Notice of Program Name Change
The BS-Education Studies program name will be changing to the BS-Educational Policy Studies. Summer 2025 is the last term that students will be awarded the BS-Education Studies. Beginning in Fall 2025, the program name will be the BS-Educational Policy Studies.
The Education Studies degree program addresses urgent questions related to domestic and global education policy and practice. Majors become thought leaders who engage critically and ethically in educational policy debates and practice. While pursuing Education Studies, students:
- analyze the relationships among education, inequality, and social justice
- investigate local, national, and global connections between education and other policy areas, including housing, healthcare, migration, justice, political reform, economic development, and foreign policy
- explore contemporary educational issues from early childhood through K-12, higher education, and the workforce
- engage in community-based learning, study abroad and study away, career development, internships, and research experiences related to education
- compete for grants for research or applied work and awards in writing, research, and community-engaged scholarship
- acquire qualitative, quantitative, and historical research skills to study current issues in education policy and apply knowledge to practice
Through coursework, projects, advising, and independent studies, the Education Studies major prepares students for work in educational settings such as:
- Governmental agencies
- Non-governmental organizations (both domestic and international)
- Think tanks and policy institutes
- Community organizations
- Corporate, community, and non-traditional educational spaces
Graduates might serve as education and policy analysts, education specialists, policy researchers, program directors, youth workers, or in other positions of institutional leadership. They will also be well prepared to work in government, education, and social justice-related organizations, or to pursue advanced studies in education or educational policy at the master’s and doctoral level.
Graduates will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Education Studies from the School of Education. This program does not lead to teacher certification, but it can enhance and complement teacher preparation programs. Students interested in gaining teaching licenses after graduation should connect with the School of Education Student Services office or the School of Education Career Center office on campus to discuss their options.
Students interested in pursuing this major are encouraged to consult with advising staff at the School of Education Student Services office, Room 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, 608-262-1651 or studentservices@education.wisc.edu. Current students can schedule an appointment online through the Starfish app in MyUW.
How to Get In
Program Admission Overview
The Education Studies major may be completed either as the primary major or as an additional ("double") major.
Primary Major in Education Studies
Undergraduate students interested in completing the Bachelor of Science–Education Studies degree program will fulfill the School of Education's liberal studies, and other degree requirements in addition to the 30 credits required for the Education Studies major.
Additional Major in Education Studies
Undergraduate students from all schools and colleges on campus (including the School of Education) may declare Education Studies as an additional major. Students completing Education Studies as an additional major do not need to complete the School of Education's liberal studies and other degree requirements. For application information, go directly to the Additional Major in Education Studies section below.
Entering The School Of Education
New and Current UW–Madison Students
Incoming freshmen enter directly into the Bachelor of Science–Education Studies degree program upon admission to UW–Madison; list Education Studies as the intended major. No additional application to Education Studies is required. See UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment for application information.
All other on-campus students will submit an application following a meeting with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office. Call 608-262-1651 to schedule an appointment; current students can also schedule an appointment online through the Starfish app in MyUW.
Prospective Transfer Students
Transfer students must be admissible to the university to enroll in a School of Education degree program. See UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment for application information. Transfer students enter directly into the Bachelor of Science–Education Studies degree program upon admission to UW–Madison; list Education Studies as the intended major. No additional application to Education Studies is required. Prospective transfer students are strongly advised to meet with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office in advance of their application; to schedule, call 608-262-1651.
Students With A Previous Degree
Prospective students who already hold an undergraduate degree must be admissible to the university to enroll in a School of Education degree program. See UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment for application information.
Applicants must also meet the following criteria for admission as a second undergraduate degree candidate in the School of Education. Candidates must:
- be seeking a new major that is substantially different from their previous degree work;
- need to complete at least 15 upper-level credits in the new major;
- need to complete at least 30 credits beyond their previous coursework.
When admitted, second degree candidates enter directly into the Bachelor of Science–Education Studies degree program. No additional application to Education Studies is required.
Prospective students who already hold an undergraduate degree are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office in advance of their application to UW-Madison. Consultations with advisors are available in person or via telephone; to schedule, call 608-262-1651.
