The mathematics named option programs allow students to develop a deep understanding of how the subject relates to other areas of human inquiry. The requirements for these programs feature mathematics courses with topics inspired by and commonly applied to problems in these associated fields. Though often paired with a second major in a related area, these programs function well alone and are suited to any mathematics student with a variety of interests. Students interested in a named option program are recommended to meet with an advisor to navigate the various plans and courses available to them. Advising information can be found on the BA or BS pages.

The named options do not support honors in the major.


The Mathematics Major for Secondary Education named option requires at least 8 distinct courses for at least 24 credits as described below.  While a single courses may be used to fulfill more than one requirement, it will only contribute once to the total course/credit count.  Finally, at most one course from each of the following groupings may be used to fulfill the minimum course and credit requirement (i.e.: minimum of 8 courses and at least 24 credits): Intro Linear Algebra (MATH 320MATH 340MATH 341MATH 375), Intro Differential Equations (MATH 319MATH 320 or MATH 376), and Intro Probability (MATH/​STAT  309 or MATH/​STAT  431).

Requirements (minimum of eight distinct courses for at least 24 credits) 1
Linear Algebra3-5
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra
Topics in Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra
Intermediate Mathematics Requirement (complete at least one)0-3
Linear Algebra
Topics in Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra
The Theory of Single Variable Calculus
Introduction to Number Theory
Analysis (complete at least one)0-3
The Theory of Single Variable Calculus
Analysis I
Modern Algebra (complete at least one)3
Linear Algebra II
Modern Algebra
Probability or Combinatorics (complete at least one)3
Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics I
Graphs and Networks in Data Science
Introduction to Combinatorics
Probability Theory
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics II
Introduction to Statistical Methods
Introduction to Theory and Methods of Mathematical Statistics II
Introductory Applied Statistics for Engineers
Statistics: Measurement in Economics
History of Mathematics3
History of Mathematics
College Geometry I
Capstone course3
Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers
Advanced mathematics0-6
Additional advanced course if needed to reach at least two math courses above 500
Numerical Linear Algebra
Numerical Analysis
Ordinary Differential Equations
Analysis I
Probability Theory
Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Linear Algebra II
Modern Algebra
Modern Algebra
Elementary Topology
Differential Geometry
Modern Number Theory
Fundamentals of Set Theory
Mathematical Logic
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Introduction to Fourier Analysis
Introduction to Measure and Integration
Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Total Credits24

Residence and Quality of Work

  • 2.000 GPA on all MATH courses and courses eligible for the major.2
  • 2.000 GPA on at least 15 credits of upper level credit in the major.3
  • 15 credits in MATH in the major taken on the UW-Madison campus.4



Course options below may have prerequisites outside of those listed for this program.


This includes any course with a MATH prefix (including those cross-listed with MATH) regardless of its appearance in the tables above as well as only those specific non-MATH courses listed in the tables above.


This includes all MATH courses (including those crosslisted with MATH) which are numbered 307 and above, regardless of appearing in the course lists above, as well as only those non-MATH courses which appear in the lists above and carry the advanced LAS designation.


This includes only those courses with a MATH prefix (or cross-listed with MATH) numbered 307 and above.

Four-Year Plan

This Four-Year Plan is only one way a student may complete an L&S degree with this major. Many factors can affect student degree planning, including placement scores, credit for transferred courses, credits earned by examination, and individual scholarly interests. In addition, many students have commitments (e.g., athletics, honors, research, student organizations, study abroad, work and volunteer experiences) that necessitate they adjust their plans accordingly. Informed students engage in their own unique Wisconsin Experience by consulting their academic advisors, Guide, DARS, and Course Search & Enroll for assistance making and adjusting their plan.

In general, your four year plan in mathematics should be organized along the following sequence:

  1. Calculus
  2. Linear Algebra
  3. Required Intermediate level courses
  4. Additional intermediate level courses as needed
  5. Required advanced level course
  6. Additional advanced level courses
MATH 2215MATH 2224
Literature Breadth3L&S Breadth - Literature3
Communication A3Ethnic Studies3
Foreign Language (if required)4Foreign Language (if required)4
 15 14
MATH 23414MATH Required Linear Algebra3
Humanities Breadth3MATH Required Probability or Combinatorics3
Communication B3Humanities Breadth3
Physical Science Breadth3Physical Science Breadth3
 16 15
MATH Required Analysis3MATH 4613
MATH Required Statistics3Elective3
Social Sciences Breadth3Social Science Breadth3
Biological Sciences Breadth3Biological Sciences Breadth3
 15 15
MATH/​HIST SCI  4733MATH Required Advance course or Elective3
MATH Required Algebra3MATH/​CURRIC  47123
Social Science Breadth3Social Science Breadth3
 15 15
Total Credits 120



Students should declare their major upon the successful completion of this course


Taught only in odd-numbered springs. Take spring of junior year if graduating in an even-numbered spring.