
As consumer, industry, and society engagement with organic agriculture expands, the Certificate in Organic Agriculture provides undergraduate students excellent opportunities for learning on a variety of levels, including hands-on experiences. While the certificate focuses on the production and processing approaches that define organic agriculture, students can also explore other dimensions including economic, environmental, health, food systems, and policy. This interdisciplinary certificate can help UW students from various majors to develop employment opportunities in organic agriculture businesses (farm to fork), policy, public and non-governmental agency work, individual wellness and health initiatives, and sustainable development efforts.

How to Get in

Students may declare the certificate after completing one of these courses:

AGROECOL/​AGRONOMY/​C&E SOC/​ENTOM/​ENVIR ST  103 Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture3
AGRONOMY 100 Principles and Practices in Crop Production4
HORT 120 Survey of Horticulture3
PL PATH/​BOTANY  123 Plants, Parasites, and People3
C&E SOC/​SOC  222 Food, Culture, and Society3

Students who meet the eligibility criteria must contact the certificate advisor listed in the contact information box to declare the certificate and be assigned an advisor. Students are encouraged to meet with the certificate advisor at any stage of their interest in the certificate.

Students cannot declare the Certificate in Environmental Studies or Certificate in Food Systems along with Certificate in Organic Agriculture.


  • Minimum of 15 credits and successful completion of all course requirements
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in certificate coursework is required
  • Courses in which a student elects the pass/fail option will not count toward completion of requirements.
Complete one of the following courses:3
Principles and Practices in Crop Production
Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture
Food, Culture, and Society
Survey of Horticulture
Plants, Parasites, and People
Complete all of the following courses:6
Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy
Seminar in Organic Agriculture
Independent Study in Organic Agriculture
Complete 6 credits from the following list - courses can be chosen from any topic area:6
Public Policy Administration
The Environment and the Global Economy
The International Agricultural Economy
Food Laws and Regulations
Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy
Science, Media and Society
Evidence-Based Policy Making
Analytic Tools for Public Policy
Introduction to Agricultural and Applied Economics
Agricultural Systems Management
Cooperatives and Alternative Forms of Enterprise Ownership
Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance for Non-Business Majors
Fundamentals of Management and Marketing for Non-Business Majors
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management
Environmental Economics
Food Service Operations
Challenges & Solutions in Business Sustainability
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Venture Creation
Organic Production Processing
Cropping Systems
Forage Management and Utilization
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Global Food Production and Health
Animal Welfare
Quantitative Techniques for Biological Systems
Food Production Systems and Sustainability
Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development
Principles of Economic Entomology
Survey of Controlled Environment Food Production
Greenhouse Cultivation
Greenhouse Cultivation Lab
Fruit Crop Production
Tropical Horticultural Systems
Introduction to Plant Pathology
Plant Microbiomes
Soil Biology
Plant Disease Resistance
Plant Nutrition Management
Social Dimension
Issues in Food Systems
Labor in Global Food Systems
Our Planet, Our Health
Environmental Conservation
Global Environmental Issues
People, Land and Food: Comparative Study of Agriculture Systems
HORT 380
Global Food Security
Total Credits15

Certificate Completion Requirement

This undergraduate certificate must be completed concurrently with the student’s undergraduate degree. Students cannot delay degree completion to complete the certificate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the history of current organic systems and how it influences the way that organic farms and industries work.
  2. Explore the biological, ecological, and agricultural underpinnings of organic production systems
  3. Examine how organic systems, social initiatives, and regulations are developed and how they shape business activities, community development efforts, and human and environmental health outcomes.
  4. Evaluate the benefits and limitations of organic systems, social initiatives, and regulations from environmental, social, economic, and racial justice perspectives
  5. Apply knowledge of organic production through experiential opportunities within local, national and/or international communities.

Advising and Careers


Advising is an essential resource for students in the Certificate for Organic Agriculture and helps students shape their unique Wisconsin Experience and career path by making the most of their time at UW–Madison. Advisors can help students make well-informed decisions about coursework and academics, share strategies for success, support them as they encounter challenges, connect them to resources, and provide information about campus policies and procedures. Students are encouraged to regularly meet with their advisor to help ensure that they are aware of opportunities and are progressing in their academic and career goals.

Advising is typically done through individual in-person appointments, but advisors are also able to meet with students over the phone or through video conferencing if needed.  Quick questions can be answered via email, but an appointment should be scheduled if a conversation is needed. 

Certificate Advisor: Allee Hochmuth


The knowledge and skills developed through the Certificate in Organic Agriculture equip students for success in a range of career paths. Some certificate graduates may use this background to go into organic production, while others may choose a career path in relation to economics, policy, environmental stewardship, health, food systems, and beyond. This certificate has the potential to positively impact the employability of UW students across a variety of disciplines that intersect with organic agricultural production, policy, marketing, business, management, wellness, and community development.

Because an interest in organic agriculture can lead to many different careers, students are encouraged to begin the career exploration process early in their UW–Madison journey by working with advisors, faculty, and career resources on campus. These resources can help students reflect on their values and goals, identify career paths, and outline strategies for pursuing their goals.



Tom Bryan (Teaching Faculty, Plant and Agroecosystem Science)
Julie Dawson (Associate Professor, Plant and Agroecosystem Science)
Paul Mitchell (Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics)
Chuck Nicholson (Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics)
Erin Silva (Associate Professor, Plant Pathology)
Bill Tracy (Professor, Plant and Agroecosystem Science)


Allee Hochmuth (Advisor)
Anders Gurda (Outreach Manager)

Wisconsin Experience

Students who are engaged in the Certificate in Organic Agriculture can be involved in an array of opportunities across campus.  In addition to the hands-on experiences in the certificate program, students are highly encouraged to complement their coursework with out-of-classroom experiences such as research, volunteering, and study abroad.

The following opportunities can help students connect with other students interested in organic agriculture, build relationships with faculty and staff, and contribute to out-of-classroom learning: