
The LGBTQ+ Studies Certificate Program, housed administratively in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, is a campus-wide program open to students in any major. Courses that count toward this interdisciplinary certificate come from a wide range of fields including literature, history, sociology, medical history, as well as from gender and women's studies, which is in itself an interdisciplinary field. This certificate can complement many other programs and plans across campus, including, but not limited to gender and women's studies. New courses are added to the program each semester.

How to Get in

Intent to pursue the certificate can be declared by meeting with the undergraduate advisor and completing the declaration form. Declaring the certificate as early as possible allows students to best align certificate coursework with their interests.


15 credits as follows: 1

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3-4
Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ Studies
Social Science Course in LGBTQ+ Studies3
Gender, Sexuality, and the Media
LGBTQ+ People and Mental Health Equity
Gender and Queer Issues in Psychology
GEN&WS 280
Special Topics in Gender, Women and Society (Queer)
Special Topics in Gender, Women and Society (Sexuality)
Bi/Pan/Asexuality: Community & Representation
Topics in LGBTQ Sexuality
Queer of Color Critique
Special Topics in Feminist Theory
Queering Sexuality Education
Special Topics in LGBTQ+ Health
Special Topics in Gender and Health (Queer)
Special Topics in Gender and Health (LGBTQ+)
Topics in LGBT History 2
Women and Gender in the U.S. Since 1870
Social Work Practice with LGBTQIA2S+ Individuals and Communities
Humanities Course in LGBTQ+ Studies3
Race and Sexuality in American Literature
Special Topics in Gender & Literature ((Queer))
Women and Gender in the Classical World
Sex and Power in Greece and Rome
Literature, Gender, and Sexuality
Special Topics in Gender, Women and the Humanities (Queer)
Topics in LGBTQ Sexuality
Transgender Studies
Queer Bodies
Trans/Gender in Historical Perspective
Special Topics in Gender and Visual Culture (Queer)
Contemporary Queer Art and Visual Culture
The Body in Theory
Special Topics in Feminist Theory (Queer)
The History of the (American) Body
Topics in LGBT History
Trans/Gender in Historical Perspective
Sexuality, Modernity and Social Change
Sexual Politics in Scandinavia
Introduction to Contemporary Feminist Theatre and Criticism
Electives in LGBTQ+ Studies (Humanities, Social Science, or other listed below)6
Special Topics in Gender and Biology (Queer)
Special Topics in Gender and Biology (LGBTQ+)
Total Credits15

No more than two Elementary level courses, including GEN&WS/​SOC  200, can count for the LGBTQ+ Studies certificate. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not satisfy certificate requirements.  


Topics courses, such as HISTORY 275 and GEN&WS 340, may be taught with a number of different LGBTQ+ Studies topics and therefore may be taken more than once, so long as the topic is different. 

 Residence and Quality of Work

  • 2.000 GPA in all GEN&WS courses and all certificate courses
  • 8 certificate credits In Residence

Certificate Completion Requirement

This undergraduate certificate must be completed concurrently with the student’s undergraduate degree. Students cannot delay degree completion to complete the certificate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding of core concepts and debates in LGBTQ+ Studies.
  2. Demonstrate the practical skills related to LGBTQ+ Studies, such as critical thinking and analysis, inquiry, and written and oral communication.
  3. Understand the interdisciplinary nature of LGBTQ+ Studies research, and connect this scholarship to the institutions that shape everyday life.
  4. Develop LGBTQ+ Studies knowledge, skills, and social engagement and demonstrate how these ideas can be applied to new settings, ideas, and understandings.

Advising and Careers

Connecting and working with the undergraduate advisor in LGBTQ+ studies as early as possible helps you create a meaningful course plan and stay on track as you complete the certificate requirements.

The undergraduate advisor is available to consult on a variety of topics, including declaring the certificate, course selection, study abroad, volunteer and internship opportunities on campus and in the community, applying to graduate programs, and preparing for the job market after graduation.

L&S Career Resources

Every L&S major opens a world of possibilities.  SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Science helps students turn the academic skills learned in their major, certificates, and other coursework into fulfilling lives after graduation, whether that means jobs, public service, graduate school or other career pursuits.

In addition to providing basic support like resume reviews and interview practice, SuccessWorks offers ways to explore interests and build career skills from their very first semester/term at UW all the way through graduation and beyond.

Students can explore careers in one-on-one advising, try out different career paths, complete internships, prepare for the job search and/or graduate school applications, and connect with supportive alumni and even employers in the fields that inspire them.


LGBTQ+ Studies Program Faculty

Academic Advisor: Lachrista Greco
Curricular Planning: Nina Valeo Cooke