
Undergraduates interested in cross-disciplinary study of South Asia (generally defined as the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Tibetan region) may earn a certificate in South Asian studies. The certificate can be a valuable addition to a major in anthropology, archeology, business, communications, economics, education, gender and women's studies, geography, history, international studies, journalism, languages and cultures of Asia, political science, zoology, and other departments. Completion of the certificate provides a concentration in the area through language and/or interdisciplinary training that provides enhanced career opportunities or increased preparation for graduate study.

The certificate in South Asian studies can be partially fulfilled through completion of a study abroad program in South Asia administered by International Academic Programs.

How to Get in

Students interested in declaring the undergraduate certificate should contact the undergraduate advisor.

Students declared in the Asian Languages and Cultures: South Asian Studies BA/BS/MAJ are not eligible to declare the South Asian Studies certificate.


Complete 21 credits, distributed as follows:

Introductory Course

Select one of these courses:

ASIAN 100 Gateway to Asia: Special Topics3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  274 Religion in South Asia3
HISTORY 142 History of South Asia to the Present3-4

Area courses

Select 9 credits from these courses:

ANTHRO 102 Archaeology and the Prehistoric World3
ART HIST 305 History of Islamic Art and Architecture3
ART HIST/​ASIAN  379 Cities of Asia3
ASIALANG 133 First Semester Hindi4
ASIALANG 134 Second Semester Hindi4
ASIALANG 135 First Semester Modern Tibetan4
ASIALANG 136 Second Semester Modern Tibetan4
ASIALANG 137 First Semester Persian4
ASIALANG 138 Second Semester Persian4
ASIALANG 139 First Semester Urdu4
ASIALANG 140 Second Semester Urdu4
ASIALANG 141 First Semester Sanskrit3-4
ASIALANG 142 Second Semester Sanskrit3-4
ASIALANG 233 Third Semester Hindi4
ASIALANG 234 Fourth Semester Hindi4
ASIALANG 235 Third Semester Modern Tibetan4
ASIALANG 236 Fourth Semester Modern Tibetan4
ASIALANG 237 Third Semester Persian4
ASIALANG 238 Fourth Semester Persian4
ASIALANG 239 Third Semester Urdu4
ASIALANG 240 Fourth Semester Urdu4
ASIALANG 241 Third Semester Sanskrit3-4
ASIALANG 242 Fourth Semester Sanskrit3-4
ASIALANG 317 First Semester Summer Asian Language4
ASIALANG 327 Second Semester Summer Asian Language4
ASIALANG 333 Fifth Semester Hindi3-4
ASIALANG 334 Sixth Semester Hindi3-4
ASIALANG 335 Fifth Semester Tibetan4
ASIALANG 336 Sixth Semester Tibetan4
ASIALANG 337 Fifth Semester Persian3-4
ASIALANG 338 Sixth Semester Persian3-4
ASIALANG 339 Fifth Semester Urdu3-4
ASIALANG 340 Sixth Semester Urdu3-4
ASIALANG 417 Third Semester Summer Asian Language4
ASIALANG 427 Fourth Semester Summer Asian Language4
ASIALANG 517 Fifth Semester Summer Asian Language4
ASIALANG 527 Sixth Semester Summer Asian Language4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  218 Health and Healing in South Asia3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  236 Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters3
ASIAN 268 Tibetan Cultures and Traditions3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  274 Religion in South Asia3
ASIAN 300 Topics in Asian Studies3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  307 A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism3
ASIAN 311 Modern Indian Literatures3
ASIAN/​AFRICAN/​RELIG ST  370 Islam: Religion and Culture3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  405 Gods and Goddesses of South Asia3
ASIAN/​ART HIST  428 Visual Cultures of India3
ASIAN/​COM ARTS  443 Indian Cinema in the U.S. and Beyond3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  460 The History of Yoga3
ASIAN/​HISTORY  463 Topics in South Asian History3
ASIAN/​ENGL  478 Indian Writers Abroad: Literature, Diaspora and Globalization3
ASIAN AM 101 Introduction to Asian American Studies3
ASIAN AM/​ENGL  270 A Survey of Asian American Literature3
GEOG/​INTL ST  315 Universal Basic Income: The Politics Behind a Global Movement3
GEOG 340 World Regions in Global Context3
GEOG 510 Economic Geography4
GEN&WS 102 Gender, Women, and Society in Global Perspective3
GEN&WS/​URB R PL  644 International Development and Gender3
HISTORY 130 An Introduction to World History3-4
HISTORY 142 History of South Asia to the Present3-4
HISTORY 229 Explorations in Transnational/Comparative History (Humanities)3
HISTORY 434 American Foreign Relations, 1901 to the Present3-4
HISTORY 450 Making of Modern South Asia3-4
INTL BUS 200 International Business3
INTL ST 320 Contemporary Issues in International Studies1-4
LEGAL ST/​HISTORY  510 Legal Pluralism3
NUTR SCI/​A A E/​AGRONOMY  350 World Hunger and Malnutrition3
RELIG ST 444 3
RELIG ST/​ASIAN  473 Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism3

Disciplinary Courses

Select 6 credits from these courses:

