The Mead Witter School of Music is a community of musicians, scholars, and teachers. Since its beginning in 1895, the School of Music has lived out a commitment to a student-centered musical education.
As one of the largest departments within the College of Letters & Science, we offer flexible programs with innovative and global approaches to music study. Our teaching, research, and performances reflect UW–Madison’s progressive history of creating change through innovation and exploration.
Learn more about the Mead Witter School of Music on our website: https://music.wisc.edu/
We are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and have been an institutional member of NASM since 1966. NASM is located at 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., Suite 21, Reston, VA 20190, and can be reached by phone at 703-437-0700. https://nasm.arts-accredit.org/
Learn more about our facilities on our website at: https://music.wisc.edu/facilities/
Concert & Events
We offer concerts and events throughout the year that are open to everyone: https://music.wisc.edu/events
Choosing a Music Major
Mead Witter School of Music offers several degree programs at the undergraduate level. Programs provide a foundation for graduate study and a career in music. We encourage conversations with Mead Witter School of Music professors at any point during your first year as a music major to learn as much as possible about options that are available.
- The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are liberal arts majors in the College of Letters & Science and are excellent programs for students interested in exploring the wide array of course offerings in the college or in two or more majors. Students outside of Letters & Science can earn an additional major in music with the permission of their home school or college.
- The Bachelor of Music Performance is a professional degree in music, with a majority of total coursework within the Mead Witter School of Music. Students in this program are looking for depth in performance study along with a large complement of other musical studies at an advanced level.
- The Bachelor of Music Education offers a degree that helps students prepare for the "K-12 Music" teacher certification.
Grades and Advising
The School of Music is a department of the UW–Madison College of Letters & Science. Information on the grading system and academic procedures/policies is available in the College of Letters & Science section of this Guide under the policies and regulations tab.
The undergraduate advisor of the Mead Witter School of Music serves as the advisor for all music majors. The advisor maintains records and assists students in determining an appropriate course schedule each semester.
Music Courses and Ensembles for Non–music Majors
The School of Music offers a variety of courses in music theory, history, and literature to all UW-Madison students. Check out Course Search & Enroll each semester to see what is being offered. More information can be found at Mead Witter School of Music - Areas of Study.
The School of Music also offers numerous bands, chamber ensembles, choirs, jazz ensembles, operas, and orchestras that are open to all UW–Madison students. Some ensembles require an audition and others do not. Learn more about School of Music ensembles at Student Ensembles.
The School of Music has very limited availability for non-majors to take performance study (lessons) for credit and requires an audition before enrolling. Students interested in performance study should reach out to either the listed course instructor or undergraduate advisor for more information.
Special Students
Persons who are interested in courses offered by the School of Music but who are not working toward a UW–Madison degree should contact the Division of Continuing Studies, 21 North Park Street, Madison, WI 53715; 608-263-6960. Enrollment is limited to certain music courses.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Mead Witter School of Music offers several options for majoring in music. Each requires a performance audition for admission. Continuation to upper-level study in these programs is contingent upon faculty approval and upon specific GPA minimums in several categories. Refer to the Requirements tab in each program description for details.
Bachelor of Music: Performance, with options in Brass, Percussion & Woodwinds, Composition, Guitar, Jazz, Organ, Piano, Strings, or Voice.
Bachelor of Music: Music Education, with options in Choral/General and Instrumental/General.
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, with a music major: options in performance, jazz studies, composition, or an individualized music curriculum.
The School of Music faculty are a distinguished group of educators, performing musicians, and active scholars. More information about our faculty can be found at: https://music.wisc.edu/faculty/
Resources and Scholarships
Scholarships and Financial Aid for Music Students
The Mead Witter School of Music is able to offer some scholarships to its applicants based on the quality of the audition performance and the School of Music application. Continuing students are also considered for scholarship based on their progress in the School of Music. Please see the School of Music website for more information regarding music scholarships.
Students are also encouraged to fill out the FAFSA and consult the Office of Student Financial Aid to regarding other available grants and loans.
Hire a Musician
The School of Music maintains a blog for posting part-time job opportunities, gigs in the area, and other professional development opportunities at: https://musicgigs.music.wisc.edu/
Musician Health
For more information on student resources and information on the prevention and treatment of music-related injuries, please check out our musician health page: https://music.wisc.edu/musician-health/