Certificate in East Asian Studies
The undergraduate certificate in East Asian studies is offered by the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) and is available to students working toward a baccalaureate degree in any of the University of Wisconsin–Madison schools and colleges, and to University Special students. This certificate meets the needs of students choosing to focus on the East Asian region (China, Korea, Japan, and Tibet) within their primary major, but not wishing to commit to the rigorous language study required by the relevant majors in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures.
Students select coursework reflecting their interests from myriad classes offered through many university departments and can work toward a variety of undergraduate majors. Upon earning the certificate, this emphasis is noted on the student's transcript. The certificate is of value to students wishing to demonstrate their knowledge of the East Asian region either to potential employers or to graduate schools.
About CEAS
CEAS began in 1962 as the East Asian Studies program, building on more than 60 years of research and teaching on China, Japan, and Korea at UW-Madison. Over the years it has grown from fewer than a dozen faculty members teaching 30 graduate-level courses to more than 70 faculty members teaching nearly 300 courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
CEAS is the focal point connecting East Asia to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. One of UW-Madison’s eight federally funded National Resource Centers, CEAS is dedicated to all aspects of research, education, and outreach related to China, Japan, and Korea.
Students interested in more specialized study of the languages and literatures of East Asia, South Asia, or Southeast Asia should see the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, the Center for South Asia, or the Center for Southeast Asian Studies; those interested in study of languages and cultures of Central Asia should see the Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies. All questions pertaining to East Asian studies at UW–Madison should be addressed to the Center for East Asian Studies (see box at right).
How to Get in
Students interested in declaring the East Asian Studies certificate should contact the advisor for the program.
Students declared in the Asian Languages and Cultures: East Asian Studies BA/BS/MAJ are not eligible to declare the East Asian Studies certificate.
Complete 21 credits representing at least three Subjects, from: 1
Code | Title | Credits |
Core Course | ||
HISTORY/ASIAN/POLI SCI 255 | Introduction to East Asian Civilizations | 3-4 |
Additional Certificate Requirements | ||
Complete at least three courses numbered 300 or above from the Certificate Courses list | 9 | |
Complete 9 credits of additional electives from the Certificate Courses list | 9 | |
Total Credits | 21 |
- 1
A maximum 12 credits of East Asian language may apply.
Certificate Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
A A E 319 | The International Agricultural Economy | 3 |
A A E/ECON 474 | Economic Problems of Developing Areas | 3 |
ANTHRO 357 | Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan | 3-4 |
ART HIST 203 | Survey of Asian Art | 3-4 |
ART HIST 307 | From Tomb to Temple: Ancient Chinese Art and Religion in Transition | 3 |
ART HIST 308 | The Tastes of Scholars and Emperors: Chinese Art in the Later Periods | 3 |
ART HIST 475 | Japanese Ceramics and Allied Arts | 3 |
ART HIST/RELIG ST 478 | Art and Religious Practice in Medieval Japan | 3 |
ART HIST 575 | Proseminar in Japanese Art | 3 |
ART HIST 576 | Proseminar in Chinese Art | 3 |
ASIALANG 101 | First Semester Chinese | 4 |
ASIALANG 102 | Second Semester Chinese | 4 |
ASIALANG 103 | First Semester Japanese | 4 |
ASIALANG 104 | Second Semester Japanese | 4 |
ASIALANG 105 | First Semester Korean | 4 |
ASIALANG 106 | Second Semester Korean | 4 |
ASIALANG 110 | Elementary Chinese I | 2 |
ASIALANG 111 | Elementary Chinese II | 2 |
ASIALANG 113 | First Semester Elementary Japanese | 2 |
ASIALANG 114 | Second Semester Elementary Japanese | 2 |
ASIALANG 135 | First Semester Modern Tibetan | 4 |
ASIALANG 136 | Second Semester Modern Tibetan | 4 |
ASIALANG 201 | Third Semester Chinese | 4 |
ASIALANG 202 | Fourth Semester Chinese | 4 |
ASIALANG 203 | Third Semester Japanese | 4 |
ASIALANG 204 | Fourth Semester Japanese | 4 |
ASIALANG 205 | Third Semester Korean | 4 |
ASIALANG 206 | Fourth Semester Korean | 4 |
ASIALANG 211 | Heritage Chinese I | 3 |
ASIALANG 212 | Heritage Chinese II | 3 |
ASIALANG 235 | Third Semester Modern Tibetan | 4 |
ASIALANG 236 | Fourth Semester Modern Tibetan | 4 |
ASIALANG 301 | Fifth Semester Chinese | 4 |
ASIALANG 302 | Sixth Semester Chinese | 4 |
ASIALANG 303 | Fifth Semester Japanese | 4 |
ASIALANG 304 | Sixth Semester Japanese | 4 |
ASIALANG 305 | Fifth Semester Korean | 3 |
ASIALANG 306 | Sixth Semester Korean | 3 |
ASIALANG 311 | First Semester Classical Chinese | 3 |
ASIALANG 312 | Second Semester Classical Chinese | 3 |
ASIALANG 313 | Classical Japanese | 3 |
ASIALANG 315 | First Semester Classical Chinese for Chinese Speakers | 3 |
ASIALANG 316 | Second Semester Classical Chinese for Chinese Speakers | 3 |
ASIALANG 335 | Fifth Semester Tibetan | 4 |
ASIALANG 336 | Sixth Semester Tibetan | 4 |
ASIALANG 376 | Japanese Conversation | 3 |
ASIALANG 377 | Business Japanese Communication | 3 |
ASIALANG 378 | Chinese Conversation | 3 |
ASIALANG 379 | Business Chinese | 3 |
ASIALANG 381 | Business Korean | 3 |
ASIALANG 401 | Seventh Semester Chinese | 3 |
ASIALANG 402 | 3 | |
ASIALANG 403 | Seventh Semester Japanese | 3 |
ASIALANG 405 | Seventh Semester Korean | 3 |
ASIALANG 406 | Eighth Semester Korean | 3 |
ASIALANG 451 | Advanced Readings in Japanese | 3 |
ASIALANG 452 | Advanced Japanese through Audio-Visual Media | 3 |
ASIALANG 454 | Advanced Chinese through Media | 3 |
ASIALANG 457 | Advanced Chinese: Reading and Writing | 3 |
ASIALANG 677 | 3 | |
ASIAN/HISTORY 103 | Introduction to East Asian History: China | 3-4 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 104 | Introduction to East Asian History: Japan | 3-4 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 108 | Introduction to East Asian History - Korea | 3-4 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 236 | Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters | 3 |
ASIAN 253 | Japanese Popular Culture | 3 |
ASIAN 267 | 3-4 | |
ASIAN 268 | Tibetan Cultures and Traditions | 3 |
ASIAN 277 | Kendo: Integration of Martial Arts and Liberal Arts | 2 |
ASIAN 301 | Social Science Topics in Asian Studies | 1-3 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 307 | A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism | 3 |
ASIAN/HISTORY/RELIG ST 308 | Introduction to Buddhism | 3-4 |
ASIAN 310 | Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels: Theory, History, Method | 3 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 335 | The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century | 3-4 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 337 | Social and Intellectual History of China, 589 AD-1919 | 3-4 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 341 | History of Modern China, 1800-1949 | 3-4 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 342 | History of the Peoples Republic of China, 1949 to the Present | 3-4 |
ASIAN 350 | 3-4 | |
ASIAN 351 | Survey of Classical Chinese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 352 | Survey of Modern Chinese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 353 | Lovers, Warriors and Monks: Survey of Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 354 | Early Modern Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 355 | Modern Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 357 | Japanese Ghost Stories | 3 |
ASIAN 358 | Language in Japanese Society | 3 |
ASIAN 361 | Love and Politics: The Tale of Genji | 3 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 363 | China and World War II in Asia | 3-4 |
ASIAN 367 | Haiku | 3 |
ASIAN 371 | Topics in Chinese Literature | 2-3 |
ASIAN 372 | Topics in Chinese: Study Abroad | 1-6 |
ASIAN 373 | Topics in Japanese: Study Abroad | 1-6 |
ASIAN 375 | Survey of Chinese Film | 3 |
ASIAN 376 | Manga | 3 |
ASIAN/ART HIST 379 | Cities of Asia | 3 |
ASIAN 378 | Anime | 3 |
ASIAN 432 | Introduction to Chinese Linguistics | 3 |
ASIAN 433 | Topics in East Asian Visual Cultures | 3 |
ASIAN 434 | Introduction to Japanese Linguistics | 3 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 454 | Samurai: History and Image | 3-4 |
ASIAN/HISTORY 456 | Pearl Harbor & Hiroshima: Japan, the US & The Crisis in Asia | 3-4 |
ASIAN 533 | Readings in Early Modern Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 563 | Readings in Modern Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 571 | 1-3 | |
ASIAN 573 | Readings in Classical Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 631 | History of the Chinese Language | 3 |
ASIAN 632 | Studies in Chinese Linguistics | 3 |
ASIAN 633 | Chinese Applied Linguistics | 3 |
ASIAN 641 | History of Chinese Literature I | 3 |
ASIAN 642 | History of Chinese Literature II | 3 |
ASIAN 672 | Studies in Chinese Fiction | 3 |
ECON 390 | Contemporary Economic Issues | 3 |
HISTORY/INTL ST 332 | East Asia & The U.S. Since 1899 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 336 | Chinese Economic and Business History: From Silk to iPhones | 3-4 |
HISTORY 340 | Cultural History of Korea | 3-4 |
LITTRANS 261 | Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation | 3 |
LITTRANS 262 | 3 | |
LITTRANS 263 | Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 |
LITTRANS 264 | Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 |
LITTRANS 368 | 3 | |
LITTRANS 373 | Topics in Japanese Literature | 3 |
LITTRANS 374 | 3 | |
MUSIC/FOLKLORE 103 | Introduction to Music Cultures of the World | 3 |
MUSIC/FOLKLORE 402 | Musical Cultures of the World | 3 |
POLI SCI 324 | Chinese Politics | 3-4 |
POLI SCI 328 | Politics of East and Southeast Asia | 3-4 |
POLI SCI 346 | China in World Politics | 3-4 |
SOC 225 | 3 | |
THEATRE 351 | Fundamentals of Asian Stage Discipline | 3 |
THEATRE 526 | The Theatres of China and Japan | 3 |
Residence and Quality of Work
- Minimum 2.000 GPA on all certificate courses
- At least 11 certificate credits must be completed in residence
Undergraduate/Special Student Certificates
This certificate is intended to be completed in the context of an undergraduate degree and for those seeking this certificate that is preferred. For students who have substantially completed this certificate at UW–Madison and may need one or two courses to complete the certificate, they may do so immediately after completion of the bachelor’s degree by enrolling in the course as a University Special (nondegree) student. The certificate must be completed within a year of completion of the bachelor’s degree. Students should keep in mind that University Special students have the last registration priority and that may limit availability of desired courses. Financial aid is not available when enrolled as a University Special student to complete an undergraduate certificate.
Learning Outcomes
- (Historical Grounding) understanding the historical, political, and cultural forces and conditions that have given rise to the unity and diversity in the region today.
- (Multi-disciplinarity) analyzing contemporary political, economic, and cultural realities in the region from at least two disciplinary perspectives, ideally including humanities, social sciences and sometimes natural science approaches.
- (Depth of Knowledge) mastering at the undergraduate generalist level a particular facet of life in the region by taking courses on a particular sub-region or country, or by studying a regional language, or by taking at least two courses on the region in one discipline.
Advising and Careers
Students should contact the CEAS advisor (see contact information in the box on the right) with questions regarding courses and requirements for the certificate.
Students are encouraged to seek the assistance of SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science early in their academic careers. Take advantage of all the services offered such as mock interviews, resume and cover letter review sessions, career preparation workshops, and so on.
Students interested in international internships should contact the International Internships Program office.
L&S Career Resources
SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science helps students leverage the academic skills learned in their major, certificates, and liberal arts degree; explore and try out different career paths; participate in internships; prepare for the job search and/or graduate school applications; and network with professionals in the field (alumni and employers). In short, SuccessWorks helps students in the College of Letters & Science discover themselves, find opportunities, and develop the skills they need for success after graduation.
SuccessWorks can also assist students in career advising, résumé and cover letter writing, networking opportunities, and interview skills, as well as course offerings for undergraduates to begin their career exploration early in their undergraduate career.
Students should set up their profiles in Handshake to take care of everything they need to explore career events, manage their campus interviews, and apply to jobs and internships from 200,000+ employers around the country.
Learn how we’re transforming career preparation: L&S Career Initiative
Wisconsin Experience
As a regional center within the Institute for Regional and International Studies, we support and enhance international and global awareness in our student communities and inspire informed thinking about the complexities of our world. We encourage our students to connect to international networks and our regional communities through our program’s lecture series, film screenings, and varied outreach events and activities. We encourage our students to study abroad, do international internships, learn foreign languages, and expect them to gain an interdisciplinary grounding in global and regional affairs. We provide resources and expertise on our world area to students, and prospective students, and more broadly to K–12 teachers and students, postsecondary educators and graduate students, businesses, the media, the military, the community at large, and anyone else who is interested.
Resources and Scholarships
Please visit our Funding Opportunities page for information on funding available to CEAS students.
Please join the CEAS mailing list to receive “This Week at CEAS,” a weekly newsletter that contains information on events and opportunities related to East Asia.