A group of students in Wisconsin apparel posing for the camera in front of rugged green mountains and ancient ruins

Admissions to the Business: International Business, BBA is suspended as of fall 2023 and will be discontinued as of fall 2028. Students interested in this area of study should pursue the new Certificate in International Business.

The international business major helps students develop an understanding of the global macroeconomic environment and the complexities of cross-border transactions. International business is an interdisciplinary field and courses focus on knowledge acquisition as well as application of concepts. A selected regional emphasis provides a platform to gain language and area studies knowledge that often underpins successful adaptation for regional and local markets. The embedded study abroad requirement helps students develop cross-cultural awareness and skills.

International business careers span industries and economic sectors, and business functions and geographies, and often include domestic positions with global scope. Positions in international business involve strategy, leadership, research, government relations, creativity, technical expertise, and cultural fluency.

How to Get in

Admissions to the Business: International Business, BBA is suspended as of fall 2023 and will be discontinued as of fall 2028. Students interested in this area of study should pursue the new Certificate in International Business.

University General Education Requirements

All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.

General Education
  • Breadth—Humanities/Literature/Arts: 6 credits
  • Breadth—Natural Science: 4 to 6 credits, consisting of one 4- or 5-credit course with a laboratory component; or two courses providing a total of 6 credits
  • Breadth—Social Studies: 3 credits
  • Communication Part A & Part B *
  • Ethnic Studies *
  • Quantitative Reasoning Part A & Part B *

* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements.

School of Business Requirements

The Wisconsin Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program combines UW–Madison’s general liberal education requirements, broad coverage of core business disciplines, and cutting-edge signature courses to create a strong academic foundation upon which students delve deeply into their majors.

School of Business BBA Requirements
Complete requirements:
School of Business Liberal Studies Requirements
Business Fundamentals Requirement
Business Core Requirement
Business Signature Requirement

Business: International Business Major Requirements

International business responsibilities and careers typically arise after graduates first develop skills in a functional area of business, such as marketing, finance, management and operations.  This functional expertise typically drives initial career placement and advancement. Therefore, the international business major must be paired with another major within the School of Business.

Some international business issues are global in nature, but many challenges and opportunities faced by multinational firms are regional and local in nature and often arise due to differences in institutions, politics and cultures among nations. This 'glocal' reality means that international business leaders must possess both global and local awareness. To develop some perspective on regional and local cultural issues, international business majors select a geographic region of emphasis and select language and area studies courses accordingly. Studying abroad on an approved program in the selected region of emphasis for one fall or spring semester is also required for the major. 

A student must complete a minimum of 24 credits, distributed as follows: 

INTL BUS 200 International Business3
International Business Coursework9
Minimum of 3 credits must be from the International Business Department
Intercultural Communication in Business
Contemporary Topics
Global Issues in Management
Global Marketing Strategy
International Real Estate
Multinational Business Finance
Latin American Economic Development
Globalization, Poverty and Development
The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy
Study Abroad in Intermediate Economics
Study Abroad in Advanced Economics
International Trade
International Industrial Organizations
Economic Growth and Development in Southeast Asia
Economic Problems of Developing Areas
Global Interdisciplinary Perspective3
Select one course from the following:
World Regions in Global Context
Introduction to International Studies
Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity
Introduction to International Relations
Coursework in Foreign Language and Area Studies9
Select 9 credits of approved coursework for the specified region (found below)
Semester Abroad
Complete a semester abroad on an approved program within the region of emphasis selected (found below)
Total Credits24

Regions of Emphasis

Students must take 9 credits of language or area studies courses applicable to the region of emphasis. It is recommended to take at least one 3 credit language course applicable to your study abroad destination (unless the official language of that nation is English). Students must also choose a study abroad program that aligns with their region of emphasis. 


Study Abroad Programs

  • South Africa, Cape Town: Univ of Cape Town Exchange (ISP-CPTOWN)

Language Courses

First Semester Arabic
Second Semester Arabic
Third Semester Arabic
Fourth Semester Arabic
Colloquial Arabic
Fifth Semester Arabic
Sixth Semester Arabic
First Semester Hausa
Second Semester Hausa
First Semester Swahili
Second Semester Swahili
Third Semester Swahili
Fourth Semester Swahili
First Semester-A Language of West Africa
Second Semester-A Language of West Africa
Third Semester-A Language of West Africa
Fourth Semester-A Language of West Africa
First Semester-A Language of Southern Africa
Second Semester-A Language of Southern Africa
Fourth Semester-A Language of Southern Africa

