limits on Grades
There are areas in which the dean does not have authority to override an instructor, such as determination of a student’s grade. However, it has happened that the department chair has intervened, for example, by having a grade determined by committee rather than by the course instructor.
Grievance Examples
Examples of academic grievances and complaints include, but are not limited to, grade disputes, disputes/concerns with faculty/instructor, and course concerns. The following is a sample list of student grievances that have occurred:
- Discrimination based on sex, religion, or political views
- Course or exam grade disputes
- Required class or examination attendance at other than regularly scheduled (timetable) times
- Changes in course content contrary to Guide course description
- Difficulty in obtaining space in a critical course
- Difficulty obtaining an appointment with instructor
- Unwillingness of instructor to provide graded feedback before the course drop deadline date
- Teaching above the level of the class, which includes the assumption of an unlisted course prerequisite
- Excessive instructor class absences
- Rescheduled final exams by majority approval or apparent unanimity, to possible disadvantage of the minority
Sexual Misconduct Resource and Response Program
The university is committed to creating and maintaining a campus community that is free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Sexual Misconduct Resource and Response Program (formerly called the Title IX Program) is overseen by the Title IX Coordinator. They receive reports of sexual harassment and sexual violence – including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation – and coordinate the University’s response (https://compliance.wisc.edu/titleix/). Students are encouraged to review available resources and additional information on this site.
University General Education Requirements
All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.
General Education |
* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements. |
Engineering Curricula
The graduation requirements for each of the engineering degrees are presented in the form of four-year programs of study. These four-year schedules are available, but rarely followed without deviation. Some students can proceed more rapidly; many must proceed more slowly and take nine or more semesters to complete the degree. Flexibility in course selection is also present though elective categories within curricula.
All engineering curricula are designed to meet all criteria for accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org. Among other criteria, ABET requires that students complete:
- A minimum of 30 semester credit hours (or equivalent) of a combination of college-level mathematics and basic sciences with experimental experience appropriate to the program.
- A minimum of 45 semester credit hours (or equivalent) of engineering topics appropriate to the program, consisting of engineering and computer sciences and engineering design, and utilizing modern engineering tools.
- A broad education component that complements the technical content of the curriculum and is consistent with the program educational objectives.
A culminating major engineering design experience that 1) incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple constraints, and 2) is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work.
Engineering curricula continuously evolve. The requirements that apply to a particular student are determined by the date (catalog year) that a student enters a degree-granting program. At that point, the curriculum becomes fixed throughout the period it takes for a student to complete the degree, although new changes that benefit a student can be adopted by a particular student if they choose.
The curricular descriptions below do not address how these requirements are satisfied; students seldom need to be concerned with these details. However, if deviations from a curriculum are requested, they must not violate any of the accreditation requirements.
Deviation From Prescribed Curricula
Circumstances deemed acceptable for deviating from the outlined engineering curricula are included in each departmental description. The choice of courses to fulfill elective credit requirements provides students with considerable flexibility in their programs. In addition, some departments permit the substitution of elective courses for required ones and also offer outstanding undergraduate students the opportunity to enroll in graduate courses. These options aid the student in tailoring a course of study to meet personal goals more closely.
Definition of Electives
There are general types of elective courses including technical electives, liberal studies and free electives.
Technical electives are limited to courses in engineering and closely related fields.
Liberal studies electives are those courses that are classified as either humanities, literature, social studies or as foreign language.
Free electives are courses completely free of any restrictions or requirements other than the course prerequisites.
Other specific elective requirements are established and described in department curricula.
To assist the student in gaining a better understanding of individuals and societies, and to reduce problems of transferring from one curriculum to another, engineering curricula require adherence to the Liberal Studies Guidelines (see below). Some require slight variations from those guidelines.
Independent Study
Students who have high grade point averages may satisfy some elective credits by independent study of subjects or problems suitable for analytical investigative work. The student must identify a professor who is willing to supervise study of interest to the student. Together they must agree upon the work to be done, the credits earned (usually 1-3), and the course number (199, 299, 399, 499, 599, or 699) for which the student is to enroll before the beginning of a semester. Weekly meetings with the professor to discuss questions and report progress are customary.