Application and Admission
While new first year students and off-campus transfers are admitted directly to the Bachelor of Science–Education Studies degree program, all other current UW–Madison students seeking to enter the BS–Education Studies degree program must apply for admission to the program. Requirements and selection criteria may be modified from one application/admission period to the next. Potential applicants must consult with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office prior to submitting an application. Call 608-262-1651 to schedule an appointment; current students can also schedule an appointment with an advisor online through the Starfish app in MyUW.
Criteria for Admission
Eligibility for admission consideration to Bachelor of Science–Education Studies degree:
- Cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.5 based on UW–Madison campus coursework, as modified by the Last 60 Credits Rule described below. Note: Students declaring Education Studies as an additional major are not held to this requirement.
- Submission of all required application materials, including program application and transcripts.
Last 60 Credits Rule
Two grade point averages may be calculated to determine candidates' eligibility to programs. GPAs will be calculated using
- all transferable college level coursework attempted, and
- the last 60 credits attempted.
The higher GPA of these two will be used for purposes of determining eligibility. If fewer than 60 credits have been attempted, all credits will be used to calculate the GPA. Graded graduate coursework will also be used in all GPA calculations. ("Attempted" coursework indicates coursework for which a grade has been earned.) More information on this rule is available here.
Additional Major in Education Studies
Undergraduate students from all schools and colleges on campus (including the School of Education) may declare Education Studies as an additional major. Students wishing to declare the additional major must visit an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office to complete the declaration form; call 608-262-1651 or schedule an appointment with an advisor online through the Starfish app in MyUW. The declaration must also be approved by the student's home school/college.
An additional major in Education Studies only requires the completion of the 30 credit major. Students do not need to complete the School of Education's liberal studies and other degree requirements for the additional major. Applicants are not held to the 2.5 cumulative GPA required of students completing the Education Studies degree program.
Please note that the requirements of the additional major must be completed before or concurrently with the degree program and primary major.
University General Education Requirements
All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.
General Education |
* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements. |
School of Education Liberal Studies Requirements
All students are required to complete a minimum of 40 credits of Liberal Studies coursework. This requirement provides an opportunity to do some academic exploration beyond the scope of the major. Students take courses in areas of particular interest and also have an opportunity to sample the wide selection of courses offered across the university. Coursework is required in humanities, social studies, science, and cultural and historical studies. Some elective coursework is also needed to reach the required number of credits.
The School of Education’s Liberal Studies Requirements automatically satisfy most of the University General Education Requirements outlined above, including ethnic studies, humanities/literature, social studies, and science. Students pursuing most School of Education degree programs may also complete Communication Part B, Quantitative Reasoning Part A, and Quantitative Reasoning Part B through courses required by their degree program. If a student cannot complete a General Education Requirement within the curriculum of their chosen School of Education program, academic advisors can offer suggestions for courses that meet the requirement and augment the student’s primary area of study.
A basic outline of the liberal studies is included below. Students must consult the detailed version of the requirements for information about course selection and approved course options.
Humanities, 9 credits
All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits to include:
- Literature
- Fine Arts
- Humanities Electives
Social Studies (Social Science)
All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits. Teacher certification programs and Kinesiology have unique requirements in this category.
All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits to include:
- Biological Science
- Physical Science
- Laboratory Science
- Science Electives
Cultural and Historical Studies
All students must complete three requirements (9 credits) met by separate courses. Any of these courses can also be used to meet the Humanities or Social Studies (Social Sciences) requirements if it has the relevant breadth designation.
- Ethnic Studies
- U.S./European History
- Global Perspectives
Complete Liberal Studies Electives to total 40 Credits.
Program Structure
The Education Studies program has three primary components:
- Liberal studies and general education courses that expose students to a broad range of academic disciplines.
- Major coursework in education studies, including core course, depth, and breadth requirements. Students choose either a U.S. or Global concentration.
- Elective credits to pursue individual areas of interest. Education Studies majors are encouraged to consider completing complementary coursework in the College of Letters & Science, possibly including an additional major. The structure of the Education Studies degree program makes it possible to complete an additional major and still graduate in four years.
Major Requirements
The Education Studies major requires 30 credits, to include core courses (9 credits), depth requirements (12 credits) and breadth requirements (9 credits). Students will select either a U.S. concentration or Global Concentration to fulfill the depth requirement of the major.
