Courses listed below, separated by subject, are active as of the summer 2025 term. Courses can be updated three times per year, to coincide with the priority enrollment time period for upcoming terms.
- Accounting and Information Systems (ACCT I S)
- Actuarial Science (ACT SCI)
- African American Studies (AFROAMER)
- African Cultural Studies (AFRICAN)
- Agricultural and Applied Economics (A A E)
- Agroecology (AGROECOL)
- Agronomy (AGRONOMY)
- Air Force Aerospace Studies (A F AERO)
- American Indian Studies (AMER IND)
- Anatomy (ANATOMY)
- Anatomy & Physiology (ANAT&PHY)
- Anesthesiology (ANESTHES)
- Animal Sciences (AN SCI)
- Anthropology (ANTHRO)
- Applied Biotechnology (ABT)
- Art Department (ART)
- Art Education (Department of Art) (ART ED)
- Art History (ART HIST)
- Asian American Studies (ASIAN AM)
- Asian Languages and Cultures (ASIAN)
- Asian Languages and Cultures: Languages (ASIALANG)
- Astronomy (ASTRON)
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATM OCN)
- Biochemistry (BIOCHEM)
- Biological Systems Engineering (BSE)
- Biology (BIOLOGY)
- Biology Core Curriculum (BIOCORE)
- Biomedical Engineering (B M E)
- Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (BIOMDSCI)
- Biomolecular Chemistry (BMOLCHEM)
- Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (B M I)
- Botany (BOTANY)
- Cell and Regenerative Biology (CRB)
- Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies (CHICLA)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIV ENGR)
- Civil Society and Community Studies (CSCS)
- Classics (CLASSICS)
- Collaborative Nursing Program (CNP)
- Communication Arts (COM ARTS)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (CS&D)
- Community and Environmental Sociology (C&E SOC)
- Comparative Biosciences (COMP BIO)
- Comparative Literature (COMP LIT)
- Computer Sciences (COMP SCI)
- Consumer Science (CNSR SCI)
- Counseling Psychology (COUN PSY)
- Curriculum and Instruction (CURRIC)
- Economics (ECON)
- Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA)
- Educational Policy Studies (ED POL)
- Educational Psychology (ED PSYCH)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (E C E)
- Emergency Medicine (EMER MED)
- Engineering Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering (E M A)
- Engineering Physics (E P)
- Engineering Professional Development (E P D)
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- English (ENGL)
- Entomology (ENTOM)
- Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute (ENVIR ST)
- Family Medicine (FAM MED)
- Farm and Industry Short Course (FISC)
- Finance, Investment and Banking (FINANCE)
- Folklore Program (FOLKLORE)
- Food Science (FOOD SCI)
- Forest and Wildlife Ecology (F&W ECOL)
- French (French and Italian) (FRENCH)
- Gender and Womens Studies (GEN&WS)
- General Business (GEN BUS)
- Genetic Counselor Studies (GENECSLR)
- Genetics (GENETICS)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geological Engineering (G L E)
- Geoscience (GEOSCI)
- German (GERMAN)
- German, Nordic, and Slavic (GNS)
- Greek (Classics) (GREEK)
- Hebrew-Biblical (HEBR-BIB)
- Hebrew-Modern (HEBR-MOD)
- History (HISTORY)
- History of Science (HIST SCI)
- Horticulture (HORT)
- Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS)
- Human Oncology (H ONCOL)
- Industrial and Systems Engineering (I SY E)
- Information Systems (INFO SYS)
- Integrated Arts (INTEGART)
- Integrated Liberal Studies (ILS)
- Integrated Science (INTEGSCI)
- Interdisciplinary Courses (C A L S) (INTER-AG)
- Interdisciplinary Courses (Engineering) (INTEREGR)
- Interdisciplinary Courses (L & S) (INTER-LS)
- Interdisciplinary Courses (SOHE) (INTER-HE)
- International Academic Programs – Study Abroad (STDYABRD)
- International Business (INTL BUS)
- International Studies (INTL ST)
- Italian (French and Italian) (ITALIAN)
- Landscape Architecture (LAND ARC)
- Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies (LACIS)
- Latin (Classics) (LATIN)
- Law (LAW)
- Legal Studies (LEGAL ST)
- Library and Information Studies (L I S)
- Life Sciences Communication (LSC)
- Linguistics (LINGUIS)
- Literature in Translation (LITTRANS)
- Management and Human Resources (M H R)
- Marketing (MARKETNG)
- Materials Science and Engineering (M S & E)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mechanical Engineering (M E)
- Medical Genetics (MD GENET)
- Medical History and Bioethics (MED HIST)
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology (M M & I)
- Medical Physics (MED PHYS)
- Medical Sciences - Medical School (MED SC-M)
- Medical Sciences - Veterinary Medicine (MED SC-V)
- Medicine (MEDICINE)