Liberal Studies Guidelines
The College of Engineering requires one semester's worth of liberal elective courses in humanities, literature and social science for graduation. The college specifies that students should obtain both breadth (i.e., both social science and literature or humanities), and depth (i.e., more than one course in the same subject area).
The college has established general liberal elective guidelines that have been adopted by all departments, some of which have additional stipulations (see below).
For All Engineering Students
As a graduation requirement, and to fulfill campus general education guidelines, all engineering undergraduate students must take 15 or 16 credits of liberal electives. These credits must fulfill the following subrequirements.
- A minimum of two courses from the same subject area (the description before the course number). At least one of these two courses must be above the elementary level (i.e., must have I or A level designator), as indicated in Guide.
- A minimum of 6 credits designated as humanities or literature, and an additional minimum of 3 credits designated as social science. Foreign language courses count as humanities credits.1
- At least one course of at least 3 credits designated as ethnic studies (lower case "e" in the Course Guide). These credits may help satisfy subrequirements 1 or 2 as well, but they count only once toward the total required credits.
- 1
Exception: "Retrocredits," which are credits awarded by foreign language departments for successful completion of a higher level course, do not count toward this subrequirement, nor toward the total credits required (15 or 16). They are still helpful: If a student completes one foreign language course at the intermediate level and is awarded retrocredits, then subrequirement 1 above is satisfied because the student is judged to have achieved "depth" in liberal studies.
Additional Restrictions/Subrequirements for Specific Departments
Civil Engineering: An economics course (from an approved list) and an environmental studies course (with approved characteristics) are required.
Environmental Engineering: An economics course (from an approved list) and an environmental studies course (with approved characteristics) are required.
Industrial Engineering: ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics or ECON 111 Principles of Economics-Accelerated Treatment is required.
Engineering students are part of the engineering community, succeed academically, get involved and connected, develop their careers, take care of their physical and mental wellness, and more. The College of Engineering offers services specifically for engineering students, in addition to the services offered campus-wide.
Engineering Scholarships
The College of Engineering recognizes the accomplishments of incoming and enrolled students by supporting their education through a variety of scholarships at the college and departmental level. Each year the College of Engineering awards over two million dollars in scholarships.
Incoming Freshman Awards:
Selection for an Engineering Freshman Award is based on students’ UW admissions application materials; no additional application is required. Students are strongly encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), but it is not required. After applying to UW–Madison, applicants are also encouraged to visit the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH), which is a full-service database that houses many other scholarship opportunities on campus.
Continuing Student Awards:
Each spring, continuing undergraduate students in the College of Engineering are eligible to apply for college-wide and departmental scholarships. The application period is usually mid-February through mid-April. Typically, students must have progressed in their major by the time of the scholarship disbursement. Students can apply by visiting the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH).
Off-campus Transfer Awards:
Transfer students admitted to UW–Madison and the College of Engineering in the fall or spring semester will be considered for several Transfer Student Scholarships based on students’ UW admissions application materials; no additional application is required. Students are strongly encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to UW–Madison but it is not required.
Find more about College of Engineering scholarships here: https://engineering.wisc.edu/admissions/scholarships/.
Academic Advising
Every College of Engineering undergraduate has an assigned academic advisor. Academic Advisors support and coach students through their transition to college and their academic program all the way through graduation.
Advisors help students navigate the highly structured engineering curricula and course sequencing, working with them to select courses each semester.
When facing a challenge or making a plan toward a goal, students can start with their academic advisor. There are many outstanding resources at UW–Madison, and academic advisors are trained to help students navigate these resources. Advisors not only inform students about the various resources, but they help reduce the barriers between students and campus resources to help students feel empowered to pursue their goals and communicate their needs.
Students can find their assigned advisor in their MyUW Student Center.
Undergraduate Learning Center
The Undergraduate Learning Center (ULC) provides tutoring and academic support programs for engineering undergraduates. It is a place where students can study, form study groups, and discuss engineering concepts and problem-solving strategies — not only with tutors but with other engineering students. The ULC provides services that are designed to fit how each student studies best.