Core Courses, 9 credits
Complete the following:
Code | Title | Credits |
ED POL 240 | Comparative Education | 3 |
ED POL 300 | School and Society | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 412 | History of American Education | 3 |
Depth Requirements, 12 credits
Complete a minimum of four courses (12 credits) in either the United States or Global concentration to facilitate in-depth study of education policy and practice.
U.S. Concentration
Code | Title | Credits |
ED POL/HISTORY 107 | The History of the University in the West | 3 |
ED POL 123 | Education, Technology, and Society: AI, Big Data, and the Digital Divide | 3 |
ED POL 140 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 143 | History of Race and Inequality in Urban America | 3 |
ED POL 145 | Introduction to Education Policy | 3 |
ED POL 150 | Education and Public Policy (U.S. topics only) | 3 |
ED POL/GEN&WS 160 | Gender, Sexuality, and Education Policy | 3 |
ED POL 180 | Education and White Supremacy | 3 |
ED POL 197 | Listening to the Land | 3 |
ED POL 200 | Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in American Education | 3 |
ED POL 202 | Careers in Education | 3 |
ED POL 203 | Internship in Education, Arts, or Health | 1-3 |
ED POL 205 | Language and Social Inequality | 3 |
ED POL 209 | Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Education Policy | 3 |
ED POL 210 | Youth, Education, and Society | 3 |
ED POL 212 | Education for Social Justice | 3 |
ED POL/INTL ST 220 | Human Rights and Education | 3 |
ED POL 237 | Wealth, Poverty and Inequality: Transnational Perspectives on Policy and Practice in Education | 3 |
ED POL/CURRIC/LEGAL ST 250 | Incarceration and Education | 3 |
ED POL 305 | Democracy and Education | 3 |
ED POL 308 | Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Education | 3 |
ED POL 309 | Applied Quantitative Education Research | 3 |
ED POL 320 | Climate Change, Sustainability, and Education | 3 |
ED POL 345 | Economics of Education | 3 |
ED POL 350 | Topics in Education Studies (U.S. topics only) | 3 |
ED POL 423 | Education for Global Change | 3 |
ED POL 450 | Rethinking "After-School" Education | 3 |
ED POL 460 | Immigration, Education, and Equity | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 478 | Comparative History of Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
ED POL 500 | Topics on Social Issues and Education (U.S. topics only) | 3 |
ED POL 505 | Issues in Urban Education in the U.S. | 3 |
ED POL 510 | Urban School Policy | 3 |
ED POL/CURRIC/HISTORY/JEWISH 515 | Holocaust: History, Memory and Education | 3 |
ED POL/CURRIC/RELIG ST 516 | Religion and Public Education | 3 |
ED POL 518 | Introduction to Debates in Higher Education Policy | 3 |
ED POL/PHILOS 545 | Philosophical Conceptions of Teaching and Learning | 3 |
ED POL/PHILOS 550 | Philosophy of Moral Education | 3 |
ED POL/GEN&WS 560 | Gender and Education | 3 |
ED POL/AFROAMER 567 | History of African American Education | 3 |
ED POL/ANTHRO 570 | Anthropology and Education | 3 |
ED POL 575 | Education Policy and Practice | 3 |
ED POL 580 | Participatory and Community-Based Research and Evaluation | 3 |
ED POL 595 | Language Politics and Education | 3 |
ED POL 600 | Problems in Educational Policy (U.S. topics only) | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 612 | History of Student Activism from the Popular Front to Black Lives Matter | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 622 | History of Radical and Experimental Education in the US and UK | 3 |
ED POL/SOC 648 | Sociology of Education | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 665 | History of the Federal Role in American Education | 3 |
ED POL 688 | Introduction to Survey Methods for Education Research | 3 |
Global Concentration
Code | Title | Credits |
ED POL/HISTORY 107 | The History of the University in the West | 3 |
ED POL 112 | Global Education through Film | 3 |
ED POL 123 | Education, Technology, and Society: AI, Big Data, and the Digital Divide | 3 |
ED POL 140 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
ED POL 150 | Education and Public Policy (Global topics only) | 3 |
ED POL/GEN&WS 160 | Gender, Sexuality, and Education Policy | 3 |
ED POL 197 | Listening to the Land | 3 |