- Medieval Studies (MEDIEVAL)
- Microbiology (MICROBIO)
- Military Science (MIL SCI)
- Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Center (M&ENVTOX)
- Molecular Biology (MOL BIOL)
- Music (MUSIC)
- Music-Performance (MUS PERF)
- Naval Science (NAV SCI)
- Neurological Surgery (NEURSURG)
- Neurology (NEUROL)
- Neuroscience (NEURODPT)
- Neuroscience Training Program (NTP)
- Nuclear Engineering (N E)
- Nursing (NURSING)
- Nutritional Sciences (NUTR SCI)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBS&GYN)
- Oncology (ONCOLOGY)
- Operations and Technology Management (OTM)
- Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (OPHTHALM)
- Patho-Biological Sciences (PATH-BIO)
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PATH)
- Pediatrics (PEDIAT)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences (PHM SCI)
- Pharmacology (PHMCOL-M)
- Pharmacy (PHARMACY)
- Pharmacy Practice (PHM PRAC)
- Philosophy (PHILOS)
- Physical Therapy (PHY THER)
- Physician Assistant Program (PHY ASST)
- Physics (PHYSICS)
- Physiology (PHYSIOL)
- Plant Pathology (PL PATH)
- Plant Science (PLANTSCI)
- Political Science (POLI SCI)
- Population Health Sciences (POP HLTH)
- Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese) (PORTUG)
- Psychiatry (PSYCHIAT)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Public Affairs and Public Policy (PUB AFFR)
- Public Health (PUBLHLTH)
- Radiology (RADIOL)
- Real Estate and Urban Land Economics (REAL EST)
- Rehabilitation Medicine (RHAB MED)
- Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education (RP & SE)
- Religious Studies (RELIG ST)
- Risk Management and Insurance (R M I)
- Scandinavian Studies (SCAND ST)
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Senior Medical Program (SR MED)
- Slavic (Slavic Languages) (SLAVIC)
- Social and Administrative Pharmacy (S&A PHM)
- Social Work (SOC WORK)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Soil Science (SOIL SCI)
- Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese) (SPANISH)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Surgery (SURGERY)
- Surgical Sciences (SURG SCI)
Course Designations
Below you will find a short description of items included in course listings and course bubbles. For further information regarding course designations, consult your advisor or view the Requirements for Undergraduate Study. The mortarboard symbol () appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements.mortar board
Gen Ed | Communication Part A: a course in communication skills at the college level, developing student abilities in writing and public speaking, for both exposition and argumentation. Communication Part B: a course involving substantial instruction in the four modes of literacy (that is, speaking, reading, writing, and listening), with emphasis on speaking and writing, either in the conventions of specific fields or in more advanced courses in communication. Quantitative Reasoning Part A: a Quantitative Reasoning Part A course is an introductory course in college‐level mathematics, computer science, statistics or formal logic that prepares students for more advanced work in a disciplinary context. Quantitative Reasoning Part B: a Quantitative Reasoning Part B course builds on the tools of college‐level mathematics, computer science, statistics or formal logic that are acquired by achieving the Quantitative Reasoning Part A learning outcomes. Quantitative Reasoning Part B courses may be offered at any level, provided that the material challenges students to think critically and apply quantitative skills to develop models, interpret data, draw conclusions, and solve problems within a disciplinary or interdisciplinary context. |
Ethnic St | Counts toward Ethnic Studies requirement: a course intended to increase understanding of the culture and contributions of persistently marginalized racial or ethnic groups in the United States, and to equip students to respond constructively to issues connected with our pluralistic society and global community. |
