Physical Geography Option Requirements

In addition to completing the requirements for all options, complete these requirements specific to this option

Skills, Techiques & Methodology

Quantitative Methodology (1 course)3
Advanced Quantitative Methods
Introductory Applied Statistics for Engineers
Introductory Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences
Core Cartography/GIS
GEOG/​CIV ENGR/​ENVIR ST  377 An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
Second Cart/GIS or Field Methods Course(1 course)3
Introduction to Cartography
Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing
Introduction to Geocomputing
Geospatial Technologies: Drones, Sensors, and Applications
Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Planning
Graphic Design in Cartography
Advanced Geocomputing and Geospatial Big Data Analytics
Geospatial Database Design and Development
Interactive Cartography & Geovisualization
Geospatial Web and Mobile Programming
GIS Applications
GIS and Spatial Analysis
Total Credits10


3 courses required9-12
Polar Regions and Their Importance in the Global Environment
GEOG 329
Global Warming: Science and Impacts
Climatic Environments of the Past
Environmental Biogeography
Geography of Wisconsin
Changing Landscapes of the American West
Independent Study (maximum 3 credits may apply)
Glacial and Pleistocene Geology
Advanced Paleoecology: Species Responses to Past Environmental Change
Soil Geomorphology
Human Transformations of Earth Surface Processes
Total Credits9-12