The UNOS (others/one term only) classification may be used for a student whose educational goals and needs cannot be met by other University Special student classifications.

How to Get in

Prospective students who do not meet other University Special student requirements may be considered as potential UNOS candidates. Consultation with an advisor who approves admission is necessary.

Prospective students who have consulted with an advisor and received support for admission in this classification, apply using the University Special students application indicating their academic goal and name of the advisor.


Applying at least one month before the start of the term is recommended as it takes one to two weeks to review and process an application. UNOS is the designation on the admissions application and course roster.

Individuals who have been denied admission or missed the undergraduate admissions application deadline are not eligible for admission as a University Special student. However, students denied undergraduate admission may be eligible for the Badger Ready program.