Area Studies Courses

A A E/​ECON  477 Agricultural and Economic Development in Africa3
AFRICAN 100 Introduction to African Cultural Expression3
AFRICAN/​HISTORY  129 Africa on the Global Stage3-4
AFRICAN 201 Introduction to African Literature3
AFRICAN/​FOLKLORE  210 The African Storyteller3
AFRICAN 212 Introduction to African Popular Culture3
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER  220 HipHop, Youth Culture, and Politics in Senegal3
AFRICAN 230 Introduction to Yoruba Life and Culture3
AFRICAN 231 Introduction to Arabic Literary Culture3
AFRICAN 232 Introduction to Swahili Cultures3
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER  233 Global HipHop and Social Justice3
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER/​ANTHRO/​GEOG/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI/​SOC  277 Africa: An Introductory Survey4
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI  297 African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction4
AFRICAN 300 African Literature in Translation3
AFRICAN 303 African Literature and Visual Culture3
AFRICAN/​ASIAN/​RELIG ST  370 Islam: Religion and Culture3-4
AFRICAN 402 Theory of African Literature3-4
AFRICAN 405 Topics in African Cultural Studies3
AFRICAN 412 Contemporary African Fiction3-4
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER  413 Contemporary African and Caribbean Drama3-4
AFRICAN/​FRENCH  440 African/Francophone Film3
AFRICAN/​PORTUG  451 Lusophone African Literature3
AFRICAN 453 Modern African Literature in English3-4
AFRICAN 500 Language and Society in Africa3-4
AFRICAN 605 Advanced Topics in African Cultural Studies3
AFRICAN 609 Advanced Topics in Global Black Music Studies3
AFROAMER/​ART HIST  241 Introduction to African Art and Architecture3
AFROAMER/​ART HIST  242 Introduction to Afro-American Art3
AFROAMER/​DANCE/​MUSIC  318 Cultural Cross Currents: West African Dance/Music in the Americas3
AFROAMER/​HISTORY  347 The Caribbean and its Diasporas3
AFROAMER/​AFRICAN  413 Contemporary African and Caribbean Drama3-4
AFROAMER 675 Selected Topics in Afro-American Culture3
ART HIST 579 Proseminar in African Art3
DANCE 118 African Dance1
DANCE/​THEATRE  218 African Dance Performance2
GEOG 355 Africa, South of the Sahara3
HISTORY 105 3-4
HISTORY 179 Afro-Atlantic Histories and Peoples, 1791-Present3-4
HISTORY/​RELIG ST  205 The Making of the Islamic World: The Middle East, 500-15003-4
HISTORY 444 3-4
HISTORY 445 3-4
LITTRANS 226 Introduction to Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature3
POLI SCI 329 African Politics3-4
POLI SCI 455 African International Relations3-4

East Asia

Study Abroad Programs

  • China, Beijing: Tsinghua University Exchange (ISP-TSIBUS)
  • Hong Kong:  City U Hong Kong Exchange (ISP-CITHKB)
  • Hong Kong:  Hong Kong Univ Sci & Tech Exch (ISP-HKUSTB)
  • Japan, Tokyo: Sophia University Exchange (ISP-SOPHIA)
  • South Korea, Seoul: Yonsei University Exchange (ISP-SEOYON)

Language Courses

First Semester Chinese
Second Semester Chinese
Elementary Chinese I
Elementary Chinese II
Third Semester Chinese
Fourth Semester Chinese
Fifth Semester Chinese
Sixth Semester Chinese
Chinese Conversation
Business Chinese
Seventh Semester Chinese
Topics in Chinese Literature
Topics in Chinese: Study Abroad
Survey of Chinese Film
Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
History of the Chinese Language
History of Chinese Literature I
Studies in Chinese Fiction
Teaching of Chinese
First Semester Japanese
Second Semester Japanese
First Semester Elementary Japanese
Second Semester Elementary Japanese
Third Semester Japanese
Fourth Semester Japanese
Fifth Semester Japanese
Sixth Semester Japanese
Japanese Conversation
Business Japanese Communication
Seventh Semester Japanese
Modern Japanese Literature
Lovers, Warriors and Monks: Survey of Japanese Literature
Language in Japanese Society
Love and Politics: The Tale of Genji
Topics in Japanese: Study Abroad
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
Readings in Classical Japanese Literature
First Semester Korean
Second Semester Korean
Third Semester Korean
Fourth Semester Korean
Fifth Semester Korean
Sixth Semester Korean
Seventh Semester Korean
Eighth Semester Korean

Area Studies Courses 

ANTHRO 357 Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan3-4
ART HIST 203 Survey of Asian Art3-4
ART HIST 411 Topics in Asian Art3-4
ART HIST 475 Japanese Ceramics and Allied Arts3
ART HIST 575 Proseminar in Japanese Art3
ART HIST 576 Proseminar in Chinese Art3
ASIAN/​HISTORY  103 Introduction to East Asian History: China3-4
ASIAN/​HISTORY  104 Introduction to East Asian History: Japan3-4
ASIAN/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI  255 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations3-4
ASIAN 277 Kendo: Integration of Martial Arts and Liberal Arts2
ASIAN 301 Social Science Topics in Asian Studies1-3
ASIAN/​HISTORY/​RELIG ST  308 Introduction to Buddhism3-4
ASIAN/​HISTORY  341 History of Modern China, 1800-19493-4
ASIAN/​HISTORY  342 History of the Peoples Republic of China, 1949 to the Present3-4
ASIAN 350 3-4
ASIAN 351 Survey of Classical Chinese Literature3
ASIAN 352 Survey of Modern Chinese Literature3
ASIAN 353 Lovers, Warriors and Monks: Survey of Japanese Literature3
ASIAN 354 Early Modern Japanese Literature3
ASIAN 375 Survey of Chinese Film3
ASIAN 433 Topics in East Asian Visual Cultures3
ASIAN/​HISTORY  454 Samurai: History and Image3-4
ASIAN/​HISTORY  456 Pearl Harbor & Hiroshima: Japan, the US & The Crisis in Asia3-4
ASIAN 563 Readings in Modern Japanese Literature3
ASIAN 672 Studies in Chinese Fiction3
HISTORY/​ASIAN  108 Introduction to East Asian History - Korea3-4
HISTORY 336 Chinese Economic and Business History: From Silk to iPhones3-4
LITTRANS 261 Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 263 Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 264 Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 373 Topics in Japanese Literature3
POLI SCI 346 China in World Politics3-4
SOC 225 3
THEATRE 526 The Theatres of China and Japan3

Latin America and the Caribbean

Study Abroad Programs

  • Argentina, Buenos Aires:  IES Buenos Aires LA Soc & Cult (ISP-IESARG)

