The Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology provides science-based teaching that prepares future natural resource professionals to sustainably manage and conserve forests and wildlife. Building on the rich traditions of Aldo Leopold (the department’s first chair), we offer students an interdisciplinary environment to learn about the natural world, apply science to management toward sustainable ecological systems, and understand complex human-environment relationships. We offer two undergraduate majors — Forest Science and Wildlife Ecology — that provide opportunities for employment in the public, private, and non-governmental sectors. Students can also gain a strong foundation for graduate training in forestry, wildlife, ecology, and related fields. The Forest Science program is accredited by the Society of American Foresters. The Wildlife Ecology major provides a path to becoming a certified wildlife biologist. Both degrees provide a mix of field, lab, and classroom experiences.

The department also offers graduate programs at the MS and PhD levels. See the Graduate Guide for additional information.




Bowe, Scott
Burivalova, Zuzana
Chen, Min
Drake, David
Karasov, William
Hua, Jessica
Kruger, Eric (chair)
Ozdogan, Mutlu
Pauli, Jonathan
Peery, M. Zach
Pidgeon, Anna
Radeloff, Volker
Raynor, Jennifer
Rickenbach, Mark
Rissman, Adena
Townsend, Philip
Van Deelen, Timothy
Zuckerberg, Benjamin

Affiliated Faculty

Balster, Nick (Soil Science)
Marin-Spiotta, Erika (Geography)

Instructors and Teaching Faculty

Berkelman, James
Nack, Jamie
Meindl, George

Student Services

Hochmuth, Allee
Laabs, Emily

For faculty and staff profiles, visit