Requirements for the Mathematical Emphasis

Mathematics & Statistics

Option 1—four courses:
Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1
Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2
Calculus--Functions of Several Variables
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra
Option 2—Honors sequence:
Topics in Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra
Topics in Multi-Variable Calculus and Differential Equations
Statistics (1 course)3
Statistics: Measurement in Economics (Recommended)
Introductory Econometrics
Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics I
Introduction to Theory and Methods of Mathematical Statistics I
Introductory Applied Statistics for Engineers
Data Science Modeling II
Total Credits18-19


30 credits to include:

Microeconomics Macroeconomics (complete one):4-8
Principles of Microeconomics
and Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Economics-Accelerated Treatment
Intermediate Theory (complete one):6-8
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
and Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory - Advanced Treatment
and Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory - Advanced Treatment (Honors Econ )
Introductory Econometrics
ECON 410 Introductory Econometrics4
Three Core ECON courses: 16-12
Study Abroad in Advanced Economics
The Financial System
Analytical Public Finance
Macroeconomic Policy
Human Resources and Economic Growth
Wages and the Labor Market
ECON 451
Behavioral Economics
Industrial Structure and Competitive Strategy
Economic Forecasting
International Macroeconomics
International Trade
International Industrial Organizations
Industrial Organization and Imperfect Competition
Economics of Growth
Markets with Frictions
Game Theory and Economic Analysis
Law and Economics
Insuring Life's Risks: Health, Aging, and Policy
The Economics of Health Care
Fundamentals of Data Analytics for Economists
Honors Tutorial in Research Project Design
Markets and Models
Population Economics
Issues in International Macroeconomics
Issues in International Trade
Issues in International Finance
Topics in Economics
Topics in Economic Data Analysis
Complete any core ECON course (above) or one of these courses:
Introduction to Finance
Development of Economic Thought
The Real Estate Process
Study Abroad in Intermediate Economics
Data Visualization for Economists
Investment Theory
Sports Economics
Money and Banking
Environmental Economics
The Economics of Growing-up and Getting Old
Economics of Poverty and Inequality
Energy, Resources and Economics
Contemporary Economic Issues
Urban and Regional Economics
Economic Decision Analysis
Government and Natural Resources
Latin American Economic Development
The American Economy to 1865
The American Economy Since 1865
Economic Growth and Development in Southeast Asia
Economic Problems of Developing Areas
Agricultural and Economic Development in Africa
Philosophy and Economics
Quantitative Methods in Agricultural and Applied Economics
Natural Resource Economics
Population and Society
Energy Economics
Total Credits30

Residence and Quality of Work

  • 2.000 GPA in all major and ECON courses
  • 2.000 GPA on 15 upper-level major courses taken in residence2
  • 15 credits in ECON, taken on the UW–Madison campus

Honors in the Major

Requirements to Earn Honors in the Economics Major

To earn Honors in the Major in Economics, students must be declared in and satisfy the requirements for the Economics–Mathematical Emphasis Option (above), and satisfy the following additional requirements:

  • Earn a 3.300 University GPA
  • Earn a 3.500 GPA for all ECON and major courses
  • Complete the following courses, taken for Honors, with grades of B or better in each:
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory - Advanced Treatment
and Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory - Advanced Treatment
Honors Tutorial in Research Project Design
Select one of the following capstone experiences:
Honors Thesis
Senior Honors Thesis
and Senior Honors Thesis (Take for a total of 6 credits)



At least two core ECON courses must be taken in residence at UW–Madison, and not via transfer or a UW–Madison Study Abroad program.


Intermediate and Advanced level ECON courses are Upper Level in the major.