The School of Education at UW–Madison is consistently ranked as one of the finest schools of education in the United States, and among the best in the world. The school embraces fields of study that define the human experience: education to challenge minds, health to improve lives, and the arts to enhance creative spirits. World-class research is conducted to drive conversation forward. The school prepares students in a variety of disciplines and for a range of professional roles, including artist, teacher, and therapist.
Approximately 1,900 undergraduates are enrolled each year in the School of Education. While many students are pursuing teacher certification, a significant number are completing programs in the performing and visual arts, human movement, and human services.
The School of Education offers a broad array of undergraduate programs that reflect the wide range of disciplines housed in the school. Although undergraduate majors are not offered in all departments, all ten departments do offer courses to undergraduate students. The school's departments include:
- Art
- Counseling Psychology
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Dance
- Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
- Educational Policy Studies
- Educational Psychology
- Kinesiology
- Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education
- Theatre and Drama
Students find that the School of Education is their academic and administrative home—a source of advising, guidance, support, and community. Small class sizes in many pre-professional and professional courses allow students to develop a strong sense of community and to get ample individual attention from professors, instructors, and teaching assistants. Teaching staff are extremely willing to get to know their students and work with them to meet their goals. School of Education courses also provide students the chance to get to know their classmates well. Faculty seek committed, creative, and reflective students who are sensitive to differing perspectives.
Students are encouraged to challenge themselves and their initial career choices through volunteer experiences, service learning courses, internships or paid work experiences, and study abroad. The School of Education works to offer a caring, secure, and supportive environment that encourages taking risks, expanding personal boundaries, and developing into a professional.
All students pursuing their undergraduate degree in the School of Education must fulfill the following requirements:
- University-wide General Education Requirements
- School of Education Liberal Studies Requirements
- Major/Degree Program Requirements (see below)
Art Education, BS
Art Studio, Certificate
Art, BFA
Art, BS
Arts and Teaching, Certificate
Athletic Healthcare, Certificate
Communication Sciences and Disorders, BSE
Dance Education, Certificate
Dance Studies, Certificate
Dance, BFA
Dance, BS
Dance, Certificate
Disability Rights and Services, Certificate
Education and Educational Services, Certificate
Education Studies, BS
Educational Policy Studies, Certificate
Elementary Education and Special Education, BSE
Elementary Education, BSE
Game Design, Certificate
Global Cultures, Languages, and Education, Certificate
Graphic Design, Certificate
Health Promotion and Health Equity, BS
Individual Major, BSE
International Development and Education, Certificate
Introductory Studies in Dance/Movement Therapy, Certificate
Kinesiology, BS
Physical Education, BS
Pilates, Certificate
Preparing to Teach Abroad, Certificate
Promoting Activity for Diverse Abilities, Certificate
Rehabilitation Psychology, BS
Social Justice and Education, Certificate
Special Education, BSE
Theatre and Drama, BS
Theatre, Certificate
Note: Students at UW–Madison become certified to teach secondary English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies through graduate-level coursework, not as undergraduates. A Master’s degree offered by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction certifies students to teach in one or more of these four subject areas in grades 4-12, and also English as a Second Language in grades K-12. Information about this Master's degree program is available at UW-Madison Teach and on the Curriculum and Instruction website.
A new graduate program in World Language Education was recently developed to provide certification in specific world languages. Licensing is at the Kindergarten – Grade 12 level. Information about this Master's degree option is also available at UW–Madison Teach and on the Curriculum and Instruction website.
Wisconsin Experience
UW–Madison’s vision for the total student experience, the Wisconsin Experience, combines learning in and out of the classroom. Tied to the Wisconsin Idea and steeped in long-standing institutional values — the commitment to the truth, shared participation in decision-making, and service to local and global communities — the Wisconsin Experience describes how students develop and integrate these core values across their educational experience.
UW–Madison encourages students to mindfully engage in four core concepts throughout their time on campus.
- Empathy & Humility - Badgers bring heart — empathy and humility — to everything that we do. It’s the very lens of our worldview. We develop and demonstrate a cultural understanding of ourselves and others; we engage locally, nationally, and globally in a respectful and civil manner; and we appreciate and celebrate one another's abilities, views, and accomplishments.
- Relentless Curiosity - Badgers show relentless curiosity at every step of life’s journey. We question things that no one has ever thought to question. We actively learn with expert instructors, scholars, and peers; we engage in creative inquiry, scholarship, and research; we develop resilience; and we foster courage in life and learning.
- Intellectual Confidence - Badgers fearlessly sift and winnow until we achieve intellectual confidence. At our core, we’re learners and teachers. We develop competence, depth, and expertise in a field of study; we integrate ideas and synthesize knowledge across multiple contexts; and we exercise critical thinking and effective communication.
- Purposeful Action - Badgers strive to find greater meaning every day through purposeful action. We work for the common good — for something that’s bigger than ourselves. We apply knowledge and skills to solve problems; we engage in public service, partner with others, and contribute to the community; and we lead for positive change.
The Wisconsin Experience in the School of Education
Since its inception the School of Education has embraced the concepts of the Wisconsin Experience, providing opportunities for students to learn in venues beyond the traditional classroom. Some of the activities are listed below; additional activities are listed under each major.
Service Learning and Community Service
- Students pursuing health-related studies, including the Health Promotion and Health Equity major, have an opportunity to become involved in the Fit Families program, developed by Dr. Luis Columna. Fit Families is a physical activity program that brings together children with disabilities, their parents, college students, and in-service professionals in related fields such as adapted physical education, special education, orientation & mobility, psychology, physical education, and exercise science.
- RP & SE 300 Individuals with Disabilities includes a field-based experience where students engage in work that directly or indirectly supports a person with a disability. Hundreds of students each year are placed in a wide variety of placement sites in the Madison area. This experience allows students to gain first-hand knowledge of the contributions of, and services provided to, individuals with disabilities within the community.
- As part of required courses, art education students teach art to children and teens in school and community-based settings in every semester of the program. Some of our most recent partners include:
- The Art Zone at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art
- Monroe Street Arts Center
- Madison School & Community Recreation (MSCR) art clubs
- Fieldwork experiences in private schools like Edgewood, Wingra, Eagle, and Madison Country Day, and also in public schools in rural, suburban, and urban districts
- Students in the Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County to help kids and their families stay active during the holiday break from school. Working together, they developed games that can be done at home using common household items. A flyer describing the games was included in over 500 Thanksgiving baskets distributed by the Boys and Girls Club last year, and associated videos were made available on their website. Who wouldn't want to play "Reverse Pig Trash Ball?"
Study Abroad
The School of Education recently developed a number of summer study abroad opportunities. These two- to three-week courses make it possible for students to have a study abroad experience and still have time to work or pursue other activities during the summer. Led by UW–Madison instructors, students studied:
- Education, Diversity, and Community in the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)
- Dancing Cultures in Greece
- Disability Rights and Access in Australia
- Youth, Language, and Experiential Education in the Dominican Republic
- Team Building in Costa Rica
- Theatre in London
- Inclusive Physical Activity and Sports in Ireland
- Exploring Cuba Through Art
- Movement as Medicine in Portugal
Additional courses are in development!
Student Organizations
- Aspiring Educators of Wisconsin is a pre-professional association for those pursuing careers as educators. It provides opportunities to meet other education majors and current teachers, explore cutting-edge issues in education, and interact with the community.
- Fresh Hot Press (printmaking), AIGA (graphic design), Mad Gaffers (glassblowing), and Art for Change (activism) are just a few of the available options for art students.
- The Health Promotion/Health Equity Learning Community (HPHE LC) was recently launched with the goal of providing hard-working and dedicated students with support, resources, and opportunities within the Health Promotion and Health Equity field. Provided services include a cohort program, internship pools, tutoring services, and networking events.
Research and Depth of Study
- Kinesiology students are currently serving as Research Assistants in the labs of many professors, and also in the Promotion of Health Equity & Adapted Physical Activity (PHEAPA) lab.
- The Center for Research on Early Childhood Education created an undergraduate research fellowship program. The program's goal is to diversify the research communities that address early childhood education.
- More than a dozen rehabilitation psychology students are currently working with professors and graduate students on research in rehabilitation psychology. Several are leading their own research with faculty support, and many students have presented at the spring Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Physical education staff and students partnered with experts in the academic technology department to create a smartphone app, "EnCourage." The app provides hundreds of team-building activities for use by teachers, coaches, and anyone trying to develop teamwork with groups. Its development was one of the School of Education Innovation Projects, "Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education."
- The dance department provides financial awards to encourage students to continue their studies, both nationally and internationally, over the summer. For example, full-tuition scholarships are given to dance majors to study in the summer study program at the Dance Education Lab in New York. One award of full tuition and accommodation is given to a freshman dance major to study at the six-week Perry Mansfield pre-professional summer study program. Students have these, and other opportunities, to make professional connections in the field and in the global dance community.
- The theatre and drama department offers an Honors option in the major and a named option in Acting.
- Undergraduate awards in writing, research, and community-based scholarship are sponsored by the educational policy studies department. One such award is the Eric Flanagan Community-Engaged Scholarship Award.
Volunteer Opportunities
- One of the UW’s most sought-after volunteer experiences, the kinesiology department’s Adapted Fitness program offers fitness training and physical activities to community-based clients with a wide variety of permanent and temporary disabilities from heritable disorders, chronic and neurological diseases, and accidental traumas. Students who pursue the Physical Activity for Diverse Abilities Certificate receive priority placement for volunteer positions.
Internships and Field Placements
- Students earning an undergraduate degree in Rehabilitation Psychology complete at least six credits of internship, selected from a large and diverse number of sites in the community. The goals of the experience include exploring career interests and gaining experience in community agencies serving and advocating for individuals with disabilities.
- Undergraduates in teacher education programs have multiple field experiences in K-12 schools, culminating in a full-time student teaching experience following the semester of the cooperating school.
- Art internships provide real-world experience and can often be completed for university credit through enrollment in ART 393 Internships in Art. Students have interned and conducted research at many businesses, institutions, and on-campus locations, including the Madison Children's Museum, Bayview Center for Arts and Education, ArtWrite Collective, Chazen Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Monroe Street Arts Center, and the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art.
Policies and Regulations
Academic Concerns and Status
Academic Actions and Exceptions
Academic actions and exceptions are used to record a student's progress through the university and to document various administrative and academic situations. Actions can be grouped into two broad categories:
- those that permit exceptions to program requirements and school/university policies and
- those that affect a student's standing in the university — e.g., probation or transferring from one program to another.
As the undergraduate dean's office, the School of Education Student Services office is responsible for reviewing, approving, documenting, and sometimes initiating academic actions and exceptions. To be posted to a student's record, exceptions must go through several steps. Exceptions may be initiated either by program faculty/staff or by Student Services staff, who often consult about a specific exception. Once an exception has been approved, it is processed either as an official "Dean's action" or as a DARS exception. Students can find a record of dean's actions on their printed unofficial transcript (also called the student record) or on their DARS report. A DARS exception will be reflected in the individual student's DARS report.
Exceptions to faculty-approved program requirements generally include course substitutions and rarely involve course or program requirement waivers. Exceptions to campus or School policies include permission for adding or dropping a course beyond the deadlines, waiving senior or major residency requirements, extending the deadline for meeting a deficiency or finishing an Incomplete, and permitting students to repeat a course for credit. A request for an exception requires careful consideration from all parties involved. Students should be prepared to explain the reasoning behind a request and offer supporting documentation.
Substantial consultation time with faculty, staff, and/or deans may be required, so students should not expect to receive an immediate answer to a request during the initial appointment.
Academic Standing: Dean's List, Academic Probation, and May Not Continue
To remain in good academic standing in the School of Education, students must earn both a semester grade point average (GPA) and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5. Academic standing is not calculated after the completion of summer coursework. While the 2.5 grade point average may not be sufficient to permit students to be considered for admission to their program of choice, it is the minimum required to remain in the School of Education. This may be substantially higher than minimum grade point average requirements in other schools/colleges on campus.
Dean's List
Students have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA and 3.5 or higher for the semester. Students must have received no incompletes in graded courses, no unreported grades, or end-of-semester academic actions for the semester. Credit/no credit and pass/fail courses are not considered in meeting the requirements for the Dean's List.
A student's grade point average for a particular semester falls below 2.5, while the cumulative campus GPA remains at or above 2.5. Students must earn a minimum 2.5 grade point average on the next semester's coursework to be removed from probation status.
Strict Probation
Strict Probation occurs when either (1) a student's cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5 OR (2) a student already on probation earns less than a 2.5 grade point average for the subsequent semester. To be in good academic standing, students on strict probation must earn both a 2.5 GPA on the next semester's coursework and also have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 by the end of the next semester. Students on Strict Probation status have an enrollment hold placed on their record for the subsequent semester. These students are not permitted to enroll until they have met with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office.
Continued Strict Probation
A student already on strict probation obtained a 2.5 GPA or above on the next semester's coursework, but the cumulative GPA is still below 2.5. Once both grade point averages are at or above 2.5, the student will be in good academic standing. Students on Continued Strict Probation status have an enrollment hold placed on their record for the subsequent semester. These students are not permitted to enroll until they have met with a Student Services advisor.
May Not Continue in the School of Education
Students on strict probation or continued strict probation who earn less than a 2.5 GPA on the next semester's work will receive notice that they may not continue in the School of Education. Students on May Not Continue status who do not seek or are not granted permission to continue may be withdrawn from the university and dropped from courses ("disenrolled"). Students are expected to contact the School of Education Student Services office immediately to discuss options, including transfer to another school or college on campus, transfer to another university, or withdrawal from UW–Madison.
Continuation Requirement: Department of Kinesiology
All students admitted to undergraduate programs in the Department of Kinesiology, including Physical Education, must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75, based on all UW–Madison campus coursework. A student whose GPA falls below 2.75 will be placed on probation for the following semester. If the GPA remains below a 2.75 at the end of the probationary semester, the student will receive a discontinuation letter indicating that they must transfer out of the Department of Kinesiology. A hold will be placed on the student's registration for the second semester following the probationary semester until the transfer is complete. Students in this situation must transfer to another School of Education program, another UW–Madison school/college, to another institution altogether, or must withdraw from the university.
If a student wishes to appeal being discontinued in the department, it must be done in writing to the Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee within 30 days of the date of the notification letter. The Undergraduate Studies Committee may request that the student appear in person at an Undergraduate Studies Committee meeting to present the case.
If a negative decision is reached by the Undergraduate Studies Committee, a student may choose to appeal in writing to the Department of Kinesiology Student Affairs Committee within 30 days of the date of the notification.
If a negative decision is reached by the Department’s Student Affairs Committee, a student may choose to appeal in writing to the Chair of the Department of Kinesiology within 30 days of the date of the notification.
If a negative decision is reached by the Chair of the Department of Kinesiology, a student may choose to follow the School of Education Grievance Policy.
In the event of a positive decision at any level, the student will be allowed to continue for one semester in order to raise the GPA to 2.75 or higher. A 2.5 cumulative GPA is required to graduate from the Department of Kinesiology.
Grievance Policy in the School of Education
School of Education Grievance Policy and Procedures
The following School of Education Student Grievance Policy and associated procedures are designed for use in response to individual student grievances regarding faculty or staff in the School of Education.
Any individual student who feels they have been treated unfairly by a School of Education faculty or staff member has the right to file a grievance about the treatment and receive a timely response addressing their concerns. Any student, undergraduate or graduate, may use these grievance procedures, except employees whose complaints are covered under other campus policies. The grievance may concern classroom treatment, mentoring or advising, program admission or continuation, course grades (study abroad grade complaints are handled through International Academic Programs), or issues not covered by other campus policies or grievance procedures.
For grievances regarding discrimination based on protected bases (i.e., race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, etc.), contact the Office of Compliance (https://compliance.wisc.edu/eo-complaint/).
For grievances or concerns regarding sexual harassment or sexual violence (including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation), contact the Sexual Misconduct Resource and Response Program within the Office of Compliance.
For grievances that involve the behavior of a student, contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards in the Dean of Students Office at https://conduct.students.wisc.edu/).
For grievances about, or directed at, faculty or staff in a School of Education department, unit, or program, students should follow these steps:
- Students are strongly encouraged to first talk with the person against whom the concern is directed. Many issues can be settled informally at this level. If students are unable to resolve concerns directly or without additional support, step 2 or 3 should be pursued.
- If unresolved after taking or considering step 1:
- If the concern is directed against a teaching assistant (TA), and the student is not satisfied, the student should contact the TA's supervisor, who is usually the course professor. The course professor will attempt to resolve the concern informally.
- If the concern involves a non-TA instructor, staff member, professor, academic department, or School of Education office or unit, the student should contact the chair of the department or the director of the office or unit, or their designee. The chair or director, or their designee, will attempt to resolve the concern informally. If the concern is about the department chair or office/unit director, the student should consult the School of Education Senior Associate Dean for guidance.
- If the concern remains unresolved after step 2, the student may submit a formal grievance to the chair or director in writing within 30 business days1 of the alleged unfair treatment. To the fullest extent possible, a formal written grievance shall contain a clear and concise statement of the issue(s) involved and the relief sought.
- On receipt of a written grievance, the chair or director will notify the person at whom the grievance is directed with a copy of the written grievance. The person at whom the complaint is directed may submit a written response, which would be shared with the student.
- On receipt of a written grievance, the chair or director will refer the matter to a department, office, or unit committee comprised of at least two members. The committee may be an existing committee or one constituted for this purpose. The committee, or delegates from the committee, may meet with the parties involved and/or review any material either party shares with the committee.
- The committee will provide a written description of the facts of the grievance and communicate recommendations to the department chair or office/unit head regarding how the grievance should be handled.
- The chair or director will offer to meet with the student who made the grievance and also will provide a written decision to the student, including a description of any related action taken by the committee, within 30 business days of receiving the formal grievance.
- 1
For the purpose of this policy, business days refers to those days when the University Offices are open and shall not include weekends, university holidays, spring recess, or the period from the last day of exams of fall semester instruction to the first day of spring semester instruction. All time limits may be modified by mutual consent of the parties involved.
If the grievance concerns an undergraduate course grade, the decision of the department chair after reviewing the committee’s recommendations is final.
Other types of grievances may be appealed using the following procedures:
- Both the student who filed the grievance or the person at whom the grievance was directed, if unsatisfied with the decision of the department, office or unit, have five (5) business days from receipt of the decision to contact the Senior Associate Dean, indicating the intention to appeal.
- A written appeal must be filed with the Senior Associate Dean within 10 business days of the time the appealing party was notified of the initial resolution of the complaint.
- On receipt of a written appeal, the Senior Associate Dean will convene a sub-committee of the School of Education’s Academic Planning Council. This subcommittee may ask for additional information from the parties involved and/or may hold a meeting at which both parties will be asked to speak separately (i.e., not in the room at the same time).
- The subcommittee will then make a written recommendation to the Dean of the School of Education, or their designee, who will render a decision. The dean or designee’s written decision shall be made within 30 business days from the date when the written appeal was filed with the Senior Associate Dean. For undergraduate students, the dean or designee’s decision is final.
Further appealing a School of Education decision – graduate students only
Graduate students have the option to appeal decisions by the School of Education dean or designee by using the process detailed on the Graduate School’s website.
Questions about these procedures can be directed to the School of Education Dean's Office, 377 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, 608-262-1763.
- Office of Compliance (for discrimination based on protected classes, including misconduct) 179A Bascom Hall, 608-262-2378
- Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (for conflicts between students, or academic integrity violations) 70 Bascom Hall, 608-263-5700
- Bias or Hate Reporting (for students who experience or observe bias or hate incidents) 70 Bascom Hall, 608-263-5700
- Graduate School (for graduate students who need informal advice at any level of review; for official appeals of program/departmental or school/college grievance decisions, see Graduate Assistant Policies and Procedures) 217 Bascom Hall, 608-262-2433
- Ombuds Office for Faculty and Staff (for UW–Madison employees, including graduate students) 523-524 Lowell Center, 608-265-9992
- Employee Assistance (for conflicts involving graduate assistants and other employees) 256 Lowell Hall, 608-263-2987
- Office of Human Resources for policies and procedures to address workplace conflict) 21 N Park Street Suite 5101, 608-265-2257
- Office of Student Assistance and Support (OSAS) (for any students needing advice or support) 70 Bascom Hall, 608-263-5700
- School of Education, Office of Student Services (for students, particularly undergraduates, in the School of Education) 139 Education Building, 608-262-1651
- School of Education, Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI) 145 Education Building, 608-262-8427
Part-Time Enrollment Status
Students who choose part-time enrollment status or who anticipate falling below full-time enrollment status due to dropping a course should consult with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office. Part-time enrollment may have important implications for any number of issues, including health insurance coverage or financial aid. It is especially important that athletes and international students consult with Student Services advisors and other advisors if considering part-time enrollment. Students who drop below 12 credits need not leave university housing.
Re-entry to Campus after an Absence
Students wishing to reenter UW–Madison after an absence of a semester or more must file a reentry application form. This form is available from the UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment. If an applicant is not in good academic standing, the reentry application will be referred to the associate dean.
Students admitted to the professional part of a program may leave UW–Madison for a maximum of two consecutive semesters (excluding summer sessions) and be eligible to reenter directly into the program. Students in this situation are not guaranteed immediate placement in a practicum or student teaching placement upon reentry, and graduation may be delayed because of prior commitments to continuing students. Students who leave the program for more than two consecutive semesters (excluding summer sessions) may be considered for readmission only on an individual basis. Lack of space in a program may preclude readmission directly into a program for any future semester. Given the individual circumstances, a student may be required to reapply to the program altogether.
The general policy above may be modified by any particular program so that the conditions of reentry match the structure of the professional program. Some programs require that students obtain prior approval to interrupt the program sequence. All students intending to be absent should leave with a firm understanding of the conditions guiding their reentry into their professional program. Consult with the appropriate faculty advisor and with the School of Education Student Services office.
Residency (Major & Senior) Requirements
Major Residency
Students must complete at UW–Madison at least 15 credits in upper-level courses in the major. Some programs, e.g., Art, require more credits to meet major residency requirements. Upper-level courses are generally defined as those numbered 300 and above, but this varies by program area. Retroactive credits and credits granted by examination do not count toward the residency requirement.
Senior Residency
Seniors in the School of Education must complete the last 30 credits in residence. Special permission to take a portion of senior work either at another institution or by correspondence (via UW Extension) must be obtained in advance from the School of Education Student Services office. Coursework taken as part of a UW–Madison-sponsored study abroad program does not count against senior residency. Students should discuss senior residency issues with their Student Services advisor. Retroactive credits and credits granted by examination do not count toward the residency requirement.
Excess Cumulative Credits and Satisfactory Progress
Excess Cumulative Credits
Wisconsin resident undergraduates who have accumulated more than 165 completed credits will be assessed a 100% tuition surcharge on credits over 165, as required by the University of Wisconsin–Madison. This policy was effective beginning Spring 2021. See Excess Cumulative Credits on Academic Planning and Institutional Research’s KnowledgeBase page for more information about this policy and the criteria used in counting cumulative, completed credits. Note: Students who have already been awarded a Bachelor's degree from any accredited institution are exempt from the tuition surcharge. Special students are also exempt.
Satisfactory Progress: Second Degree Candidates and Education Special (non-degree-seeking) Students
The School of Education is enriched by admitting students with a previous degree to our programs. We welcome these students and encourage them to apply to the School. At the same time, admission as a second-degree or Education Special (designated EDS or EDCS) student is a privilege granted by the School of Education. Second-degree and Education Special students are expected to make the same timely progress toward program completion as initial-degree students.
To ensure satisfactory progress, second-degree and Education Special students who are identified to have met any one of the criteria below will be required to confer with her/his program coordinator and the undergraduate academic dean for purposes of developing a formal plan for program completion:
- Student has earned over 200 total credits.
- Student enrolled for two consecutive semesters without completing requirements for the professional program to which the student was initially admitted.
- Student withdrew from classes for two consecutive semesters.
- Student failed to enroll in a required course when it was available, particularly those that are intermittently offered.
- Student engages in other course selection patterns that result in his/her failing to make progress toward completion of the initial program.
Students who do not meet the terms of the plan for program completion may be restricted to enrollment in specific courses or departments, prevented from enrolling entirely, or withdrawn from classes by the academic undergraduate dean after consultation with program faculty. Students may appeal the terms of the plan or any of the dean’s actions above under the provisions of the School of Education Grievance Policy.
Withdrawing from UW–Madison
Students wishing to withdraw from the semester in progress must do so through a formal process after reviewing the university policy on Withdrawals, including the Medical Withdrawal. Requests after the first day of the semester and prior to the deadline can be initiated through the Student Center in MyUW. Instructions can be found on this KB page.
Withdrawing after the deadline requires permission from the School of Education Student Services office. Students must meet with the Director of Advising to discuss withdrawal details, supports, and future plans. Students may be asked to provide a written justification for the request and supply medical or other documentation. The decision will be provided via email.
Courses and Course Enrollment
Attendance Policies
Faculty and instructors may require students to attend scheduled meetings of a class and/or to participate in other course-related activities, including distance activities. Students are responsible for materials presented in such meetings or activities. Because courses are designed and conducted in diverse ways, faculty and instructors are expected to inform students in writing at the beginning of each course if there are specific expectations for attendance/participation, including whether any component of the grade is based on such attendance/participation.
Auditing a Course
A student may audit a course only if the instructor consents and if no laboratory or performance skills are required. (The second restriction usually prevents students from auditing Dance or Art courses.) Auditors do not participate in classroom discussions or take examinations but are expected to attend with reasonable regularity and do some assigned work.
Audited courses carry no degree credits, are not graded, do not count in determining full-time/part-time load for enrollment certification in an academic term, and do not meet degree requirements for School of Education students. Students interested in auditing a course should confer with their Student Services advisor. The deadline to change a course from credit to audit is the end of the fourth week of classes; no exceptions to this deadline are permitted.
Concurrent Enrollment at Two Institutions
School of Education students may occasionally choose to take courses at another institution — e.g., Madison College or Independent Learning through UW Extension — while being a fully enrolled student on the UW–Madison campus. Full-time or part-time student status is usually determined by the credits taken at UW–Madison only; thus, students who take only nine credits on campus and three credits at another institution may not be considered full-time students.
Credit Overload Permission
Students may carry a maximum of 18 credits per semester without the special permission of an academic dean. School of Education undergraduates wishing to take over 18 credits should complete the Credit Overload Request Form. Students must be in excellent academic standing to be considered for a credit overload, usually a 3.0 cumulative GPA on the UW–Madison campus.
Please note that additional fees are assessed for credit overloads on a per-credit basis.
During summer sessions, students may, as a rule, carry one credit per week of instruction unless special permission is given. The maximum credit load for Education students for the entire summer session is 12. Session-specific limits follow the rule of one credit per week of instruction, except nine credits are allowed in the Eight-Week General Session. Students must obtain permission from an academic dean to carry an overload in any of the summer sessions; start this process by completing the Credit Overload Request Form.
Directed/Independent Study
Directed Study, also called Independent Study, offers the student an opportunity to work with a School of Education faculty member on an individual topic of interest. Most School of Education departments make directed study courses available to students on the basis of the student's preparation and motivation and a faculty member's willingness to accept the student in such an endeavor. Directed Study courses are generally numbered 199, 299, 399, and 699.
This study option is intended primarily for advanced students who have a depth of knowledge in a field, the self-discipline necessary for independent work, and strong motivation to pursue a special project. Some program areas limit the number of Directed Study credits that can be applied to major or minor requirements.
Directed Study is taken as a supplement to, but not as a replacement for, available course offerings. In this way, it may be used to expand areas of particularly strong interest. Extra responsibility is required from the faculty member involved, and no member of the faculty is obligated to accept a proposal for a directed study project. Students should have a well-defined outline of the topic to be studied before discussing the project with a faculty member.
Both the student and instructor must follow UW–Madison's Policy on Directed/Independent Study for Undergraduates. Important components of this document include, but are not limited to:
- The student's responsibility to develop a written study plan, in collaboration and agreement with the instructor, consistent with the responsibilities of the instructor. The study plan will include expectations for learning and student work, the time and place for regular meetings, the number of credits to be earned, and any other issues related to the learning experience.
- Guidelines for assigning the appropriate number of credits to the Directed Study.
- Responsibilities of the Directed Study instructor.
- The approval process for enrolling in a Directed Study after the course add deadline (usually the end of the second week of class in the fall and spring semesters).
Independent Learning Course Enrollment
Students occasionally elect to take an Independent Learning course through the University of Wisconsin Extension. Many of the courses offered through Independent Learning (IL) can count toward specific degree requirements and students have an entire year to complete the coursework. Individuals interested in enrolling in an Independent Learning course should note the following important issues:
Course Equivalencies
Independent Learning courses are not automatically transferable as equivalent UW–Madison campus courses — even when the Independent Learning course carries the same number and title. Use Transferology to ensure that the Independent Learning course is equivalent to the campus required course. Faculty and dean's offices may have some discretion in permitting courses to count for requirements even when they are not coded as exactly equivalent; students should see their Student Services advisor.
Concurrent Enrollment
UW Extension is an entirely separate institution from UW–Madison. Thus, UW–Madison students must have permission from their academic dean to be enrolled concurrently in another higher education institution. Permission for concurrent enrollment is granted routinely for School of Education students through the School of Education Student Services office. Students should go to the Registrar's Office's website for the permission form. The completed form indicates permission for concurrent enrollment and, in some circumstances, provides for a waiver of the tuition for the Independent Learning course (see additional information below). Students should take this form to the School of Education Student Services office, 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, and meet with an advisor. Send it to Independent Learning after it has been approved at the School of Education Student Services office.
Tuition Waiver
The tuition for an Independent Learning course may be waived with the academic dean's permission, although the student is still responsible for other course enrollment fees. Students are eligible for a tuition waiver if they register for an Independent Learning course during the semester they are concurrently enrolled at UW–Madison. In some cases, students may be allowed to register for Independent Learning classes once they have enrolled in courses for the subsequent semester, linking their Independent Learning registration with the credits for the succeeding semester. Students interested in receiving a tuition waiver must be enrolled full time (at least 12 credits) at UW–Madison, and have no more than 18 credits after adding the Independent Learning course. Students should see their Student Services advisor for additional information on these policies. Complete the form and submit it to the School of Education Student Services office, 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall. This stamped form must then be sent to Independent Learning, with a copy remaining at Student Services.
Posting Independent Learning Courses to the UW–Madison Transcript
Independent Learning courses are posted to the campus transcript after staff at the Office of Admissions and Recruitment receive the original transcript. An official transcript for an Independent Learning course must be submitted to this office.
Timing for Course Completion and Degree Posting
Independent Learning courses require a substantial time commitment. Students should not plan to begin an Independent Learning course only a few weeks before it must be completed! Perhaps even more important, students completing an Independent Learning course to meet degree requirements during their last semester on campus should be aware that the Independent Learning course must be completed prior to the University's official graduation date for that semester. The completion date listed on the UW Extension transcript must be on or before the UW–Madison degree completion date or the student's degree will be awarded after the subsequent semester. For example, if a student's UW Extension transcript indicates a course completion date of May 25 but the UW–Madison degree completion date is May 23, the student's degree will be posted for the subsequent August graduation date, not for the May graduation day. This could create serious problems for teacher education students hoping to secure a position. For this reason, students completing final degree requirements via Independent Learning should consult carefully with Student Services and Independent Learning staff regarding the timing of their course completion and degree posting.
Late Course Adds or Drops
Course enrollment regulations must be followed when adding and dropping courses. Students are responsible for knowing and complying with the published deadlines; see the Office of the Registrar's website for deadlines. Students are expected to check their academic records routinely to minimize the need for late drops based on enrollment errors.
Late Course Add
Students must obtain instructor, departmental, and dean's approval to add a course after the course add deadline. See the Office of the Registrar's website for instructions.
Late Course Drop
After the drop deadline, courses may be dropped only with permission of the School of Education Student Services office. Permission is granted only in unusual circumstances. Late drops may result in unintended consequences in other areas, e.g., financial aid, insurance coverage, and student status (for international students). Requests for backdated drops due to simply missing the campus drop deadlines or to remove a “DR” from the student’s record will not be honored.
To initiate the late drop process, students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to discuss their circumstances. Students must fill out a formal request form (available through Education Student Services), and meet with the Director of Advising. Students will be required to provide a written justification for the request and may be asked to submit medical or other documentation. The decision will be provided via email.
Repeating Courses
Most courses on the UW–Madison campus may be taken only once for purposes of credit. Some courses may be repeated a limited number of times for credit. Other courses may be repeated an unlimited number of times for credit. When courses are taken more than once, all grades and their associated grade points are included in the cumulative campus grade point average.
Some School of Education professional programs may permit students to retake courses for admission eligibility purposes only. Students should consult Student Services staff with questions regarding repeated courses.
Degrees, "Double Majors," and Graduation
Additional Major or "Double Major"
School of Education students may be permitted to complete an additional major with their School of Education degree program. Students must be admitted to the professional part of their degree program to be eligible to add an additional major; pre-professional students cannot add another major.
Education students wishing to complete an additional major in the College of Letters & Science must complete these steps:
- Contact the department that houses the major of interest. Meet with the undergraduate major advisor there, if appropriate. Complete the Major Declaration form and obtain departmental approval (usually a signature or stamp).
- Take the form to the School of Education Student Services office, 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, and ask for a dean's action to permit the additional major. Student Services staff will take the action and send the form to the Registrar's Office. Note: Students in the School of Education should not take the form to the L&S Student Academic Affairs office — even if this is the advice of departmental staff. Requests for an additional major will be rejected by the Registrar's Office for lack of the appropriate dean's approval.
Students will be granted a degree at the end of the fall, spring, or summer semesters in which all School of Education degree requirements are complete. Graduation will not be postponed if students have an unfinished additional major or certificate program that is not required for the degree.
Exceptions to the requirements of an additional major or certificate program must be approved by the department and school/college dean's office in which the major or certificate program is located.
School of Education programs require a minimum of 120 credits in all programs for graduation, although programs may require more. To earn 120 credits in four years (eight semesters), students must average 15 credits per semester. The number of credits carried each semester may depend upon a student's preparation, motivation, course selection, employment, and extracurricular activities.
Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)
UW–Madison uses “DARS” to document a student's progress toward the completion of their degree, including any additional majors and certificates. A DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) report shows all the requirements for completing a degree and, against courses that are planned or completed, shows the requirements that have been met, and those that are unmet. A report can offer suggestions about courses that may be taken to meet specific requirements and can assist in the academic planning and enrollment process. Students can access a DARS report in the Course Search & Enroll app or Student Center via My UW.
DARS also has a "what-if" function. This feature makes it possible to request a DARS report as if pursuing another program, major, or certificate. It is an excellent tool if considering a new or additional area of study. School of Education students in a pre-professional classification such as Pre-Elementary (PRE) or Pre-Kinesiology should request a "what if" DARS report of their professional program of interest.
More information on how to request a DARS report is available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
DARS is not intended to replace student contact with academic advisors. It creates more time in an advising appointment to discuss course options, research opportunities, graduate school, or issues of personal interest or concern to students.
DARS is used as the document of record for degree program, major, and certificate completion in the School of Education.
Dual Degrees
Students may be permitted to complete two degrees simultaneously. For example, students may complete two degree programs in the School of Education or may choose a degree program in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences along with their School of Education degree. Not all schools/colleges permit dual degrees — e.g., this is not permitted by the College of Letters & Science or by the College of Engineering. Students should confer with an academic dean regarding the ability and feasibility of completing two degrees programs simultaneously. Students wishing to earn two undergraduate degrees must follow these academic policies:
- If the two degrees to be earned are within the School of Education, at least 30 additional credits and all course and grade point average requirements for the second degree must be completed for the second degree. When the first degree requires 120 credits, a minimum of 150 credits for most majors will be required. The two degree programs must differ sufficiently to permit the total credits to be accumulated. Courses may count toward the fulfillment of both degree programs. Permission to complete two degrees simultaneously requires the academic dean's approval. This approval, and the formal academic action permitting the dual degree work, should be sought as early as possible to ensure that it is feasible to complete both degrees.
- If the two degrees to be earned are from two different schools/colleges (one degree in Education and one degree in another school or college on this campus), the following academic policies shall be followed:
- Permission to complete two degrees simultaneously requires academic dean's approval from both schools/colleges. Students should see their current dean's office for the required paperwork.
- Admission into the other school/college shall be based on the admission criteria for that particular school/college and, when necessary, particular program.
- The two degree programs must differ sufficiently so that the combined total requirements for the two degrees are at least 150 credits.
- The student's program must be reviewed and approved in both colleges before the start of a student's senior year in residence.
- The degree from each college will be awarded simultaneously.
- Exceptions to degree requirements must be taken by staff from the school/college linked to the particular degree.
Grades and Grading
Grading System
See Enrollment and Records for detailed information on the campus grading system, including the list of possible grades and their impact on a student's grade point average.
Credit/No Credit Courses
Courses designated as being offered on a Credit/No Credit basis are indicated on the transcript as either CR, meaning the student earned the credits for which the course was offered, or N, meaning that the student did not earn any credit even though enrolled for the course. Students may not take such courses on any other basis.
"F" Grade Policies
If the course is repeated, the original F will remain on the transcript and will be included in computing the GPA. If a grade of F, N (no credit), or U (unsatisfactory) is received in student teaching or in courses within required practica, the course may be repeated only if the faculty adviser, the supervisor of the practicum or student teaching, and the appropriate associate dean gives approval. A third attempt to register in a course under these conditions is not allowed.
A grade of "Incomplete" may be reported for a student who has carried a subject with passing grades until near the end of the semester and then, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student's control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination, or to complete some limited amount of term work. An Incomplete is not given to a student who stays away from a final examination except as indicated above. In the absence of substantiated cause, the grade shall be F. Even with such proof, if the student's work has convinced the instructor that s/he cannot pass the course, the grade shall be F.
Any Incomplete taken by School of Education students must be completed by the end of the student's next semester of residence (specifically, by the last day of classes), excluding Summer Sessions. If the work is not completed by this deadline, the Incomplete will lapse into a Failure unless the time limit has been extended in writing by the dean's office. (Note that this differs for College of Letters & Science students: Incompletes must be completed by the end of the fourth week of classes of the student's next semester of residence at UW–Madison, excluding Summer Sessions.)
Pass/Fail Grading
All undergraduate students are eligible to take a course on a pass/fail basis if they request the option prior to the deadline and are in good academic standing at the time of the request. Good academic standing for this purpose means that students have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade-point average based on UW–Madison coursework. Undergraduates may carry one course on a pass/fail basis per term. (Each year’s summer sessions collectively count as a single term.)
Pass/fail can be chosen only for elective courses. Required courses cannot be taken on a pass/fail basis. The School of Education may reject pass/fail requests for non-elective work, but it is the student’s responsibility to be sure that the requested course is an elective. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not count for non-elective requirements—even if they would normally count toward such requirements.
Students may submit pass/fail requests via their Student Center link from the time that they register until midnight on the Friday at the end of the fourth week of fall and spring semesters. For modular and summer session courses, pass/fail requests must be submitted by midnight Friday of the week in which the session is one-fourth completed. Students may not cancel or add the pass/fail option after the deadline for submitting Pass/Fail Option Forms.
Instructors are not notified when a student elects the pass/fail option (Students can see whether a course is pass/fail in their Student Center). When a course is taken on a pass/fail basis, the instructor reports a letter grade, which is converted by the registrar to an S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). The grade of S shall be recorded by the registrar in place of instructors' grades of A, AB, B, BC, or C. The grade of U shall be recorded by the registrar in place of instructors' grades of D or F. Neither the S nor the U is used in computing the grade-point average. A student must earn at least a C to receive credit for the course.
Please note that courses completed on a pass/fail basis do not apply toward Liberal Studies, major, minor, or professional education requirements for graduation. Students planning graduate study should not take courses on a pass/fail basis if these are pre-professional requirements for admission to graduate and/or professional programs. Individuals who are undecided about a major should avoid taking a course on a pass/fail basis that might later become a required course needed to complete a major. Students may wish to consult with an advisor before taking a course on a pass/fail basis.
Six-Weeks (Midterm) Grades
Only first-year students receive midterm, or "six-week" grades. Midterm grades for first-year students are prepared at the end of the sixth week of classes and are made available to students in their Student Center in My UW on Monday of the eighth week. An email is sent to all students with six-week grades informing them of their availability in the Student Center.
The midterm grade report provides students with important feedback about course enrollment and performance before the course drop deadline. Students should check their six-week grade report to make sure all courses are listed and grades indicated. An "NW" means that "No Work" has been turned in; students who have been attending the course should contact the instructor immediately. In the case of a course registration problem, students should see their Student Services advisor immediately.
Grades from Transfer Courses
Grades from transfer courses are not posted to the UW–Madison transcript; however, the School of Education uses all attempted transferable coursework to determine program admission eligibility and selection grade point average. Students should be aware that grades earned at another institution will be included in admission calculations. (Courses for which an "F" is earned do not transfer to UW–Madison.) Students should see their School of Education advisor if they have additional questions about this policy.
Program Admissions
Last 60 Credit Rule
Two grade point averages will be calculated to determine candidates' eligibility for programs. GPAs will be calculated using:
- all transferable college-level coursework attempted, and
- the last 60 credits attempted.
The higher GPA of these two will be used for purposes of determining eligibility. If fewer than 60 credits have been attempted, all credits will be used to calculate the GPA. Graded graduate coursework will also be used in all GPA calculations. ("Attempted" coursework indicates coursework for which a grade has been earned.)
The use of the last 60 credits does not supersede other eligibility requirements. For example, when a minimum GPA on prerequisite courses is required, or a minimum major GPA is required to be eligible for admission, all required courses will be used in calculating this GPA. This will include courses taken prior to the last 60 credits. A cumulative GPA, however, will still be calculated based on the last 60 college credits attempted.
Currently, retention and graduation GPAs are based on all credits attempted at UW–Madison as an undergraduate student. If each semester's GPA after admission to the program meets the required GPA for retention, the student will be allowed to continue and complete the program.
This policy does not apply to certification programs in Music Education, as the degree is granted from the College of Letters and Science, not the School of Education.
Contact the School of Education Student Services office for additional information regarding the interpretation of this policy.
Students with a Previous Degree
A prospective student who already holds an undergraduate degree is admitted to the School of Education as either an Education Special student or a Second Degree student, depending on the academic area of interest and the individual's previous coursework. The term "Special Student" indicates that the student has an interest in pursuing certification in a subject area studied during the initial degree; the student does not receive a second degree for this "certification only" coursework. Second undergraduate degree students are seeking a second degree from the School of Education in an area that is different from the major coursework of the first degree. This degree may or may not include teacher certification. Candidates for limited enrollment programs must meet all admission eligibility requirements for the program and must compete with the eligible applicants for program admission.
Special Students
Applicants must file an undergraduate application with the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. Education Special students not yet admitted to a professional program are given an EDS classification, are not eligible for financial aid, and enroll last with the other special students on campus. Candidates seeking Special student status in open enrollment programs must obtain written permission for admission from the relevant program coordinator and must submit a professional program application to the School of Education Student Services office. Candidates seeking admission to a limited enrollment program must meet all admission eligibility requirements for the program and must compete with other eligible candidates for program admission. Applicants admitted to a certification professional program become Education Certification Special students (EDCS classification) to distinguish them from Special students not so admitted. Students with an EDCS classification may be eligible for financial aid. Continuing EDCS students may register with undergraduates having junior status.
Second Degree Candidates
Students who wish to earn a second baccalaureate degree in the School of Education must file an undergraduate application with the Office of Admissions and Recruitment and must file a professional program application with the School of Education Student Services office. Second-degree students not yet admitted to a professional program are given a pre-professional classification. Second-degree candidates must:
- be seeking a new major that is substantially different from their previous degree work;
- complete at least 15 upper-level credits in the new major;
- complete at least 30 credits beyond their previous coursework.
The determination of whether a student should be admitted as a second degree candidate or Education Special student is made by the faculty advisor in consultation with Student Services staff after analyzing the student's remaining requirements. The faculty advisor will determine the specific remaining requirements for students admitted to a program. In addition to completing the requirements specific to the program(s) of interest, returning students must also complete any relevant campus-wide requirements, complete the requirements specific to individual program areas such as the Environmental Education requirement, and satisfy any high school deficiencies identified at the time of admission to UW–Madison. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss their academic plans with their faculty advisor and must make satisfactory progress toward program completion - see Satisfactory Progress/Excess credits for details.
Students seeking a second degree in Kinesiology–Exercise & Movement Science must complete PSYCH 202 Introduction to Psychology as part of the professional program if an equivalent course was not completed during the initial baccalaureate degree.
School of Education Liberal Studies Requirements
How Students Meet Requirements
All students are required to complete a minimum of 40 credits of liberal studies coursework. Most liberal studies courses are offered by academic departments in the College of Letters & Science. Each course is assigned a number of descriptors (attributes) that provide information about its content. For example, a breadth designation indicates what kind of course it is — a science course, a literature course, etc. Level designations describe how advanced the content of a course is in relation to other courses in the department — elementary, intermediate, or advanced level.
The Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) attribute identifies courses that contain liberal arts content. These courses are found in many schools and colleges across the campus, including the School of Education. All courses with the LAS attribute may be selected to meet the liberal studies requirement. These courses, and those on the fine arts list, are the only School of Education courses that will count toward the requirement.
Details about each course, including breadth, level, and LAS status, can be found in Course Search and Enroll. Click on the course number to obtain this information. Students can also search for courses meeting specific breadth, level, credits, and other attributes using Course Search and Enroll. School of Education departments with LAS courses include Art, Counseling Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction, Dance, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, Educational Policy Studies, Educational Psychology, Kinesiology, Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education, and Theatre and Drama.
UW–Madison breadth designations
Biological Science
Natural Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Social or Natural Science
Humanities or Natural Science
Biological or Social Science
Humanities or Social Science
All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits, to include:
Literature (minimum of 2 credits)
Any course designated as Literature.
Fine Arts (minimum of 2 credits)
The courses listed below are approved for the Fine Arts requirement. Additional courses can be considered; students may consult with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services Office.
Code | Title | Credits |
African Languages and Literature | ||
AFRICAN/AFROAMER 220 | HipHop, Youth Culture, and Politics in Senegal | 3 |
AFRICAN/AFROAMER 233 | Global HipHop and Social Justice | 3 |
Afro-American Studies | ||
AFROAMER 154 | Hip-Hop and Contemporary American Society | 3 |
AFROAMER 156 | Black Music and American Cultural History | 3 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN 220 | HipHop, Youth Culture, and Politics in Senegal | 3 |
AFROAMER 225 | Introduction to African American Dramatic Literature | 3 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN 233 | Global HipHop and Social Justice | 3 |
AFROAMER/ART HIST 241 | Introduction to African Art and Architecture | 3 |
AFROAMER/ART HIST 242 | Introduction to Afro-American Art | 3 |
AFROAMER/GEN&WS 267 | Artistic/Cultural Images of Black Women | 3 |
AFROAMER/DANCE/MUSIC 318 | Cultural Cross Currents: West African Dance/Music in the Americas | 3 |
AFROAMER 338 | The Black Arts Movement | 3 |
AFROAMER/GEN&WS 367 | Art and Visual Culture: Women of the African Diaspora and Africa | 3 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN 413 | Contemporary African and Caribbean Drama | 3-4 |
AFROAMER 456 | 3 | |
American Indian Studies | ||
AMER IND 325 | American Indians in Film | 3 |
Art | ||
Any course from the Department of Art | ||
Art History | ||
Any course from the Department of Art History | ||
Communication Arts | ||
COM ARTS 350 | Introduction to Film | 3 |
COM ARTS 357 | History of the Animated Film | 3 |
Dance | ||
Any course from the Department of Dance | ||
Design Studies | ||
DS 120 | Design: Fundamentals I | 3 |
English | ||
ENGL 207 | Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry Workshop | 3 |
ENGL 307 | Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry Workshop | 3 |
ENGL 407 | Creative Writing: Nonfiction Workshop | 3 |
ENGL 408 | Creative Writing: Fiction Workshop | 3 |
ENGL 409 | Creative Writing: Poetry Workshop | 3 |
ENGL 410 | Creative Writing: Playwriting Workshop | 3 |
ENGL 411 | Creative Writing: Special Topics Workshop | 3 |
Environmental Studies | ||
ENVIR ST/HIST SCI/HISTORY 125 | Green Screen: Environmental Perspectives through Film | 3 |
Folklore | ||
FOLKLORE/MUSIC 103 | Introduction to Music Cultures of the World | 3 |
FOLKLORE/DANCE/THEATRE 321 | Javanese Performance | 2 |
Gender and Women's Studies | ||
GEN&WS/AFROAMER 267 | Artistic/Cultural Images of Black Women | 3 |
German | ||
GERMAN 267 | Yiddish Song and the Jewish Experience | 3-4 |
Integrated Liberal Studies | ||
ILS 203 | Western Culture: Literature and the Arts I | 3 |
ILS 204 | Western Culture: Literature and the Arts II | 3-4 |
Literature in Translation | ||
LITTRANS 207 | Slavic Science Fiction through Literature and Film | 3 |
LITTRANS 231 | Manga | 3 |
LITTRANS 232 | Anime | 3 |
LITTRANS 233 | Russian Life and Culture Through Literature and Art (to 1917) | 3-4 |
LITTRANS 234 | Soviet Life and Culture Through Literature and Art (from 1917) | 3-4 |
LITTRANS 272 | French Pop Culture | 3 |
LITTRANS/THEATRE 335 | In Translation: The Drama of Henrik Ibsen | 3-4 |
LITTRANS/FOLKLORE 327 | Vampires | 3 |
LITTRANS/THEATRE 336 | In Translation: The Drama of August Strindberg | 3-4 |
Music | ||
Any course from the Department of Music | ||
Music Performance | ||
Any course from the Department of Music Performance | ||
Theatre | ||
Any course from the Department of Theatre and Drama |
Humanities Elective(s)
May include courses designated as Humanities, Literature, Humanities or Natural Science, Humanities or Social Science, elementary and intermediate level foreign language, or additional fine arts. May also count COM ARTS 105 Public Speaking, COM ARTS 181 Elements of Speech-Honors Course, and any English department intermediate or advanced level creative writing or composition course toward this requirement (ESL classes and elementary level composition courses are excluded).
Social Studies (Social Science)
All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits. Select from courses with a breadth designation of Social Science, Social or Natural Science, Biological or Social Science, or as Humanities or Social Science.
Teacher education and kinesiology students have unique requirements in this category; see below:
Teacher Education requirement
Teacher education students must complete a Local, State, and National Government requirement by enrolling in one of the following courses as part of the 9 credits:
- POLI SCI 104 Introduction to American Politics and Government or
- POLI SCI 205 Introduction to State Government
Kinesiology students must complete PSYCH 202 Introduction to Psychology as part of the 9 credits.
All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits, including one course designated as a Biological Science course and one designated as a Physical Science course. All students must complete one science course with a laboratory. The lab course can also count toward the Biological or Physical Science requirement if it has the requisite breadth designation.
Biological Science
Any course with a breadth designation of Biological Science, or as Biological or Social Science.
Physical Science
Any course with a breadth designation of Physical Science.
Science Elective(s)
Other courses with a breadth designation of Biological Science, Physical Science, Natural Science, Social or Natural Science, Humanities or Natural Science, or as Biological or Social Science.
Laboratory requirement
Most sciences with lab sections are identified as such in Course Search and Enroll. An AP Biology score of 4 or 5 will also fulfill the Laboratory requirement.
In addition to courses with lab sections, the following courses include some lab experience and will meet the lab requirements for students in the School of Education:
Code | Title | Credits |
Course options within the College of Letters Science | ||
ANTHRO 105 | Principles of Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ATM OCN 101 | Weather and Climate | 4 |
BOTANY 100 | Survey of Botany | 3 |
GEOSCI 100 | Introductory Geology: How the Earth Works | 3 |
PHYSICS 109 | Physics in the Arts | 3 |
Suggested courses options outside the College of Letters Science | ||
AGRONOMY 100 | Principles and Practices in Crop Production | 4 |
BOTANY/PL PATH 123 | Plants, Parasites, and People | 3 |
FOOD SCI/MICROBIO 324 | Food Microbiology Laboratory | 2 |
HORT 120 | Survey of Horticulture | 3 |
PL PATH/BOTANY 123 | Plants, Parasites, and People | 3 |
Cultural and Historical Studies
All students must complete three requirements met by separate courses. Any of these courses can also be used to meet the Humanities or Social Studies (Social Sciences) requirements if it has the relevant breadth designation. A single course cannot satisfy more than one of the three Cultural and Historical Studies requirements listed below.
Ethnic Studies (minimum 3 credit course)
The Ethnic Studies requirement is intended to increase understanding of the culture and contributions of persistently marginalized racial or ethnic groups in the United States and to equip students to respond constructively to issues connected with our pluralistic society and global community. Courses that meet this requirement have a specific ethnic studies designation that can be utilized in a course search.
United States or European History (minimum 3 credits)
The courses listed below count toward this requirement. Additional courses can be considered; students may consult with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services office.
Code | Title | Credits |
Afro-American Studies | ||
AFROAMER 154 | Hip-Hop and Contemporary American Society | 3 |
AFROAMER 156 | Black Music and American Cultural History | 3 |
AFROAMER 231 | Introduction to Afro-American History | 3 |
AFROAMER 272 | Race and American Politics from the New Deal to the New Right | 3 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN/HISTORY/POLI SCI 297 | African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction | 4 |
AFROAMER 302 | Undergraduate Studies in Afro-American History | 3 |
AFROAMER/HISTORY 321 | Afro-American History Since 1900 | 3-4 |
AFROAMER/HISTORY 322 | Afro-American History to 1900 | 3-4 |
AFROAMER/GEN&WS 323 | Gender, Race and Class: Women in U.S. History | 3 |
AFROAMER/GEN&WS 324 | Black Women in America: Reconstruction to the Present | 3 |
AFROAMER/GEN&WS 326 | Race and Gender in Post-World War II U.S. Society | 3 |
AFROAMER/HISTORY 347 | The Caribbean and its Diasporas | 3 |
AFROAMER/HISTORY 393 | Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction, 1848-1877 | 3-4 |
AFROAMER 456 | 3 | |
AFROAMER/HIST SCI/MED HIST 523 | Race, American Medicine and Public Health | 3 |
AFROAMER/ED POL 567 | History of African American Education | 3 |
AFROAMER/HISTORY 628 | History of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States | 3 |
AFROAMER 631 | Colloquium in Afro-American History | 3 |
AFROAMER 671 | Selected Topics in Afro-American History | 3 |
American Indian Studies | ||
AMER IND 100 | Introduction to American Indian Studies | 3 |
AMER IND 250 | Indians of Wisconsin | 3 |
AMER IND/ANTHRO 314 | Indians of North America | 3 |
AMER IND 320 | 3 | |
AMER IND/SOC WORK 636 | Social Work in American Indian Communities: The Indian Child Welfare Act | 3 |
Art History | ||
ART HIST 357 | History of Wisconsin Architecture, 1800-present | 3 |
Asian American Studies | ||
ASIAN AM/AFROAMER/AMER IND/CHICLA/FOLKLORE 102 | Introduction to Comparative US Ethnic and American Indian Studies | 3 |
ASIAN AM/HISTORY 160 | Asian American History: Movement and Dislocation | 3-4 |
ASIAN AM/HISTORY 161 | Asian American History: Settlement and National Belonging | 3-4 |
ASIAN AM 170 | Hmong American Experiences in the United States | 3 |
ASIAN AM/SOC 220 | Ethnic Movements in the United States | 3-4 |
ASIAN AM/ASIAN/HISTORY 246 | Southeast Asian Refugees of the "Cold" War | 4 |
ASIAN AM 441 | Hmong American Social Movements in the 20th and 21st Centuries | 3 |
Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies | ||
CHICLA/AFROAMER/AMER IND/ASIAN AM/FOLKLORE 102 | Introduction to Comparative US Ethnic and American Indian Studies | 3 |
CHICLA/HISTORY 151 | The North American West to 1850 | 3-4 |
CHICLA/HISTORY 152 | The United States West Since 1850 | 3-4 |
CHICLA/HISTORY 153 | Latina/Latino/Latinx History | 3-4 |
CHICLA 201 | Introduction to Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies | 3 |
CHICLA/GEN&WS/HISTORY 245 | Chicana and Latina History | 3 |
CHICLA 301 | Chicana/o and Latina/o History | 3 |
CHICLA 315 | Racial Formation and Whiteness | 3 |
CHICLA/GEN&WS 332 | Latinas: Self Identity and Social Change | 3 |
CHICLA/SPANISH 364 | Survey of Latino and Latina Popular Culture | 3 |
CHICLA/HISTORY/POLI SCI 422 | Latino History and Politics | 3 |
CHICLA/HISTORY 435 | Colony, Nation, and Minority: The Puerto Ricans' World | 3 |
Classics | ||
CLASSICS 206 | Classical Influences on Western Art and Science | 3 |
Community Environmental Sociology | ||
C&E SOC/HISTORY/POLI SCI/SOC 259 | Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present | 1-3 |
Dance | ||
DANCE 115 | Hip-Hop Dance Technique and Theory 1 | 1-2 |
Educational Policy Studies | ||
ED POL/HISTORY 107 | The History of the University in the West | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 412 | History of American Education | 3 |
ED POL/AFROAMER 567 | History of African American Education | 3 |
ED POL/HISTORY 612 | History of Student Activism from the Popular Front to Black Lives Matter | 3 |
Environmental Studies | ||
ENVIR ST/GNS 210 | Cultures of Sustainability: Central, Eastern, and Northern Europe | 3 |
ENVIR ST/HISTORY/LEGAL ST 430 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | 3 |
Folklore | ||
FOLKLORE/GNS 200 | Folklore of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe | 3 |
Gender and Women's Studies | ||
GEN&WS/HIST SCI 537 | Childbirth in the United States | 3 |
History—United States History | ||
HISTORY 101 | Amer Hist to the Civil War Era, the Origin & Growth of the U S | 4 |
HISTORY 102 | American History, Civil War Era to the Present | 4 |
HISTORY/ED POL 107 | The History of the University in the West | 3 |
HISTORY 109 | Introduction to U.S. History | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ENVIR ST/HIST SCI 125 | Green Screen: Environmental Perspectives through Film | 3 |
HISTORY 136 | Sport, Recreation, & Society in the United States | 3-4 |
HISTORY 140 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/ED POL 143 | History of Race and Inequality in Urban America | 3 |
HISTORY 145 | America and China, 1776-Today | 3-4 |
HISTORY 150 | 4 | |
HISTORY/CHICLA 151 | The North American West to 1850 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CHICLA 152 | The United States West Since 1850 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CHICLA 153 | Latina/Latino/Latinx History | 3-4 |
HISTORY 154 | Who is an American? | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN AM 160 | Asian American History: Movement and Dislocation | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN AM 161 | Asian American History: Settlement and National Belonging | 3-4 |
HISTORY 170 | East Meets West: Myth, Meaning, and Modernity | 3-4 |
HISTORY/AMER IND 190 | Introduction to American Indian History | 3-4 |
HISTORY 201 | The Historian's Craft (topic must be approved) | 3-4 |
HISTORY/JEWISH 213 | Jews and American Pop. Culture | 3-4 |
HISTORY/JEWISH 219 | The American Jewish Experience: From Shtetl to Suburb | 4 |
HISTORY 221 | Explorations in American History (H) | 3-4 |
HISTORY 227 | Explorations in the History of Race and Ethnicity | 3 |
HISTORY/ART HIST/ENVIR ST/GEOG/LAND ARC 239 | Making the American Landscape | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CHICLA/GEN&WS 245 | Chicana and Latina History | 3 |
HISTORY/ASIAN/ASIAN AM 246 | Southeast Asian Refugees of the "Cold" War | 4 |
HISTORY/C&E SOC/POLI SCI/SOC 259 | Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present | 1-3 |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 261 | American Legal History to 1860 | 3 |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 262 | American Legal History, 1860 to the Present | 3 |
HISTORY 269 | War, Race, and Religion in Europe and the United States, from the Scramble for Africa to Today | 3-4 |
HISTORY 272 | History Study Abroad: United States History | 1-4 |
HISTORY/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/POLI SCI 297 | African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction | 4 |
HISTORY 302 | History of American Thought, 1859 to the Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY 306 | The United States Since 1945 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/AFROAMER 321 | Afro-American History Since 1900 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/AFROAMER 322 | Afro-American History to 1900 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 329 | History of American Capitalism | 4 |
HISTORY/INTL ST 332 | East Asia & The U.S. Since 1899 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 344 | The Age of the American Revolution, 1763-1789 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 345 | Military History of the United States | 3-4 |
HISTORY/GEN&WS 353 | Women and Gender in the U.S. to 1870 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/GEN&WS 354 | Women and Gender in the U.S. Since 1870 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CHICLA/LACIS/POLI SCI 355 | Labor in the Americas: US & Mexico in Comparative & Historical Perspective | 3 |
HISTORY/AFROAMER 393 | Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction, 1848-1877 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 394 | 3 | |
HISTORY 401 | Public History Workshop | 3 |
HISTORY 403 | Immigration and Assimilation in American History | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ED POL 412 | History of American Education | 3 |
HISTORY/CHICLA/POLI SCI 422 | Latino History and Politics | 3 |
HISTORY 427 | The American Military Experience to 1902 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 428 | The American Military Experience Since 1899 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ENVIR ST/LEGAL ST 430 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | 3 |
HISTORY 434 | American Foreign Relations, 1901 to the Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CHICLA 435 | Colony, Nation, and Minority: The Puerto Ricans' World | 3 |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 459 | Rule of Law: Philosophical and Historical Models | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ENVIR ST/GEOG 460 | American Environmental History | 4 |
HISTORY/ECON 466 | The American Economy Since 1865 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 500 | Reading Seminar in History (U.S. Topics) | 3 |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 510 | Legal Pluralism | 3 |
HISTORY/JOURN 560 | History of U.S. Media | 4 |
HISTORY/L I S 569 | History of American Librarianship | 3 |
HISTORY 607 | The American Impact Abroad: The Historical Dimension | 3 |
HISTORY/ED POL 612 | History of Student Activism from the Popular Front to Black Lives Matter | 3 |
HISTORY/AFROAMER 628 | History of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States | 3 |
History—European History | ||
HISTORY/CLASSICS 110 | The Ancient Mediterranean | 4 |
HISTORY 111 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY 112 | 4 | |
HISTORY 115 | Medieval Europe 410-1500 | 4 |
HISTORY 119 | Europe and the World, 1400-1815 | 4 |
HISTORY 120 | Europe and the Modern World 1815 to the Present | 4 |
HISTORY 123 | English History: England to 1688 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 124 | Britain since 1688 | 4 |
HISTORY 201 | The Historian's Craft (topic must be approved) | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 208 | Western Intellectual and Religious History to 1500 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 209 | Western Intellectual and Religious History since 1500 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 212 | The History of Western Christianity to 1750 | 4 |
HISTORY/JEWISH 220 | Introduction to Modern Jewish History | 4 |
HISTORY 223 | Explorations in European History (H) | 3-4 |
HISTORY 224 | Explorations in European History (S) | 3 |
HISTORY/LACIS 243 | Colonial Latin America: Invasion to Independence | 3-4 |
HISTORY/GEOG/POLI SCI/SLAVIC 253 | Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey | 4 |
HISTORY/GEOG/POLI SCI/SLAVIC 254 | Eastern Europe: An Interdisciplinary Survey | 4 |
HISTORY 270 | Eastern Europe since 1900 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 271 | History Study Abroad: European History | 1-4 |
HISTORY 303 | A History of Greek Civilization | 3-4 |
HISTORY 307 | A History of Rome | 3-4 |
HISTORY/MEDIEVAL/RELIG ST 309 | The Crusades: Christianity and Islam | 3-4 |
HISTORY/JEWISH 310 | The Holocaust | 3-4 |
HISTORY 320 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/HIST SCI 323 | The Scientific Revolution: From Copernicus to Newton | 3 |
HISTORY 324 | ||
HISTORY/ENVIR ST 328 | Environmental History of Europe | 3 |
HISTORY 348 | France from Napoleon to the Great War, 1799-1914 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 349 | Contemporary France, 1914 to the Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY 350 | The First World War and the Shaping of Twentieth-Century Europe | 3-4 |
HISTORY 351 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY 357 | The Second World War | 3-4 |
HISTORY 358 | French Revolution and Napoleon | 3-4 |
HISTORY 359 | History of Europe Since 1945 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ENGL/RELIG ST 360 | The Anglo-Saxons | 3 |
HISTORY 361 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/CLASSICS/POLI SCI 362 | Athenian Democracy | 3 |
HISTORY/INTL ST 366 | From Fascism to Today: Social Movements and Politics in Europe | 3-4 |
HISTORY 367 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/GEN&WS 392 | Women and Gender in Modern Europe | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 409 | Christianity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800 | 3 |
HISTORY 410 | History of Germany, 1871 to the Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 411 | The Enlightenment and Its Critics | 3 |
HISTORY 417 | History of Russia | 3-4 |
HISTORY 418 | History of Russia | 3-4 |
HISTORY 419 | History of Soviet Russia | 3-4 |
HISTORY 420 | Russian Social and Intellectual History | 3-4 |
HISTORY 424 | The Soviet Union and the World, 1917-1991 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 425 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 426 | The History of Punishment | 3-4 |
HISTORY/SCAND ST 431 | History of Scandinavia to 1815 | 3 |
HISTORY/SCAND ST 432 | History of Scandinavia Since 1815 | 3 |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 459 | Rule of Law: Philosophical and Historical Models | 3-4 |
HISTORY/LEGAL ST 476 | Medieval Law and Society | 3 |
HISTORY/ED POL 478 | Comparative History of Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
HISTORY 507 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/HIST SCI/MED HIST 508 | Health, Disease and Healing II | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CURRIC/ED POL/JEWISH 515 | Holocaust: History, Memory and Education | 3 |
HISTORY/CLASSICS/RELIG ST 517 | Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean | 3 |
HISTORY/JEWISH 518 | Anti-Semitism in European Culture, 1700-1945 | 3 |
HISTORY/SCAND ST 577 | Contemporary Scandinavia: Politics and History | 3-4 |
History of Science | ||
HIST SCI/HISTORY/MED HIST 132 | Bees, Trees, Germs, and Genes: A History of Biology | 3 |
HIST SCI 150 | The Digital Age | 3 |
HIST SCI/HISTORY 171 | History of Medicine in Film | 3-4 |
HIST SCI 201 | The Origins of Scientific Thought | 3 |
HIST SCI 218 | History of Twentieth Century American Medicine | 3 |
HIST SCI/AFROAMER 275 | Science, Medicine, and Race: A History | 3 |
HIST SCI 404 | A History of Disease | 3-4 |
HIST SCI/MED HIST 509 | The Development of Public Health in America | 3 |
HIST SCI/AFROAMER/MED HIST 523 | Race, American Medicine and Public Health | 3 |
HIST SCI/GEN&WS/MED HIST 531 | Women and Health in American History | 3 |
HIST SCI/GEN&WS/MED HIST 532 | The History of the (American) Body | 3 |
HIST SCI/GEN&WS 537 | Childbirth in the United States | 3 |
Integrated Liberal Studies | ||
ILS 201 | Western Culture: Science, Technology, Philosophy I | 3 |
ILS 202 | Western Culture: Science, Technology, Philosophy II | 3 |
International Studies | ||
INTL ST/HISTORY 332 | East Asia & The U.S. Since 1899 | 3-4 |
Legal Studies | ||
LEGAL ST/ENVIR ST/HISTORY 430 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | 3 |
Music | ||
MUSIC 202 | Delta Blues | 3 |
MUSIC 203 | American Ethnicities and Popular Song | 3 |
MUSIC 317 | Musical Women in Europe and America: Creativity, Performance, and Identity | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLI SCI/C&E SOC/HISTORY/SOC 259 | Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present | 1-3 |
POLI SCI/CHICLA/HISTORY/LACIS 268 | The U.S. & Latin America from the Colonial Era to the Present: A Critical Survey | 3 |
POLI SCI/CHICLA/HISTORY/LACIS 355 | Labor in the Americas: US & Mexico in Comparative & Historical Perspective | 3 |
POLI SCI/CHICLA/HISTORY 422 | Latino History and Politics | 3 |
Scandinavian Studies | ||
SCAND ST 348 | The Second World War in Nordic Culture | 3 |
Sociology | ||
SOC/C&E SOC/HISTORY/POLI SCI 259 | Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present | 1-3 |
Global Perspectives (minimum 3 credits)
Global perspectives courses include courses whose primary emphasis is on:
- cultures whose origins lie outside of the Western tradition, or
- analyzing and interpreting cultural differences through the study of language, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or class, or
- cultural pluralism within specific geographical areas.
The courses listed below count toward this requirement. Additional courses can be considered; students may consult with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services Office.
Code | Title | Credits |
African Cultural Studies | ||
AFRICAN/HISTORY 129 | Africa on the Global Stage | 3-4 |
AFRICAN 201 | Introduction to African Literature | 3 |
AFRICAN 202 | Introductory Topics in African Cultural Studies | 3 |
AFRICAN 203 | Introductory Topics in African Literature | 3 |
AFRICAN 204 | Introductory Topics in African Languages | 3 |
AFRICAN/FOLKLORE 210 | The African Storyteller | 3 |
AFRICAN 212 | Introduction to African Popular Culture | 3 |
AFRICAN/FRENCH 216 | Modern and Contemporary Francophone Topics | 3 |
AFRICAN/AFROAMER 220 | HipHop, Youth Culture, and Politics in Senegal | 3 |
AFRICAN 230 | Introduction to Yoruba Life and Culture | 3 |
AFRICAN 231 | Introduction to Arabic Literary Culture | 3 |
AFRICAN 232 | Introduction to Swahili Cultures | 3 |
AFRICAN/AFROAMER 233 | Global HipHop and Social Justice | 3 |
AFRICAN/AFROAMER/ANTHRO/GEOG/HISTORY/POLI SCI/SOC 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
AFRICAN/AFROAMER/HISTORY/POLI SCI 297 | African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction | 4 |
AFRICAN 300 | African Literature in Translation | 3 |
AFRICAN/INTL ST 302 | Arabic Literature and Cinema | 3 |
AFRICAN/ASIAN/RELIG ST 370 | Islam: Religion and Culture | 4 |
AFRICAN 403 | Theories of African Cultural Studies | 3 |
AFRICAN/RELIG ST 414 | Islam in Africa and the Diaspora | 3 |
AFRICAN/COM ARTS/L I S 444 | Technology and Development in Africa and Beyond | 3 |
Afro-American Studies | ||
AFROAMER/AFRICAN 220 | HipHop, Youth Culture, and Politics in Senegal | 3 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN 233 | Global HipHop and Social Justice | 3 |
AFROAMER/ART HIST 241 | Introduction to African Art and Architecture | 3 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN/ANTHRO/GEOG/HISTORY/POLI SCI/SOC 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
AFROAMER/AFRICAN/HISTORY/POLI SCI 297 | African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction | 4 |
AFROAMER/GEN&WS 367 | Art and Visual Culture: Women of the African Diaspora and Africa | 3 |
Agricultural and Applied Economics | ||
A A E/ENVIR ST 244 | The Environment and the Global Economy | 4 |
A A E 319 | The International Agricultural Economy | 3 |
A A E/AGRONOMY/NUTR SCI 350 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | 3 |
A A E/INTL ST 373 | Globalization, Poverty and Development | 3 |
A A E/INTL ST 374 | The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy | 3 |
A A E/ECON 473 | Economic Growth and Development in Southeast Asia | 3 |
Agronomy | ||
AGRONOMY 203 | 3 | |
AGRONOMY/A A E/NUTR SCI 350 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | 3 |
AGRONOMY 377 | Global Food Production and Health | 3 |
Anthropology | ||
ANTHRO 100 | General Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 102 | Archaeology and the Prehistoric World | 3 |
ANTHRO 104 | Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity | 3 |
ANTHRO 105 | Principles of Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO/FOLKLORE/INTL ST/LINGUIS 211 | Global Language Issues | 3 |
ANTHRO 237 | Cut 'n' Mix: Music, Race, and Culture in the Caribbean | 3 |
ANTHRO/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/GEOG/HISTORY/POLI SCI/SOC 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
ANTHRO 300 | Cultural Anthropology: Theory and Ethnography | 3 |
ANTHRO/AMER IND 314 | Indians of North America | 3 |
ANTHRO 321 | The Emergence of Human Culture | 3 |
ANTHRO 322 | The Origins of Civilization | 3 |
ANTHRO 330 | Topics in Ethnology (topic must be approved) | 3-4 |
ANTHRO 333 | Prehistory of Africa | 3 |
ANTHRO 339 | Archaeology of Warfare and Human Nature | 3 |
ANTHRO 350 | Political Anthropology | 3-4 |
ANTHRO 357 | Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan | 3-4 |
ANTHRO 365 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
Art History | ||
ART HIST 203 | Survey of Asian Art | 3-4 |
ART HIST 205 | Global Arts | 4 |
ART HIST/AFROAMER 241 | Introduction to African Art and Architecture | 3 |
ART HIST 305 | History of Islamic Art and Architecture | 3 |
ART HIST 307 | From Tomb to Temple: Ancient Chinese Art and Religion in Transition | 3 |
ART HIST 308 | The Tastes of Scholars and Emperors: Chinese Art in the Later Periods | 3 |
ART HIST 354 | Cross-Cultural Arts Around the Atlantic Rim: 1800 to the Present | 3-4 |
ART HIST/ASIAN 379 | Cities of Asia | 3 |
ART HIST 411 | Topics in Asian Art | 3-4 |
ART HIST 412 | Topics in African and African Diaspora Art History | 3-4 |
ART HIST 413 | Art and Architecture in the Age of the Caliphs | 3 |
ART HIST/ASIAN 428 | Visual Cultures of India | 3 |
ART HIST 440 | Art and Power in the Arab World | 3 |
ART HIST 475 | Japanese Ceramics and Allied Arts | 3 |
ART HIST/RELIG ST 478 | Art and Religious Practice in Medieval Japan | 3 |
ART HIST 479 | 3-4 | |
ART HIST 510 | Proseminar in Islamic Art and Architecture | 3 |
Asian Languages and Cultures | ||
ASIAN 100 | Gateway to Asia: Special Topics | 3-4 |
ASIAN 252 | Contemporary Indian Society | 3 |
ASIAN 253 | Japanese Popular Culture | 3 |
ASIAN 267 | 3-4 | |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 274 | Religion in South Asia | 3 |
ASIAN 277 | Kendo: Integration of Martial Arts and Liberal Arts | 2 |
ASIAN 300 | Topics in Asian Studies | 3 |
ASIAN 301 | Social Science Topics in Asian Studies | 1-3 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 306 | Hinduism | 3 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 307 | A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism | 3 |
ASIAN/HISTORY/RELIG ST 308 | Introduction to Buddhism | 3-4 |
ASIAN 310 | Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels: Theory, History, Method | 3 |
ASIAN 311 | Modern Indian Literatures | 3 |
ASIAN 350 | 3-4 | |
ASIAN 351 | Survey of Classical Chinese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 352 | Survey of Modern Chinese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 353 | Lovers, Warriors and Monks: Survey of Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 355 | Modern Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 361 | Love and Politics: The Tale of Genji | 3 |
ASIAN 371 | Topics in Chinese Literature | 2-3 |
ASIAN 378 | Anime | 3 |
ASIAN/ART HIST 379 | Cities of Asia | 3 |
ASIAN 403 | Southeast Asian Literature | 3 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 405 | Gods and Goddesses of South Asia | 3 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 466 | Buddhist Thought | 3 |
ASIAN/RELIG ST 505 | The Perfectible Body in Religions, Medicines, and Politics | 3 |
ASIAN 533 | Readings in Early Modern Japanese Literature | 3 |
ASIAN 642 | History of Chinese Literature II | 3 |
Classics | ||
CLASSICS 321 | The Egyptians: History, Society, and Literature | 3 |
Community Environmental Sociology | ||
C&E SOC/SOC 140 | Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology | 4 |
Dance | ||
DANCE 118 | African Dance | 1 |
DANCE 165 | Introduction to the Histories of Dance | 3 |
DANCE/THEATRE 218 | African Dance Performance | 2 |
DANCE/AFROAMER/MUSIC 318 | Cultural Cross Currents: West African Dance/Music in the Americas | 3 |
DANCE/FOLKLORE/THEATRE 321 | Javanese Performance | 2 |
Environmental Studies | ||
ENVIR ST/GEOG 139 | Global Environmental Issues | 3 |
ENVIR ST/ENTOM 205 | Our Planet, Our Health | 3 |
ENVIR ST/HIST SCI 213 | Global Environmental Health: An Interdisciplinary Introduction | 3 |
ENVIR ST/A A E 244 | The Environment and the Global Economy | 4 |
ENVIR ST/GEOG 309 | People, Land and Food: Comparative Study of Agriculture Systems | 3 |
ENVIR ST/ATM OCN/GEOG 322 | Polar Regions and Their Importance in the Global Environment | 3 |
ENVIR ST/GEOG 339 | Environmental Conservation | 4 |
ENVIR ST/HIST SCI/RELIG ST 356 | Islam, Science & Technology, and the Environment | 3-4 |
ENVIR ST/HISTORY 465 | Global Environmental History | 3-4 |
Folklore | ||
FOLKLORE 100 | Introduction to Folklore | 3 |
FOLKLORE/MUSIC 103 | Introduction to Music Cultures of the World | 3 |
FOLKLORE/AFRICAN 210 | The African Storyteller | 3 |
FOLKLORE/ANTHRO/INTL ST/LINGUIS 211 | Global Language Issues | 3 |
FOLKLORE/DANCE/THEATRE 321 | Javanese Performance | 2 |
FOLKLORE/RELIG ST 352 | Shamanism | 3 |
Gender and Women's Studies | ||
GEN&WS 102 | Gender, Women, and Society in Global Perspective | 3 |
GEN&WS/HISTORY 134 | Women and Gender in World History | 3-4 |
GEN&WS/AFROAMER 367 | Art and Visual Culture: Women of the African Diaspora and Africa | 3 |
GEN&WS 423 | The Female Body in the World: Gender and Contemporary Body Politics in Cross Cultural Perspective | 3 |
GEN&WS/POLI SCI 435 | Politics of Gender and Women's Rights in the Middle East | 3 |
GEN&WS/PORTUG 450 | Brazillian Women Writers | 3 |
Geography | ||
GEOG 101 | Introduction to Human Geography | 4 |
GEOG/ENVIR ST 139 | Global Environmental Issues | 3 |
GEOG/ASIAN/HISTORY/POLI SCI/SOC 244 | Introduction to Southeast Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines | 4 |
GEOG/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/ANTHRO/HISTORY/POLI SCI/SOC 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
GEOG 307 | International Migration, Health, and Human Rights | 3 |
GEOG/ENVIR ST 309 | People, Land and Food: Comparative Study of Agriculture Systems | 3 |
GEOG/INTL ST 311 | The Global Game: Soccer, Politics, and Identity | 3 |
GEOG/INTL ST 315 | Universal Basic Income: The Politics Behind a Global Movement | 3 |
GEOG/ENVIR ST 339 | Environmental Conservation | 4 |
GEOG 340 | World Regions in Global Context | 3 |
GEOG 348 | 4 | |
GEOG 355 | Africa, South of the Sahara | 3 |
GEOG 358 | Human Geography of Southeast Asia (German, Nordic, and Slavic) | 3 |
GEOG/GEN&WS 504 | Feminist Geography: Theoretical Approaches | 3 |
GEOG 507 | Waste Geographies: Politics, People, and Infrastructures | 3 |
German, Nordic, and Slavic | ||
GNS/HISTORY 265 | An Introduction to Central Asia: From the Silk Route to Afghanistan | 3 |
GNS 460 | Readings in Turkish: Contemporary Turkey through Literature and Media | 4 |
History | ||
HISTORY/ASIAN 103 | Introduction to East Asian History: China | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 104 | Introduction to East Asian History: Japan | 3-4 |
HISTORY 105 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/ASIAN 108 | Introduction to East Asian History - Korea | 3-4 |
HISTORY/CLASSICS 110 | The Ancient Mediterranean | 4 |
HISTORY 111 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY 112 | 4 | |
HISTORY/AFRICAN 129 | Africa on the Global Stage | 3-4 |
HISTORY 130 | An Introduction to World History | 3-4 |
HISTORY 133 | Global Military History (5000 BCE - Present) | 3-4 |
HISTORY/GEN&WS 134 | Women and Gender in World History | 3-4 |
HISTORY 139 | Introduction to the Modern Middle East | 3-4 |
HISTORY 142 | History of South Asia to the Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY 145 | America and China, 1776-Today | 3-4 |
HISTORY 170 | East Meets West: Myth, Meaning, and Modernity | 3-4 |
HISTORY 179 | Afro-Atlantic Histories and Peoples, 1791-Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY 201 | The Historian's Craft (Latin American Topics) | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 205 | The Making of the Islamic World: The Middle East, 500-1500 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 225 | Explorations in Third World History (H) | 3-4 |
HISTORY 228 | (topic must be approved) | 3 |
HISTORY 229 | Explorations in Transnational/Comparative History (Humanities) (topic must be approved) | 3 |
HISTORY 241 | 4 | |
HISTORY/INTL ST/LACIS 242 | Modern Latin America | 4 |
HISTORY/LACIS 243 | Colonial Latin America: Invasion to Independence | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN/GEOG/POLI SCI/SOC 244 | Introduction to Southeast Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines | 4 |
HISTORY/CHICLA/GEN&WS 245 | Chicana and Latina History | 3 |
HISTORY/ASIAN/ASIAN AM 246 | Southeast Asian Refugees of the "Cold" War | 4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN/POLI SCI 255 | Introduction to East Asian Civilizations | 3-4 |
HISTORY/GNS 265 | An Introduction to Central Asia: From the Silk Route to Afghanistan | 3 |
HISTORY 267 | 3 | |
HISTORY 273 | History Study Abroad: Non-Western History | 1-4 |
HISTORY/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/ANTHRO/GEOG/POLI SCI/SOC 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
HISTORY 278 | Africans in the Americas, 1492-1808 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/POLI SCI 297 | African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction | 4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN/RELIG ST 308 | Introduction to Buddhism | 3-4 |
HISTORY/MEDIEVAL/RELIG ST 309 | The Crusades: Christianity and Islam | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 319 | The Vietnam Wars | 3-4 |
HISTORY/INTL ST 332 | East Asia & The U.S. Since 1899 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 335 | The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century | 3-4 |
HISTORY 336 | Chinese Economic and Business History: From Silk to iPhones | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 337 | Social and Intellectual History of China, 589 AD-1919 | 3-4 |
HISTORY 340 | Cultural History of Korea | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 341 | History of Modern China, 1800-1949 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 342 | History of the Peoples Republic of China, 1949 to the Present | 3-4 |
HISTORY/AFROAMER 347 | The Caribbean and its Diasporas | 3 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 363 | China and World War II in Asia | 3-4 |
HISTORY/INTL ST 375 | The Cold War - From World War II to End of Soviet Empire | 3-4 |
HISTORY/RELIG ST 409 | Christianity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800 | 3 |
HISTORY/CHICLA/POLI SCI 422 | Latino History and Politics | 3 |
HISTORY/CHICLA 435 | Colony, Nation, and Minority: The Puerto Ricans' World | 3 |
HISTORY 441 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY 444 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY 445 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY 450 | Making of Modern South Asia | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 454 | Samurai: History and Image | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 456 | Pearl Harbor & Hiroshima: Japan, the US & The Crisis in Asia | 3-4 |
HISTORY 457 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/ASIAN 458 | History of Southeast Asia Since 1800 | 3-4 |
HISTORY/ASIAN 463 | Topics in South Asian History | 3 |
HISTORY/ENVIR ST 465 | Global Environmental History | 3-4 |
HISTORY 533 | 3-4 | |
HISTORY/HIST SCI/MED HIST 564 | Disease, Medicine and Public Health in the History of Latin America and the Caribbean | 3 |
History of Science | ||
HIST SCI/ENVIR ST 213 | Global Environmental Health: An Interdisciplinary Introduction | 3 |
HIST SCI/ENVIR ST/RELIG ST 356 | Islam, Science & Technology, and the Environment | 3-4 |
International Business | ||
INTL BUS 200 | International Business | 3 |
International Studies | ||
INTL ST 101 | Introduction to International Studies | 3-4 |
INTL ST 266 | Introduction to the Middle East | 3 |
INTL ST 310 | International Learning Community Seminar (specific topic must be approved) | 1-3 |
INTL ST/ED POL 335 | Globalization and Education | 3 |
INTL ST/A A E 373 | Globalization, Poverty and Development | 3 |
INTL ST/A A E 374 | The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy | 3 |
Literature in Translation | ||
LITTRANS 226 | Introduction to Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature | 3 |
LITTRANS 231 | Manga | 3 |
LITTRANS 232 | Anime | 3 |
LITTRANS 261 | Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation | 3 |
LITTRANS 262 | 3 | |
LITTRANS 263 | Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 |
LITTRANS 264 | Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 |
LITTRANS 368 | 3 | |
LITTRANS 373 | Topics in Japanese Literature | 3 |
LITTRANS 374 | 3 | |
Medieval Studies | ||
MEDIEVAL 112 | 4 | |
MEDIEVAL/HISTORY/RELIG ST 309 | The Crusades: Christianity and Islam | 3-4 |
Music | ||
MUSIC/FOLKLORE 103 | Introduction to Music Cultures of the World | 3 |
MUSIC 260 | Global Hand Drumming Ensemble: Survey of Selected Global Hand Drumming Traditions | 1 |
Nutritional Sciences | ||
NUTR SCI/ENTOM 203 | Introduction to Global Health | 3 |
NUTR SCI/A A E/AGRONOMY 350 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLI SCI 120 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 4 |
POLI SCI 182 | Introduction to Comparative Politics (Honors) | 3 |
POLI SCI/CHICLA 231 | Politics in Multi-Cultural Societies | 3-4 |
POLI SCI/ASIAN/GEOG/HISTORY/SOC 244 | Introduction to Southeast Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines | 4 |
POLI SCI/ASIAN/HISTORY 255 | Introduction to East Asian Civilizations | 3-4 |
POLI SCI/CHICLA/HISTORY/LACIS 268 | The U.S. & Latin America from the Colonial Era to the Present: A Critical Survey | 3 |
POLI SCI/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/ANTHRO/GEOG/HISTORY/SOC 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
POLI SCI/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/HISTORY 297 | African and African-American Linkages: An Introduction | 4 |
POLI SCI 320 | Governments and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa | 3-4 |
POLI SCI 322 | 3-4 | |
POLI SCI 324 | Chinese Politics | 3-4 |
POLI SCI/INTL ST 325 | Social Movements and Revolutions in Latin America | 3-4 |
POLI SCI/INTL ST 327 | Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective | 3 |
POLI SCI 328 | Politics of East and Southeast Asia | 3-4 |
POLI SCI 329 | African Politics | 3-4 |
POLI SCI 336 | Democracy (and Its Uncertain Future) | 4 |
POLI SCI/CHICLA/HISTORY/LACIS 355 | Labor in the Americas: US & Mexico in Comparative & Historical Perspective | 3 |
POLI SCI 346 | China in World Politics | 3-4 |
POLI SCI 349 | Global Access to Justice | 3 |
POLI SCI 370 | Islam and Politics | 3-4 |
POLI SCI/GEN&WS 435 | Politics of Gender and Women's Rights in the Middle East | 3 |
POLI SCI 455 | African International Relations | 3-4 |
Population Health | ||
POP HLTH/C&E SOC 370 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 |
Religious Studies | ||
RELIG ST 112 | 4 | |
RELIG ST/HISTORY 205 | The Making of the Islamic World: The Middle East, 500-1500 | 3-4 |
RELIG ST/ASIAN 206 | The Qur'an: Religious Scripture & Literature | 3 |
RELIG ST 267 | 3 | |
RELIG ST/ASIAN 274 | Religion in South Asia | 3 |
RELIG ST/ASIAN 307 | A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism | 3 |
RELIG ST/ASIAN/HISTORY 308 | Introduction to Buddhism | 3-4 |
RELIG ST/HISTORY/MEDIEVAL 309 | The Crusades: Christianity and Islam | 3-4 |
RELIG ST 350 | 3-4 | |
RELIG ST/FOLKLORE 352 | Shamanism | 3 |
RELIG ST/ENVIR ST/HIST SCI 356 | Islam, Science & Technology, and the Environment | 3-4 |
RELIG ST/AFRICAN/ASIAN 370 | Islam: Religion and Culture | 4 |
RELIG ST 400 | Topics in Religious Studies - Humanities (topic must be approved) | 3-4 |
RELIG ST 401 | Topics in Religious Studies - Social Studies (topic must be approved) | 3-4 |
RELIG ST/ASIAN 466 | Buddhist Thought | 3 |
Sociology | ||
SOC/C&E SOC 140 | Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology | 4 |
SOC 170 | Population Problems | 3-4 |
SOC/C&E SOC 222 | Food, Culture, and Society | 3 |
SOC 225 | 3 | |
SOC/ASIAN/GEOG/HISTORY/POLI SCI 244 | Introduction to Southeast Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines | 4 |
SOC/C&E SOC/F&W ECOL 248 | Environment, Natural Resources, and Society | 3 |
SOC/AFRICAN/AFROAMER/ANTHRO/GEOG/HISTORY/POLI SCI 277 | Africa: An Introductory Survey | 4 |
Spanish | ||
SPANISH 223 | Introduction to Hispanic Cultures | 3 |
Theatre | ||
THEATRE/DANCE/FOLKLORE 321 | Javanese Performance | 2 |
THEATRE 351 | Fundamentals of Asian Stage Discipline | 3 |
THEATRE 526 | The Theatres of China and Japan | 3 |
Liberal Studies Electives
Complete additional liberal studies coursework as needed to reach the required 40 Liberal Studies credits.
Important Notes Regarding the Liberal Studies Electives
- Completion of the Liberal Studies requirements is not a prerequisite to professional program application or admission.
- Whether a course can double count toward liberal studies and major requirements varies by program area and will be reflected in a student’s DARS report.
- Courses that transfer to UW–Madison as departmental electives (e.g., POLI SCI X10) might meet specific Liberal Studies requirements. Students may consult with an advisor in the School of Education Student Services Office to discuss transfer electives that appear to meet specific course requirements.
- While one course may cover two requirements, students must still complete both the 40-credit total and the 9-credit minimum requirements in Humanities, Social Studies (Social Science), and Science.
- For example, THEATRE/ENGL 120 Introduction to Theatre and Dramatic Literature, a Literature course also on the Fine Arts list, may be used to meet both the specific Fine Arts and Literature requirements of the Humanities area, but a total of 9 credits of Humanities are still required.
- No liberal studies coursework may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
Guidelines for Specific Program Areas
Teacher Education programs
All teacher education students, except those in art education, may apply any appropriate coursework from the major or minor toward the Liberal Studies requirements. Art education students may apply all of the aesthetics credits (usually 14) toward the Liberal Studies requirements, but not courses taken to meet the studio requirements.
Art (BFA and BS)
In general, students may not satisfy Liberal Studies requirements with courses meeting studio or aesthetics requirements. However, Art–BFA candidates may apply 4 aesthetics elective credits toward the Humanities credits.
Kinesiology and Physical Education
Kinesiology and physical education students will meet the Science requirement by completing their required science courses — e.g., chemistry and physics.
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Communication sciences and disorders students should consult both the Liberal Studies requirements and the communication sciences and disorders program requirements, particularly the "related courses" section, when selecting Liberal Studies coursework. Courses may count in both places. Note: The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) standards now specify that a course in each of the following areas is required for ASHA certification.
- Biological sciences
- Physical sciences (chemistry or physics)
- Statistics
- Social/behavioral sciences
Dance (BFA & BS)
Dance and Dance–BFA students must complete ANAT&PHY 338 Human Anatomy Laboratory, which will meet both a Science requirement and the Science Laboratory requirement. In general, Liberal Studies requirements cannot be met with courses taken to meet other program requirements.
Rehabilitation Psychology
In general, rehabilitation psychology students may not satisfy Liberal Studies requirements with courses taken to meet the Related Course Requirements in Rehabilitation Psychology. Courses applied toward the other parts of the Rehab Psych requirements cannot also count toward the 40 Liberal Studies credits. However, if a course is taken to meet any of the three Cultural/Historical Studies requirements, the course content can be used to meet both requirements, but the credits will only count in the Rehabilitation Psychology or Related Course Requirements areas. Once the required credits have been met, additional coursework in Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, etc. may be applied toward Liberal Studies.
Theatre and Drama
Theatre and drama students can apply major coursework toward the Liberal Studies requirements.
School of Education Student Services
139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall; 608-262-1651
Dedicated to supporting and promoting student success, the School of Education Student Services office coordinates a number of student-related services for prospective and current School of Education students in all programs. Student Services staff provide:
- Academic advising
- Career advising and programming
- Mentoring and advocacy for underrepresented and international students
- Requirement monitoring and help with course selection
- Referrals to other campus resources
- Someone to talk to
- And more!
The UW–Madison School of Education is committed to promoting equity and increasing diversity in its programs. In keeping with this commitment, Student Services staff include advisors with extensive experience assisting underrepresented and international students.
Students in the School of Education are encouraged to make Student Services a vital part of their academic and employment journey. More information about academic and career advising follows.
Academic Advising
Choosing a major and navigating the completion of a degree or certificate can be an exciting process and one that students don’t need to figure out on their own. Advisors help you find the right fit and create a unique pathway through your degree.
All students are assigned an academic advisor from the Student Services office who will provide advising throughout the degree. If desired, appointments can still be made with any advisor on the team. Program or departmental advisors are also assigned to School of Education students. Plan to utilize your advising team — your academic, career, and program advisors; each advisor has specialized knowledge to help you succeed.
Regular meetings with an academic advisor can help keep you on track to complete your requirements and also help refine your learning goals. Tell us what you are enjoying about your learning, something you want to try out, skills you want to build, and careers that are intriguing to you.
In conversations with your advisor, we/you can:
- Discuss your major, degree requirements, course selection, and career ideas.
- Tell us what you need. We are experts in helping you find campus resources such as tutoring, counseling, advising for pre-health careers, getting involved with student organizations, or acquiring experience in your career interest area.
- Explore studying abroad, working/volunteering and internships, or learning specific skills like a language, communication techniques, or leadership.
- Think expansively! Make the most out of your college experience.
To schedule an appointment: Current students should schedule an appointment online through the Starfish app in MyUW. Appointments can also be made through email at studentservices@education.wisc.edu, by calling 608-262-1651, or in person.
Program advisors help students select and plan a program of study in the major, negotiate issues within the department and, in the case of certification programs, follow their students' progress through their professional coursework.
The divisions between program advising and Student Services advising are flexible. Students are encouraged to consult with all advisors who can help with a situation or answer a question.
Career Center
As a School of Education student, the experiences and skills you develop through our programs will prepare you for success in a wide variety of career fields.
The Career Center is here to support you every step of the way!
- Meet with a Career & Internship Advisor during your first year on campus to begin exploring career pathways of interest. Learn what the possibilities are and start to build your roadmap to success. Current students may schedule career advising appointments through the Starfish app in their MyUW accounts.
- Connect with professionals in your desired field(s) for guidance or to gain experience through paid internships, field experiences, or career events. Several on-campus events designed to introduce you to key employers, alumni, and professional contacts are offered each semester.
- Prepare to successfully secure an internship, job, or graduate school admittance through personalized career advising, workshops, for-credit career courses, or online tools to build a solid resume and cover letter, apply for experiences, interview successfully, and make important decisions.
- Stay connected throughout college and post-graduation as you navigate your professional career; share your experience with future School of Education Badgers!
The School of Education Career Center actively builds relationships with employers in various fields and geographic locations to offer high-quality, paid internships to our students. Internships are learning experiences designed to apply the concepts learned in your academic program in a workplace setting. These experiences help students confirm their interest in specific career fields or future pathways, develop important professional skills, and build their resumes as they prepare for future full-time work or graduate school. To learn more, click here.
Interested in working abroad? UW’s International Internship Program offers experiences in a wide variety of fields across the world including the arts, education, and health.
Scholarships/The Teacher Pledge/TEACH Grants
The generosity of alumni and friends has enabled the School of Education to distribute over $1 million in scholarships and awards annually to deserving undergraduate students. School of Education departmental scholarships (Art, Dance, Curriculum and Instruction, Theatre and Drama, Kinesiology, Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education, and Educational Policy Studies) are generally awarded to students declared in their major or accepted to their program. School-wide scholarships are available to any student; however, most of these are based on financial need.
Scholarship recipients are selected based on how they match to particular scholarships. The criteria for scholarships may include academic performance, excellence in a specific field or area, potential as a prospective teacher, leadership ability, personal attributes (such as returning adult status or home county), and financial need. All scholarship and award recipients must be in good academic standing in the School of Education.
Some School of Education scholarships require an application. This process begins with completing the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) “General Application.” Through a series of filtering questions, students are guided to appropriate departmental categories. Your department will alert you of deadlines and opportunities that require an application.
Each year the number of scholarships available changes; not every student who applies receives funding.
The Teacher Pledge
The UW–Madison School of Education Wisconsin Teacher Pledge is a financial aid program for UW–Madison teacher education students. The Teacher Pledge offers undergraduate and graduate teacher education students up to the cost of in-state tuition, plus testing and licensing fees, in exchange for completing the FAFSA annually and making a commitment to teach in Wisconsin. For each year taught in a PK-12 school in Wisconsin, a portion of the Teacher Pledge loan will be forgiven — reaching 100% forgiveness after a three-to-four-year teaching commitment.
- For general information, visit the Teacher Pledge Website.
- Check out How to Take the Teacher Pledge – a checklist that guides students through Teacher Pledge requirements from A to Z, including how to participate.
- For answers to frequently asked questions, check out the Teacher Pledge FAQ.
TEACH Grants
Students willing to teach in high-need teaching fields can receive TEACH Grants of up to $4,000 per year for a total of $16,000 over their undergraduate academic career, or $8,000 over their graduate academic career. The officially designated high-need fields vary by state; see the Department of Education website for current information. A state or local education agency (LEA) may also document high-need fields.
Students receiving TEACH Grants must complete a service obligation of four years of teaching full-time in their high-need field in a designated low-income school. This must be accomplished within eight years after completing a teacher preparation program. Low-income schools are defined as public or private nonprofit elementary or secondary schools, or educational service agencies eligible for assistance under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. In Wisconsin, more than one thousand schools are designated as low income.
TEACH Grant applicants must attain certain academic eligibility criteria. Candidates must have scored minimally above the 75th percentile on a nationally normed admissions test or have earned a 3.25 minimum cumulative grade point average. Grant recipients must have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be eligible.
Prior to submitting an application, students are strongly encouraged to learn about the parameters of the TEACH Grant and obtain answers to any related questions. Indicate an interest in the TEACH Grant via the FAFSA and by completing the program application. Students should make sure to review the complete application instructions to ensure the proper submission of all application materials. For more information, please visit the Federal Student Aid webpage.
Global Engagement Office and Study Abroad
The Global Engagement Office (GEO) is the School of Education’s (SoE) office for SoE-specific global opportunities and curriculum, supporting students, faculty, staff, and international visiting scholars. GEO works within the SoE and with the broader campus community to facilitate experiences such as study abroad, study away (within the United States and U.S. territories), or international internship opportunities. GEO can help a student navigate these processes.
Study Abroad, Study Away, and International Internships
GEO works with the International Academic Programs (IAP) office (301 Red Gym, 716 Langdon Street, 608-265-6329) to provide SoE students with opportunities that fit their specific needs. IAP is the central study abroad, study away, and international internship office at UW–Madison. IAP offers over 200 study abroad options in over 60 countries on six continents. Together, GEO and IAP provide information about academics, funding, and health and safety to make participating in a global opportunity possible.
Global Opportunities and Resources
SoE - IAP Signature Study Abroad or Away Programs
The SoE has developed faculty-led short-term summer and winter break abroad and away opportunities specifically designed for students to earn credits for their field of study. In 2024, the SoE offered nine short-term summer programs around the globe with more in the works. For a complete list of programs, visit the GEO website.
Help with Course Planning and Timing
Advising and Earning Credit
Many SoE academic departments have created Major Advising Pages (MAPs). MAPs are a guide to the academic requirements of specific majors in relation to study abroad or study away programs. While many programs include language training, many IAP programs have no language requirement and include courses taught in English.
All courses taken abroad through IAP count as “in-residence” credit, just like taking courses on campus at UW-Madison. In addition to the classroom experience, many students also complete internships and do research, fieldwork, and service learning.
When to Study or Intern Abroad or Study Away
Studying and interning abroad or away is open throughout the undergraduate years. However, for some majors, going early is the best option. For example, in the SoE, teacher education and kinesiology have structured course sequences in the junior and senior years. Studying abroad or away during the first two years may be the best option for students in these program areas.
SoE students, and students pursuing a certificate in the SoE, are encouraged to explore different global experiences early, even during their first or second semester on campus.
Review the MAPs and meet with advisors in the SoE or IAP to determine the most suitable time to participate and identify the location that is right for you.
Financing a Study Abroad or Away Experience
Learn more about funding on the IAP Scholarship webpage and on the GEO website. Working with the IAP, International Internships, Financial Aid, and GEO early allows students to explore many scholarship options. Pre-planning around the costs of studying or interning abroad or away helps make participating a reality. Student financial aid is usually applied to study abroad experiences, and some countries permit students to work while participating in a study abroad program.
International Internships
As a SoE student, you have several avenues for exploring International Internships. You can visit GEO to help you find the right office to connect with, you can meet with the IAP International Internships team, or meet with the SoE Career Center staff to discuss your options.
Students can pursue international internships during the summer months as well as during the semester, if allowed by the student’s academic program. The UW Signature Internships, cultivated specifically for UW–Madison undergraduates, can be found in the International Internships database.
Undergraduate Research
UW–Madison is a research-rich environment and students are encouraged to participate in the research activities of our world-class faculty and staff. Here are some pathways students use to get involved with research:
Apply to a Structured Program
Some students get involved in research through a specific program designed to connect undergraduate students to research. This program may be a scholarship program, or simply provide funding to work on a guided research project. It may provide mentoring related to research methodology and/or require students to enroll in a course for credit. An example of such a program is the Undergraduate Research Scholars, one of the more popular options available to School of Education students.
Seek out Research Opportunities
Many students take the initiative and seek out research opportunities on their own. The School of Education Career Center can provide help with writing an inquiry email. Here are a few ways to conduct this search:
- The Wisconsin Discovery Portal is a searchable directory of more than 3,000 researchers at UW–Madison. It provides easy access to information about research interests, publications, patents, and more.
- Find information about undergraduate research and fellowship opportunities on the UW Research website.
- Find helpful information about undergraduate research experiences in science on the BioCommons and the WISCIENCE websites.
- Find a listing of labs on the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and departmental websites. The lab descriptions often contain contact information for students interested in getting involved in the lab's activities. The Kinesiology department and the Communication Sciences and Disorders department are two good examples of how this information is shared. Many School of Education students participate in research through the Department of Educational Psychology.
- The Student Jobs website lists some research opportunities.
- Read the online bios of professors to learn about their areas of research. Send an email inquiry. The Center for Pre-Health Advising has a helpful email template you may use.
- Ask the professor or TA in a class if they know of any opportunities to become involved with research.
Participate When Enrolled in a Course
Some courses have research opportunities built into the course itself. For example:
- BIOLOGY/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 152 has provided students with an option to participate in a mentored research opportunity.
- Students can serve as research participants to earn extra credit in their courses. Students enrolled in Educational Psychology courses, for example, are often provided with such an opportunity.
- Some professors will announce research opportunities through email to their students.
Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
145 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, 608-265-6139
The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education seeks to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion by reducing barriers to access, increasing the diversity of our faculty, staff, and students, and encouraging scholarship, teaching, and service that embraces and engages the full measure of the diversity of our society. The School of Education recognizes that our desire to be an unbiased and inclusive academic community is ongoing and involves shared commitment, responsibility, action, and accountability. We believe that diversity, equity, inclusion, and excellence, the four essential pillars of inclusive excellence, build upon our scholarship and our reputation as an excellent educational institution.
The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI) provides and promotes programs and initiatives that establish and support a culture of academic and inclusive excellence in the School of Education. OEDI promotes initiatives that recruit, retain, and support the success of historically marginalized students, faculty, and staff, leveraging individual and collective assets to lead in the arts, health, and education fields. OEDI promotes a community of scholars, practitioners, and collaborators within the School that enriches the quality of life for all our faculty, staff, and students, as well as local communities and communities abroad.
OEDI houses programs that serve students at multiple levels. Some of our programs include:
- Summer Education Research Program (SERP): The Summer Education Research Program (SERP) is a 10-week residential program for undergraduate students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in the School of Education. SERP Scholars, as a part of the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP), conduct research projects under the supervision of School of Education research mentors. In the process, they engage in cutting-edge research in their chosen fields and present their final projects to faculty members, peers, and the broader university community. SERP Scholars also participate in workshops and seminars to help ensure they are prepared for both the application process to graduate school and for the rigors of the graduate student experience itself. As part of SERP, participants also receive a competitive stipend for their work.
- Education Graduate Research Scholars (Ed-GRS): The Education Graduate Research Scholars Program (Ed-GRS) is a graduate fellowship program and research community that provides funding and a broad support system to graduate students who are either first-generation students or from underrepresented backgrounds. Ed-GRS Fellows participate in a variety of discussions and workshops that prepare them to successfully navigate the graduate school experience and beyond, including discussions regarding the job search process and assuming a role as a research or faculty member after graduation. Fellows are also offered a number of special opportunities to connect with faculty, research staff, and peers throughout the School of Education to help them build a sense of supportive community.
- Summer College Access Program in Education (CAPE): CAPE is a free two-week summer experience that allows rising high school seniors to explore potential majors in the School of Education. Participants live on campus as enrolled students while taking a two-credit course in one of the School’s majors, covering Education, Health, or the Arts. Courses are led by world-class instructors who are experts in their fields. The CAPE curriculum also includes college preparatory seminars focusing on admissions, financial aid, and college life.
- Student Affinity Groups: OEDI helps support affinity groups designed to help underrepresented student populations establish a sense of community. The groups convene both to discuss topical issues and for simple fun social outings. If you would like to participate in an existing group or to help launch a new one, please reach out to our office for more information.
Students are encouraged to email oedi@education.wisc.edu with any questions regarding the Office or any of its programs.
Counseling Psychology Training Clinic
The Counseling Psychology Training Clinic (CPTC) is an award-winning training clinic run by the School of Education’s Department of Counseling Psychology. The clinic provides high-quality, cost-efficient, and multiculturally competent psychological and mental health services to UW–Madison students and members of the community. Clinicians assist individuals with a variety of concerns including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship issues
- Family concerns
- Trauma
- Eating disorders
- Sexual orientation/identity
- Sexuality
- Culture/ethnicity
- Poor concentration
- Grief
- Gender issues
- Anger
- Counseling for gifted and talented students
Fees for counseling services are on a sliding scale determined by income.
Teacher Education Center
L139 Education Building, 608-262-2997
The Teacher Education Center supports all prospective, current, and former teacher education students across the UW–Madison campus. The Center highlights the benefits, crucial importance, and real joys of choosing teaching as a career. Our student supports are designed to promote success and cultivate leadership. Specifically, we coordinate the Wisconsin Teacher Pledge student financial support program, assist students to achieve and document mastery of teacher education standards, and facilitate all required field experiences. The Teacher Education Center also oversees the statutory requirements for our teacher education programs, including Act 31, which ensures that all preservice teachers learn about the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of Wisconsin’s American Indian communities. The Teacher Education Center is the main point of contact for school district partners, cooperating teachers, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. At the TEC, we cultivate a community of inquiry and leverage our shared resources to help prepare the excellent educators our Wisconsin PK-12 schools, families, and students deserve.
MERIT (Media, Education Resources, and Information Technology)
301 Teacher Education Building, 608-263-4750
MERIT offers information and technology services to the School of Education and UW–Madison community partners. MERIT is designed as a collaborative and comprehensive cluster of service and support for the School of Education, UW–Madison, and beyond. Staff play an active role in the design and implementation of programs that connect the K-12 community to UW–Madison.
Some of our services include evaluation and selection of tools for delivery of content, instructional design and consulting for development of online learning, library services, and collections to support practicing teachers (including equipment loans), poster printing, lamination, workshops, and instructional support aimed at adoption of new tools, instructional technologies, and information literacy.
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
401 Teacher Education, 608-263-3720
The CCBC is a library of the School of Education that provides education students, faculty, and staff with a noncirculating collection of children's and adolescent literature. The CCBC also serves other adults on campus and across the state who are interested in literature for the young, including Wisconsin teachers and school and public librarians.
This nationally unique library is the primary resource on campus and elsewhere for contemporary books published for children and young adults from preschool through high school ages. CCBC resources include extensive reference materials about literature for the young and a wide range of books for children and adolescents, including a book examination collection of new and recently published books, a comprehensive collection of recommended contemporary books, and historical literature from the 20th century. The CCBC is nationally known for its services related to intellectual freedom and advocacy for diversity in children’s and young adult literature. Each year the CCBC compiles and releases statistics documenting the number of children’s and young adult books published by and/or about Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and additional aspects of identity including disability, LGBTQ+, and religion.
As a library of the School of Education, the CCBC is committed to being a vital part of the teacher education experience on campus. The CCBC’s noncirculating collection provides immediate access to a wide range of literature for the young. CCBC librarians are available to meet with education students to help them identify children's and adolescent literature to fulfill class assignments, as well as to use in practicum and student teaching classrooms. Librarians are also available to meet with faculty and teaching assistants to discuss children's and young adult literature as it relates to the courses they are teaching.
The CCBC website provides full-text access to many national children's and young adult literature awards and recommended lists as well as specialized bibliographies from CCBC staff. The CCBC offers special events throughout the academic year that provide opportunities to hear from authors and illustrators, as well as to interact with others who are interested in books for children and teens.
Dean's List
Students have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA and 3.5 or higher for the semester. Students must have received no incompletes in graded courses, no unreported grades, or end-of-semester academic actions for the semester. Credit/no credit and pass/fail courses are not considered in meeting the requirements for the Dean's List.
Graduating with Honors and Graduating with Distinction
Undergraduate students are invited to wear an honors stole at graduation, representing Graduating with Honors, if they have indicated they expect to graduate at the conclusion of the current semester, have a cumulative GPA that places them in the top 20% of students expecting to graduate in their school/college, and have earned at least 60 credits in residence at UW–Madison. Credits in progress in the current semester count toward the 60 credit requirement.
Graduating With Distinction is a separate calculation and is posted to the undergraduate student's transcript after all grades and degrees have been recorded. Students qualify for the Distinction notation if they have received their degree, have a cumulative GPA that places them in the top 20% of degree recipients in their school/college, and have earned at least 60 credits in residence at UW–Madison.
Honors Collaboration With the College of Letters & Science
The School of Education does not currently offer an Honors degree, with the exception of Honors in the Theatre and Drama major. However, through a collaboration between the School of Education and the College of Letters & Science (L&S), students in the School of Education may participate in the L&S Honors Program and have these achievements posted on their transcript.
Three L&S Honors options may be completed by School of Education students.
L&S Honors in the Liberal Arts (HLA)
Students pursuing Honors in the Liberal Arts complete Honors courses in broadly distributed subjects from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Through Honors coursework, students select enriching academic opportunities and build connections with faculty throughout the completion of their degree.
Courses taken for Honors can also be applied toward other degree requirements. For example, of the 24 required Honors credits:
- At least 6 of the credits must be in courses designated as Humanities (including Literature)
- At least 6 of the credits must be in courses designated as Social Science
- At least 6 of the credits must be in courses designated as Biological, Physical, or Natural Science
These requirements completely overlap with the School of Education liberal studies requirements.
Honors in the Major (HM)
Students completing an additional major housed in the College of Letters and Science may choose to complete the Honors requirements of this major. Honors in the Major requirements vary by program, but typically include a cumulative GPA of at least 3.3, a minimum major GPA, Honors coursework in the major, and successful completion of a two-semester senior Honors thesis or other capstone experience.
If Honors courses overlap with School of Education requirements, they can count in both areas.
Comprehensive Honors (both HLA and HM)
Comprehensive Honors, the highest level of Honors achievement, is awarded to students who are admitted to and complete the requirements for both Honors in the Liberal Arts and Honors in the Major.
Full details of requirements, application procedures and policies are available in the Guide and the program's website. Students with questions about how L&S Honors connects with School of Education programs and requirements should consult both L&S Honors and School of Education advisors to plan a course of study.
Support for Stem Undergraduates
At WISCIENCE, the Wisconsin Institute for Science Education and Community Engagement, we build and support communities of STEM learners. We deliver courses and programs in STEM disciplines that develop knowledge and skills for success in STEM; build identities and confidence; provide professional development and engagement opportunities in community engagement, leadership, and research in STEM.
Exploring Biology (INTEGSCI 100): This lecture/discussion course is designed to help first-year students explore topics, research, careers, and campus opportunities in the biosciences. It fulfills CALS seminar requirements and counts as a Biological Science Breadth credit. 2 credits
BioHouse Seminar (INTEGSCI 110): This seminar creates a formal space for residents of UW–Madison's 10th learning community to learn about life science and the Wisconsin Idea. 1 credit
Exploring Service in STEM (INTEGSCI 140): Students learn about campus–community partnership and outreach in STEM. 1 credit
Exploring Research in STEM (INTEGSCI 150): This seminar is designed to help students learn research processes and the skills necessary for success with academic programs or careers in research. 1 credit
Exploring Discipline-based Leadership and Mentoring (INTEGSCI 230): This course prepares STEM students for various peer leadership positions on campus. As part of a supportive community, students develop knowledge and skills related to leadership, educational equity, and diversity and inclusion in STEM. 2 credits
Service with Youth in STEM Series (INTEGSCI 240 and INTEGSCI 341): Integrated Science 240 prepares students to work with community partners and lead elementary after-school science clubs, and to critically reflect on links between campus and community culture. Integrated Science 341 is a practicum that allows students to build upon this experience by continuing to lead after-school science clubs. 2 credits per semester
Entering Research Series (INTEGSCI 260 and INTEGSCI 261): This two-semester series is designed to be taken while undergraduates are engaged in mentored research to help them build a meaningful and productive experience in the lab. 1 credit per course
Special Topics (INTEGSCI 375): Our faculty offers a variety of topics allowing undergraduates to delve into a variety of STEM topics like the "Secrets of Science." 1–3 credits
WISCIENCE also offers customized options for undergraduates with independent study and internship opportunities available.
Support for Stem Graduate Students and Postdocs
WISCIENCE provides cross-campus programs and services to STEM graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
INTEGSCI 605 Scientific Teaching for TAs: This course aims to help new TAs gain skills in scientific teaching to be effective and efficient in their roles. TAs get just-in-time support for their TA experience and apply their knowledge of research-based teaching approaches to the courses they are currently teaching.
Scientific Teaching Fellows Program: A year-long program for graduate students and postdocs in the biosciences or connected fields. Through training and practical teaching experience, Fellows learn about and develop innovative and effective ways to teach science.
Code | Title | Credits |
College Science Teaching | ||
Instructional Materials Design for College Science Teaching | ||
Mentored Practicum in College Science Teaching |
INTEGSCI 660 Research Mentor Training Practicum: Offered in collaboration with the Delta Program, our mentor training is based on the Entering Mentoring curriculum and gives participants time to reflect and build the tools necessary for a successful mentor/mentee relationship.
STEM Public Service Fellows Program: This program is a three-semester professional development program for graduate and postdoc students in STEM who care about the social impact of their work.
Code | Title | Credits |
Public Service in STEM | ||
Community Relationships and Materials Development in STEM Public Service | ||
Mentored Practicum in STEM Public Service |
Support for Stem Faculty and Staff
WISCIENCE provides cross-campus programs and workshops that bring together STEM faculty and staff to support the University’s strategic goal of excellence in education.
Advancing Research Mentoring Practice
Science Outreach and Community Engagement
WISCIENCE initiates and supports outreach efforts to improve K–12 science education, prepare future science undergraduates, and encourage general public engagement with the natural sciences.
Outreach in Science at WISCIENCE
Beyond the Classroom
Contact Information
Wisconsin Institute for Science Education and Community Engagement
First Floor, 445 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706-1574
Educator Licensing
Teacher Licensing Programs
- Art Education - Grades K-12
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech-Language Pathology) - Grades K-12 (closed to new admissions)
- Elementary Education - Kindergarten – 9th Grade, with optional minors in Early Childhood Education - Birth through Grade 3, and K-12 English as a Second Language
- Elementary Education (Kindergarten – 9th Grade) and Special Education (Kindergarten – 12th Grade) Dual Certification
- Health - Grades K-12
- Music Education - Grades K-12
- Physical Education - Grades K-12
- School Library Media Specialist - Grades K-12
- Secondary Education
- English Grades 4-12/English as a Second Language Grades K-12
- Mathematics Grades 4-12/English as a Second Language Grades K-12
- Science Grades 4-12/English as a Second Language Grades K-12
- Social Studies Grades 4-12/English as a Second Language Grades K-12
- Special Education
- Early Childhood Special Education - Birth through Grade 3
- Special Education Cross Categorical Grades K-12
- Early Childhood Special Education/Special Education Cross Categorical K-12 Dual Certification (Birth-Grade 12)
- Elementary Education (Kindergarten – 9th Grade) and Special Education (Kindergarten – 12th Grade) Dual Certification
- World Language Education - Grades K-12
- License will be awarded in a specific language
Supplementary Teaching Licensing Programs
- Adaptive Physical Education
- Bilingual/Bicultural Education
- English as a Second Language (available with concurrent completion of relevant Elementary or Secondary certification program; add-on option for previously certified teachers - closed to new admissions.)
- Reading Teacher
Administrator Licensing Programs
- Superintendent
- Principal
- Director of Instruction
- Director of Special Education and Pupil Services
- Reading Specialist
Pupil Services Licensing Programs
- School Nurse
- School Psychologist
- School Social Worker