ED POL 203 | Internship in Education, Arts, or Health | 1-3 |
ED POL 205 | Language and Social Inequality | 3 |
ED POL 209 | Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Education Policy | 3 |
ED POL 212 | Education for Social Justice | 3 |
ED POL/INTL ST 220 | Human Rights and Education | 3 |
ED POL 237 | Wealth, Poverty and Inequality: Transnational Perspectives on Policy and Practice in Education | 3 |
ED POL 245 | Education in East Asia | 3 |
ED POL 260 | Introduction to International Education Development | 3 |
ED POL 308 | Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Education | 3 |
ED POL 309 | Applied Quantitative Education Research | 3 |
ED POL 320 | Climate Change, Sustainability, and Education | 3 |
ED POL/INTL ST 335 | Globalization and Education | 3 |
ED POL 350 | Topics in Education Studies (Global topics only) | 3 |
ED POL 423 | Education for Global Change | 3 |
ED POL 435 | Education in Emergencies | 3 |
ED POL 460 | Immigration, Education, and Equity | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 478 | Comparative History of Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
ED POL 500 | Topics on Social Issues and Education (Global topics only) | 3 |
ED POL/CURRIC/HISTORY/JEWISH 515 | Holocaust: History, Memory and Education | 3 |
ED POL/CURRIC/RELIG ST 516 | Religion and Public Education | 3 |
ED POL/GEN&WS 560 | Gender and Education | 3 |
ED POL 580 | Participatory and Community-Based Research and Evaluation | 3 |
ED POL 595 | Language Politics and Education | 3 |
ED POL 600 | Problems in Educational Policy (Global topics only) | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 622 | History of Radical and Experimental Education in the US and UK | 3 |
ED POL 675 | Introduction to Comparative and International Education | 3 |
ED POL 688 | Introduction to Survey Methods for Education Research | 3 |
Breadth Requirements, 9 credits
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Breadth Course | ||
Complete one of the following: | 3 | |
How People Learn | ||
Human Development in Infancy and Childhood | ||
Human Development in Adolescence | ||
Human Development From Childhood Through Adolescence | ||
Additional Breadth Course Options | ||
Complete additional coursework from the concentration NOT selected above, or from the courses listed below. ED PSYCH 301, 320, 321 and 331 may also count here, but not toward both breadth requirements. | ||
CURRIC 240 | Critical Aspects of Teaching, Schooling, and Education | 3 |
CURRIC/CHICLA 321 | Chicano/Latino Educational Justice | 3 |
CURRIC 331 | Taking Education Outside of School | 3 |
CURRIC 366 | Internationalizing Educational Knowledge | 3 |
CURRIC/C&E SOC/ENVIR ST 405 | Education for Sustainable Communities | 3 |
ED PSYCH 326 | Mind, Brain and Education | 3 |
ED PSYCH 506 | Contemporary Issues in Educational Psychology | 3 |
ED PSYCH 541 | Applied Behavior Analysis in Classrooms | 3 |
ELPA 640 | Legal Rights and Responsibilities for Teachers | 1-3 |
INTER-LS 300 | Topics in Teaching and Learning in the Letters, Arts, and Sciences (Understanding and Improving Instruction topic only; other topics require approval) | 3 |
Elective Credits
Complete additional credits to complete the minimum of 120 required for the degree. Education Studies majors are encouraged to consider completing complementary coursework in the College of Letters & Science, possibly including an additional major. The structure of the Education Studies degree program makes it possible to complete an additional major and still graduate in four years.
GPA and Other Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
Based on UW–Madison coursework.
- 2.5 minimum cumulative grade point average. This may be modified by the Last 60 Credits Rule.
- 2.5 cumulative major grade point average.
- 2.5 cumulative grade point average in all upper-level major coursework (“upper-level” defined as numbered 300 and above).
- Major Residency: Students must complete at least 15 credits of upper-level major coursework in residence on the UW–Madison campus.
- Senior Residency: Degree candidates must complete their last 30 credits in residence on the UW–Madison campus, excluding retroactive credits and credits granted by examination.
- Total credits: A minimum of 120 credits are required for graduation.
Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)
UW–Madison uses “DARS” to document a student's progress toward the completion of their degree, including any additional majors and certificates. A DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) report shows all the requirements for completing a degree and, against courses that are planned or completed, shows the requirements that have been met, and those that are unmet. A report can offer suggestions about courses that may be taken to meet specific requirements and can assist in the academic planning and enrollment process. Students can access a DARS report in the Course Search & Enroll app or Student Center via My UW.
DARS also has a "what-if" function. This feature makes it possible to request a DARS report as if pursuing another program, major, or certificate. It is an excellent tool if considering a new or additional area of study. School of Education students in a pre-professional classification such as Pre-Elementary (PRE) or Pre-Kinesiology should request a "what if" DARS report of their professional program of interest.
More information on how to request a DARS report is available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
DARS is not intended to replace student contact with academic advisors. It creates more time in an advising appointment to discuss course options, research opportunities, graduate school, or issues of personal interest or concern to students.
DARS is used as the document of record for degree program, major, and certificate completion in the School of Education.
University Degree Requirements
Total Degree | To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 degree credits. Students should consult with their college or department advisor for information on specific credit requirements. |
Residency | Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. “In residence” credit also includes UW–Madison courses offered in distance or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs. |
Quality of Work | Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum grade point average specified by the school, college, or academic program to remain in good academic standing. Students whose academic performance drops below these minimum thresholds will be placed on academic probation. |
Learning Outcomes
- Formulate research-based arguments on topics in education policy using academic literature, including both primary and secondary sources.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the social, cultural, and/or historical contexts of education policy.
- Examine education policy from multiple theoretical perspectives (e.g., ethical/philosophical, economic/political, etc.).
- Learn to use different historical and/or qualitative social-science methods to answer major questions in education policy research, both contemporary and enduring.
- Analyze education policy issues from diverse perspectives related to race, class, and/or gender, and other forms of social difference.
Four-Year Plan
Education Studies: Sample Four-Year Plan
This four-year sample graduation plan is designed to guide your course selection throughout your academic career; it does not establish a contractual agreement. Use it along with your DARS report, the Guide, and the Course Search and Enroll app to create a four-year plan reflecting your placement scores, incoming credits, and individual interests. Consult with an academic advisor to develop a personalized plan of study and refer to the Guide for a complete list of requirements. You will likely revise your plan several times during your academic career here, based on your activities and changing academic interests.
Freshman | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
Communication A (fall or spring semester) | 3 | Communication A (fall or spring semester) | 3 |
Education Studies major course in concentration area (100 or 200 level) | 3 | Education Studies major course in concentration area (100 or 200 level) | 3 |
Liberal Studies course work | 9-12 | Ethnic Studies | 3 |
Quantitative Reasoning A | 3 | ||
Liberal Studies course work | 3-6 | ||
15 | 15 | ||
Sophomore | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
ED POL 300 | 3 | ED POL 240 | 3 |
Liberal Studies course work | 12 | Quantitative Reasoning B | 3 |
Liberal Studies or General Elective course work | 9 | ||
15 | 15 | ||
Junior | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
ED POL/HISTORY 412 | 3 | Education Studies Breadth course | 3 |
Communication B | 3 | Liberal Studies or General Elective course work | 12 |
Complete one of: | 3 | ||
Liberal Studies or General Elective course work | 6 | ||
15 | 15 | ||
Senior | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
Education Studies major course in concentration area (upper level) | 3 | Education Studies major course in concentration area | 3 |
Education Studies Breadth course | 3 | Liberal Studies or General Elective course work | 12 |
Liberal Studies or General Elective course work | 9 | ||
15 | 15 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
Advising and Careers
Education Studies Advising
Students are advised by staff from the School of Education Student Services office (Room 139 Education Building) at SOAR and during the regular academic year (see below). Admitted students are also assigned a departmental advisor.
Academic Advising in the School of Education
Dedicated to supporting and promoting student success, academic advisors are here to assist students with the adjustment to college, understanding their degree and career goals, and connecting them to resources. Advisors support prospective and current School of Education students in all programs through:
- Course selection
- Mentoring and advocacy for underrepresented and international students
- Understanding degree requirements and progression
- Interpreting academic policies
- Helping students recognize their strengths and suggesting ways to expand their skills
- Expanding learning through activities such as study abroad, volunteering/work/internship, and by assuming leadership roles
To schedule an appointment: Current students can schedule an appointment online through the Starfish app in MyUW. Appointments can also be made through email at studentservices@education.wisc.edu, by calling 608-262-1651, or in person.