Language Courses

First Semester Spanish
Second Semester Spanish
Third Semester Spanish
Fourth Semester Spanish
Introduction to Hispanic Cultures
Introduction to Hispanic Literatures
Intermediate Language Practice with Emphasis on Writing and Grammar
Advanced Language Practice
Topics in Spanish Language Practice
Spanish Phonetics
The Structure of Modern Spanish
Survey of Early Hispanic Literature
Survey of Modern Spanish Literature
Advanced Conversation
Survey of Spanish American Literature
Spanish Business Area Studies
Literatura de la Edad Media Castellana (ss. XII-XV)
Introduction to the Romance Languages
Literature of the Twentieth Century
Literatura Hispanoamericana
The Spanish American Short Story
Spanish American Poetry and Essay
US Latino Literature
Topics in Hispanic Culture
Topics in Latinx Culture
Undergraduate Seminars in Hispanic Literature/Culture/Linguistics
Hispanic Screen Studies
Study Abroad in Spanish Language Practice
Study Abroad in Spanish Linguistics
Study Abroad in Hispanic Literatures
Study Abroad in Hispanic Cultures
Border and Race Studies in Latin America
Survey of Medieval Literature
Old Spanish
College Teaching of Spanish
Theory and Practice of Hispanic Theatre
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics
Senior Honors Thesis
Senior Honors Thesis
First Semester Senior Thesis
Second Semester Senior Thesis
Directed Study
First Semester Portuguese
Second Semester Portuguese
Third Semester Portuguese
Fourth Semester Portuguese
Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Literatures
Third Year Conversation and Composition
Third Year Conversation and Composition
Intensive Portuguese
Intensive Portuguese
Fourth Year Composition and Conversation
Fourth Year Composition and Conversation
History of the Portuguese Language
Survey of Portuguese Literature before 1825
Introduction to the Romance Languages
Brazillian Women Writers
Lusophone African Literature
Survey of Portuguese Literature since 1825
Survey of Brazilian Literature since 1890
Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature
Elementary Quechua
Elementary Quechua
Intermediate Quechua
Advanced Quechua
Yucatec Maya
First Semester Yucatec Maya
Second Semester Yucatec Maya

Area Studies Courses 

AFROAMER/​HISTORY  347 The Caribbean and its Diasporas3
AFROAMER/​AFRICAN  413 Contemporary African and Caribbean Drama3-4
AGRONOMY 377 Global Food Production and Health3
ANTHRO 237 Cut 'n' Mix: Music, Race, and Culture in the Caribbean3
GEN&WS/​PORTUG  450 Brazillian Women Writers3
GEN&WS/​PORTUG  460 Carmen Miranda3
GEOG 348 4
HISTORY 179 Afro-Atlantic Histories and Peoples, 1791-Present3-4
HISTORY/​INTL ST/​LACIS  242 Modern Latin America4
HISTORY/​CHICLA/​LACIS/​POLI SCI  355 Labor in the Americas: US & Mexico in Comparative & Historical Perspective3
HISTORY 403 Immigration and Assimilation in American History3-4
HISTORY/​CHICLA  435 Colony, Nation, and Minority: The Puerto Ricans' World3
HISTORY 441 3-4
HISTORY 533 3-4
HISTORY/​HIST SCI/​MED HIST  564 Disease, Medicine and Public Health in the History of Latin America and the Caribbean3
LACIS 440 Topics in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies1-4
LITTRANS 226 Introduction to Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature3
LITTRANS 252 Spanish Literary Masterpieces in Translation3
POLI SCI/​CHICLA/​HISTORY  422 Latino History and Politics3
POLI SCI/​INTL ST  431 Contentious Politics3-4
PORTUG 221 Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Literatures4
PORTUG 330 History of the Portuguese Language3
PORTUG 361 Portuguese Civilization3
PORTUG 362 Brazilian Civilization3
PORTUG 467 Survey of Portuguese Literature since 18253
PORTUG 468 Survey of Brazilian Literature since 18903
PORTUG 573 Topics in Portuguese: Study Abroad1-6
PORTUG 640 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature3
PORTUG 642 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture3
SOC/​CHICLA  470 Sociodemographic Analysis of Mexican Migration3
SPANISH 223 Introduction to Hispanic Cultures3
SPANISH 224 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures3
SPANISH 324 Survey of Modern Spanish Literature3
SPANISH 326 Survey of Spanish American Literature3
SPANISH 359 Spanish Business Area Studies3
SPANISH 361 Spanish Civilization3
SPANISH 363 Spanish American Civilization3
SPANISH 435 Cervantes3
SPANISH 453 Literature of the Twentieth Century3
SPANISH 460 Literatura Hispanoamericana3
SPANISH 461 The Spanish American Short Story3
SPANISH 464 Spanish American Poetry and Essay3
SPANISH 468 Topics in Hispanic Culture3
SPANISH 470 Undergraduate Seminars in Hispanic Literature/Culture/Linguistics3
SPANISH 472 Hispanic Screen Studies3
SPANISH 475 Study Abroad in Hispanic Literatures1-4
SPANISH 476 Study Abroad in Hispanic Cultures1-4

Middle East

Study Abroad Programs

  • Israel, Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University (ISP-AVIV)

Language Courses

First Semester Arabic
Second Semester Arabic
Third Semester Arabic
Fourth Semester Arabic
Colloquial Arabic
Fifth Semester Arabic
Sixth Semester Arabic
First Semester Hebrew
Second Semester Hebrew
Third Semester Hebrew
Fourth Semester Hebrew
Introduction to Hebrew Literature
First Semester Turkish
Second Semester Turkish
Third Semester Turkish
Fourth Semester Turkish
Fifth Semester Turkish and Azeri
Sixth Semester Turkish and Azeri
First Semester Persian
Second Semester Persian
Third Semester Persian
Fourth Semester Persian
Fifth Semester Persian
Sixth Semester Persian