Breadth | Biological Science: a course concerning the systematic study of the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy of living organisms. Courses with this designation may meet Biological Science requirements or the broader Natural Science breadth requirements. Humanities: employing analytical, critical, and interpretive methods, “Arts & Humanities” courses teach a wide array of skills necessary to understand and analyze past, present, and future of the world around us. These courses focus on exploring the human condition, using knowledge to build empathy and appreciation for the complexities of one’s own and other people’s perspectives. Literature: courses with “literature” designation focus on the reading and interpretation of texts in multiple genres, including fictional and nonfictional prose, poetry, and drama, from a range of cultures, in translation or in their original languages, irrespective of how they are presented. They teach skills of literary analysis while examining the relation between the texts and the cultures, historical periods, and ideas that produced them. Natural Science: a course characterized by the systematic study of the natural and physical world, and with the use of abstraction and logical reasoning. Biological Science and Physical Science courses are subsets of the Natural Science curriculum. Physical Science: a course involving the systematic study of objective information about the physical world, broadly defined, and include areas of study such as Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, and Earth Science (atmospheric science, oceanography). Courses with this designation may meet Physical Science requirements or the broader Natural Science breadth requirements. Social Science: a course which relies upon methods of data collection (either qualitative or quantitative), data analysis, or data interpretation that characterize factual, methodological, institutional, and theoretical inquiry into the systematic study of humans/groups and institutions/society. |
Level | Elementary: a course associated with predominantly introductory material, are usually open to all students (including first year students). Intermediate and Advanced: courses with sensible prerequisites to reflect a gradual mastery of material. |
L&S Credit | Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L&S: a course which encourage students in one or more of the three “habits of the mind” of liberal arts education, as specified by the College of Letters and Science. |
Honors | Accelerated Honors (!): a course open to both honors and non-honors students. Accelerated Honors courses receive honors credit automatically in recognition of the amount and rigor of material covered in the course, often designed to combine two semesters of material into one semester. The enrollment system will automatically assign honors. Honors Only Courses (H): a course reserved for students declared in an Honors program only, taught by a faculty member who is an expert in the subject-matter of the course. It is designed to challenge students to actively participate; hence, the course content is often shaped by student questions and interests. The enrollment system will automatically assign honors. Honors Optional (%): a course open to both honors and non-honors students. The optional honors component of work is designed to facilitate in-depth, student-driven learning and enrich the student’s experience. The student is responsible for formally declaring their intention to complete an honors project when enrolling. |
Grad 50% | Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement: a course used in the Graduate School's requirement that least 50% of credits applied toward the student’s graduate program must be with courses designed for graduate work. |
Work | Workplace Experience Course: a course where workplace experience is linked to learning in an academic program. Courses must include intentional learning objectives related to the experience. |
Foreign Language | First-semester language course: Course in a language other than English for students with no prior experience in the language. These courses are not retro-credit eligible. Second-semester language course: Course in a language other than English that requires a Level 1 course a requisite. These courses are retro-credit eligible. Third-semester language course: Course in a language other than English that requires a Level 2 course a requisite. These courses are retro-credit eligible. Fourth-semester language course: Course in a language other than English that requires a Level 3 course a requisite. These courses are retro-credit eligible Fifth-semester and above language course. Course in a language other than English that requires a Level 4 or Level 5 course a requisite. These courses are retro-credit eligible. |
Course Requisites
Requisites represent the academic preparation required to be successful in a course. They are enforced via the enrollment system, meaning a student who attempts to enroll in a course but lacks the requisite preparation will be prevented from enrolling in the course until the requisite has been met.
