Nutritional sciences is the study of the biochemical and physiological basis of how diet impacts health and disease. Students explore a variety of biological concepts including biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, kinesiology, community nutrition, and epidemiology to understand how nutrients in food affect the body.
Students can tailor their studies by selecting from more than 20 courses covering a wide variety of topics, including, microbiology, genetics, obesity, metabolism, kinesiology and sports nutrition, as well as ethics of public health, global health, community nutrition, and cultural aspects of food. Many students supplement their studies outside of the classroom by contributing to research in a university lab or volunteering in the community.
With an emphasis on human health, the program prepares students for health and research careers in a variety of settings, including healthcare, education, corporate wellness, sports nutrition, government agencies, food companies, or pharmaceuticals.
Learn through hands-on, real-world experience
In the classroom, students apply what they learn to real-world cases and approach nutritional health as they would in a clinical setting. Some courses also include field experiences or community-based learning experiences.
Because of the emphasis on biological sciences, many students choose to join a professor’s research lab and may earn credit for their work within the lab. Students also have opportunities for community service internships under the guidance of a faculty member.
Build community and networks
The Dietetics and Nutrition Club (DNC) is a registered student organization open to undergraduate and graduate students. The club offers a variety of opportunities for members to engage in networking events, participate in volunteer and community outreach opportunities, and learn about the field of nutrition and the dietetics profession.
Customize a path of study
With nearly 20 elective courses available in the third and fourth years of the program, students can plan their coursework to best fit their professional goals and explore scientific principles of greatest interest to them.
Students may participate in the college’s Research in Honors program. Many students enhance their major by participating in a certificate program such as the Biology Core Curriculum Honors (Biocore) Certificate.
Make a strong start
A popular First-Year Interest Group (FIG) focuses on issues of food and identity and covers current events, nutrition policies related to chronic disease, and community-led programs to improve health outcomes.
Gain global perspective
Several courses emphasize global health and world nutrition. Many students pair a major in Nutritional Sciences with the Global Health Certificate, which includes a field experience/internship focused on a health-related topic of global importance. Students can explore studying abroad as a Nutritional Sciences major by utilizing the Nutritional Sciences Major Advising Page. Students work with their advisor and the CALS study abroad office to identify appropriate programs.
How to Get in
To declare this major, students must be admitted to UW–Madison and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS). For information about becoming a CALS first-year or transfer student, see Entering the College.
Students who attend Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR) with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences have the option to declare this major at SOAR. Students may otherwise declare after they have begun their undergraduate studies. For more information, contact the advisor listed in the Contact Box for the major.
University General Education Requirements
All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.
General Education |
* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements. |
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Requirements
In addition to the University General Education Requirements, all undergraduate students in CALS must satisfy a set of college and major requirements. Courses may not double count within university requirements (General Education and Breadth) or within college requirements (First-Year Seminar, International Studies, Science, and Capstone), but courses counted toward university requirements may also be used to satisfy a college and/or a major requirement; similarly, courses counted toward college requirements may also be used to satisfy a university and/or a major requirement.
College Requirements for all CALS BS Degree Programs
Code | Title | Credits |
Quality of Work: Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000 to remain in good standing and be eligible for graduation. | ||
Residency: Students must complete 30 degree credits in residence at UW–Madison after earning 86 credits toward their undergraduate degree. | ||
First year seminar | 1 | |
International studies | 3 | |
Physical science fundamentals | 4-5 | |
General Chemistry I | ||
or CHEM 108 | Chemistry in Our World | |
or CHEM 109 | Advanced General Chemistry | |
Biological science | 5 | |
Additional science (biological, physical, or natural) | 3 | |
