Students in the wildlife ecology program learn about species ecology, habitat management, monitoring techniques, and conservation through courses that are based in the natural sciences. Wildlife ecologists study wild animals and their interactions with people. Working largely outdoors, they manage and conserve wildlife populations and their habitats, aiming to meet the complex needs of wildlife in a human-dominated world.
The Department of Wildlife Ecology was the first wildlife program in an American university. Students learn through a mix of classroom, laboratory, and field instruction. They have flexibility to customize their learning experience within one of two tracks: natural sciences and natural resources. Students can work toward substantively completing requirements for being recognized as an Associate Wildlife Biologist by The Wildlife Society, a professional organization, if they choose to.
Wildlife ecology graduates work in public resource management agencies, educational institutions, private industry, and non-governmental organizations such as the National Wildlife Federation and The Nature Conservancy. Students in the wildlife ecology major are also well prepared to pursue advanced degrees in wildlife and related fields or veterinary medicine.
Learn through hands-on, real-world experiences
Wildlife ecology students learn in many field and lab courses, including classes that focus on wildlife management, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. They can also take part in a summer field course in northern Wisconsin, numerous internships, and research opportunities.
Build community and networks
Students can join the Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society and the Audubon Society, UW–Madison. Members of the Wildlife Society work with elementary school students, volunteer for numerous projects, and send a competitive team to the Quiz Bowl at the Wildlife Society annual meeting.
Customize a path of study
Students learn through a mix of classroom, laboratory, and field instruction. They have flexibility to customize their learning experience by selecting from a variety of courses in consultation with their advisor. Courses include options in the natural sciences, as well as coursework that meets educational requirements for certification as a wildlife biologist by The Wildlife Society.
Make a strong start
Students can take an introductory course that gives students an orientation to wildlife ecology and introduces them to the major and professions within the field of wildlife management and conservation.
Gain global perspective
Wildlife ecology students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad experience. The program also offers an international class focused on the extinction of species (meeting the CALS International Studies Requirement), as well as a study abroad experience in Mexico. Students can explore studying abroad as a Wildlife Ecology major utilizing the Wildlife Ecology Major Advising Page. Students work with their advisor and the CALS study abroad office to identify appropriate programs.
How to Get in
To declare this major, students must be admitted to UW–Madison and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS). For information about becoming a CALS first-year or transfer student, see Entering the College.
Students who attend Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR) with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences have the option to declare this major at SOAR. Students may otherwise declare after they have begun their undergraduate studies. For more information, contact the advisor listed in the Contact Box for the major.
University General Education Requirements
All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.
General Education |
* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements. |
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Requirements
In addition to the University General Education Requirements, all undergraduate students in CALS must satisfy a set of college and major requirements. Courses may not double count within university requirements (General Education and Breadth) or within college requirements (First-Year Seminar, International Studies, Science, and Capstone), but courses counted toward university requirements may also be used to satisfy a college and/or a major requirement; similarly, courses counted toward college requirements may also be used to satisfy a university and/or a major requirement.
College Requirements for all CALS BS Degree Programs
Code | Title | Credits |
Quality of Work: Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000 to remain in good standing and be eligible for graduation. | ||
Residency: Students must complete 30 degree credits in residence at UW–Madison after earning 86 credits toward their undergraduate degree. | ||
First year seminar | 1 | |
International studies | 3 | |
Physical science fundamentals | 4-5 | |
General Chemistry I | ||
or CHEM 108 | Chemistry in Our World | |
or CHEM 109 | Advanced General Chemistry | |
Biological science | 5 | |
Additional science (biological, physical, or natural) | 3 | |
Science breadth (biological, physical, natural, or social) | 3 | |
CALS Capstone Learning Experience: included in the requirements for each CALS major (see "major requirements") |
Major Requirements
Code | Title | Credits |
Mathematics and Statistics | ||
Complete one of the following (or may be satisfied by placement exam): | 5-6 | |
Algebra and Trigonometry | ||
Algebra and Trigonometry | ||
Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry I | ||
Complete one of the following: | 3 | |
Introduction to Statistical Methods | ||
Introductory Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences | ||
Chemistry | ||
Complete one of the following: | 4-5 | |
General Chemistry I | ||
Chemistry in Our World | ||
Advanced General Chemistry | ||
Biology | ||
Complete one of the following options: | 10 | |
Option 1 (recommended): | ||
Introductory Biology and Introductory Biology | ||
Option 2: | ||
Animal Biology and Animal Biology Laboratory and General Botany | ||
Option 3: | ||
Cellular Biology and Cellular Biology Laboratory and Principles of Physiology and Principles of Physiology Laboratory | ||
Core | ||
Wildlife Ecology and Management | ||
F&W ECOL 101 | Orientation to Wildlife Ecology (Counts for CALS First Year Seminar) | 1 |
F&W ECOL 306 | Terrestrial Vertebrates: Life History and Ecology | 4 |
F&W ECOL 318 | Principles of Wildlife Ecology | 3 |
or BOTANY/F&W ECOL/ZOOLOGY 460 | General Ecology | |
F&W ECOL 379 | Principles of Wildlife Management | 3 |
F&W ECOL 561 | Wildlife Management Techniques | 3 |
F&W ECOL 655 | Animal Population Dynamics | 3 |
Plant Taxonomy | ||
BOTANY 400 | Plant Systematics | 4 |
or BOTANY 401 | Vascular Flora of Wisconsin | |
Evolution/Genetics | ||
Complete one of the following: | 3-5 | |
Evolutionary Biology | ||
Principles of Genetics | ||
Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics and Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics Laboratory 1 | ||
Vertebrate Taxonomy and Natural History | ||
Complete one of the following: | 5-6 | |
Ornithology and Birds of Southern Wisconsin | ||
Ecology of Fishes and Ecology of Fishes Lab | ||
Major Electives | ||
Complete 15 credits from across at least 3 different categories (see course list below): | 15 | |
Physical Science | ||
Wildlife Resources and Technical Skills | ||
Anatomy/Physiology/Disease | ||
Conservation | ||
Forestry/Botany | ||
Ecosystem Ecology | ||
Policy, Administration, and Law | ||
Social Aspects of Natural Resources Management | ||
Capstone | ||
Complete one of the following: | 3 | |
Complexity and Conservation of White-tailed Deer | ||
Wildlife Research Capstone | ||
Total Credits | 69-74 |
- 1
Only allowed for students who completed the rest of the Biocore curriculum listed under biology.
Major Electives
Code | Title | Credits |
Physical Science | ||
CHEM 104 | General Chemistry II | 5 |
CHEM 109 | Advanced General Chemistry | 5 |
PHYSICS 103 | General Physics | 4 |
PHYSICS 104 | General Physics | 4 |
PHYSICS 201 | General Physics | 5 |
PHYSICS 207 | General Physics | 5 |
PHYSICS 208 | General Physics | 5 |
GEOSCI 202 | Introduction to Geologic Structures | 4 |
GEOSCI 204 | Geologic Evolution of the Earth | 4 |
SOIL SCI 301 | General Soil Science | 3 |
Wildlife Resources and Technical Skills | ||
ENVIR ST/SOIL SCI 575 | Assessment of Environmental Impact | 3 |
F&W ECOL 395 | Data and GIS Tools for Ecology | 3 |
F&W ECOL 404 | 3 | |
F&W ECOL 424 | Wildlife Ecology Summer Field Practicum | 2 |
F&W ECOL 458 | Environmental Data Science | 3 |
F&W ECOL 658 | Forest Resources Practicum | 3 |
GEOG/ENVIR ST/F&W ECOL/G L E/GEOSCI/LAND ARC 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | 3 |
GEOG/CIV ENGR/ENVIR ST 377 | An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | 4 |
LAND ARC/ENVIR ST 581 | Prescribed Fire: Ecology and Implementation | 3 |
LAND ARC 668 | Restoration Ecology | 3 |
ZOOLOGY 405 | Introduction to Museum Studies in the Natural Sciences | 2-3 |
Anatomy/Physiology/Disease | ||
ANAT&PHY 335 | Physiology | 5 |
AN SCI/DY SCI 373 | Animal Physiology | 3 |
F&W ECOL/SURG SCI 548 | Diseases of Wildlife | 3 |
ENTOM/M M & I/PATH-BIO/ZOOLOGY 350 | Parasitology | 3 |
ZOOLOGY 430 | Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates | 5 |
ZOOLOGY 611 | Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology | 3 |
Conservation | ||
ANTHRO 668 | Primate Conservation | 3 |
F&W ECOL/ENVIR ST/ZOOLOGY 360 | Extinction of Species (Meets CALS International Studies Requirement) | 3 |
F&W ECOL/BOTANY/ENVIR ST/ZOOLOGY 651 | Conservation Biology | 3 |
F&W ECOL/ZOOLOGY 660 | Climate Change Ecology | 3 |
GEOG/ENVIR ST 339 | Environmental Conservation | 4 |
Forestry/Botany | ||
F&W ECOL/ENVIR ST 100 | Forests of the World (Meets CALS International Studies Requirement) | 3 |
