Students investigating zoological samples in a lab

The zoology major is a gateway to the diverse areas of modern biology. The major can be tailored to prepare students for advanced study and careers in many different areas: health professions and public health; law; life sciences research in university, government, and industrial settings; education including museum, nature center, secondary school, and college teaching; biotechnology; and environmental studies.

Specialized preparation is offered in ecology, systematics, limnology, morphology, molecular biology, cellular biology, developmental biology, genetics, neurobiology, physiology, evolution, and behavior. Several possible areas, emphasizing different interests, are outlined in the requirements tab. They include ecology, evolution, and behavior; anatomy, physiology, and organismal biology; and cellular, molecular, and developmental biology. The department encourages undergraduate participation in research and offers summer research scholarships to outstanding students.

Goals of the Zoology Major

The zoology major emphasizes critical thinking and conceptual skills that come from an understanding of how scientific information is obtained and evaluated, and of how this information can be applied to societal issues. The major provides a solid foundation in genetic, cellular, physiological, ecological, and evolutionary principles, and in the related disciplines of chemistry, physics, and mathematics. As a result, the major fosters an understanding of biological complexity including the interrelationships among humans and natural systems.

The unique characteristics of the zoology major include:

  • broad-based, yet integrated training in wide-ranging areas of biology;
  • solid foundation of basic principles and processes in biology;
  • flexibility and advising needed to allow students to tailor the major to their specific goals;
  • wide range of opportunities for undergraduate involvement in independent research and senior thesis.

How to Get in

All students who are interested in pursuing the zoology major must schedule an appointment with the Zoology Major advisor. No major declaration forms are required to declare zoology major.

University General Education Requirements

All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.

General Education
  • Breadth—Humanities/Literature/Arts: 6 credits
  • Breadth—Natural Science: 4 to 6 credits, consisting of one 4- or 5-credit course with a laboratory component; or two courses providing a total of 6 credits
  • Breadth—Social Studies: 3 credits
  • Communication Part A & Part B *
  • Ethnic Studies *
  • Quantitative Reasoning Part A & Part B *

* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements.

College of Letters & Science Degree Requirements: Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Students pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in the College of Letters & Science must complete all of the requirements below. The College of Letters & Science allows this major to be paired with either a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science curriculum.

Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

Mathematics Complete the University General Education Requirements for Quantitative Reasoning A (QR-A) and Quantitative Reasoning B (QR-B) coursework.
  • Complete the fourth unit of a language other than English; OR
  • Complete the third unit of a language and the second unit of an additional language other than English.
L&S Breadth
  • 12 credits of Humanities, which must include 6 credits of literature; and
  • 12 credits of Social Science; and
  • 12 credits of Natural Science, which must include one 3+ credit Biological Science course and one 3+ credit Physical Science course.
Liberal Arts and Science Coursework Complete at least 108 credits.
Depth of Intermediate/Advanced work Complete at least 60 credits at the intermediate or advanced level.
Major Declare and complete at least one major.
Total Credits Complete at least 120 credits.
UW-Madison Experience
  • 30 credits in residence, overall; and
  • 30 credits in residence after the 86th credit.
Quality of Work
  • 2.000 in all coursework at UW–Madison
  • 2.000 in Intermediate/Advanced level coursework at UW–Madison

Non–L&S students pursuing an L&S major

Non–L&S students who have permission from their school/college to pursue an additional major within L&S only need to fulfill the major requirements. They do not need to complete the L&S Degree Requirements above.

Requirements for the Major

Math, Chemistry & Physics

Math—complete one:4-10
and Trigonometry
Algebra and Trigonometry
Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry I
and Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry II
Survey of Calculus 1
Chemistry—complete one:5-9
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry II
Advanced General Chemistry
Physics—complete one:8-10
General Physics
and General Physics
General Physics
and General Physics
General Physics
and General Physics
Total Credits17-29

Biology and Zoology

Complete 30 credits from the sections below.

Introductory Biology

Option 1: Introductory Biology10
Introductory Biology
and Introductory Biology
Option 2: BIOCORE—complete both:10
Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics
and Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics Laboratory
Cellular Biology
and Cellular Biology Laboratory
Option 3: Animal Biology 15
Animal Biology
and Animal Biology Laboratory
Total Credits5-10

BOTANY/​BIOLOGY  130 is recommended, but not required for students pursuing Option 3 (Animal Biology).