Area Studies Courses

AFRICAN/​ASIAN/​RELIG ST  370 Islam: Religion and Culture3-4
ART HIST 201 History of Western Art I: From Pyramids to Cathedrals4
ART HIST 305 History of Islamic Art and Architecture3
ART HIST/​ASIAN  379 Cities of Asia3
ART HIST 413 Art and Architecture in the Age of the Caliphs3
ART HIST 440 Art and Power in the Arab World3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  206 The Qur'an: Religious Scripture & Literature3
ASIAN 444 3
HISTORY 139 Introduction to the Modern Middle East3-4
HISTORY/​JEWISH  220 Introduction to Modern Jewish History4
INTL ST 266 Introduction to the Middle East3
JEWISH/​LITTRANS  318 Modern Jewish Literature3-4
JEWISH 356 Jerusalem, Holy City of Conflict and Desire3
POLI SCI/​JEWISH  341 Israeli Politics and Society3-4
POLI SCI 529 Arab-Israeli Conflict3-4

Russia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Study Abroad Programs

  • Czech Republic, Prague: CET Academic Prog Prague (ISP-PRAGCZ)

Language Courses

First Semester Czech
Second Semester Czech
Third Semester Czech
Fourth Semester Czech
First Semester Intensive Czech
Second Semester Intensive Czech
Fourth Semester Intensive Czech
First Semester Kazakh
Second Semester Kazakh
Third Semester Kazakh
Fourth Semester Kazakh
Fifth Semester Kazakh
Sixth Semester Kazakh
First Semester Polish
Second Semester Polish
Third Semester Polish
Fourth Semester Polish
Third Year Polish I
Third Year Polish II
Introduction to Intensive Polish
Fourth Year Polish I
Fourth Year Polish II
History of Polish Literature until 1863
History of Polish Literature after 1863
First Semester Russian
Second Semester Russian
Intensive Second Year Russian
Intensive Second Year Russian
Third Semester Russian
Fourth Semester Russian
Third Year Russian I
Third Year Russian II
Russian Language and Culture I
Russian Language and Culture II
Fourth Year Russian I
Fourth Year Russian II
Women in Russian Literature
First Semester Serbo-Croatian
Second Semester Serbo-Croatian
Third Semester Serbo-Croatian
Fourth Semester Serbo-Croatian
First Semester Intensive Serbo-Croatian
Introduction to Serbian and Croatian Literature
History of Serbo-Croatian Literature

Area Studies Courses 

ASIAN/​AFRICAN/​RELIG ST  370 Islam: Religion and Culture3-4
FOLKLORE/​LITTRANS  347 In Translation: Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore3-4
FOLKLORE/​RELIG ST  352 Shamanism3
FOLKLORE/​SLAVIC  444 Slavic and East European Folklore3
GNS/​HISTORY  265 An Introduction to Central Asia: From the Silk Route to Afghanistan3
HISTORY/​GEOG/​POLI SCI/​SLAVIC  253 Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey4
HISTORY/​GEOG/​POLI SCI/​SLAVIC  254 Eastern Europe: An Interdisciplinary Survey4
HISTORY 350 The First World War and the Shaping of Twentieth-Century Europe3-4
HISTORY 357 The Second World War3-4
HISTORY 359 History of Europe Since 19453-4
HISTORY 419 History of Soviet Russia3-4
HISTORY 420 Russian Social and Intellectual History3-4
HISTORY 424 The Soviet Union and the World, 1917-19913-4
HISTORY 425 3-4
HISTORY/​CURRIC/​ED POL/​JEWISH  515 Holocaust: History, Memory and Education3
LITTRANS 201 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation I3
LITTRANS 202 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation II3
LITTRANS 203 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation I4
LITTRANS 204 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation II4
LITTRANS/​GEN&WS  205 Women in Russian Literature in Translation3-4
LITTRANS 208 The Writings of Vaclav Havel: Crtitique of Modern Society3
LITTRANS 220 Chekhov: The Drama of Modern Life3
LITTRANS 221 Russia's Greatest Enigma: Nikolai Gogol3
LITTRANS 222 Dostoevsky in Translation3-4
LITTRANS/​ENGL  223 Vladimir Nabokov: Russian and American Writings3
LITTRANS 224 Tolstoy in Translation3-4
LITTRANS 229 Representation of the Jew in Eastern European Cultures3
LITTRANS 234 Soviet Life and Culture Through Literature and Art (from 1917)3-4
LITTRANS 240 3-4
LITTRANS 241 Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe3
LITTRANS 247 Topics in Slavic Literatures in Translation3
LITTRANS/​GERMAN/​JEWISH  269 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Europe3
LITTRANS/​THEATRE  423 In Translation: Slavic Drama in Context3
LITTRANS 454 History of Serbian and Croatian Literature3
LITTRANS 473 Polish Literature (in Translation) since 18633
POLI SCI 334 Russian Politics3-4
POLI SCI 340 The European Union: Politics and Political Economy3-4
POLI SCI 534 3-4
POLI SCI 659 Politics and Society: Contemporary Eastern Europe3-4
SCAND ST/​FOLKLORE  443 Sami Culture, Yesterday and Today4
SCAND ST/​MEDIEVAL  444 Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore4
SLAVIC 242 Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe3
SLAVIC 245 Topics in Slavic Literatures3
SLAVIC 285 Slavic Culture in Context: An Honors Course3
SLAVIC 405 Women in Russian Literature3-4
SLAVIC 420 Chekhov3-4
SLAVIC 421 Gogol3-4
SLAVIC 422 Dostoevsky3-4
SLAVIC 424 Tolstoy3-4
SLAVIC 440 3-4

South Asia 

Study Abroad Programs

  • There are currently no approved study abroad programs available in this region; international business majors should select another region of emphasis.  This information will be updated when an approved program becomes available.