It is assumed that courses in progress at the time of enrollment will be completed successfully and thus fulfill a course requisite. Course administrators/departments may check the completion of these courses and may drop enrolled students who failed or dropped a requisite course and notify them accordingly.
There are occasions when a student may have the necessary preparation to be successful in a course, but this preparation is not easily identifiable in their student record. An example would be earned transfer credit that did not equate to a UW-Madison course that meets the spirit of the required course. You may ask the course instructor for permission to enroll in a course for which you do not meet the enforced requisite. Instructor permission will override any restrictions on enrollment the class might have.
Ways to fulfill requisites:
- UW-Madison Courses
- Testing Scores
- Transfer Equivalencies
- General Education
- Limitations on Enrollment/Audience
- Class Standing
- Consent of Instructor
UW-Madison Courses
Courses identified in requisites list the subject(s) and catalog number (example: MATH 221). If a course is cross-listed, you will meet the requisite regardless of the subject you enrolled, with one exception (see minimum credits in a subject). For example, ZOOLOGY/BIOLOGY 101 is the same course, so requisites recognize both Zoology and Biology as fulfilling the requirement; it does not matter which course you enrolled in.
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent enrollment means being enrolled in a course in the same term as the requisite course. There are three ways these can be written:
- You may either have completed the requisite course in a prior term or be currently enrolled in it. (example: Course A, or concurrent enrollment). Example: HORT 335
- You must be enrolled in the listed courses during the same term, every time the courses are offered (example: Course A requisite: Concurrent enrollment in Course B.; Course B requisite: Concurrent enrollment in Course A). You will have to enroll in all courses at the same time otherwise you will not meet the requisite. Example: NURSING 726 & NURSING 728
- One course requires concurrent enrollment but the other course does not. For example, if you enroll in a Course A with a requisite stating "Concurrent enrollment in Course B", but Course B does not require you to be enrolled in Course A. In this situation, you must enroll in Course B first, then go back in and enroll in Course A. Example: MUS PERF 201 & MUS PERF 251
Minimum Credits in a Subject
Requisites may specify a certain number of credits in any given subject (example: 3 credits in HISTORY). This means you must have taken at least 3 credits in the HISTORY course array without specifying an individual course. If you take a course cross-listed with HISTORY, but do not enroll in HISTORY, you will not meet the requisite. Example: HISTORY 200
In very limited situations, a minimum grade may be included associated with a requisite course (example: a grade of C in Course A). If you are a transfer student, you may need individual permission from the instructor to enroll in courses with this type of requisite. Example: NUTR SCI 431
Testing Scores
Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
These exam scores are converted into UW-Madison credit via equivalent courses. They do not display publicly in requisites. Due to the nature of the vast array of subject material there isn't always a direct equivalent (exact match from the exam to a UW-Madison course), thus credit will show up on your record as a transfer equivalent (denoted by SUBJECT X##, example GEN ELCT X12). See the list of exams and their equivalent UW-Madison courses in the Placement and Credit by Exam section of Guide.
UW-System/UW-Madison Placement Exam Scores and Departmental Placement Exams
The UW-System and UW-Madison provide placement exams in English, English as a Second Language (ESL), French, German, Math, Spanish and have direct equivalents to UW-Madison courses. Departments may also provide placement exams in other subject matter where a student may have acquired knowledge, skills, or competencies. Requisites use placement exam scores and use the language "or placement into [course]." Find more information about these exams and subsequent placement into UW-Madison courses in the Placement and Credit by Exam section of Guide. Example: FRENCH 102
Transfer Equivalencies
If you are transferring to UW-Madison, their previous coursework will be converted to UW-Madison credit/courses. In most cases, you will see the equivalent UW-Madison course on your transcript, which can be used just like the courses above. If there is not a direct equivalent (exact match from your previous institution to a UW-Madison course), you will receive credit in any given subject as a transfer equivalent (denoted by SUBJECT X##, example GEN ELCT X12).