Directed Studies in Zoology
Invertebrate Biology and Evolution
Invertebrate Biology and Evolution Lab
Introduction to Entomology
Aquatic Invertebrate Biology
Marine Biology
Limnology-Conservation of Aquatic Resources
Laboratory for Limnology-Conservation of Aquatic Resources
Field Marine Biology
Human/Animal Relationships: Biological and Philosophical Issues
Extinction of Species
General Molecular Biology
Medical Entomology: Biology of Vector and Vector-borne Diseases
Topics in Biology
Introduction to Museum Studies in the Natural Sciences
Evolutionary Biology
Genetics of Human History
Behavioral Ecology
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Midwestern Ecological Issues: A Case Study Approach
General Ecology
Introduction to Animal Development
Plant-Insect Interactions
Undergraduate Neurobiology Seminar
Ecology of Fishes
Ecology of Fishes Lab
Birds of Southern Wisconsin
Invertebrate Paleontology
Laboratory in Developmental Biology
Principles of Landscape Ecology
Cell Biology
Computer-based Gene and Disease/Disorder Research Lab
Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology
Comparative Physiology Laboratory
Lab Course in Neurobiology and Behavior
Biology of Mind
Neuroethology Seminar
Molecular Ecology
Development of the Nervous System
Conservation Biology
Modeling Neurodevelopmental Disease
Climate Change Ecology
Historical Ecology
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Seminar
Internship in Ecology
Senior Honors Thesis
and Senior Honors Thesis
Senior Thesis
and Senior Thesis
Directed Study
Directed Studies in Zoology
Physiology 1
Human Anatomy Laboratory
Primate Behavioral Ecology
Primate Conservation
Introduction to Biochemistry
General Biochemistry I
Taxonomy of Mature Insects
Basic and Applied Insect Ecology
Wetlands Ecology
Field Ecology Workshop
Terrestrial Vertebrates: Life History and Ecology
Diseases of Wildlife
Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology
Principles of Genetics
Genetics Laboratory
Biology of Microorganisms
Biology of Microorganisms Laboratory
Introduction to Disease Biology
Animal Behavior
Primate Psychology: Insights into Human Behavior
Behavioral Neuroscience
Hormones, Brain, and Behavior
Total Credits20-25

A maximum of 6 credits of approved non-ZOOLOGY subject courses count toward the 30 credits required for the major. Students can take ZOOLOGY/​BIOLOGY  101 Animal Biology and ZOOLOGY/​BIOLOGY  102 Animal Biology Laboratory for the Introductory Biology requirement is recommended for students who complete this sequence.


Only 3 credits of ANAT&PHY 335 Physiology count toward the 6 credits of approved non-ZOOLOGY subject courses.

Residence and Quality of Work

  • 2.000 GPA in all ZOOLOGY and major courses
  • 2.000 GPA on 15 Upper Level major credits, taken in Residence 1
  • 15 credits in ZOOLOGY, or courses that count for the major, taken on the UW–Madison campus

ZOOLOGY 299–699, intermediate/advanced BIOCORE, and courses that count toward the major that have an intermediate/advanced designation are considered Upper Level in the major.

Honors in the Zoology Major

To earn Honors in the Major in Zoology, students must satisfy both the requirements for the major (above) and the following additional requirements:

  • Earn a 3.300 University GPA
  • Earn a 3.300 GPA in all courses that count toward the major
  • Complete 12 credits, taken for Honors, with individual grades of B or better. Select 6 credits from ZOOLOGY 300-680 or approved non-ZOOLOGY subject courses (above).
  • Complete ZOOLOGY 681 and ZOOLOGY 682, for a total of 6 credits.1

A written thesis proposal must be approved by the thesis mentor and a department advisor. While most theses are completed during the fall and spring of a student’s senior year, other combinations of terms are possible. More information about the proposal process, timing, and grading of a thesis can be found on the Department of Integrative Biology website.

University Degree Requirements 

Total Degree To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 degree credits. Students should consult with their college or department advisor for information on specific credit requirements.
Residency Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. “In residence” credit also includes UW–Madison courses offered in distance or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs.
Quality of Work Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum grade point average specified by the school, college, or academic program to remain in good academic standing. Students whose academic performance drops below these minimum thresholds will be placed on academic probation.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Connect and describe the concepts that make up the structure and function of all living things through the principles of genetics, cellular biology, and physiology.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of life through the principles of evolution.
  3. Make connections between organisms, their habitats, and systems through the principles of ecology.
  4. Make connections between the biological sciences to humans and ecological systems and appreciate the complexity of these systems.
  5. Identify, think through, and solve a problem using quantitative reasoning and critical thinking skills.
  6. Develop an ability to plan and carry out scientific experiments by obtaining and evaluating scientific information and effectively communicating information through oral and written presentations.
  7. Understand current issues in biology and apply scientific knowledge to societal issues.
  8. Make connections between self and natural world, and personal responsibility with social issues.
  9. Develop a sense of competence in the field of study through research experiences and written and oral communication of findings.

Four-Year Plan

This Four-Year Plan is only one way a student may complete an L&S degree with this major. Many factors can affect student degree planning, including placement scores, credit for transferred courses, credits earned by examination, and individual scholarly interests. In addition, many students have commitments (e.g., athletics, honors, research, student organizations, study abroad, work and volunteer experiences) that necessitate they adjust their plans accordingly. Informed students engage in their own unique Wisconsin Experience by consulting their academic advisors, Guide, DARS, and Course Search & Enroll for assistance making and adjusting their plan.