Language Courses

First Semester Hindi
Second Semester Hindi
Third Semester Hindi
Fourth Semester Hindi
Fifth Semester Hindi
Sixth Semester Hindi
First Semester Persian
Second Semester Persian
Third Semester Persian
Fourth Semester Persian
Fifth Semester Persian
Sixth Semester Persian
First Semester Modern Tibetan
Second Semester Modern Tibetan
Third Semester Modern Tibetan
Fourth Semester Modern Tibetan
First Semester Urdu
Second Semester Urdu
Third Semester Urdu
Fourth Semester Urdu
Fifth Semester Urdu
Sixth Semester Urdu

Area Studies Courses

ART HIST 305 History of Islamic Art and Architecture3
ART HIST/​ASIAN  428 Visual Cultures of India3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  218 Health and Healing in South Asia3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  236 Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters3
ASIAN 252 Contemporary Indian Society3
ASIAN 267 3-4
ASIAN 268 Tibetan Cultures and Traditions3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  274 Religion in South Asia3
ASIAN 311 Modern Indian Literatures3
ASIAN/​AFRICAN/​RELIG ST  370 Islam: Religion and Culture3-4
ASIAN/​ART HIST  379 Cities of Asia3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  430 Indian Traditions in the Modern Age3
ASIAN 444 3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  460 The History of Yoga3
ASIAN/​HISTORY  463 Topics in South Asian History3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  466 Buddhist Thought3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  473 Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism3
ASIAN/​ENGL  478 Indian Writers Abroad: Literature, Diaspora and Globalization3
ASIAN 600 Capstone Seminar in Asian Humanities3
ASIAN 630 Proseminar: Studies in Cultures of Asia3
COM ARTS 613 Special Topics in Film3
HISTORY 142 History of South Asia to the Present3-4
HISTORY 229 Explorations in Transnational/Comparative History (Humanities)3
HISTORY/​GNS  265 An Introduction to Central Asia: From the Silk Route to Afghanistan3
HISTORY 450 Making of Modern South Asia3-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  463 Topics in South Asian History3

Southeast Asia & Oceania

Study Abroad Programs

  • Singapore: Nat Univ Singapore Bus Exch (ISP-SINBUS)
  • Thailand, Bangkok: Chulalongkorn Univ Exchange (ISP-BANGKC)
  • Australia, Melbourne: Monash University Exchange (ISP-MONASH)
  • Australia, Sydney: TEAN Univ of New South Wales (ISP-SYDNSW)
  • New Zealand: Massey University Exchange (ISP-MASSEY)

Language Courses

Filipino (Tagalong)
First Semester Filipino
Second Semester Filipino
Third Semester Filipino
Fourth Semester Filipino
Fifth Semester Filipino
Sixth Semester Filipino
First Semester Hmong
Second Semester Hmong
Third Semester Hmong
Fourth Semester Hmong
Fifth Semester Hmong
Sixth Semester Hmong
First Semester Indonesian
Second Semester Indonesian
Third Semester Indonesian
Fourth Semester Indonesian
Fifth Semester Indonesian
Sixth Semester Indonesian
First Semester Thai
Second Semester Thai
Third Semester Thai
Fourth Semester Thai
Fifth Semester Thai
Sixth Semester Thai
First Semester Vietnamese
Second Semester Vietnamese
Third Semester Vietnamese
Fourth Semester Vietnamese

Area Studies Courses

ANTHRO 330 Topics in Ethnology3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  206 The Qur'an: Religious Scripture & Literature3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  236 Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters3
ASIAN/​HISTORY/​RELIG ST  308 Introduction to Buddhism3-4
ASIAN/​ART HIST  379 Cities of Asia3
ASIAN 444 3
ASIAN 600 Capstone Seminar in Asian Humanities3
DANCE/​FOLKLORE/​THEATRE  321 Javanese Performance2
DANCE/​FOLKLORE/​THEATRE  421 Javanese Performance Repertory2
GEOG/​ASIAN/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI/​SOC  244 Introduction to Southeast Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines4
GEOG 358 Human Geography of Southeast Asia3
GEOG/​ENVIR ST  557 Development and Environment in Southeast Asia3
HISTORY/​ASIAN/​ASIAN AM  246 Southeast Asian Refugees of the "Cold" War4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  319 The Vietnam Wars3-4
HISTORY/​ASIAN  458 History of Southeast Asia Since 18003-4

Western Europe

Study Abroad Programs 

  • Austria, Vienna: Wirtschaftsuniversitat-Wien Exchange (ISP-VIENNB)
  • Belgium, Leuven: KU Leuven Belgium (ISP-LEUVEN)
  • Denmark, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Bus School Exchange (ISP-COPBUS)
  • England, Coventry: Univ of Warwick Exchange (ISP-WARWEX)
  • England, London:  IES University of London (ISP-IESLON)
  • England, London: UW in London (ISP-LONDON)
  • England, London: Univ of Westminster (ISP-WESTMN)
  • France, Paris: IES Paris Bus & Inter Affairs (ISP-IESPAR)
  • France, Rouen: NEOMA Rouen (ISP-NEOMA)
  • Germany, Vallendar: WHU Otto Beisheim Mgt Exchange (ISP-WHU)
  • Ireland, Dublin:  University College Dublin (ISP-DUBBUS)
  • Ireland, Galway: Natl Univ of Ireland, Galway (ISP-GALWAY)
  • Italy, Milan: Bocconi University Exchange (ISP-BOCCON)
  • Italy, Paderno:  CIMBA Italy (ISP-CIMBA)
  • Italy, Rome: CEA Rome Business & Psychology (ISP-CEAROM)
  • Netherlands, Maastricht: Maastricht University Exchange (ISP-MAAST)
  • Norway, Oslo: BI Norwegian Business Exchange (ISP-OSLOBU)
  • Spain, Barcelona: IES Lib Arts & Bus Barcelona (ISP-BARCEL)
  • Spain, Barcelona: CIEE Bus & Culture Barcelona (ISP-BARCB)
  • Spain, Madrid: University Carlos III Exchange (ISP-CARLOS)
  • Spain, Pamplona:  University of Navarra Exchange (ISP-NAVARR)
  • Spain, Seville: CIEE Seville Bus & Society (ISP-SEVIBU)