Science breadth (biological, physical, natural, or social) | 3 | |
CALS Capstone Learning Experience: included in the requirements for each CALS major (see "major requirements") |
Major Requirements
Code | Title | Credits |
Mathematics and Statistics | ||
Complete one of the following (or may be satisfied by placement exam): | 5-6 | |
Algebra and Trigonometry | ||
Algebra and Trigonometry | ||
Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry I 1 | ||
Complete one of the following: | 3-5 | |
Introduction to Statistical Methods | ||
Introductory Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences | ||
Chemistry | ||
Complete one of the following: | 5-9 | |
General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II | ||
Advanced General Chemistry | ||
Organic Chemistry | ||
CHEM 343 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 344 | Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 345 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 |
Introductory Biology | ||
Complete one of the following options: | 10 | |
Option 1: | ||
General Botany | ||
Animal Biology | ||
Animal Biology Laboratory | ||
Option 2: | ||
Introductory Biology | ||
Introductory Biology | ||
Option 3: | ||
Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics | ||
Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics Laboratory | ||
Cellular Biology | ||
Cellular Biology Laboratory | ||
Nutritional Sciences Biology | ||
Complete one of the following options: | 8-13 | |
Option 1: | ||
Physiology | ||
Principles of Genetics | ||
And select one of the following: 2 | ||
General Microbiology and General Microbiology Laboratory | ||
Biology of Microorganisms and Biology of Microorganisms Laboratory | ||
Option 2: 3 | ||
Principles of Physiology | ||
Principles of Physiology Laboratory | ||
Biological Interactions | ||
Physics | ||
Complete one of the following: | 8-10 | |
General Physics and General Physics | ||
General Physics and General Physics | ||
General Physics and General Physics | ||
Core | ||
NUTR SCI/AN SCI/DY SCI 311 | Comparative Animal Nutrition | 3 |
or NUTR SCI 332 | Human Nutritional Needs | |
NUTR SCI 431 | Nutrition in the Life Span | 3 |
BIOCHEM/NUTR SCI 510 | Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 3-7 | |
Introduction to Biochemistry | ||
General Biochemistry I and General Biochemistry II | ||
Electives within the Major | ||
Complete 6 credits from the following: | 6 | |
World Hunger and Malnutrition | ||
Human Anatomy | ||
Human Anatomy Laboratory | ||
Medical Anthropology | ||
Principles of Human Disease and Biotechnology | ||
Biology of Viruses 4 | ||
Molecular Control of Metabolism and Metabolic Disease 5 | ||
Public Health in Rural & Urban Communities | ||
Chemistry Across the Periodic Table | ||
Fundamentals of Analytical Science | ||
Fundamentals of Analytical Science | ||
Lactation Physiology | ||
Food Laws and Regulations | ||
Food Microbiology | ||
Genetics Laboratory | ||
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | ||
Plant Biotechnology: Principles and Techniques I | ||
Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy | ||
Public Health Ethics | ||
Ethical Issues in Health Care | ||
Immunology | ||
Special Topics | ||
Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition | ||
Global Health Field Experience | ||
Nutrition in Physical Activity and Health | ||
Undergraduate Capstone Seminar Laboratory | ||
Community Nutrition and Health Equity | ||
Advanced Nutrition: Intermediary Metabolism of Macronutrients 4 | ||
Introduction to Nutritional Epidemiology 4 | ||
Advanced Nutrition: Minerals 4 | ||
Advanced Nutrition: Obesity and Diabetes 4 | ||
Experimental Diet Design 4 | ||
Advanced Nutrition: Vitamins 4 | ||
Clinical Nutrition I | ||
Senior Honors Thesis 5 | ||
Senior Honors Thesis 5 | ||
Senior Thesis-Nutrition 5 | ||
Senior Thesis 5 | ||
Special Problems 6 | ||
Introduction to Experimental Oncology | ||
Pathophysiologic Principles of Human Diseases | ||
Introduction to Public Health | ||
Introduction to Animal Development | ||
Cell Biology | ||
Capstone | ||
Complete one of the following: | 1-8 | |
Undergraduate Capstone Seminar Laboratory | ||
Senior Honors Thesis and Senior Honors Thesis | ||
Senior Thesis-Nutrition and Senior Thesis | ||
Special Problems 7 | ||
Total Credits | 66-91 |
- 1
If MATH 171 Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry I is taken, students must take MATH 217 Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry II.
- 2
Consult advisor about combining MICROBIO 303 with MICROBIO 102.
- 3
If the Biocore sequence is taken to fulfill the first biology requirement, it must be taken to fulfill the second biology requirement.
- 4
These courses are taught primarily to graduate students. Permission to enroll from instructor may be required.
- 5
Note that for NUTR SCI 681/NUTR SCI 682 (Senior Honors Thesis) and NUTR SCI 691/NUTR SCI 692 (Senior Thesis), both courses in the sequence must be completed in order to earn a grade.
- 6
May count up to 6 credits of NUTR SCI 699 Special Problems towards the electives requirement.
- 7
Consult advisor regarding the possibility of completing NUTR SCI 699 Special Problems for capstone.
Recommended Nutritional Science Electives
Code | Title | Credits |
ANTHRO 365 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
BIOCHEM/NUTR SCI 560 | Principles of Human Disease and Biotechnology | 2 |
BIOCHEM/M M & I 575 | Biology of Viruses | 2 |
BIOCHEM/NUTR SCI 645 | Molecular Control of Metabolism and Metabolic Disease | 3 |
C&E SOC/SOC 533 | Public Health in Rural & Urban Communities | 3 |
CHEM 311 | Chemistry Across the Periodic Table | 4 |
CHEM 327 | Fundamentals of Analytical Science | 4 |
CHEM 329 | Fundamentals of Analytical Science | 4 |
AN SCI/FOOD SCI 305 | Introduction to Meat Science and Technology | 4 |
FOOD SCI/AN SCI 321 | Food Laws and Regulations | 1 |
FOOD SCI/MICROBIO 325 | Food Microbiology | 3 |
GENETICS 545 | Genetics Laboratory | 2 |
HORT/AGRONOMY 338 | Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | 3 |
HORT/AGRONOMY 360 | Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy | 2 |
ANAT&PHY 337 | Human Anatomy | 3 |
ANAT&PHY 338 | Human Anatomy Laboratory | 2 |
MED HIST/PHILOS 515 | Public Health Ethics | 3 |
MED HIST/PHILOS 558 | Ethical Issues in Health Care | 3 |
M M & I/PATH-BIO 528 | Immunology | 3 |
NUTR SCI/A A E/AGRONOMY 350 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | 3 |
NUTR SCI 375 | Special Topics | 1-4 |
NUTR SCI 377 | Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR SCI/INTER-AG 421 | Global Health Field Experience | 1-4 |
NUTR SCI 500 | Undergraduate Capstone Seminar Laboratory | 1 |
NUTR SCI/KINES 525 | Nutrition in Physical Activity and Health | 3 |
NUTR SCI 540 | Community Nutrition and Health Equity | 3 |
ONCOLOGY 401 | Introduction to Experimental Oncology | 2 |
PATH 404 | Pathophysiologic Principles of Human Diseases | 3 |
POP HLTH/C&E SOC 370 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 |
ZOOLOGY 470 | Introduction to Animal Development | 3 |
ZOOLOGY 570 | Cell Biology | 3 |
University Degree Requirements
Total Degree | To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 degree credits. Students should consult with their college or department advisor for information on specific credit requirements. |
Residency | Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. “In residence” credit also includes UW–Madison courses offered in distance or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs. |
Quality of Work | Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum grade point average specified by the school, college, or academic program to remain in good academic standing. Students whose academic performance drops below these minimum thresholds will be placed on academic probation. |
Learning Outcomes
- Obtains and can articulate specialized knowledge in the field of nutritional sciences and dietetics along with an education broad enough to meet the challenges of future careers and opportunities.
- Obtains and can articulate foundational knowledge in areas relevant to the field of nutrition and dietetics.
- Communicates complex ideas in a clear and understandable manner through both written and oral presentations.
- Demonstrates quantitative literacy in math and statistics relevant to nutritional sciences and dietetics.
- Demonstrates the ability to think critically and creatively, to synthesize, analyze, and integrate ideas for decision making and problem solving.
- Develops the skills for life-long learning and is capable of locating, interpreting, and critically evaluating professional literature and current research.
- Develops a global perspective and an appreciation for the interdependencies among individuals and their workplaces, communities, environments, and world; and an understanding of the interrelationships between science and society.
- Develops a respect for truth, a tolerance for diverse views, and a strong sense of personal and professional ethics.
Four-Year Plan
Sample Nutritional Sciences Four-Year Plan
Students must complete at least 120 total credits to be eligible for graduation.
