A group of undergraduate students standing in front of a mural painted on a wall in Candeleria, Bogota, Colombia.

The Certificate in Global Cultures, Languages, and Education (GCLE) educates students about global cultural, sociolinguistic, literacy and language policy and planning perspectives.

The courses in the certificate explore key questions about the relationships among cultural diversity, social inequality, and language. They provide students with skills to work globally, within and beyond schools, in the field of culture, communication, and education.

How to Get in

All current UW-Madison undergraduates are eligible to complete the Certificate in Global Cultures, Languages, and Education. To declare the certificate, students should visit the School of Education's Certificate Programs page to complete the declaration form.

Students pursing the Education Studies major or the Certificate in Educational Policy Studies are not eligible to complete the Certificate in Global Cultures, Languages, and Education.


The Certificate in Global Cultures, Languages, and Education requires the following course distribution for a minimum of 12 credits. At least 6 credits must be completed in residence.

Completion of the certificate requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 in certificate coursework.

Language, Culture and Schooling

Select two of the following courses (6 credits):

ED POL 205 Language and Social Inequality3
ED POL 240 Comparative Education3
ED POL/​ANTHRO  570 Anthropology and Education3
ED POL 595 Language Politics and Education3
CURRIC 312 Foundations of ESL Education3

Global Education

Select one of the following Global Education courses (3 credits):

ED POL 112 Global Education through Film3
ED POL 197 Listening to the Land3
ED POL/​INTL ST  220 Human Rights and Education3
ED POL 237 Wealth, Poverty and Inequality: Transnational Perspectives on Policy and Practice in Education3
ED POL 245 Education in East Asia3
ED POL 260 Introduction to International Education Development3
ED POL/​INTL ST  335 Globalization and Education3
ED POL 460 Immigration, Education, and Equity3
ED POL 675 Introduction to Comparative and International Education3
CURRIC 292 Globalizing Education3
CURRIC 366 Internationalizing Educational Knowledge3

Global Studies 

Select one of the following courses (3 credits):

AFRICAN 212 Introduction to African Popular Culture3
AFRICAN/​FRENCH  216 Modern and Contemporary Francophone Topics3
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER  220 HipHop, Youth Culture, and Politics in Senegal3
AFRICAN 230 Introduction to Yoruba Life and Culture3
AFRICAN 231 Introduction to Arabic Literary Culture3
AFRICAN 232 Introduction to Swahili Cultures3
AFRICAN 300 African Literature in Translation3
AFRICAN/​INTL ST  302 Arabic Literature and Cinema3
AFRICAN 303 African Literature and Visual Culture3
AFRICAN 304 Soccer in Africa3
AFRICAN 323 Third Semester Arabic4
AFRICAN 324 Fourth Semester Arabic4
AFRICAN 329 Fifth Semester Arabic3
AFRICAN 330 Sixth Semester Arabic3
AFRICAN 333 Third Semester Swahili4
AFRICAN 334 Fourth Semester Swahili4
AFRICAN 338 Fourth Semester-A Language of Southern Africa4
AFRICAN 341 Third Semester Summer Arabic4
AFRICAN 342 Fourth Semester Summer Arabic4
AFRICAN 343 Fifth Semester Summer Arabic4
AFRICAN 344 Sixth Semester Summer Arabic4
AFRICAN 373 Third Semester Yoruba4
AFRICAN 374 Fourth Semester Yoruba4
AFRICAN 393 Third Semester-A Language of West Africa4
AFRICAN 394 Fourth Semester-A Language of West Africa4
AFRICAN 405 Topics in African Cultural Studies3
AFRICAN 406 Topics in African Literature3
AFRICAN 409 Topics in US and Global Black Music Studies3
AFRICAN 412 Contemporary African Fiction3-4
AFRICAN/​AFROAMER  413 Contemporary African and Caribbean Drama3-4
AFRICAN/​RELIG ST  414 Islam in Africa and the Diaspora3
AFRICAN 435 Fifth Semester Swahili3
AFRICAN 436 Sixth Semester Swahili3
AFRICAN/​FRENCH  440 African/Francophone Film3
AFRICAN/​PORTUG  451 Lusophone African Literature3
ANTHRO 104 Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity3
ANTHRO/​FOLKLORE/​INTL ST/​LINGUIS  211 Global Language Issues3
ANTHRO 237 Cut 'n' Mix: Music, Race, and Culture in the Caribbean3
ANTHRO/​AFRICAN/​AFROAMER/​GEOG/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI/​SOC  277 Africa: An Introductory Survey4
ANTHRO 300 Cultural Anthropology: Theory and Ethnography3
ANTHRO 307 Urban Anthropology3
ANTHRO/​AMER IND  314 Indians of North America3
ANTHRO 330 Topics in Ethnology3-4
ANTHRO 340 Music, Race, And Culture in Brazil3
ANTHRO/​RELIG ST  343 Anthropology of Religion3-4
ANTHRO 345 Family, Kin and Community in Anthropological Perspective3
ANTHRO 348 Economic Anthropology3-4
ANTHRO 350 Political Anthropology3-4
ANTHRO 357 Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan3-4
ANTHRO 415 The Anthropological Study of Children & Youth3
ANTHRO/​LINGUIS  430 Language and Culture3-4
ANTHRO/​AMER IND/​FOLKLORE  431 American Indian Folklore3
ANTHRO/​AMER IND/​FOLKLORE/​GEN&WS  437 American Indian Women3
ANTHRO/​GEN&WS  443 Anthropology by Women3
ANTHRO 448 Anthropology of Law3
ANTHRO 455 Study Abroad: Topics in Cultural Anthropology1-6
ANTHRO 456 Symbolic Anthropology3-4
ANTHRO 460 The Anthropology of Dance: Movement and Music in Performance3
ANTHRO 477 Anthropology, Environment, and Development3
ANTHRO/​ED POL  570 Anthropology and Education3
ANTHRO 606 Ethnicity, Nations, and Nationalism3-4
ANTHRO 690 Problems in Anthropology3-4
ART HIST 305 History of Islamic Art and Architecture3
ART HIST 307 From Tomb to Temple: Ancient Chinese Art and Religion in Transition3
ART HIST 308 The Tastes of Scholars and Emperors: Chinese Art in the Later Periods3
ART HIST 354 Cross-Cultural Arts Around the Atlantic Rim: 1800 to the Present3-4
ART HIST/​RELIG ST  373 Great Cities of Islam3
ART HIST/​ASIAN  379 Cities of Asia3
ART HIST 413 Art and Architecture in the Age of the Caliphs3
ART HIST/​ASIAN  428 Visual Cultures of India3
ART HIST 440 Art and Power in the Arab World3
ASIALANG 201 Third Semester Chinese4
ASIALANG 202 Fourth Semester Chinese4
ASIALANG 203 Third Semester Japanese4
ASIALANG 204 Fourth Semester Japanese4
ASIALANG 205 Third Semester Korean4
ASIALANG 206 Fourth Semester Korean4
ASIALANG 221 Third Semester Asian Language4
ASIALANG 222 Fourth Semester Asian Language4
ASIALANG 223 Third Semester Filipino4
ASIALANG 224 Fourth Semester Filipino4
ASIALANG 225 Third Semester Hmong4
ASIALANG 226 Fourth Semester Hmong4
ASIALANG 227 Third Semester Indonesian4
ASIALANG 228 Fourth Semester Indonesian4
ASIALANG 229 Third Semester Thai4
ASIALANG 230 Fourth Semester Thai4
ASIALANG 231 Third Semester Vietnamese4
ASIALANG 232 Fourth Semester Vietnamese4
ASIALANG 233 Third Semester Hindi4
ASIALANG 234 Fourth Semester Hindi4
ASIALANG 235 Third Semester Modern Tibetan4
ASIALANG 236 Fourth Semester Modern Tibetan4
ASIALANG 237 Third Semester Persian4
ASIALANG 238 Fourth Semester Persian4
ASIALANG 239 Third Semester Urdu4
ASIALANG 240 Fourth Semester Urdu4
ASIALANG 241 Third Semester Sanskrit3-4
ASIALANG 242 Fourth Semester Sanskrit3-4
ASIALANG 311 First Semester Classical Chinese3
ASIALANG 312 Second Semester Classical Chinese3
ASIALANG 313 Classical Japanese3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  218 Health and Healing in South Asia3-4
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  236 Asia Enchanted: Ghosts, Gods, and Monsters3
ASIAN 253 Japanese Popular Culture3
ASIAN/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI  255 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations3-4
ASIAN 268 Tibetan Cultures and Traditions3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  274 Religion in South Asia3
ASIAN 300 Topics in Asian Studies3
ASIAN 301 Social Science Topics in Asian Studies1-3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  306 Hinduism3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  307 A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism3
ASIAN 311 Modern Indian Literatures3
ASIAN 351 Survey of Classical Chinese Literature3
ASIAN 352 Survey of Modern Chinese Literature3
ASIAN 353 Lovers, Warriors and Monks: Survey of Japanese Literature3
ASIAN 354 Early Modern Japanese Literature3
ASIAN 355 Modern Japanese Literature3
ASIAN 357 Japanese Ghost Stories3
ASIAN 358 Language in Japanese Society3
ASIAN 361 Love and Politics: The Tale of Genji3
ASIAN 367 Haiku3
ASIAN 371 Topics in Chinese Literature2-3
ASIAN 376 Manga3
ASIAN 378 Anime3
ASIAN 403 Southeast Asian Literature3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  405 Gods and Goddesses of South Asia3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  430 Indian Traditions in the Modern Age3
ASIAN 432 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics3
ASIAN 433 Topics in East Asian Visual Cultures3
ASIAN 434 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  460 The History of Yoga3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  466 Buddhist Thought3
ASIAN/​RELIG ST  473 Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism3
FOLKLORE 100 Introduction to Folklore3
FOLKLORE/​AFROAMER/​AMER IND/​ASIAN AM/​CHICLA  102 Introduction to Comparative US Ethnic and American Indian Studies3
FOLKLORE/​MUSIC  103 Introduction to Music Cultures of the World3
FOLKLORE/​RELIG ST  104 Sacred Places and Journeys3
FOLKLORE/​GNS  200 Folklore of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe3
FOLKLORE/​AFRICAN  210 The African Storyteller3
FOLKLORE/​ANTHRO/​INTL ST/​LINGUIS  211 Global Language Issues3
FOLKLORE 215 Elementary Topics in Folklore1-3
FOLKLORE 220 The Folk Tale3
FOLKLORE/​MEDIEVAL/​SCAND ST  235 The World of Sagas3
FOLKLORE 315 Intermediate Topics in Folklore1-3
FOLKLORE 317 The Irish Tradition3
FOLKLORE/​DANCE/​THEATRE  321 Javanese Performance2
FOLKLORE/​RELIG ST  326 The Supernatural in the Modern World3
FOLKLORE 346 3-4
FOLKLORE/​LITTRANS  347 In Translation: Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore3-4
FOLKLORE/​RELIG ST  352 Shamanism3
FOLKLORE/​MUSIC  402 Musical Cultures of the World3
FOLKLORE 415 Advanced Topics in Folklore1-3
FOLKLORE/​DANCE/​THEATRE  421 Javanese Performance Repertory2
FOLKLORE/​GEN&WS  428 Gender and Expressive Culture3
FOLKLORE/​AMER IND/​ANTHRO  431 American Indian Folklore3
FOLKLORE/​AMER IND/​ANTHRO/​GEN&WS  437 American Indian Women3
FOLKLORE 439 Foodways3
FOLKLORE/​SCAND ST  443 Sami Culture, Yesterday and Today4
FOLKLORE/​SLAVIC  444 Slavic and East European Folklore3
FOLKLORE/​MEDIEVAL/​SCAND ST  446 Celtic-Scandinavian Cultural Interrelations3
FOLKLORE 460 Folk Epics3
FOLKLORE/​MUSIC  515 Proseminar in Ethnomusicology3
FOLKLORE/​MUSIC  516 Ethnographic Methods for Music and Sound3
FOLKLORE 530 Topics in Folklore1-3
FRENCH 203 Third Semester French4
FRENCH 204 Fourth Semester French4
FRENCH 228 Intermediate Language and Culture3-4
FRENCH 271 Literature, Comics, and Film in French3-4
FRENCH 311 Advanced Composition and Speaking3
FRENCH 312 Advanced Writing Workshop3
FRENCH/​INTL BUS  313 Professional Communication and Culture in the Francophone World3
FRENCH/​INTL BUS  314 Contemporary Issues in Business, Government and NGOs3
FRENCH 321 Medieval and Early Modern French Literature3
FRENCH 322 Modern French and Francophone Literature3
FRENCH 325 Visual Culture in French/Francophone Studies3
FRENCH 347 Medieval and Early Modern Culture3
FRENCH 348 Modernity Studies3
FRENCH 350 Applied French Language Studies1-3
GERMAN 203 Third Semester German4
GERMAN 204 Fourth Semester German4
GERMAN 213 Third Semester Dutch4
GERMAN 214 Fourth Semester Dutch4
GERMAN 235 Dutch Conversation and Composition3
GERMAN 245 Topics in Dutch Life and Culture3
GERMAN 249 Intermediate German - Speaking and Listening3
GERMAN 258 Intermediate German-Reading3
GERMAN 262 Intermediate German-Writing3
GERMAN 264 Culture in 20th Century Berlin3
GERMAN 266 Topics in German and/or Yiddish Culture3
GERMAN 267 Yiddish Song and the Jewish Experience3-4
GERMAN/​JEWISH/​LITTRANS  269 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Europe3
GERMAN 271 The German Immigration Experience3
GERMAN 272 Nazi Culture3
GERMAN 275 Kafka and the Kafkaesque3
GERMAN/​LITTRANS  276 Special Topics in German and World Literature/s3
GERMAN 278 Topics in German Culture3
GERMAN/​JEWISH/​LITTRANS  279 Yiddish Literature and Culture in America3
GERMAN 285 Intermediate Intensive (Honors) German: Language, Culture, Texts6
GERMAN 305 Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts3-4
GERMAN 325 Topics in Dutch Literature3
GERMAN 335 Dutch Conversation and Composition3
GERMAN 337 Advanced Composition & Conversation3-4
GERMAN 351 Introduction to German Linguistics3-4
GERMAN 352 Topics in German Linguistics3-4
GERMAN 362 Topics in German Literature3-4
GERMAN 372 Topics in German Culture3-4
GERMAN 385 Honors Seminar in German Literature3
GERMAN 411 Kultur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts3-4
GERMAN 445 Topics in Dutch Culture3-4
GERMAN/​JEWISH  510 German-Jewish Culture Since the 18th Century3
GERMAN 560 Topics in German Studies3
GERMAN 612 German Literary Movements Since 17503
GERMAN 625 Letterkunde der Lage Landen3-4
GERMAN 632 A Theme in German Literature3
GERMAN 644 Theory and Practice of German Drama3
GERMAN 645 Cultuurkunde der Lage Landen3-4
GERMAN 650 History of the German Language3
GERMAN/​MEDIEVAL  651 Introduction to Middle High German3
GERMAN/​COM ARTS  655 German Film3
GERMAN 676 Advanced Seminar in German Studies3
GERMAN 677 Seminar in German Culture Studies3
GERMAN 683 Senior Honors Seminar in German Literature3
GNS/​FOLKLORE  200 Folklore of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe3
GNS/​ENVIR ST  210 Cultures of Sustainability: Central, Eastern, and Northern Europe3
GNS/​HISTORY  265 An Introduction to Central Asia: From the Silk Route to Afghanistan3
GNS 270 Introductory Topics in GNS3
GNS 324 Literatures of Central Asia3
GNS 370 Topics in GNS (Intermediate)3
GNS 375 Philosophy, Theory, Criticism3
GNS 431 Third Semester Kazakh4
GNS 432 Fourth Semester Kazakh4
GNS 439 Third Semester Turkish4
GNS 440 Fourth Semester Turkish4
GNS 451 Third Semester Central Eurasian Language4
GNS 452 Fourth Semester Central Eurasian Language4
GNS 460 Readings in Turkish: Contemporary Turkey through Literature and Media4
GNS 471 Advanced Topics in East European and Central Asian Languages and Cultures1-4
GNS 531 Fifth Semester Kazakh3-4
GNS 532 Sixth Semester Kazakh3-4
GNS 539 Fifth Semester Turkish and Azeri3-4
GNS 540 Sixth Semester Turkish and Azeri3-4
GNS 551 Fifth Semester Central Eurasian Language4
GNS 552 Sixth Semester Central Eurasian Language4
GNS 624 Proseminar in Central Asian History3
INTL ST 101 Introduction to International Studies3-4
INTL ST/​ANTHRO/​FOLKLORE/​LINGUIS  211 Global Language Issues3
INTL ST/​HISTORY/​LACIS  242 Modern Latin America3-4
INTL ST 266 Introduction to the Middle East3
INTL ST/​AFRICAN  302 Arabic Literature and Cinema3
INTL ST 310 International Learning Community Seminar1-3
INTL ST/​GEOG  311 The Global Game: Soccer, Politics, and Identity3
INTL ST/​GEOG  315 Universal Basic Income: The Politics Behind a Global Movement3
INTL ST 320 Contemporary Issues in International Studies1-4
INTL ST 322 Washington DC Semester in International Affairs Internship Seminar4
INTL ST/​POLI SCI  325 Social Movements and Revolutions in Latin America3-4
INTL ST/​POLI SCI  327 Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective3
INTL ST/​HISTORY  330 Global History of Humanitarianism3-4
INTL ST/​HISTORY  332 East Asia & The U.S. Since 18993-4
INTL ST/​ED POL  335 Globalization and Education3
INTL ST/​HISTORY  366 From Fascism to Today: Social Movements and Politics in Europe3-4
INTL ST/​A A E  373 Globalization, Poverty and Development3
INTL ST/​A A E  374 The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy3
INTL ST 401 Topics in Global Security3-4
INTL ST 402 Topics in Politics and Policy in the Global Economy3-4
INTL ST 403 Topics in Culture in the Age of Globalization3-4
INTL ST/​POLI SCI  431 Contentious Politics3-4
INTL ST/​POLI SCI  434 The Politics of Human Rights3-4
INTL ST/​POLI SCI  439 The Comparative Study of Genocide3-4
INTL ST 501 Study Abroad Topics in Global Security1-6
INTL ST 502 Study Abroad Topics in Politics and Policy in the Global Economy1-6
INTL ST 503 Study Abroad Topics in Culture in the Age of Globalization1-6
INTL ST 504 Study Abroad Topics in Global Environment1-6
INTL ST 520 Study Abroad Topics in International Studies1-6
INTL ST 523 International Internship1-3
INTL ST/​GEN&WS  535 Women's Global Health and Human Rights3
INTL ST 601 Topics in Global Security1-4
INTL ST 602 Topics in Politics and Policy in the Global Economy1-4
INTL ST 603 Topics in Culture in the Age of Globalization1-4
INTL ST 620 Topics in International Studies1-4
INTL ST 622 Washington DC Sem in International Affairs Seminar4
ITALIAN 203 Third Semester Italian4
ITALIAN 204 Fourth Semester Italian4
ITALIAN 230 Modern Italian Culture3
ITALIAN 311 Advanced Italian Language3
ITALIAN 312 Writing Workshop3
ITALIAN 321 Studies in Italian Literature and Culture I3
ITALIAN 322 Studies in Italian Literature and Culture II3
ITALIAN 340 Structures of Italian3
ITALIAN/​ILS  350 Rome: Lust for Glory3-4
ITALIAN/​ILS/​LITTRANS/​POLI SCI  365 Machiavelli and His World3
ITALIAN/​MEDIEVAL/​RELIG ST  440 Poverty, Ecology and the Arts: St. Francis of Assisi3
LINGUIS 101 Human Language3
LITTRANS 201 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation I3
LITTRANS 202 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation II3
LITTRANS 203 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation I4
LITTRANS 204 Survey of 19th and 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation II4
LITTRANS/​GEN&WS  205 Women in Russian Literature in Translation3-4
LITTRANS 207 Slavic Science Fiction through Literature and Film3
LITTRANS 208 The Writings of Vaclav Havel: Crtitique of Modern Society3
LITTRANS 209 Masterpieces of French Literature and Culture3-4
LITTRANS 213 Love and Sex in Italian Comedy3-4
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  215 Love and Death: Introduction to Polish Literature & Culture3
LITTRANS 218 Polish Literature in Translation: Late 19th and 20th Centuries3
LITTRANS 220 Chekhov: The Drama of Modern Life3
LITTRANS 221 Russia's Greatest Enigma: Nikolai Gogol3
LITTRANS 222 Dostoevsky in Translation3-4
LITTRANS/​ENGL  223 Vladimir Nabokov: Russian and American Writings3
LITTRANS 224 Tolstoy in Translation3-4
LITTRANS 226 Introduction to Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature3
LITTRANS 229 Representation of the Jew in Eastern European Cultures3
LITTRANS 231 Manga3
LITTRANS 232 Anime3
LITTRANS 233 Russian Life and Culture Through Literature and Art (to 1917)3-4
LITTRANS 234 Soviet Life and Culture Through Literature and Art (from 1917)3-4
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  238 Literature and Revolution3
LITTRANS 240 3-4
LITTRANS 241 Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe3
LITTRANS 245 Topics in Spanish American Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 247 Topics in Slavic Literatures in Translation3
LITTRANS 249 Literature in Translation: Nineteenth-Century French Masterpieces3
LITTRANS 252 Spanish Literary Masterpieces in Translation3
LITTRANS/​MEDIEVAL/​RELIG ST  253 Of Demons and Angels. Dante's Divine Comedy3
LITTRANS 254 In Translation: Lit of Modern Italy-Existentialism, Fascism, Resistance3
LITTRANS/​MEDIEVAL  255 Black Death and Medieval Life Through Boccaccio's Decameron3
LITTRANS 260 Italy and the Invention of America: from Columbus to World War II3
LITTRANS 261 Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 263 Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 264 Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  266 Elementary Special Topics in Russian Literature & Culture1-3
LITTRANS 268 French Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century3
LITTRANS/​GERMAN/​JEWISH  269 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Europe3
LITTRANS/​GEN&WS  270 German Women Writers in Translation3
LITTRANS 271 In Translation:Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature, Middle Ages-19003-4
LITTRANS 274 In Translation: Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature-the 20th Century3-4
LITTRANS 275 In Translation: The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen3-4
LITTRANS/​GERMAN  276 Special Topics in German and World Literature/s3
LITTRANS 277 Topics in Twentieth-Century German Literature (in Translation)3
LITTRANS/​GERMAN/​JEWISH  279 Yiddish Literature and Culture in America3
LITTRANS 302 What is Life? Biological Life in Literature and Culture3-4
LITTRANS 303 Topics in French Literature and Culture3-4
LITTRANS 324 Topics in Scandinavian Literature3-4
LITTRANS 326 Topics in Dutch Literature in Translation3
LITTRANS 331 In Translation: Scandinavian Topics in Depth1-2
LITTRANS 334 In Translation: The Art of Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen3-4
LITTRANS/​THEATRE  335 In Translation: The Drama of Henrik Ibsen3-4
LITTRANS/​THEATRE  336 In Translation: The Drama of August Strindberg3-4
LITTRANS 337 In Translation: 19th Century Scandinavian Fiction3-4
LITTRANS 340 Contemporary Scandinavian Literature in Translation3-4
LITTRANS 346 3-4
LITTRANS/​FOLKLORE  347 In Translation: Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore3-4
LITTRANS 350 Scandinavian Decadence in its European Context3-4
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  357 Intermediate Special Topics in Slavic Languages and Literatures3
LITTRANS 360 French and Italian Renaissance Literature Online3-4
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  361 Living at the End of Times: Contemporary Polish Literature and Culture3
LITTRANS/​ILS/​ITALIAN/​POLI SCI  365 Machiavelli and His World3
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  366 Intermediate Special Topics in Russian Literature & Culture3
LITTRANS 410 In Translation: Special Topics in Italian Literature3
LITTRANS/​THEATRE  423 In Translation: Slavic Drama in Context3
LITTRANS/​SCAND ST  428 Memory and Literature from Proust to Knausgard3
LITTRANS/​SCAND ST  435 The Sagas of Icelanders in English Translation3
LITTRANS/​GEN&WS/​SCAND ST  438 Sexual Politics in Scandinavia3
LITTRANS/​SLAVIC  467 Advanced Special Topics in Slavic Languages and Literatures3
LITTRANS 471 Polish Literature (in Translation), Middle Ages to 18633
LITTRANS 473 Polish Literature (in Translation) since 18633
PORTUG 201 Third Semester Portuguese4
PORTUG 202 Fourth Semester Portuguese4
PORTUG 221 Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Literatures4
PORTUG 225 Third Year Conversation and Composition3
PORTUG 226 Third Year Conversation and Composition3
PORTUG 301 Intensive Portuguese4
PORTUG 311 Fourth Year Composition and Conversation3
PORTUG 312 Fourth Year Composition and Conversation3
PORTUG 330 History of the Portuguese Language3
PORTUG 361 Portuguese Civilization3
PORTUG 362 Brazilian Civilization3
PORTUG 411 Survey of Portuguese Literature before 18253
PORTUG 412 3
PORTUG/​GEN&WS  450 Brazillian Women Writers3
PORTUG/​AFRICAN  451 Lusophone African Literature3
PORTUG/​GEN&WS  460 Carmen Miranda3
PORTUG 467 Survey of Portuguese Literature since 18253
PORTUG 468 Survey of Brazilian Literature since 18903
PORTUG 640 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature3
PORTUG 642 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture3
SCAND ST 201 Second Year Norwegian4
SCAND ST 202 Second Year Norwegian4
SCAND ST 211 Second Year Swedish4
SCAND ST 212 Second Year Swedish4
SCAND ST 221 Second Year Danish4
SCAND ST 222 Second Year Danish4
SCAND ST 250 Introduction to Scandinavia3
SCAND ST 251 Readings in Norwegian Literature3-4
SCAND ST 261 Readings in Swedish Literature3-4
SCAND ST 271 Readings in Danish Literature3-4
SCAND ST 276 Culture & Community in Scandinavia3
SCAND ST 348 The Second World War in Nordic Culture3
SCAND ST 355 Autobiography3
SCAND ST 373 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature: From the Middle Ages to 19003-4
SCAND ST 374 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature: the Twentieth Century3-4
SCAND ST 401 Contemporary Scandinavian Languages3
SCAND ST 410 Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics3
SCAND ST 411 Areas in Scandinavian Literature1
SCAND ST 415 History of the Scandinavian Languages II: Standard Languages3
SCAND ST 419 Scandinavian Children's Literature4
SCAND ST 421 Advanced Topics in Nordic Studies1-3
SCAND ST 422 The Drama of Henrik Ibsen4
SCAND ST 423 The Drama of August Strindberg4
SCAND ST 424 Nineteenth-Century Scandinavian Fiction3-4
SCAND ST 426 Kierkegaard and Scandinavian Literature3
SCAND ST 427 Contemporary Scandinavian Literature4
SCAND ST/​LITTRANS  428 Memory and Literature from Proust to Knausgard3
SCAND ST/​MEDIEVAL  430 The Vikings4
SCAND ST/​HISTORY  431 History of Scandinavia to 18153
SCAND ST/​HISTORY  432 History of Scandinavia Since 18153
SCAND ST 434 The Art of Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen4
SCAND ST/​LITTRANS  435 The Sagas of Icelanders in English Translation3
SCAND ST 436 Topics in Scandinavian Literature3-4
SCAND ST/​GEN&WS/​LITTRANS  438 Sexual Politics in Scandinavia3
SCAND ST 439 Nordic Filmmakers3
SCAND ST/​FOLKLORE  443 Sami Culture, Yesterday and Today4
SCAND ST/​MEDIEVAL  444 Kalevala and Finnish Folk-Lore4
SCAND ST/​FOLKLORE/​MEDIEVAL  446 Celtic-Scandinavian Cultural Interrelations3
SCAND ST 450 Scandinavian Decadence in its European Context3-4
SCAND ST 475 The Writings of Hans Christian Andersen for Scandinavian Majors4
SCAND ST 476 Scandinavian Life and Civilization II4
SCAND ST 510 Topics in Scandinavian Linguistics3
SCAND ST 511 Paleography and Philology - Old Norse3
SCAND ST 520 Special Topics3
SCAND ST/​HISTORY  577 Contemporary Scandinavia: Politics and History3-4
SCAND ST 634 Survey of Scandinavian Literature: 1500-18003
SCAND ST 635 Survey of Scandinavian Literature: 1800-18903
SLAVIC 117 Intensive Second Year Russian4
SLAVIC 118 Intensive Second Year Russian4
SLAVIC 203 Third Semester Russian4
SLAVIC 204 Fourth Semester Russian4
SLAVIC 207 Third Semester Polish4
SLAVIC 208 Fourth Semester Polish4
SLAVIC 217 Third Semester Czech4
SLAVIC 218 Fourth Semester Czech4
SLAVIC 231 History and Ethics on Film: Polish Cinema3
SLAVIC/​LITTRANS  238 Literature and Revolution3
SLAVIC 239 Performance and Power3
SLAVIC 242 Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe3
SLAVIC 245 Topics in Slavic Literatures3
SLAVIC 251 Third Semester Serbo-Croatian3
SLAVIC 252 Fourth Semester Serbo-Croatian3
SLAVIC/​GEOG/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI  253 Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey4
SLAVIC/​GEOG/​HISTORY/​POLI SCI  254 Eastern Europe: An Interdisciplinary Survey4
SLAVIC/​LITTRANS  266 Elementary Special Topics in Russian Literature & Culture1-3
SLAVIC 275 Third Year Russian I3
SLAVIC 276 Third Year Russian II3
SLAVIC 277 Third Year Polish I3
SLAVIC 278 Third Year Polish II3
SLAVIC 279 8
SLAVIC 285 Slavic Culture in Context: An Honors Course3
SLAVIC 304 Fourth Semester Intensive Polish4
SLAVIC 305 Fifth Semester Intensive Polish3
SLAVIC 306 Sixth Semester Intensive Polish3
SLAVIC 308 Polish Culture and Area Studies on Study Abroad1-4
SLAVIC 309 Russian Area Studies on Study Abroad1-4
SLAVIC 310 Topics in Russian: Study Abroad1-6
SLAVIC 315 Russian Language and Culture I3
SLAVIC 316 Russian Language and Culture II3
SLAVIC 321 Fourth Year Russian I3
SLAVIC 322 Fourth Year Russian II3
SLAVIC 331 Fourth Year Polish I3
SLAVIC 332 Fourth Year Polish II3
SLAVIC/​LITTRANS  357 Intermediate Special Topics in Slavic Languages and Literatures3
SLAVIC/​LITTRANS  361 Living at the End of Times: Contemporary Polish Literature and Culture3
SLAVIC/​LITTRANS  366 Intermediate Special Topics in Russian Literature & Culture3
SLAVIC 433 History of Russian Culture3
SLAVIC 434 Contemporary Russian Culture3
SLAVIC 440 3-4
SLAVIC/​FOLKLORE  444 Slavic and East European Folklore3
SLAVIC 451 Third Semester Intensive Czech3
SLAVIC 452 Fourth Semester Intensive Czech3
SLAVIC 465 Advanced Readings in Russian Literature & Culture3
SLAVIC/​LITTRANS  467 Advanced Special Topics in Slavic Languages and Literatures3
SLAVIC 470 History of Polish Literature until 18633
SLAVIC 472 History of Polish Literature after 18633
SLAVIC 555 Advanced Russian Listening & Speaking3
SLAVIC 560 Capstone Seminar in Russian Literature and Culture3
SPANISH 203 Third Semester Spanish4
SPANISH 204 Fourth Semester Spanish4
SPANISH 223 Introduction to Hispanic Cultures3
SPANISH 224 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures3
SPANISH 225 Lying, Swearing, and Breaking the Rules: An Introduction to the Linguistic Study of Spanish3
SPANISH 226 Intermediate Language Practice with Emphasis on Writing and Grammar3
SPANISH/​LACIS  285 Race and Culture in the Americas3
SPANISH 311 Advanced Language Practice3
SPANISH 319 Topics in Spanish Language Practice1-3
SPANISH 321 The Structure of Modern Spanish3
SPANISH 322 Survey of Early Hispanic Literature3
SPANISH 324 Survey of Modern Spanish Literature3
SPANISH 325 Advanced Conversation3
SPANISH 326 Survey of Spanish American Literature3
SPANISH 327 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics3
SPANISH 361 Spanish Civilization3
SPANISH 363 Spanish American Civilization3
SPANISH/​CHICLA  364 Survey of Latino and Latina Popular Culture3
SPANISH/​MEDIEVAL  414 Literatura de la Edad Media Castellana (ss. XII-XV)3
SPANISH 417 3-4
SPANISH 435 Cervantes3
SPANISH 451 Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries3
SPANISH 453 Literature of the Twentieth Century3
SPANISH 460 Literatura Hispanoamericana3
SPANISH 468 Topics in Hispanic Culture3
SPANISH 470 Undergraduate Seminars in Hispanic Literature/Culture/Linguistics3
SPANISH 472 Hispanic Screen Studies3
SPANISH 477 Latin American Rock Cultures3
SPANISH/​CHICLA  478 Border and Race Studies in Latin America3
SPANISH 479 Latin American Literature and Human Rights3
SPANISH 480 Topics in Latin American Performance/Visual Studies3
SPANISH 490 Race, Religion and Ethnicity in the Age of Empire3

 Certificate Completion Requirement

This undergraduate certificate must be completed concurrently with the student’s undergraduate degree. Students cannot delay degree completion to complete the certificate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the social, cultural, and historical contexts of global language policy and linguistic and cultural practices.
  2. Reflect on one’s own position and the positions of others in global political, social, and institutional structures and the possibilities for growth and change for oneself and others.
  3. Analyze information about culture and communication from diverse perspectives.
  4. Formulate arguments on global topics in language, culture, and education using academic literature and theoretical frameworks, identifying and integrating diverse sources of information.
  5. Collaborate and communicate ideas, reflections, and research effectively with people from a range of perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds.
  6. Use practice to inform theory and research and theory and research to reflect on and modify practice.