Language Courses 

First Semester Czech
Second Semester Czech
Third Semester Czech
Fourth Semester Czech
First Semester Intensive Czech
Second Semester Intensive Czech
Third Semester Intensive Czech
Fourth Semester Intensive Czech
First Semester Danish
Second Semester Danish
Second Year Danish
Second Year Danish
Readings in Danish Literature
First Semester Dutch
Second Semester Dutch
Third Semester Dutch
Fourth Semester Dutch
Dutch Conversation and Composition
Topics in Dutch Literature
Dutch Conversation and Composition
Topics in Dutch Culture
First Semester Finnish
Second Semester Finnish
First Semester French
Second Semester French
Third Semester French
Fourth Semester French
Intermediate Language and Culture
Literature, Comics, and Film in French
Practical French Conversation
Practical French Conversation
Advanced Composition and Speaking
Advanced Writing Workshop
Medieval and Early Modern French Literature
Modern French and Francophone Literature
Introduction to the Romance Languages
Readings in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Readings in Early Modern Literature
French/Francophone Literary Studies Across the Centuries
French/Francophone Cultural Studies Across the Centuries
Aspects of Contemporary French Literature
Undergraduate Seminar in French/Francophone Literary Studies
Undergraduate Seminar in French/Francophone Cultural Studies
Introduction to Phonetics
The Age of Reason
17th-Century French Literature
17th-Century Literature
The 20th-Century French Novel
First Semester German
Second Semester German
Third Semester German
Fourth Semester German
Intermediate German - Speaking and Listening
Intermediate German-Reading
Intermediate German-Writing
Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Advanced Composition & Conversation
Introduction to German Linguistics
Topics in German Linguistics
Topics in German Literature
Study Abroad in German Literature
Study Abroad in German Culture
Study Abroad in German Linguistics
Topics in German Culture
Honors Seminar in German Literature
Kultur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
German-Jewish Culture Since the 18th Century
Theory and Practice of German Drama
History of the German Language
Introduction to Middle High German
German Film
Advanced Seminar in German Studies
Seminar in German Culture Studies
Senior Honors Seminar in German Literature
First Semester Italian
Second Semester Italian
Accelerated First Year Italian
Third Semester Italian
Fourth Semester Italian
Advanced Italian Language
Writing Workshop
Studies in Italian Literature and Culture I
Studies in Italian Literature and Culture II
Structures of Italian
Introduction to the Romance Languages
The 18th Century
Features in Italian Literature
Features in Italian Literature
The Italian Novel
Dante's Divina Commedia
The 13th Century
First Semester Norwegian
Second Semester Norwegian
Second Year Norwegian
Second Year Norwegian
Readings in Norwegian Literature
First Semester Polish
Second Semester Polish
Third Semester Polish
Fourth Semester Polish
Third Year Polish I
Third Year Polish II
Introduction to Intensive Polish
Fourth Year Polish I
Fourth Year Polish II
History of Polish Literature until 1863
History of Polish Literature after 1863
First Semester Portuguese
Second Semester Portuguese
Third Semester Portuguese
Fourth Semester Portuguese
Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Literatures
Third Year Conversation and Composition
Third Year Conversation and Composition
Intensive Portuguese
Intensive Portuguese
Fourth Year Composition and Conversation
Fourth Year Composition and Conversation
History of the Portuguese Language
Survey of Portuguese Literature before 1825
Introduction to the Romance Languages
Brazillian Women Writers
Lusophone African Literature
Survey of Portuguese Literature since 1825
Survey of Brazilian Literature since 1890
Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature
First Semester Spanish
Second Semester Spanish
Third Semester Spanish
Fourth Semester Spanish
Introduction to Hispanic Cultures
Introduction to Hispanic Literatures
Intermediate Language Practice with Emphasis on Writing and Grammar
Advanced Language Practice
Topics in Spanish Language Practice
Spanish Phonetics
Survey of Early Hispanic Literature
Survey of Modern Spanish Literature
Advanced Conversation
Survey of Spanish American Literature
Spanish Business Area Studies
Literatura de la Edad Media Castellana (ss. XII-XV)
Introduction to the Romance Languages
Literature of the Twentieth Century
Literatura Hispanoamericana
The Spanish American Short Story
Spanish American Poetry and Essay
US Latino Literature
Topics in Hispanic Culture
Topics in Latinx Culture
Undergraduate Seminars in Hispanic Literature/Culture/Linguistics
Hispanic Screen Studies
Study Abroad in Spanish Language Practice
Study Abroad in Spanish Linguistics
Study Abroad in Hispanic Literatures
Study Abroad in Hispanic Cultures
Border and Race Studies in Latin America
Survey of Medieval Literature
Old Spanish
College Teaching of Spanish
Theory and Practice of Hispanic Theatre
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics
Senior Honors Thesis
Senior Honors Thesis
First Semester Senior Thesis
Second Semester Senior Thesis
Directed Study
First Semester Swedish
Second Semester Swedish
Second Year Swedish
Second Year Swedish
Readings in Swedish Literature