Drop-In-Tutoring Sessions
Drop-in tutoring sessions are offered for over 60 courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, statistics, computer sciences, and engineering. The sessions provide help with homework problems, concept review, and exam preparation. Drop-in tutoring sessions are offered each evening from Sunday to Thursday during most weeks in the fall and spring semesters.
PrEPS (Practicing Engineering Problem Solving) Labs
PrEPS is an academic support program that helps students succeed in challenging foundational courses, including statics, dynamics, and physics. The twice-per-week PrEPS labs are led by undergraduate students who have excelled in these courses. Students work in small groups with their PrEPS facilitator, who guides the sessions helping students practice strategies for improving their problem-solving skills and mastering concepts covered in lectures. PrEPS helps facilitate student learning by working through course material in a low-pressure setting and provides the opportunity to complete problems similar to those in homework sets and on exams.
Tutoring by Request
Tutoring by Request (TBR) offers one-on-one tutoring for students in critical need including transfer students, returning adult students, those with McBurney support or other barriers to learning in a traditional setting.
Find more ULC programs here: https://engineering.wisc.edu/student-services/undergraduate-learning-center/
Study Abroad
In today's global marketplace, there is a need for broadly educated engineering graduates with cross-cultural skills and international understanding. UW Study Abroad office – called International Academic Programs – together with the College of Engineering is committed to providing international opportunities that will assist engineering students in obtaining these important skills.
The College of Engineering partners closely with the UW Study Abroad office to offer about 20 programs specifically for engineering students. This support includes dedicated STEM advisors to help students plan study abroad experiences that fit their interests, schedule, and program requirements. In addition to engineering specific programs, students can explore over 200 additional opportunities through the UW Study Abroad office.
For more information about studying abroad: https://engineering.wisc.edu/student-life/study-abroad/.
Engineering Career Services
Engineering Career Services (ECS) assists students in finding work-based learning experiences such as co-ops and summer internships, exploring and applying to graduate or professional school, and finding full-time professional employment.
ECS offers two large career fairs per year, assists students with resume building and developing interviewing skills, hosts skill-building workshops, and meets one-on-one with students to discuss offer negotiations.
Students are encouraged to engage with the ECS office early in their academic careers. For more information on ECS programs and workshops, visit https://ecs.wisc.edu.
Engineering Student Center
The Engineering Student Center works to create a culture of belonging for all engineering students. The Center supports the College of Engineering’s strategic initiatives of promoting inclusion, equity, diversity, and belonging within the College.
With partnerships across campus, the Engineering Student Center is committed to developing and implementing student-centered programs and services that are designed to foster a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive campus community. The Engineering Student Center offers a space and place for intercultural and cross-cultural engagement as well as opportunities for students to make meaningful connections with others. The center provides students a comfortable place to study with access to computers and printers, and a place to be their genuine and authentic selves.
The Engineering Student Center develops and supports programming designed to promote a welcoming climate that celebrates the diversity of all students in the College of Engineering. The variety of events include History Month Lunch and Learns, the Student Success Summit, and event programming for the Leaders in Engineering Excellence and Diversity (LEED) Scholars and the Strategic Targeted Achievement Recognition (STAR) Scholarship Program. These events are open to any student interested in engaging in a diverse learning community.
The Engineering Student Center works closely with some identity-based engineering student organizations, including the UW-Madison chapters of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Queer and Trans Engineers (QTE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
The Engineering Student Center, with the help of undergraduate student leaders, also offers engineering outreach visits on campus and at high schools. In the summer, both residential and virtual programs for high school students are offered, including the Engineering Summer Program and Engineering Tomorrow’s Careers (Society of Women Engineers).
Computer-Aided Engineering Center
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) provides computing resources, facilities, and services for students, faculty, and staff in the college. The broad range of services and resources include:
- Windows and Linux computer classrooms;
- open labs which have Windows and Linux workstations;
- industry-standard engineering software;
- software and services available on students' personal computers;
- reliable file storage for coursework; and
- customer consulting and help-desk services.