Career Advising in the School of Education
Through individual appointments, events, courses, and online resources, the Career Center provides students and alumni with the tools needed to be successful in their career development.
Career and Internship Advisors are prepared to help students with:
- Exploration of career and academic pathways
- Resumes
- Cover letters
- Job/Internship search
- Interview preparation
- Mock interviews
- Graduate school search, applications and decisions
- Negotiating job or internship offers
- Professional networking
- Connecting with employers
Students are encouraged to meet with their Career and Internship Advisor early in their college experience to take full advantage of the resources and support available.
To make an appointment: log into Starfish from the MyUW dashboard.
For more information, visit the School of Education Career Center website or reach out at career-center@education.wisc.edu.
Potential careers for Education Studies majors include: policy analysis, educational technology, youth and community programming, evaluation and research, training, and other out-of-classroom educator roles both domestically and abroad. Our graduates also work in higher education, at think tanks, in government agencies as well as many other fields.
Students develop important skills that employers look for including:
- Diverse forms of communication (writing, presentation skills)
- Collaboration
- Critical thinking/analytical skills
- Turning information into action - advocacy/influence
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Curriculum development and pedagogy
Applied experiences, including paid internships, career treks, and professional networking events, are available to UW Education Studies students.
Information about faculty, staff, and other contributors to the Department of Educational Policy Studies can be found on the department's website.
Wisconsin Experience
UW–Madison’s vision for the total student experience, the Wisconsin Experience, combines learning in and out of the classroom. Tied to the Wisconsin Idea and steeped in long-standing institutional values — the commitment to the truth, shared participation in decision-making, and service to local and global communities — the Wisconsin Experience describes how students develop and integrate these core values across their educational experience.
UW–Madison encourages students to mindfully engage in four core concepts throughout their time on campus: Empathy & Humility, Relentless Curiosity, Intellectual Confidence, and Purposeful Action.
Since its inception, the School of Education has embraced the concepts of the Wisconsin Experience, providing opportunities for students to learn in venues beyond the traditional classroom. Our students also independently seek out related activities and experiences, thus creating their own unique Wisconsin Experience.
Education Studies and the Wisconsin Experience
Education Studies (ES) coursework is enhanced by supplemental activities — in and beyond the classroom — that extend what students are learning in course texts and discussions.
Guest Speakers
Many Educational Policy Studies (ED POL) courses feature guest speakers, including prominent scholars from universities across the globe, local educational leaders from community-based organizations and school districts, and educational policymakers. The Department also hosts speakers who highlight cutting-edge research, policy debates, careers, new developments in education, and examples of how educational research informs policy and practice.
Additional Majors and Certificates
Many Education Studies students pursue a second major and/or certificates that complement the skills and knowledge they’re gaining via their Education Studies coursework and experiences.
Volunteer and Leadership Experiences
Education Studies students often volunteer and assume leadership roles on campus and/or within the broader community. They may take Community-based Learning (CBL) courses in EPS that enable them to integrate what they’re learning in the classroom with what they’re learning as volunteers in local educational spaces, such as schools, the United Way, Centro Hispano, Goodman Center, and other organizations.
Career Development and Internships
Our department encourages career development beyond our classrooms by offering internships and courses such as ED POL 202 Careers in Education that prepare ES majors to pursue careers post-graduation.
Leadership and Mentoring in the ES Community
ES majors develop leadership skills through programs like the ES Ambassadors Program, in which students advise Educational Policy Studies faculty and staff, and recruit new students via course presentations and participation in departmental events. Incoming and transferring Education Studies majors are invited to partake in our Education Studies Buddy program, where they will be paired with a Junior or Senior Education Studies major for guidance and mentorship. Students contribute actively to building a supportive intellectual community in the major.
Awards in the ES program, including the Outstanding Research in Education Studies Award, the Outstanding Paper in Educational Studies Award, and the Eric Flanagan Community-Engaged Scholarship Award, recognize undergraduate excellence.
Resources and Scholarships
Information about scholarships, academic and career advising, study abroad opportunities, student diversity services, and other resources for students in the School of Education can be found on the school's Resources page.