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
CHEM 103 or 1091 | 4-5 | CHEM 1041 | 5 |
MATH 113 (if needed)2 | 3 | Social Sciences | 3-4 |
COMM A | 3 | Ethnic Studies | 3 |
CALS First Year Seminar | 1 | Elective | 3 |
Electives | 3-4 | ||
14-16 | 14-15 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
CHEM 343 | 3 | NUTR SCI 332 | 3 |
STAT 301 or 371 | 3 | CHEM 345 | 3 |
CALS International Studies | 3 | Humanities | 3-4 |
14 | 14-15 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BIOCHEM 501 or 507 (if taking BIOCHEM 507, take BIOCHEM 508 in Spring) | 3 | NUTR SCI 431 | 3 |
CHEM 344 | 2 | MICROBIO 101 or 303 | 3 |
ANAT&PHY 335 | 5 | MICROBIO 102 or 304 | 2 |
Humanities | 3 | Nutritional Sciences Elective5 | 3-4 |
Elective | 3 | Electives | 3-4 |
16 | 14-16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
GENETICS 4664 | 3 | NUTR SCI 500 | 1 |
NUTR SCI/BIOCHEM 510 | 3 | PHYSICS 104 | 4 |
PHYSICS 103 | 4 | Nutritional Sciences Electives5 | 3-6 |
Electives | 6 | Electives | 6 |
16 | 14-17 | ||
Total Credits 116-125 |
- 1
In order to take CHEM 103/CHEM 104 or CHEM 109, students must have a suitable math placement score or completion of MATH 112, MATH 114, MATH 171, or equivalent.
- 2
MATH course dependent on placement score and transfer credit evaluation.
- 3
- 4
BIOCORE 381/BIOCORE 382, BIOCORE 383/BIOCORE 384, BIOCORE 485/BIOCORE 486, BIOCORE 587 also accepted.
- 5
Select 6 credits from major elective options.
Advising and Careers
Students are assigned a professional advisor who assists them with building their personalized Wisconsin Experience — including a strong curriculum to match student interests — and provides advising on career paths including graduate school or pursuing advanced degrees in the health sciences.
Professors provide mentorship to students in the program through work on faculty-led research, including learning research paper- and grant-writing skills, communicating about scientific concepts, and presenting research results to different audiences.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the program are working as physicians, scientists, physician assistants, nutrition product developers, food service directors, nutrition educators, wellness directors, and professors; and have a wide range of employers, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, school districts, food companies, universities, grocery stores, and non-profit organizations.
Alumni are recognized for their skills in healthcare, leadership, clinical research, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
Richard Eisenstein
Guy Groblewski
Adam Kuchnia (Director of Didactic Program in Dietetics)
HuiChuan Lai
James Ntambi
Beth Olson
Brian Parks
Joseph Pierre
Sherry Tanumihardjo
Eric Yen
Stavroula Antonopoulos
Amber Haroldson
Tara LaRowe (Coordinator of Didactic Program in Dietetics)
Makayla Schuchardt
Academic Advisors
Sarah Golla, MSW
Mona Mogahed, MPS
Wisconsin Experience
Research Experience
Undergraduate students have the opportunity to take for-credit and not-for-credit hours in labs to participate in research and learn additional lab skills. Faculty-led research programs inform the scientific understanding of nutrition’s role in health. Students can work with internationally recognized researchers who study metabolism, genetics, genomics, physiology, and nutritional management of diseases including phenylketonuria (PKU), cystic fibrosis, and diabetes.
Global Engagement
Faculty and students in the program have many connections with global activities. The UW Mobile Clinic and Health Care in Uganda study abroad program provides students an opportunity to visit Uganda and learn about nutrition and public health. The Village Health Project student organization grew out of students traveling to Uganda on UW–Madison programs and supports ongoing public health projects in the region.
Student Organizations
The Dietetics and Nutrition Club (DNC), open to undergraduate and graduate students, hosts biweekly evening meetings featuring speakers on many topics related to nutrition. The group also assists students in finding volunteer and job opportunities in the field of nutrition.
Volunteer Activities
Students volunteer through many different programs in the community. Examples include:
- Volunteering at UW Hospitals and Clinics or other local hospitals to gain experience in patient care
- Joining the student organization Slow Food UW, a group that hosts dinners in the Madison community
- Addressing food insecurity through student groups including Food Justice Collective, Campus Food Shed, UW Frozen Meals program, Open Seat food pantry, Food Recovery Network-Madison Chapter, F.H. King: Students for Sustainable Agriculture; and Madison-area food pantries such as Madison Community Fridges
The Dietetics and Nutrition Club also offers volunteer opportunities.
Students may obtain academic credit along with community-based engagement by creating their own internship under the supervision of a faculty member.
Resources and Scholarships
The Department of Nutritional Sciences awards tens of thousands of dollars in scholarship funds for students each year and Nutritional Sciences students are also eligible for scholarships in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences receive more than $1.25 million in scholarships annually. Learn more about college scholarships.