F&W ECOL 300 | Forest Measurements | 4 |
F&W ECOL 305 | Forest Operations | 2 |
F&W ECOL/BOTANY 402 | Dendrology: Woody Plant Identification and Ecology | 3 |
F&W ECOL 410 | Principles of Silviculture | 3 |
F&W ECOL 411 | Practices of Silviculture | 1 |
F&W ECOL 448 | Disturbance Ecology | 3 |
F&W ECOL 449 | Disturbance Ecology Lab (I): Herbivores and Fire | 1 |
F&W ECOL 450 | Disturbance Ecology Lab (II): Forest Pathogens | 1 |
F&W ECOL/BOTANY 455 | The Vegetation of Wisconsin | 4 |
F&W ECOL 550 | Forest Ecology | 3 |
Ecosystem Ecology | ||
AGRONOMY/BOTANY/SOIL SCI 370 | Grassland Ecology | 3 |
LAND ARC/ENVIR ST 361 | Wetlands Ecology | 3 |
ZOOLOGY 304 | Marine Biology | 2 |
ZOOLOGY/ENVIR ST 315 | Limnology-Conservation of Aquatic Resources | 2 |
ZOOLOGY 316 | Laboratory for Limnology-Conservation of Aquatic Resources | 2-3 |
Policy, Administration, and Law | ||
ENVIR ST/GEOG 337 | Nature, Power and Society | 3 |
ENVIR ST/HISTORY/LEGAL ST 430 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | 3 |
ENVIR ST/GEOG 439 | US Environmental Policy and Regulation | 3-4 |
ENVIR ST/ECON/POLI SCI/URB R PL 449 | Government and Natural Resources | 3-4 |
F&W ECOL/ENVIR ST 515 | Natural Resources Policy | 3 |
Social Aspects of Natural Resource Management | ||
A A E/ENVIR ST 244 | The Environment and the Global Economy | 4 |
A A E/ECON/ENVIR ST 343 | Environmental Economics | 3-4 |
AMER IND/ENVIR ST 306 | Indigenous Peoples and the Environment | 3 |
AMER IND/ENVIR ST/GEOG 345 | Caring for Nature in Native North America | 3 |
AMER IND/GEOG 410 | Critical Indigenous Ecological Knowledges | 3 |
AMER IND/ENVIR ST 341 | Indigenous Environmental Communicators | 3 |
C&E SOC/F&W ECOL/SOC 248 | Environment, Natural Resources, and Society | 3 |
C&E SOC/SOC 541 | Environmental Stewardship and Social Justice | 3 |
F&W ECOL/ZOOLOGY 335 | Human/Animal Relationships: Biological and Philosophical Issues | 3 |
University Degree Requirements
Total Degree | To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 degree credits. Students should consult with their college or department advisor for information on specific credit requirements. |
Residency | Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. “In residence” credit also includes UW–Madison courses offered in distance or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs. |
Quality of Work | Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum grade point average specified by the school, college, or academic program to remain in good academic standing. Students whose academic performance drops below these minimum thresholds will be placed on academic probation. |
Learning Outcomes
- Define and explain basic principles in biological sciences and major concepts in wildlife ecology including, population ecology, organismal biology, plant ecology/taxonomy, and genetics/evolution.
- Explain and discuss principles of wildlife management including natural resource legislation, policy, and applications.
- Explain and apply the scientific methods including designing and conducting experiments and testing hypotheses.
- Explain and demonstrate techniques for collection of data in laboratory and field settings, keep accurate records, and analyze data to address hypotheses.
- Demonstrate a style appropriate for communicating scientific results in written and oral form. Provide opportunity to develop these communication skills.
Four-Year Plan
The four-year plan is a tool to assist you and your advisor in planning your academic career. Use it along with your DARS report and Course Search & Enroll to determine your program of study. Your program of study will likely look different from this sample four-year plan. Consult with your advisor to determine the best path for you. Students must complete at least 120 total credits to be eligible for graduation.
Sample Wildlife Ecology Four-Year Plan
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
F&W ECOL 101 (Counts for CALS First Year Seminar) | 1 | F&W ECOL 379 | 3 |
F&W ECOL 318 | 3 | MATH 1131 | 3 |
MATH 1121 | 3 | Humanities | 3 |
Communication Part A | 3 | CHEM 103 | 4 |
Humanities | 3 | Elective | 2 |
13 | 15 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
F&W ECOL 561 | 3 | ZOOLOGY/BIOLOGY/BOTANY 1522 | 5 |
Social Science | 3 | STAT 301 or 371 | 3 |
Electives | 5 | Ethnic Studies | 3 |
16 | 15 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
CALS International Study Requirement | 3 | F&W ECOL 306 | 4 |
Evolution/Genetics Requirement | 3 | F&W ECOL/AN SCI/ZOOLOGY 520 & F&W ECOL/AN SCI/ZOOLOGY 521 | 6 |
Major Electives | 6 | Electives | 6 |
Elective | 4 | ||
16 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
Major Electives | 6 | F&W ECOL 655 | 3 |
Electives | 6 | Major Elective | 3 |
F&W ECOL 577 or 599 | 3 | Electives | 9 |
15 | 15 | ||
Total Credits 121 |
- 1
MATH course dependent on placement score and transfer credit evaluation.