Area Studies Courses

ART HIST 336 Study Abroad in Renaissance/Baroque/Northern Art1-6
ART HIST 346 British Art and Society from the Eighteenth Century to the Present3
ART HIST 408 Topics in Twentieth-Century Art (Modern Italian Art)3-4
ART HIST 454 3-4
ART HIST 555 Proseminar in 19th Century European Art3
ART HIST 556 Proseminar in 20th Century European Art3
COM ARTS 455 French Film3
COM ARTS/​ITALIAN  460 Italian Film3
COM ARTS/​GERMAN  655 German Film3
CURRIC/​ED POL/​HISTORY/​JEWISH  515 Holocaust: History, Memory and Education3
ENGL 345 Nineteenth-Century Novel3
ENGL 351 Modernist Novel3
ENGL 352 Modernist Poetry3
ENGL 353 British Literature since 19003
ENGL 443 Outstanding Figure(s) in Literature since 18003
ENGL 453 Topic in British Literature and Culture since 19003
ENGL 454 James Joyce3
FOLKLORE/​LITTRANS  347 In Translation: Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore3-4
FOLKLORE/​SCAND ST  443 Sami Culture, Yesterday and Today4
FRENCH/​INTL BUS  313 Professional Communication and Culture in the Francophone World3
FRENCH/​INTL BUS  314 Contemporary Issues in Business, Government and NGOs3
FRENCH 322 Modern French and Francophone Literature3
FRENCH 325 Visual Culture in French/Francophone Studies3
FRENCH 348 Modernity Studies3
FRENCH 449 3
FRENCH 461 French/Francophone Literary Studies Across the Centuries3
FRENCH 462 French/Francophone Cultural Studies Across the Centuries3
FRENCH 465 French/Francophone Film3
FRENCH 467 Aspects of Contemporary French Literature3
FRENCH 567 Undergraduate Seminar in French/Francophone Literary Studies3
FRENCH 568 Undergraduate Seminar in French/Francophone Cultural Studies3
FRENCH 626 3
GEN&WS/​LITTRANS  270 German Women Writers in Translation3
GEOG/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI/​SLAVIC  254 Eastern Europe: An Interdisciplinary Survey4
GEOG/​URB R PL  305 Introduction to the City3-4
GEOG 349 3
GEOG/​URB R PL  506 Historical Geography of European Urbanization3
GERMAN 245 Topics in Dutch Life and Culture3
GERMAN 266 Topics in German and/or Yiddish Culture3
GERMAN 267 Yiddish Song and the Jewish Experience3-4
GERMAN/​JEWISH/​LITTRANS  269 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Europe3
GERMAN 271 The German Immigration Experience3
GERMAN/​LITTRANS  276 Special Topics in German and World Literature/s3
GERMAN 272 Nazi Culture3
GERMAN 275 Kafka and the Kafkaesque3
GERMAN 278 Topics in German Culture3
GERMAN 325 Topics in Dutch Literature3
GERMAN 362 Topics in German Literature3-4
GERMAN 367 Study Abroad in German Literature2-5
GERMAN 368 Study Abroad in German Culture2-5
GERMAN 372 Topics in German Culture3-4
GERMAN 377 Study Abroad in Dutch Literature2-5
GERMAN 378 Study Abroad in Dutch Culture2-5
GERMAN 385 Honors Seminar in German Literature3
GERMAN 445 Topics in Dutch Culture3-4
GERMAN/​JEWISH  510 German-Jewish Culture Since the 18th Century3
GERMAN 612 German Literary Movements Since 17503
GERMAN 632 A Theme in German Literature3
GERMAN 644 Theory and Practice of German Drama3
GERMAN 677 Seminar in German Culture Studies3
GERMAN 683 Senior Honors Seminar in German Literature3
HISTORY 120 Europe and the Modern World 1815 to the Present4
HISTORY 124 Britain since 16884
HISTORY/​JEWISH  220 Introduction to Modern Jewish History4
HISTORY 223 Explorations in European History (H)3-4
HISTORY 224 Explorations in European History (S)3
HISTORY 271 History Study Abroad: European History1-4
HISTORY/​ENVIR ST  328 Environmental History of Europe3
HISTORY 349 Contemporary France, 1914 to the Present3-4
HISTORY 357 The Second World War3-4
HISTORY 358 French Revolution and Napoleon3-4
HISTORY 359 History of Europe Since 19453-4
HISTORY 410 History of Germany, 1871 to the Present3-4
HISTORY/​SCAND ST  432 History of Scandinavia Since 18153
HISTORY/​JEWISH  518 Anti-Semitism in European Culture, 1700-19453
ILS 201 Western Culture: Science, Technology, Philosophy I3
ILS 202 Western Culture: Science, Technology, Philosophy II3
ILS 203 Western Culture: Literature and the Arts I3
ILS 204 Western Culture: Literature and the Arts II3-4
ILS 205 Western Culture: Political, Economic, and Social Thought I3
ILS 206 Western Culture: Political, Economic, and Social Thought II3
ILS/​ITALIAN  350 Rome: Lust for Glory3-4
ITALIAN 230 Modern Italian Culture3
ITALIAN 321 Studies in Italian Literature and Culture I3
ITALIAN 322 Studies in Italian Literature and Culture II3
ITALIAN/​ILS  350 Rome: Lust for Glory3-4
ITALIAN 450 Special Topics in Italian Literature3
ITALIAN 452 Special Topics in Italian Studies: Culture, Film, Language3
ITALIAN/​COM ARTS  460 Italian Film3
LITTRANS 209 Masterpieces of French Literature and Culture3
LITTRANS 213 Love and Sex in Italian Comedy3-4
LITTRANS 226 Introduction to Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature3
LITTRANS 249 Literature in Translation: Nineteenth-Century French Masterpieces3
LITTRANS 252 Spanish Literary Masterpieces in Translation3
LITTRANS 254 In Translation: Lit of Modern Italy-Existentialism, Fascism, Resistance3
LITTRANS 260 Italy and the Invention of America: from Columbus to World War II3
LITTRANS/​GERMAN/​JEWISH  269 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Europe3
LITTRANS 272 French Pop Culture3
LITTRANS 274 In Translation: Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature-the 20th Century3-4
LITTRANS 275 In Translation: The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen3-4
LITTRANS/​GERMAN  276 Special Topics in German and World Literature/s3
LITTRANS 277 Topics in Twentieth-Century German Literature (in Translation)3
LITTRANS 324 Topics in Scandinavian Literature3-4
LITTRANS 326 Topics in Dutch Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 331 In Translation: Scandinavian Topics in Depth1-2
LITTRANS 334 In Translation: The Art of Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen3-4
LITTRANS/​THEATRE  335 In Translation: The Drama of Henrik Ibsen3-4
LITTRANS 340 Contemporary Scandinavian Literature in Translation3-4
LITTRANS 350 Scandinavian Decadence in its European Context3-4
LITTRANS 410 In Translation: Special Topics in Italian Literature3
MEDIEVAL/​SCAND ST  444 Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore4
MUSIC 416 Survey of Music in the Twentieth Century3
MUSIC 513 Survey of Opera3
PHILOS/​JEWISH  442 Moral Philosophy and the Holocaust3
PHILOS 530 Freedom Fate and Choice3
PHILOS 549 Great Moral Philosophers3
POLI SCI 340 The European Union: Politics and Political Economy3-4
POLI SCI 538 Politics and Policies in the European Union3-4
POLI SCI 659 Politics and Society: Contemporary Eastern Europe3-4
PORTUG 361 Portuguese Civilization3
PORTUG 467 Survey of Portuguese Literature since 18253
SCAND ST 276 Culture & Community in Scandinavia3
SCAND ST 374 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature: the Twentieth Century3-4
SCAND ST 411 Areas in Scandinavian Literature1
SCAND ST 419 Scandinavian Children's Literature4
SCAND ST 422 The Drama of Henrik Ibsen4
SCAND ST 423 The Drama of August Strindberg4
SCAND ST 424 Nineteenth-Century Scandinavian Fiction3-4
SCAND ST 426 Kierkegaard and Scandinavian Literature3
SCAND ST 427 Contemporary Scandinavian Literature4
SCAND ST/​LITTRANS  428 Memory and Literature from Proust to Knausgard3
SCAND ST 434 The Art of Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen4
SCAND ST 436 Topics in Scandinavian Literature3-4
SCAND ST/​GEN&WS/​LITTRANS  438 Sexual Politics in Scandinavia3
SCAND ST/​FOLKLORE  443 Sami Culture, Yesterday and Today4
SCAND ST/​MEDIEVAL  444 Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore4
SCAND ST/​FOLKLORE/​MEDIEVAL  446 Celtic-Scandinavian Cultural Interrelations3
SCAND ST 450 Scandinavian Decadence in its European Context3-4
SCAND ST 476 Scandinavian Life and Civilization II4
SCAND ST/​HISTORY  577 Contemporary Scandinavia: Politics and History3-4
SPANISH 223 Introduction to Hispanic Cultures3
SPANISH 224 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures3
SPANISH 322 Survey of Early Hispanic Literature3
SPANISH 324 Survey of Modern Spanish Literature3
SPANISH 359 Spanish Business Area Studies3
SPANISH 361 Spanish Civilization3
SPANISH 453 Literature of the Twentieth Century3
SPANISH 468 Topics in Hispanic Culture3
THEATRE/​LITTRANS  335 In Translation: The Drama of Henrik Ibsen3-4
THEATRE/​LITTRANS  336 In Translation: The Drama of August Strindberg3-4
THEATRE/​ENGL  575 British Drama, 1914 to Present3
THEATRE 619 Special Topics in Theatre and Drama1-3