In some situations, you may have acquired subject matter knowledge, but did not complete all the learning outcomes associated with UW-Madison general education attributes or designations. Transfer equivalency courses used in this situation provide a transfer credit equivalent to course content without the general education requirement fulfillment. These are included in requisites behind the scenes.
When requisites include a minimum letter grade, the transfer equivalency grade will factor in the requisite as a 2.000 GPA, regardless your grade from the previous institution.
List of standard UW-Madison equivalencies without general education attributes/designations
- BIO SCI X52: Included in requisites where BIOLOGY/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 152 is used. This is the transfer equivalency for the bioscience content without fulfilling the Communications B requirement.
- PSYCH X02: Include in requisites where PSYCH 225 is used. This is the transfer equivalency without fulfilling the Communications B requirement.
General Education
Some courses utilize the satisfaction of a specific general education requirement as a requisite. These are written as:
- Satisfied Communications A requirement
- Example: COM ARTS 262
- Satisfied Quantitative Reasoning (QR) A requirement
- Example: C&E SOC/SOC 360
- Satisfied Quantitative Reasoning (QR) B requirement
To see more about general education requirements, see the Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees in Guide.
Limitations on Enrollment/Audience
Some courses are designed for a specific audience. Requisites limit who can enroll in these courses.
Significant content overlap
When a course covers a significant portion of another course, a requisite will prevent you from earning credit in courses that are vastly similar. These requisites include statements such as "Not open to students with credit in [Course A]", which will prevent you from enrolling in a course where you already have mastered the subject matter. Example: CHEM 327
Courses may limit enrollment to students only in honors programs. Requisites for these courses will be written as:
- Declared in an honors program (this means any honors in the major, college honors, or honors research) Example: POLI SCI 182
- Declared in [school or college] honors program (this means any honors program within a specific school or college) Example: INTER-AG 288
- Declared in [degree/major/program] honors in the major (this means to a single, specific honors program)
Limiting by program
Courses can be designed for specific programs and will have requisites that specify who can enroll. You must be declared in one of these programs to enroll. Requisites will be written as:
- Declared in [degree/major/program] Example: KINES 300
- Declared in [major/program] graduate program Example: CHEM/BIOCHEM 704
- Declared in Capstone Certificate in [program] Example: M E 718
- Classified as Pre-[degree/major/program name] Example: CURRIC 319
Class standing
Class standing is based on the number of credits you have earned, credits in progress at time of enrollment, and your academic career (undergraduate, graduate, pharmacy, medical, veterinary, law, or special).
Requisites using standing can be written in a variety of ways, depending on the audience. If the requisite is Sophomore standing, this includes sophomore, junior, senior, graduate/professional, or special career students. If the requisite is Sophomore standing only, only undergraduate students with 24-53 credits may enroll in the course.
Credits and Class Standing
- 0-23 credits: Freshman
- 24-53 credits: Sophomore
- 54-85 credits: Junior
- 86+ credits: Senior
Limits based on course catalog number
- Courses numbered 100-299 are open to undergraduates only. Graduate students may enroll, but the credits will not be reflected on their student record.
- Courses numbered 300-699 are open to undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Courses numbered 700 and above are open only to graduate/professional students.
Consent of Instructor
Some courses may only enroll when you have consent of instructor. These courses usually are independent study, directed study, etc. or courses that require auditions, permission the fist time, or other unique situations that are subjective. This is written as "Consent of Instructor." Example: DANCE 159
- Overview
- Syllabus Statements
- Academic Calendar & Religious Observances
- Academic Integrity Statement
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Course Evaluations
- Diversity & Inclusion Statement
- Mental Health and Well-Being Statement
- Privacy of Student Records & the Use of Audio Recorded Lectures Statement
- Students' Rules, Rights & Responsibilities
- Teaching & Learning Data Transparency Statement
The following statements were created for inclusion in course syllabi. Instructors are strongly encouraged to reference, or include a link to, these statements in their individual course syllabi. This ensures that consistent institutional information is provided to all students.