For more information, see the CAE website: http://cae.wisc.edu.
Wellness Services
The College of Engineering partners with University Health Services to offer targeted wellness resources to engineering students. The College has an embedded mental health provider just for engineering students. This person hosts drop-in counseling appointments, connects students to other resources as needed, and provides information about opportunities and resources that benefit engineering students and their well-being.
University Health Services’ mental health providers understand the complexities of student life and offer an open, safe, and confidential environment to help students through issues that may interfere with their development, well-being, and academic productivity.
UHS’s no-cost mental health services include individual, couple/partner, group counseling, outreach programming, and stress management. They also offer 24/7 crisis services. Psychiatry services are also available for medication management.
University Health Services/Mental Health Services
333 East Campus Mall
Madison, WI 53715-1384
Registered Student Organizations
Outside the classroom, there are endless ways to get involved on a big campus like UW–Madison. UW has almost 1000 different student organizations, with about 60 of them being engineeringspecific.
Organizations range from major-related groups to identity-based clubs to competition teams. Getting involved in a student organization is a great way to explore different majors and careers, meet other students and find community, serve others, develop your leadership skills, and to learn by doing.
Learn more here: https://engineering.wisc.edu/student-life/student-organizations/
BE (Badger Engineers) Engaged
Engaging with the engineering community and with various events and activities throughout the year is the best way to see success as a Badger engineer. The BE Engaged program encourages first-year students to get out of their comfort zone and engage with a variety of things.
Getting involved, connected, and engaged is an important part of student life. Here in the College of Engineering, students have access to a wide variety of groups, opportunities, organizations, and services that help build a foundation for success as a student.
Because there are so many ways to get involved, we know that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. The BE Engaged program guides students through all the opportunities the College of Engineering has to offer, as well as offering activities and events that welcome all first-year students and introduce ways to start getting connected outside of classes and studying.
In general, the concept of academic honors programs in higher education focuses resources on especially able students who are interested in challenging themselves at unusually high levels. This concept does not translate to the College of Engineering programs. All engineering classes are challenging, focused, and require high academic ability in math and science. Further, in engineering, resources must be used to make sure all engineering graduates — not just a few — excel in every respect. Nonetheless, honors opportunities are available on a limited basis in the College of Engineering.
Engineering Honors in Research
Select students in certain degree-granting programs may pursue the Honors in Research distinction. It requires completion of a certain number of semesters of faculty-guided independent study work and completion of a written thesis. Honors in Research programs have been developed for majors in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, engineering mechanics, geological engineering, industrial engineering, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering. Interested students should contact their department for more information.
Engineering Honors in the Liberal Arts (EHLA)
EHLA allows for a small group of highly motivated students who have special, broad interests in liberal arts to take challenging courses in physical science, natural science, humanities, foreign language, and social science to supplement their engineering program. The EHLA program will allow students access to honors sections in these College of Letters & Science courses. Honors courses in physical and natural science are available to invited engineering freshmen whether or not they are selected for EHLA. Conversely, no engineering courses are available as honors courses. Admission to EHLA is based on applications from high school students submitted before May 23 of their last year in high school. Fewer than 30 students are admitted each year. Interested students can find the application on the College of Engineering website and should contact Dr. Andrew Greenberg at greenberg2@wisc.edu with questions.
The EHLA designation will be awarded to those admitted to the EHLA program who meet the following requirements when they graduate with an engineering degree:
- A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 in all honors courses through the semester in which all criteria for EHLA are met;
- Completion of at least 24 credits in Honors courses with grades of B or better;
- Completion of Honors courses: 6 credits in humanities, 6 credits in social sciences, and 6 credits in natural sciences;
- Completion of at least 15 Honors credits in courses with the designation "H" or "!" (honors sections).
Because the classes for which Honors designation is available are taken mainly in the first year, students do not apply to the EHLA program once they begin in the College of Engineering. Students can, however, transfer from the College of Letters & Science Honors in Liberal Arts program into the EHLA program provided they transfer into an engineering program in their first two years.