CHEM 103 or 1094-5CHEM 1045
MATH 112, 114, or 1713-5MATH 113 or 2173-5
Communication A13L&S Breadth3
Foreign Language (if required)3-4Social Science Breadth3
 14 14
ZOOLOGY/​BIOLOGY/​BOTANY  15115ZOOLOGY/​BIOLOGY/​BOTANY  152 (Satisfies Communication B)15
Ethnic Studies3L&S Breadth3
INTER-LS 2101Social Science Breadth3
Social Science Breadth3Elective3
 16 14
PHYSICS 103, 201, or 2074-5PHYSICS 104, 202, or 2084-5
I/A COMP SCI, MATH, or STAT (if required for the BS)3-5I/A COMP SCI, MATH, or STAT (required for the BS)3-5
Elective3L&S Breadth3
 16 14
Elective3-4I/A ZOOLOGY3-4
L&S Breadth3Elective6
Elective3-6Social Science Breadth3
 17 15
Total Credits 120

Students can take ZOOLOGY/​BIOLOGY  101 Animal Biology and ZOOLOGY/​BIOLOGY  102 Animal Biology Laboratory for the Introductory Biology requirement is recommended for students who complete this sequence.

Student may also satisfy Introductory Biology with BIOCORE.  Consult the advisor for the program regarding this option.

Advising and Careers


Students are encouraged to consult with a department advisor to construct individual programs appropriate to their own needs. Please use Starfish or call 608-262-2742 to make an appointment with the zoology advisor. iBio Starfish

Directed Study

The zoology major is an excellent scaffold for students interested in an undergraduate research experience. A maximum of 10 credits of Directed Studies (ZOOLOGY 299, ZOOLOGY 698, ZOOLOGY 699), Senior Thesis (ZOOLOGY 691, ZOOLOGY 692), or Senior Honors Thesis (ZOOLOGY 681, ZOOLOGY 682) will count toward the 30 credits required for the major.

The Department of Integrative Biology offers both ZOOLOGY 299 Directed Studies in Zoology and ZOOLOGY 699 Directed Studies in Zoology. ZOOLOGY 299 is recommended for students before they have completed their introductory biology course sequence, and ZOOLOGY 699 is recommended for students who have completed their introductory biology course sequence. Directed Studies in Zoology are graded on an A to F scale. Students cannot take Directed Studies on a pass/fail basis.

Directed Studies allows students to gain experience in a wide range of research areas in biology and to learn research techniques that are not easily taught in the classroom. Such experiences allow students to make more informed decisions about their future goals and careers.

Before students can enroll in ZOOLOGY 299 or ZOOLOGY 699, they must set up an appointment with a professor/mentor of their choice, and work with the professor/mentor to:

  1. Decide the specific number of credits, and
  2. Plan the work required to earn those credits.

Such plans can involve reviewing relevant literature in the area, developing a proposal for independent research, and/or conducting an experiment in the mentor's study area.

Students interested in doing in-depth research as undergraduates in an area of interest can elect to do a Senior Thesis or Senior Honors Thesis (see below). Students should contact a department advisor at the beginning of their junior year to explore possible research areas.

Senior Thesis

Students interested in making a longer-term commitment to a research project may consider undertaking a Senior Thesis. Students should contact a department advisor during their junior year to explore possible research areas in zoology.

Zoology Senior Thesis Requirements:

  1. Approval of a department advisor, and
  2. Completion of ZOOLOGY 691 and ZOOLOGY 692, a two-semester thesis research sequence, during the senior year (6 credits).

It is recommended that candidates for the Senior Thesis take ZOOLOGY 699 during the second semester of their junior year to prepare for the thesis.


The Department of Integrative Biology encourages our majors to begin working on their career exploration and preparation soon after arriving on campus. We partner with SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science. L&S graduates are in high demand by employers and graduate programs. It is important to us that our students are career ready at the time of graduation, and we are committed to your success.

L&S Career Resources

Every L&S major opens a world of possibilities.  SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science helps students turn the academic skills learned in their major, certificates, and other coursework into fulfilling lives after graduation, whether that means jobs, public service, graduate school or other career pursuits.

In addition to providing basic support like resume reviews and interview practice, SuccessWorks offers ways to explore interests and build career skills from their very first semester/term at UW all the way through graduation and beyond.

Students can explore careers in one-on-one advising, try out different career paths, complete internships, prepare for the job search and/or graduate school applications, and connect with supportive alumni and even employers in the fields that inspire them.


Please visit the Faculty and Affiliate Faculty pages on the Integrative Biology website for information about our faculty and their research areas.