University Degree Requirements

Total Degree To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 degree credits. Students should consult with their college or department advisor for information on specific credit requirements.
Residency Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. “In residence” credit also includes UW–Madison courses offered in distance or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs.
Quality of Work Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum grade point average specified by the school, college, or academic program to remain in good academic standing. Students whose academic performance drops below these minimum thresholds will be placed on academic probation.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Know and be able to apply international business theories and concepts to a variety of business situations.
  2. Formulate business strategies appropriate to global, regional and local contexts.
  3. Know the skills necessary for cross-cultural adaptation and know how to access resources to continue future learning.

Advising and Careers


Advising is an integral part of any student’s educational journey in the School of Business Undergraduate Program. Starting at Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR), we encourage all students to connect with academic advisors. Business academic advisors have a wealth of knowledge about courses on campus, as well as policies and procedures.

Business career coaches help students with career exploration, internships, resumes, job search, interviewing, and more. We encourage students to connect with their career coach once they arrive on campus.

Business academic advisors and career coaches are passionate about student success. Students experiencing academic difficulty or personal struggles are encouraged to talk to their advisor about how their individual situation may affect their academic performance.

Assigned Academic and Career Coaches

Admitted business students will have one assigned academic advisor. Career coaches are assigned by academic major to be able to provide industry-specific career guidance. If a student has more than one major, they may have more than one assigned career coach. Students can find their assigned advisor and coach by logging into the Starfish portal through MyUW.

For students not yet admitted to the School of Business, there is a team of pre-business advisors available.

Accessing Advising

Drop-in advising and scheduled appointments are available for admitted business students. Pre-business students may also schedule an appointment with a pre-business academic advisor or utilize drop-in academic advising. 

For more information on accessing academic advising, please see our Academic Advising page.

For more information on accessing career coaching, please see our Career Coaching page.


The perspective, intercultural awareness, and regional knowledge gained through the study of international business is always relevant, but has greatest career impact several years into one's career. Therefore, the international business major is designed to serve as a complement to another business major. International business careers develop after graduates first develop skills and expertise in a functional area of business, which drives initial career placement and advancement.

Careers in international business are not necessarily located overseas or even in major cities. Many positions are in U.S.-based offices or divisions of international firms.


For more information about the faculty and their research interests, please visit the directory.


AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

Accreditation status: Accredited. Next accreditation review: 2026-2027.