Syllabus Statements
Academic Calendar & Religious Observances
Academic Calendar & Religious Observances
Establishment of the academic calendar for the University of Wisconsin-Madison falls within the authority of the faculty as set forth in Faculty Policies and Procedures. Construction of the academic calendar is subject to various rules and laws prescribed by the Board of Regents, the Faculty Senate, State of Wisconsin and the federal government. For additional dates and deadlines for students, see the Office of the Registrar’s pages. Students are responsible for notifying instructors within the first two weeks of classes about any need for flexibility due to religious observances.
Academic Integrity Statement
By virtue of enrollment, each student agrees to uphold the high academic standards of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; academic misconduct is behavior that negatively impacts the integrity of the institution. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and helping others commit these previously listed acts are examples of misconduct which may result in disciplinary action. Examples of disciplinary sanctions include, but are not limited to, failure on the assignment/course, written reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The University of Wisconsin-Madison supports the right of all enrolled students to a full and equal educational opportunity. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Wisconsin State Statute (36.12), and UW-Madison policy (UW-855) require the university to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities to access and participate in its academic programs and educational services. Faculty and students share responsibility in the accommodation process. Students are expected to inform faculty of their need for instructional accommodations during the beginning of the semester, or as soon as possible after being approved for accommodations. Faculty will work either directly with the student or in coordination with the McBurney Center to provide reasonable instructional and course-related accommodations. Disability information, including instructional accommodations as part of a student's educational record, is confidential and protected under FERPA. (See: McBurney Disability Resource Center)
Course Evaluations
UW-Madison students have the opportunity to evaluate the courses they are enrolled in and their learning experiences through course evaluations. Most instructors use a digital course evaluation tool. In most instances, students receive an official email two weeks prior to the end of the semester, notifying them that anonymous course evaluations are available. Student participation is an integral component of course development, and confidential feedback is important. UW-Madison strongly encourages student participation in course evaluations.
Diversity & Inclusion Statement
Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW-Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals. The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background – people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.
Mental Health and Well-Being Statement
Students often experience stressors that can impact both their academic experience and personal well-being. These may include mental health concerns, substance misuse, sexual or relationship violence, family circumstances, campus climate, financial matters, among others.
Students are encouraged to learn about and utilize UW-Madison's mental health services and/or other resources as needed. Visit or call University Health Services at (608) 265-5600 to learn more.
Privacy of Student Records & the Use of Audio Recorded Lectures Statement
View more information about FERPA.
Lecture materials and recordings for this course are protected intellectual property at UW-Madison. Students in courses may use the materials and recordings for their personal use related to participation in class. Students may also take notes solely for their personal use. If a lecture is not already recorded, students are not authorized to record lectures without permission unless they are considered by the university to be a qualified student with a disability who has an approved accommodation that includes recording. [Regent Policy Document 4-1] Students may not copy or have lecture materials and recordings outside of class, including posting on internet sites or selling to commercial entities, with the exception of sharing copies of personal notes as a notetaker through the McBurney Disability Resource Center. Students are otherwise prohibited from providing or selling their personal notes to anyone else or being paid for taking notes by any person or commercial firm without the instructor’s express written permission. Unauthorized use of these copyrighted lecture materials and recordings constitutes copyright infringement and may be addressed under the university’s policies, UWS Chapters 14 and 17, governing student academic and non-academic misconduct.
Students' Rules, Rights & Responsibilities
Teaching & Learning Data Transparency Statement
The privacy and security of faculty, staff and students’ personal information is a top priority for UW-Madison. The university carefully reviews and vets all campus-supported digital tools used for teaching and learning, including those that support data empowered educational practices and proctoring. View the university’s full teaching and learning data transparency statement.