A A E/​AGRONOMY/​NUTR SCI  350 World Hunger and Malnutrition3
ANTHRO 102 Archaeology and the Prehistoric World3
ANTHRO 322 The Origins of Civilization3
ANTHRO/​LINGUIS  430 Language and Culture3-4
ART HIST 411 Topics in Asian Art3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  218 Health and Healing in South Asia3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  236 Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters3
ASIAN 267 3-4
ASIAN 268 Tibetan Cultures and Traditions3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  274 Religion in South Asia3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  306 Hinduism3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  307 A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism3
ASIAN/​HISTORY/​RELIG ST  308 Introduction to Buddhism3-4
ASIAN 311 Modern Indian Literatures3
ASIAN/​AFRICAN/​RELIG ST  370 Islam: Religion and Culture3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  405 Gods and Goddesses of South Asia3
ASIAN/​ART HIST  428 Visual Cultures of India3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  430 Indian Traditions in the Modern Age3
ASIAN/​COM ARTS  443 Indian Cinema in the U.S. and Beyond3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  460 The History of Yoga3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  466 Buddhist Thought3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  473 Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism3
CURRIC 292 Globalizing Education3
CURRIC 366 Internationalizing Educational Knowledge3
ED POL 237 Wealth, Poverty and Inequality: Transnational Perspectives on Policy and Practice in Education3
ED POL 260 Introduction to International Education Development3
ENGL/​ASIAN  478 Indian Writers Abroad: Literature, Diaspora and Globalization3
GEN&WS/​POLI SCI  435 Politics of Gender and Women's Rights in the Middle East3
GEN&WS/​INTL ST  535 Women's Global Health and Human Rights3
GEOG/​INTL ST  315 Universal Basic Income: The Politics Behind a Global Movement3
GEOG 340 World Regions in Global Context3
GEOG 510 Economic Geography4
INTL BUS 200 International Business3
INTL BUS/​GEN BUS  320 Intercultural Communication in Business3
INTL BUS/​MARKETNG  420 Global Marketing Strategy3
INTL ST/​A A E  374 The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy3
LITTRANS/​GERMAN  276 Special Topics in German and World Literature/s3
POLI SCI/​INTL ST  327 Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective3


Select 3 credits from these courses:

ANTHRO 690 Problems in Anthropology3-4
ASIALANG 675 Advanced Readings in Sanskrit3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  430 Indian Traditions in the Modern Age3
ASIAN 600 Capstone Seminar in Asian Humanities3
ASIAN/​ART HIST  621 Mapping, Making, and Representing Colonial Spaces3
ASIAN 630 Proseminar: Studies in Cultures of Asia3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  650 Proseminar in Buddhist Thought2-3
ASIAN 655 Ethnography in Asia3
ENVIR ST/​C&E SOC/​SOC  540 Sociology of International Development, Environment, and Sustainability3
HISTORY/​ASIAN  463 Topics in South Asian History3
POP HLTH/​HIST SCI/​MED HIST  553 International Health and Global Society3
POP HLTH 644 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Health and Disease1
RELIG ST/​ASIAN  473 Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism3

Residence and Quality of Work

  • Minimum 2.750 GPA on all certificate courses.
  • At least 11 certificate credits must be completed in residence.

Certificate Completion Requirement

This undergraduate certificate must be completed concurrently with the student’s undergraduate degree. Students cannot delay degree completion to complete the certificate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. (Historical Grounding) understanding the historical, political, and cultural forces and conditions that have given rise to the unity and diversity in the region today.
  2. (Multi-disciplinarity) analyzing contemporary political, economic, and cultural realities in the region from at least two disciplinary perspectives, ideally including humanities, social sciences and sometimes natural science approaches.
  3. (Depth of knowledge) mastering at the undergraduate generalist level a particular facet of life in the region by taking courses on a particular sub-region or country, or by studying a regional language, or by taking at least two courses on the region in one discipline.

Advising and Careers

Advising for the certificate is administered by the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS). The IRIS assistant director for students and curriculum can assist you in developing your plan of study for the certificate, track progress towards your certificate, explore study abroad and international internship options, and begin the career exploration process. We offer walk-in advising, advising workshops, and scheduled appointments. We strongly encourage students to begin career exploration early on and to make use of the many resources available on campus.

Contact the certificate advisor to create a plan that includes a well-balanced selection of area studies and disciplinary courses and for approval of appropriate introductory and capstone seminar courses.

L&S Career Resources

Every L&S major opens a world of possibilities.  SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science helps students turn the academic skills learned in their major, certificates, and other coursework into fulfilling lives after graduation, whether that means jobs, public service, graduate school or other career pursuits.

In addition to providing basic support like resume reviews and interview practice, SuccessWorks offers ways to explore interests and build career skills from their very first semester/term at UW all the way through graduation and beyond.

Students can explore careers in one-on-one advising, try out different career paths, complete internships, prepare for the job search and/or graduate school applications, and connect with supportive alumni and even employers in the fields that inspire them.


Center for South Asia Advisory Committee: Anthony Cerulli (Director), Sarah Beckham, Uchita Vaid, Jamal Jones, Sumudu Atapattu, Anirban Baishya, Todd Michelson-Ambelang, Felecia Lucht

Wisconsin Experience

As a regional center within the Institute for Regional and International Studies, we support and enhance international and global awareness in our student communities and inspire informed thinking about the complexities of our world. We encourage our students to connect to international networks and our regional communities through our program’s lecture series, film screenings, and varied outreach events and activities. We encourage our students to study abroad, do international internships, learn foreign languages, and expect them to gain an interdisciplinary grounding in global and regional affairs. We provide resources and expertise on our world area to students, and prospective students, and more broadly to K–12 teachers and students, postsecondary educators and graduate students, businesses, the media, the military, the community at large, and anyone else who is interested.

Resources and Scholarships

Information about resources and scholarships through the Center for South Asia is available on our website. Please contact the Center for more information about the South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative (SAFLI), the South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI), and the Annual Conference on South Asia. We also strongly encourage our students to explore funding options available through the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) Awards Office.