- 2
BIOLOGY/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 151 & BIOLOGY/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 152 are recommended, but students may complete BIOLOGY/ZOOLOGY 101, BIOLOGY/ZOOLOGY 102, & BIOLOGY/BOTANY 130 to satisfy the introductory biology requirement.
Advising and Careers
Students are assigned an academic advisor and a faculty advisor in the department. Professional academic advisors help students plan their coursework and identify opportunities to get involved in department and campus activities. Faculty advise students on career planning and challenge students to think critically.
Career Opportunities
Undergraduates in wildlife ecology prepare for a variety of careers. They can become wildlife biologists, habitat restoration technicians, attorneys, wildlife enforcement officers, researchers, and more. Students are also well prepared to pursue advanced degrees in wildlife and related fields, including veterinary medicine. Graduates of the program work for many organizations, such as state departments of natural resources, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Chicago Zoological Society, and The Nature Conservancy.
Bowe, Scott
Burivalova, Zuzana
Chen, Min
Drake, David
Karasov, William
Hua, Jessica
Kruger, Eric (chair)
Ozdogan, Mutlu
Pauli, Jonathan
Peery, M. Zach
Pidgeon, Anna
Radeloff, Volker
Raynor, Jennifer
Rickenbach, Mark
Rissman, Adena
Townsend, Philip
Van Deelen, Timothy
Zuckerberg, Benjamin
Affiliated Faculty
Balster, Nick (Soil Science)
Marin-Spiotta, Erika (Geography)
Instructors and Teaching Faculty
Berkelman, James
Nack, Jamie
Meindl, George
Student Services
Hochmuth, Allee
Laabs, Emily
For faculty and staff profiles, visit https://forestandwildlifeecology.wisc.edu/people/faculty-and-staff/
Wisconsin Experience
Many wildlife ecology students include internships and professional work experiences in their studies. Students are encouraged to talk to their advisor about internship possibilities. See the Internship & Job Resources page for more information.
Research Experience
Wildlife ecology undergraduates are encouraged to get involved in field- or lab-based research with a professor. In their research experiences, students gain skills in a variety of areas including measuring habitats, reviewing literature, identifying species, deploying wildlife cameras, and more.
Student Organizations
Students can join the Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society and the Audubon Society, UW–Madison. Members of the Wildlife Society can work with elementary school students and volunteer for numerous projects.
Competitive Teams
Wildlife ecology undergraduates can join a team that competes at the Quiz Bowl at the Wildlife Society annual meeting.
Global Engagement
Wildlife ecology students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad experience. The program offers an experience in Mexico focused on wildlife ecology, as well as an international course focused on the extinction of species that meets the CALS International Studies requirement. Students can find more information about study abroad on the CALS study abroad advising page.
Community Engagement and Volunteering
The Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society organizes several volunteer activities, including spring and summer frog surveys, summer fawn searches, and roadside clean-up. Students also have opportunities to work with elementary school students and give presentations about wildlife.
On campus, the Morgridge Center for Public Service provides resources to help students connect with volunteer opportunities based on their interests and goals.
Wildlife Biologist Certification
Work with your advisor to ensure you select courses that will meet the requirements of the Wildlife Biologist Certification through The Wildlife Society (TWS). Membership in TWS is required for certification. Certification is for 5 years and may be renewed upon demonstration of adequate continual learning and professional development.
- Wildlife management and wildlife biology (12 hours)
- Ecology (3 hours)
- Zoology (9 hours)
- Botany (9 hours)
- Physical sciences (9 hours)
- Basic statistics (3 hours)
- Quantitative sciences (6 hours)
- Humanities and social sciences (9 hours)
- Communications (12 hours)
- Policy, administration, and law (6 hours)
- A minimum 60 work months of full-time professional biologist experience gained within the ten (10) years prior to applying for certification (or up to 13 years if granted an extension).
- To renew certification, applicants must log a minimum of 80 contact hours related to participation in organized activities and mentorship within the five years prior to submission.
Resources and Scholarships
Department scholarships are available to wildlife ecology students and fellowships are available to support research work with a professor. Students across the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences receive more than $1.25 million in scholarships annually. Learn more about college scholarships here.